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Not what it seems(blair/lady)

Alix frowned a little."That might be some of it."Alix mttered before laughing softly. "Don't worry about it. I work in a ER, I'm used to being dragged out of bed at ungodly hours."Alix said blushing slightly as she thought about kyle."Kyle's just trying to tke care of you in a difficult situation."She said before frowning and reaching for her bag, holding out a pregnancy test."I want you to go to the bthroom and take this. I think on top of the danger, your pregnant and it is making you sicker."she said looking woried.

"Well have fun."Zane said smiling. "We will.Do you want anything?"Drayke said looking amused as he pulled on his jacket."NAh Im okay."Zane said before pouting a little as he smiled at jax."She's not feeling well, and Alix ordered me out of the room."He said sulking because he hated not being able to be there with kate. "Em!Why don't you come here and take care of uncle zane?He's not feeling well."Drayke said amused as he looked up at the young girl, dimitri having given the girl free reign of the house, so it wasn't that odd to see her up and about.
Kate looked at the pregnancy test, taking it with shakey hands. "I'm not pregnant," she said, shaking her head. However, her voice wavered with uncertainty. "I mean, I've lost weight... I'm always sick." She bit her lip and stood up, taking the test with her. She gave in and took it in the bathroom, leaving it on the counter before going back to sit on the bed. She didn't want to see that results; she would much rather Alix look at them. It was too hard to think about. A baby? Zane didn't want children. He'd made that clear, and with time, she decided they weren't the best idea either. She just... she was scared.

Kyle came down the stairs not long after Emily bounded down them. He looked at the two brothers, raising his eyebrows at them before picking up his daughter. It was obvious that he wanted a word with Zane, so Jax led Drayke out the door and into the limo, not wanting to be in the way. "You hungry, babe?" Jax said, leaning over to kiss his lover. "We can go anywhere you want. It's up to you. As long as they have food, I'm good." With that, he grinned

Kyle moved to the living room, sitting Emily in his lap as he looked at his sister's lover. "Well, I see you're back," he said, his expression unreadable. "And what was accomplished?" He clenched his jaw, about ready to kill the man who'd put his sister in so much danger, but he was going to stay calm. For now. "You know, I have to commend anyone who my sister loves enough to cry every night that they are not together," he murmured, "My sister is a smart girl. Very smart. She had a 4.0 gpa, she was voted Most Likely to Succeed... I trust her instincts, because I know how smart she is. And you must be doing something right to make her love you so much... I guess my concern is, Zane, is if you love her as much as she loves you. If this is a game to you."
Alix looked at the other woman, "It's not often, but you have been sick.Sicker then most women, you've not kept anything down.Of course you're losing weight."Alix said looking at the other woman, nervous and worried because she knew Zane's views on children, knew just how damaged the man was. She'd been here that summer zane had shown up, his world shattered and a emotional wreck after sarah and sorsen's death. Standing she moved into the bathroom, looking at the results, going pale as she stepped back into the room."You're pregnant, Kate."She muttered taking the woman's hand as she sat down next to the blond woman.

Drayke smiled a little looking amused that zane ws going to get yelled at, kissing the other s he leaned back into his seat."Hmm we'll go down to Alexie's, they have just about everything."He said s they drove, snickering as he glanced at jax."You think kyle'll hit him?"

"So I am.Not much, only my father giving me a deal. You're free to go home, you and kate."zane said not sitting down pacing the room, because his addiction was making him jumpy, and needing the movement, and well he wasn't putting himself in reaching distance of kyle, he already knew the man hit like a train. Wincing at kyle's words he sighed."I didn't mean for her to cry. I had to get you here."He snapped annoyed for being yelled at for leaving her before sighing, rubbing at his arms as he walked, like he was cold, and he was, but that wasn't the only reason."I don't play games."He growled annoyed, because he'd for so long refused to be involved with anyone beyond just one night, that it annoyed and angered him to have anyone question him about how he was feeling.Thankfully, zane was back to his usual hard core annoying, emotionally closed off self"If I didn't like her, I wouldn't be destroying my life to try and keep her."
Kate froze, and her face paled to a ghost white. She held the other woman's hand and rest her head in her other hand, looking overwhelmed with emotions. She was so scared. Part of her wanted to be excited, and part of her was anything but. She knew this was dangerous and that no child should be brought into this mess; she knew Zane was going to be pushed over the edge by the news... And yet, she kept picturing this little blond, blue-eyed baby that she'd always dreamed of having..."We can't tell Zane," she whispered, pain in her voice. "Please. Don't tell him. Don't tell anyone... I'll deal with it." She reached up and rubbed her eyes, laying down against the pillows. She knew that she could not tell Zane when he was teetering on the line of drug addiction... This would send him into a frenzy, she thought, and she couldn't have that.

