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Other Little Things That Bother You

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Battle Bunny Riven said:
The remarks that my family makes when I buy big bags off-brand cereal. Like... seriously. It taste the same and has the same ingredients. It's the SAME CEREAL and I get twice as much of it for less money. Why would I buy name-brand at that point?
This is 100% true, I had a friend that used to work at a frozen waffel factory. The only difference was a bag.

My thing that annoys me:
Family events. Because of deaths and deuchbaggery, their is now half of my family that their used to be. Those of us left all know it. It makes get together sort of bitter. We try, but it's still sucky.
When people disappears from your roleplays... -_-
When I get yelled at, for being an emotionless heartless husk of a person. When the only reason I'm doing so is to handle my depression and issues.

You wanna yell at me when I'm depressed, you wanna yell at me when I'm trying not to get depressed, make up your god damned mind.
Battle Bunny Riven said:
The remarks that my family makes when I buy big bags off-brand cereal. Like... seriously. It taste the same and has the same ingredients. It's the SAME CEREAL and I get twice as much of it for less money. Why would I buy name-brand at that point?

Seriously? With how the economy is, I'd think your family would be glad you're trying to save money instead of wasting it on useless crap like tons of people do. I've had my own share with my parents. Thankfully that's never been something we've bickered about.

Another Little Thing That Bothers Me: Still feeling hungry despite having just eaten.
simpleroleplayer said:
DelightfulRevenge said:
That's not as much annoying as it is spooky, especially when it's right after the flash of thunder.
Lightning. I meant lightning.

That is one thing that bothers me, truthfully. Not knowing you made that huge a blunder until a day later. Another one that bothers me, wanting to write something when you're half asleep.
simpleroleplayer said:
DelightfulRevenge said:
Food wasted
I'm not just bothered by that; it burns me up. I'm harder on myself on that than anyone else. All because my dad used to beat me for not eating everything on my plate.

Well, that's harsh to hear. :/
Procrastinating all weekend because you know that you have a long weekend, then realizing Monday morning that you didn't do shit. Crunch time!​
Entitled bitches.

Angry feminists who get so irate, they can't see past their own emotional response.
Hypocritical feminists that get so irate and pissed off at the world that they establish their own stereotypes of how women should act and if you don't act their way then you are 'Setting women back'.

I am doing what I WANT. Isn't that the whole point of feminism? Shut the fuck up before I jam my foot up your snatch!

Sorry... I had a moment.​
There are just some things that make me head tilt. Like seriously fucking head tilt.... kinda not sure I want to understand these things either since gaining understanding might mean very seriously losing a sense of self amongst other things. Like honestly and truly. *is fucking flabbergasted*
What bothers me? Going on the internet and seeing all the major hatred against christians. Yes we have our opinionated bastards but we have plenty of goodwilled people. there are thousands of millions of christian people who do CHARITY work. Who could use the help themselves.
and Im sorry but if teaching your children to not steal or kill or envy others and teaching them to respect their elders is bad then, we truly live in a shitty society.

No religion is perfect but dammit, the Ten Commandments teach you how to be a good person and it's the core of my beliefs in life in general.

oh, and people who drop RPs without saying a word and get mad when you ask them a week or month later if they're dropping the RP or not.
(normally i wait more then a week to check on people, but if im sued to a post every night i get worried.)
(basically if they take four times as usual without leaving a message.)

Wasps, long legged spiders, and the 'entertainment' society as a whole. (with VERY few exceptions)
Oh and I thought of another one thanks to someone's post.

preordering a game, being super hyped, and it turns out to be incredible crap.
or worse maybe.
preordering a great game that everyone loves and never getting around to it. (BS:I.... Im so sorry i haven't played past your first mission!!!)

KuraTenshi said:

DelightfulRevenge said:

This. I am not scared of spiders, snakes, needles, or any other logical fear. No. Heights is my only phobia and once I hit 15+ feet above ground level, it is crippling. Yes; only 15 feet. I'm a wuss when it comes to my feet not being on solid ground.
Battle Bunny Riven said:
DelightfulRevenge said:

This. I am not scared of spiders, snakes, needles, or any other logical fear. No. Heights is my only phobia and once I hit 15+ feet above ground level, it is crippling. Yes; only 15 feet. I'm a wuss when it comes to my feet not being on solid ground.
Mine is somewhat similar. I love looking out at long as there's a protection barrier. You see, ladies, mine is falling from them.
Oh, and I'm an Indiana Jones. "Snakes, why'd it have to be snakes? I hate snakes!" Uh. And afraid of 'em.
Snakes are so cute! I like to catch them when I see them so that they do not get killed by people.

Also I love my new job but getting up at 3:30 AM for the commute SUUUUUUUCKS.
Having to wake up early for work.

It's bad enough I have to wake up for work in the first place, but having to get up at a forsaken hour of the morning, just so I can catch two trains and a bus to get there? Not a welcome thought.
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