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campus of chaos [join, accepting everyone]

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Kat woke up from her deep slumber and decided to go walking so she left Desmond's room and headed out to the liberry and walked in with a smile on her face. she then picked up her blood and stood there leaning against the desk with the blood pouch drinking it and thinking about desmond.
Arrodox was flying around the building when he passed the library, a teacher scold at him. "Quit flying around the building numbskull! Go fly outside!" Arrodox flew in and swooped him up. "Sorry, don't play by the rules." He dropped him on a nearby couch and papers flew everywhere.
Arrodox turned to see who was laughing and smirked. "Well if it isn't Kat. So how are you lovely vamp?" He swooped down on the ground but kept his wings wide open.
Kat walks closer to him saying ";that is great to hear glad you are doing well';. she was now having mix feelings for he was hot and yet so was Desmond should she have some more fun with him again . She had no idea where Desmond was and he was not back at his dorm.
Kat smiled showing off her fangs at him and said "yep everything is fine just woke up from my nap and Iam kinda bored that is all". she knew she was not telling him the truth but feared if she did so he might decided to just take off on those wings of his.
Kat blushes and says "just hanging with Desmond ". she hopes he does not leave after that . she steps closer to him smiling hoping to she could get him to hold her.
Arrodox didn't know at first who he was then he knew. "Oh the elemental." When Kat got closer to him, he got the idea that she wanted to be held. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her.
Kat smiled "yes the half elemental". she felt his arms go around her so she put her hands on his chest saying "i missed you";.
Kat lays her head on his chest and closed her eyes. Why did she feel this way she wanted them both but how could she have them both.
LunaScatach said:
Aaliyah follows Desmon towards the bed and lays down on it.

As Aaliyah leaned back onto the bed, he admired her body and smiled. Her and Kat were in the same league as far as looks went. He leaned onto the bed as well, his body on hers as he resumed kissing her.
Aaliyah felt herself turn red as he admired her body. When he came on top of her and kissed her again, she kissed back.
The half-elemental's hands reste beside the elf, and eventually they trailed slowly down to the hem of her shirt, gripping it in his hands but waiting for approval from her to take the shirt off.
Esmond smiled at her gloved hands trying to tug her shirt up, so he did it for her, reluctantly breaking the kiss so the shirt could be pulled over Aailyah's head. As soon as that fabric was discarded, the kissing resumed.
Aailyah felt both hot and cold when her shirt was taken off. She kissed Desmond back for a while then tugged on his shirt.
Desmond happily removed his own shirt for her, revealing his toned body to yet another girl. He wondere what her reaction would be as the kiss resumed from the brief parting.
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