Kyle narrowed his eyes. "I didn't ask if you liked her, I asked if you loved her," he snapped, then looked down at Emily. "Sweetheart, why don't you go see if Alysa needs held looking after the babies, alright?" She little girl nodded happily and bounded off and up the stairs. When she was gone, Kyle glared hard at the man in front of him. "My sister is practically waiting around for some happily ever after that's never going to happen! She won't admit it, but I know she is. And I can't stop her. She's a big girl. But I at least want to know that you truly love her like she deserves..." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
Alix looked pained looking at her, swallowing hard."Kate, you can't not tell him. He deserves to know. At least to know that if...if something happens to you, he's not leaving you alone."Alix swallowed hard."Kate, he's going to drive himself insane if he has no idea why you're getting sick."Alix said not realizing just how close zane was to losing control."You're going to make him lose it."The woman said looking concerned on how kate was going to deal with it.

"There is no such thing as happy endings.You should know that. you've met your father."Zane snapped pacing awy from him, to emotionally closed off, to anxious to deal with this. With each moment, kyle was shoving him harder towards his next fix, the need to not feel anything ripping him apart because he knew just how badly he was going to screw up kate's dreams when he sent her away. "Then let her be a big girl and decide if I love her for herself. You have no standing in our relationship, and I have no desire to try and explain it to you,even if you are her brother."He said sounding annoyed but under that there was a quiet desperation because zane, like kate, knew just how sharp a knife's edge he was walking with both his father and the drugs.
Kate bit her lip and looked at the other woman, trying to decide if she should go with her gut instinct of not telling until things calmed down or doing what Alix suggested. "I'll think about it, okay? I promise," she murmured, "But, do you think you can get him for me? I'm nervous my brother is going to get a hold of him..." Crawling under the covers, Kate made herself calm down and watched the TV, even if she wanted to burst into tears and throw up all at the same time.

Kyle growled and stood up. "Fine. You're right. I have no standing in this relationship," he snapped, "But just know that it's my little sister that is upstairs right now, I'd kill for her... Or at the very least, kick your ass. And I'm only holding back right now because I don't want to have to explain myself to Emily." He moved to leave the room. "And just know what I don't approve of whatever the fuck is going on between you and my sister. Not at all."
Alix laughed quietly nodding."I'll go get him."She said loking amused as she left the room pausing as she nearly ran into kyle on her way down."Zane, Kate wants you."She said watching the man before he left the room. Looking at kyle she smirked a little,"Wow. Kate was right. You did get ahold of zane."She snickered a little mused at the upset and torn look on zane's face, like he couldn't decide if he wanted to applaud kyle for being overprotective or try and bash his head in.

Zane sighed rubbing his arm as he walked upstairs, smiling a little as he swallowed sitting on the edge of the bed as he looked down at kate, looking worried."What did she say?"He muttered his hands resting in his lap as he stretched out on the bed next to her, the nerves showing as he rubbed at his wrist, as if trying to decide if he should shoot up or not.But it was for kate that he was fighting not wanting to upset her even more then she already was, and yet his talk with kyle, his nerves about what he was going to have to do, and what was wrong with kate was making him anxious and jonsing. "kate, are you okay?"he muttered nuzzling her head, pressing a kiss to her hair.
Kyle looked at the other woman, looking stressed and tired. "I just don't like watching my sister be constantly upset over a guy, especially when she's not getting much out of the deal," he vented, "This is all... It's dangerous. And that bastard deserves to be in jail, not courting my sister and making empty promises to keep her at his side... She could have done something great with her life." He looked at the other woman and sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm sure you don't want to hear me vent and blow up." Reaching up, the much taller man ran a hand through his hair. "So... Are you having to go to work, or do you have a day to yourself?"

Kate reached over and grabbed Zane's hand, holding it there and stroking her thumb over the top of it. "I...," she murmured, then stopped. She was about to tell him the truth, but when she saw how hard it was on him to keep himself together, she couldn't do it. She wanted him to stop using, not making him run toward the drugs. She wanted him to get off of them and stay off of them when he had to leave again. "It's just a bad stomach bug," she lied, "Lots of bed rest, and she gave me a bit of medicine that should make me feel better by morning." She smiled at him. "Baby, stop worrying... I'm fine. And when you have to... have to send me away, I'll go home to live with Kyle. He'll keep me safe." She gave him a smile, hating that she couldn't just go back to her parents. But she had betrayed her father, and Kyle admitted that their mother left town... It didn't matter. She loved Kyle and he would take care of her. He was going to be disappointed by the pregnancy, she was sure, but he'd help her with the baby if Zane decided to walk away... She really hoped he wouldn't walk away.
Alix studied the other, tilting her head a little. Biting her lip. Knowing she was going to betray a confidence,but..."Zane doesn't make empty promises. And kate is the only womn I've ever seen him this over."She swallowed, because somehow his lover for his sister had touched a ice cold heart, nd she wanted him to not worry. "Zane has only loved three women in his life. His high school girlfriend, who was killed for the crime of making him want to walk away, his sister, who died because he was having a fight, and kate. He'll kill himself before he lets her die for him."She said before abruptly turning away, smiling, blushing ever so softly."I have a day off.I took it off, so I could make sure di stayed in bed, instead of trying to go to work."

Zane winced a little as she grabbed his hand, his fingers closing his eyes as he concentrated on her, resting his forehead against her head."Good.I'll rest with you."he said shifting, wrapping himself around her, the fine trembling to his muscles as he fought to not search for his drugs, fighting so very hard. He could stop, he had to. "I like kyle.Trust him to keep you safe."He smiled a little nuzzling her face against her shoulder. "I have a few days...until then."He muttered sounding awkward and pained,"It's not alot of time...but...if I cn stay off these few days...I can...tell drayke and jax, and they'll keep me clean until I can come get you."He muttered pained because he so knew how telling them was going to go. "I love you."he muttered into her hair, the words sounding as hesitant and wary as ever, not the self assured high zane talking,but the one she'd come to love. The awkward, shaky emotionally devoid one.
Kyle tilted his head a little, smirking a bit under his usually serious expression. "Well, uh, I was wanting to take Emily out to do something fun today... She's been kept up this place way too long," he admitted, glancing around the mansion with his hands stuffed in his jeans pockets. "Except I don't really know my way around this place... Know any good places to take a kid? Like, a park or something?" He looked back down at her, giving her a small smile. He had a really hard time with women because he didn't trust them... However, he liked Alix. He was attracted to her and her mature personality. It was so different from all the other women he'd been with.

Kate nodded, continuing to hold his hands so he could squeeze them for comfort. "That will be good," she said, "They will keep an eye on you." Closing her eyes, she leaned into his kiss on her had and let out a deep breath. "I know," she whispered, wanting him to know that even when he had a hard time voicing his feelings, she knew he loved her. "I love you too." Tilting her head up, she kissed his jaw, turning and draping an arm over his middle. "You promise you will come back to me as soon as you can?" she whispered. Despite how much she'd deny it, her brother was right. She desperately wanted a happy ending for her and Zane, even if it was nearly impossible.

Alix smiled, and that smile was so purely dimitri that it was almost frightening. Because like her brother, she enjoyed life, it was just rarer for her to cut loose and be carefree. "Of course I know a fun place. I did grow up here."she said smiling at him."Go bundle her up and we'll go out."When they arrived at the park she smiled as she walked with them to the front of the park, trading a few words before taking a pair of ice skates from the rental shop,crouching down in front of emily, smiling at her easily."Do you know how to ice skate , em?"She said that soft lilting accent twirling around the vowels, so very different from dimitri's, that said she traveled more then the man.

Zane smiled a little slipping his fingers through hers,holding them as he relaxed, relieved that she knew just how he felt. Shivering a little as she kissed his jaw he smirked, "You know what would really help me not think?"He muttered kissing her softly laughing before smiling shyly at her, "I'll come for you the moment I can."He muttered kissing her slowly,deeply, his fingers tangling in her hair.
Kyle, bundled in a black coat, jeans, and black boots, looking uncomfortable at the sight of ice skates. The man was six and a half feet tall and beyond clumsy. However, the look on Emily's face told him that there was no way he was going to get out of it. Lacing his own skates up, then Emily's, he picked her up and carried her over to the ice. "So..." Kyle murmured, "You grew up in a mob? Must have been tough." He set Emily on the ice, watching her wobble for a moment. "I mean, I get dysfunctional parents. I had them myself... But not to the extent of what I hear mob bosses are when it comes to their family..."

"I okay, Daddy," Emily insisted, and Kyle laughed. He held her hand and skated very slowly beside her and Alix. "Alright, baby, be careful. Hold my hand."

Kate laughed and leaned in to kiss him just as passionately, feeling better than she had before. The last half of the day was always better... Reaching up, she started to pull his sweater over his head, wanting him to make love to her and feel the passion that they had before he left. She wanted him to make love to her like he did under the Christmas tree; before his father decided to fight aggressively. "
Alix smiled as she did up her own skates, skating next to emily, holding her other hand as she thought about his question before shaking her head."No. Not really. I didn't meet my father until I was older. My mother was one of his....kept women. Turned out when she became pregnant."She looked thoughtul, smiling slightly."I was 13 before Dimitri sought out his siblings that I had even learned who he was....after that, sometimes I wished Di had left me alone,but for as much fun as my father put into the word dysfuntional, I knew I had been better off with Dimitri knowing who I was.He cared.He made sure I could afford to go to school.Made sure my mother didn't beat the shit out of me.Didn't spend time with my father"

She went quiet, eyeing the man as she kept emily from falling."My father-and zane's- put the fun in dysfunctional, nd they royally screwed up their sons,but they both are trying to be better."She said, hoping to give him some insight to dealing with the man kate loved. To understand mob heirs, you had to understand the spoiled prince they had been raised as, and the viious men pain and grief had made them.

Zane grinned down t her, letting her undress him even as he undressed her, lowering his head to nuzzle her neck."you know, one might think you were desperate for my body."he teased nudging her legs apart as he lowered himself to press into her, sighing quietly as he slid into her, hands resting on her hips as he held still,just enjoying the feel of being in her again, lowering his head he nibbled on her skin."You my dear, are beautiful."He muttered nuzzling her neck,biting down ever so gently.
Kyle was quiet for a moment. He had a good heart, and it sucked to know that he may have judged Zane harshly. He didn't regret being protective of his sister, but he did have a twinge of regret when it came to his immediate judgement of what kind of man he was. "I guess every family is screwed up, huh?" he murmured, letting out a sigh. "My dad was... alright I guess," he said, "I mean, he wasn't around a lot. The man was so obsessed with work, I always wondered why the hell he even had kids. My mother was one of those women who always needed attention. She loved us, but she hated the fact Dad didn't give her the time of day. She started drinking when I was ten, briefly stopped drinking when she was pregnant with Kate when I was fifteen. I think she thought having another baby would make Dad spend more time at home with her, but it didn't... So she started drinking a lot more after Kate was a few months old. I spent a lot of time raising her, which didn't leave much time for girlfriends or anything. I waited until Kate was in high school before I moved out and went to college... That's where I met Candy, Emily's mother. We had a one night stand at a party... She disappeared for months, then showed up at my apartment with Emily. She was only a few weeks old... So sweet and innocent... Candy told me if I didn't take her, she was leaving her on the door step of an orphanage... Naturally, I took her and I went back home, built a house away from the city and got a day job in construction."

Kyle looked over at Alix and smirked. "I haven't regretted it for a second," he murmured, then looked down at his daughter. "Baby, you want some hot chocolate?" She little girl grinned and nodded.

"Maybe I am," Kate murmured, "After all, I haven't been underneath it in nearly a month..." Kate moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding her pussy into his member. God, she'd missed this so much... One hand raked through his hair as he kissed and nipped at her neck. "Oh really?" she laughed, "Last night, you said I looked sick..." She grinned and leaned up to kissed him, pressing herself against him and begging him to make her feel good.
"I think some en just beome obsessed with things. Zane, he collects watches. Your father, he worked."She muttered looking sad at the idea,"But you seem to do well with emily, sometimes we do better then our parents."She smiled a little beause fathre's love like tht seemed so strange to her. Smiling at the little girl as she skated she looked up at kyle, a soft blush on her face, though that ould have been the cold."She is wonderful, really kyle."she smiled before grinning as she skated bk towards the rental shop."come on, kiddo, we'lll get some hot chocolate. get Emily some hot chocolate, before getting herself and kyle some,but the twist of her and kyle's was it was laced with a small amount of russian vodka, because russians just couldn't help themselves, they added alcohol to everything."It seems none of us have had easy lives. Maybe the twins, and emily will have it easier."She said looking thoughtful.

"Hmm true.I've missed having you beneth me."He growled, moaning as she rubbed against him, sliding in and out of her slowly, laughing as she played with his hair,groaning.He loved having his hair playing with. "Hmm you do,but you're still beautiful to me."he muttered raising his head to look down at her, more then lust, there was love, concern and happiness showing in his eyes.For the first time in a long time, zane lindstrom was truly happy, even if it was pained, because he knew he had to walk away. But for the moment, he was intent on just being happy.
Kyle sat down at a little table, Emily bundled up so much she could hardly move in his lap. He held Em close and sipped his hot chocolate with his other hand. When he tasted he Russian Vodka, he grinned. "Thanks," he said with a genuine smile, on that was not as guarded as the others. "I would like her to have an easy life," he admitted, "She still doesn't quite understand why her M-O-M isn't like normal M-O-M's..." He sighed and leaned over to kiss his daughter's warm little cheek, making her giggle. "Daddy! Gonna make me spill!" she said as she laughed, holding her hot chocolate close. Kyle laughed along with her. "I'm sorry, Baby."

He looked up at her and tilted his head to the side. "You have a... significant other? Kids?" he asked out of curiosity.

Kate smiled right back up at him, moving against him a letting out little pleasure filled moans. She loved seeing him so happy; genuinely happy. It warmed her heart... "Baby, I'm cumming," she moaned, arching her back off the bed and holding on to him as tight as possible. Her body quaked, and her pussy clenched around his as she came, quivering underneath him. "I love you," she whispered, her eyes closing as she panted and caught her breath.
"well, its better then having to explain why d-a-d's in jail. Dimitri had to do that once."alix said with a small smile,"well when in moscow, you must drink all day. Its a rule."she said smiling a little before growing serious, staring out at the lake, avoiding looking at him."no. No one, except my brother's family, qnd they dont count as a family of my own."she muttered her voice tinged with sadness, because for years she'd tried for a normal life,but like zane,even if her father was dead, he still managed to ruin everything.

Zqne gasped as he came, holding her tightly against him, collapsing to the side, half laying on her as he snuggled,struggling to calm his breathing." we ever have to leave bed?"he whined after a moment smiling as he raised his head to look at her."we could just stay here forever."[/php]
"Nothing wrong with that," Kyle said, "Trust me. Having this little munchkin does not make me a chick magnet under any circumstances... And it leaves little to no room for any "adult" fun. Unless you count spiked hot chocolate, of course." With that, he took another big gulp of the warm drink and leaned back, watching the woman as she avoided his glance. It concerned him that she seemed to be sad at the idea of no family. "Have you... ever been to America?" he asked, tilting his head to the side.

Kate laughed a bit and snuggled against him. "If you want," she giggled, leaning over to kiss him. "I'd love nothing more to be in bed with you forever..." Smiling, she pulled the covers up and turned on the television. One of those wedding planning shows came on, and Kate tilted her head in interest. She'd never admit it, but she loved shows like this.
"Hmm yes, russian vodka can lead to some very adult fun."She said laughing softly,shifting a little, sliding her blond hair back over her shoulder before looking at him, tilting her head."No. I haven't....I...I just never had a chance to go."She said shrugging a little, while dimitri had offered to pay, she had hated taking his money, so she hardly ever took him off him up on his offer of gifts or trips.

Zane smiled kissing her again before sighing, uddling her as he relaxed,content to just be with her,a arm wrapping around her waist before he swallowed."Will you come talk to jax with me?"He muttered,nuzzling her neck a little."I know you need rest...but he wont try and kill me for using, if you're there..."he muttered kissing her shoulder
Kyle reached up and ran his fingers through his hair. "Well, I mean... When all of this has calmed down and I get to go home... You're welcome to come with us. You know, if you want to get a look at the place... My house is small, but I'm currently working on adding an area to the house." He shrugged and looked up at her. "I mean, if you want. Emily seems to like you just fine." He smiled at that, then leaned to kiss his daughter on the head. The dedicated father seemed unable to take his eye of his daughter for more than a few seconds at a time.

Kate looked up at him and caressed his cheek. "Of course I will," she murmured, leaning up to kiss his forehead. She moved up to slide on a pair of jeans and a sweater, then went over to the mirror to brush her hair out. Not that she knew she was pregnant, she felt like an liar... And she could also see the slight bump of her stomach now that her attention was drawn to it... Sighing, she made sure the sweater looked baggy enough, then moved back into the bedroom.
Alix tilted her head looking thoughtful, smiling."I would like that."She said blushing as she looked over at him, looking amused about how devoted kyle was to his daughter. It was suh a odd thought, a father to love his daughter to her that she was intereted in seeing what he was like at home."I really would like that."She said shivering a little in the old as she sipped her hot chocolate, trying hard to not think about what sort of adult fun trouble they ould get into if she was staying with him.

Zane smiled nerously watching her amused before he sat up, getting dressed himself the sweater and jeans hugging his body but for the first time in weeks, he looked truly relaxed. Looking nervous he wrapped a arm around her, kissing her lightly."Let's go."he muttered heading downstairs where he could hear jax and drayke talking, "Hey you two."Zane said settling down on the couch,tugging kate into his lap. Drayke turned his head towards the two,raising a eyebrow."Well. We hadn't expected to see you out of bed for another couple hours."He said snikering a little.
Kyle looked up from Emily to smiled at Alix. "Great. I think it's only polite to bring you to America when your brother has been letting me and my sister stay at his house for so long," he said, then looked down at Emily. "How would you like it if Miss Alix came home with us for a while?" Emily grinned a toothy grin and nodded, her light brown pigtails bobbing up and down. Kyle smiled and looked up at Alix. "Well, there you have it. You have to come now..."

Kate laughed a bit, snuggling into Zane's lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. She pressed a kiss to his head, and it made Jax laugh. Who would have ever thought Zane Lindstrom would have a little blond in his lap, kissing on him in front of his friends. It was crazy, but nice. He sat down on the arm of the chair that Drayke was sitting in, his arm draped over the back. "Yea, especially when we saw Alix coming in for some kind of check up... What was that about? You two okay?" Kate tensed and nodded. "Oh, we are fine..."

Kate looked down at Zane, waiting for him to start their intended conversation.
"Well then, I shall have to do the polite thing and go home with you."she said before blushing at how that sounded, laughing happily at emily's nod,"Well then,when you go home, I'll go with you."she said before standing,holding out a hand."come on sweetie, we better head home, before we start getting to much colder.It's getting lte enough to be getting really cold."She said looking slightly worried about emily getting sick.

Zane smiled looking amused at kate's kiss, looking content, and so very happy with things. "He's hiding something."Drayke said looking at the man, trying to figure out what was going on."shut up drayke."Zane grumbled fidgetting a little before sighng softly wrapping his arms around kate's waist, putting her between him and the other two, looking nervous." asked me earlier how I was managing to deal with things at home...I haven't been really. I've been shooting up to be pleasant and not have to think to deeply about things. It was...easier." "You what?!"Drayke growled getting to his feet, paing as he looked at te other man, annoyed with his friend.
Kyle looked amused at Alix's concern for Emily, standing up and taking Emily's other hand. He led them back to the car, then drove back to the house. Once there, he started to held the little girl out of her coat, scarf, boots, hat and mittens. The girl looked sleepy and ready for bed already, so Kyle scooped her up and planted a kiss on her head. "Baby, you ready for me to tuck you in a read you story?" he asked. Emily nodded, then pointed to Alix. "Her too..." she said, looking sleepy but stubborn. Kyle blushed and looked over to Alix. "Would you to join us?" he asked, "I do pretty good voices, I'm not going to lie. I think I have Aladdin down pat, but my Jasmine is a little shakey..."

Jax grabbed his lover's shoulder, pulling him back down and into the chair. "Zane, why would you do that? After you got poisoned, no less?" he murmured, looking worried for his brother. "You do shit like that, and Kate won't have you anymore. You seriously want to do that to her? And what about your health?" He let out a deep breath and shook his head. "This has to stop. I can't lose you, you know." He swallowed hard, knowing that he could never handle losing both his sister and his brother...
Alix lauged sotly, looking amued at emily's demad."Well.I'll just have to be a princess."She said sounding amused as she took of her oat and hoes."Come on kiddo."She said heading upstairs with eily and kyle,helping her get her pj's on she sat on the edge of the bed, holding the story book out for kyle as her and emily both got comfort."Come on dad, you're taking to long."She teased looking so happy to be part of the family ritual that she'd never gotten.

ZAne winced a little resting his head on kate's houlder, absently rubbing a thumb over his wrist as he tried not to get ngry.He knew why jax was upset,but did didn't stop it from upseting him to upset his brother."I know.But was easier dealing with him, when I was high and didn't care what was oming out his mouth."He said shrugging a little, biting his lip as he rubbed his shoulder ,looking anxious because he couldn't stand the thought of upsetting jax."I know...but...I think clearer when I'm high.The... emotional side of things don't matter...but I...I need help. I can't stop by myself, not when Kate wont be there..."he muttered looknig worried,for both kate, and himsef.
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