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The Man Behind the Mask and His Muse(Wolvenrogue and Nightsorceress

With nothing left to say she left the hospital wondering if it was the right thing to even go there in the first place. It all became to much for her seeing him again and then seeing him like that. She did not think it was right staying here any longer so she returned home and pack her things and left.

She would stay in Poland for nearly 4 months before she was summoned back to Italy it seems someone else now owned the opera house and bought her contract so she had to finish out the terms.

She returned to Italy and oper had great success but still need a bit of funding so after 8 months the opera now held a benfit dinner in which she attended.

She looked stunning in her gown a black dress that clung to ever curver. With a sweet heart neckline and Whit gold and diamond jewel that seemed to make her sparkle. She was the talk of the dinner.
Geno had crawled back to his bed that day, and with the help of the nurse got back into bed and his IV restored. After nearly a week, he was restored to realtively good health. With his relationship with Aria shattered the Opera no longer heald any passion for him. Being greatful for the care he had receieved at the hospital, he contacted their developement office and arranged to donate the Opera company together with the facility to the hospital. For their part they leased it to a professional management grup, who contacted the entire comapany including Aria to return to work under their contract. The opera was a great success and it was some four months later, when they were shopping for a new production that their fundraisers, who were contacting the wealthy memebrs of local society for their support, happened to contact Geno for a donation. Thoug it pained him to think of what he had lost, he had a soft heart for the arts, and made a significant contribution. He had returned to the life of a wealth hermit and had plunged all his passion into the writing of music. Music which it was nearly certain would never be played outside his studio. he opened his mail that day and found a ticket to a Gala event with the opera cast, and decided that on this ocassion he would leave his house for the first time since coming home from the hospital.

When he entered the ballroom that night, the host recognized him immediately as he had been the largest contributer, and took him to the head table and inroduced him to Aria, thre principal soprano, who was to be his dinner companion that night. The host had no idea that the pair knew each other at all. Had Geno not been wearing the mask she had given him, everyone in the room would have witnessed his shock and suprise, but as it was, it was hidden from all but Aria. He bowed curteously and sat down.
Aria was talking to other guest she was smiling and seemed full of life. When suddenly she was tapped on her shoulder and turned around to meet her dinner companion. The color from her face faded as she saw him. Once the host had left she turned to Geno "wh...wh...what are you doing here." she asked so softly and meekly
"I could ask you the same thing." he said. "I assumed you were in Poland with your mother. was solicited for a contribution, and since I understood the value of the company, I made a large one. I never expected to see you here, I assure you. None the less, i am glad that you are still lending the company your considerable talent."
"I was in Poland however I was contacted by the opera house you donated it to the hospital and was told my contract was not fulfilled so I had to returned." she drew a deep breath "I am glad you have recovered, how are you feeling." she tried to keep things pleasant not wanting to fight with him.
"Physically I am fine, and I have done my best to adjust to life alone again. This is my first time out of the house, since you and I parted company. I would say though that under the circumstances, I am as well as expected. How are you doing? I can see from the prospectus they gave me for the opera that you are doing well professionally."
"I am doing well thank you, it took some time to adjust returning the opera I have to admit when I first returned to the opera house I had to check your booth to see if you were there, it was shocking to the whole company that you gave up the house." she exp,aimed to him
"It was a decision I had to make. There was simply too much of my past tied up in it and if I were there every day, I would never have gotten past it. " He wanted to tell her that he wanted nothing more than to return now that she was there, but he controlled his desires.
Aria bit her lip "so you were able to move past what happen." she was not sure what to say now. "I um, I need to....can you excuse me" she then rose from her seat and moved quickly and out to the patio needing some air
Geno waited a moment and then excused himself and followed her to the patio. "Aria please don't think I have forgotten you. I never will forget you, but you were not content for me to depend on you, and that I had to get past. I simply had to deny myself that desire, and make my way on my own. Isn't that what you wanted of me? You thought I was a child."
Aria turned and look at him, she drew a deep breath her breast rising with the force of the dress pushing them up. "no it's not that Geno, I thought I had moved past this and seeing you again being close to you again, I realized i have not."
"Does that mean you are still angry with me? Perhaps I should go.. I never intebded to even meet you here let along bring your heartache. Thank you for what you are doing for the opera. I'll tell the sponsor I'm not feeling well and be on my way." He bowed politely to her and turned to go.
Aria looked down as he spoke she couldn't bare to look at him, and not because she was angry with him. "it's not because I am still angry with you. It's because I still care about you."
"Is it wrong that you should still care? Did you really want to forget me? " he asked pausing before leaving. "I still care about you a great deal. I just havent allowed myself to depend on you is all."
"I am never going to be who you want or need me to be, it is wrong for me to still...hell still love you" she said all this so softly her back turned not sure if he was even still here.
"You know, You never would let me get away with saying something like that, you would tell me it was childish. So I had to change, and I'm starting to, but now you want me to believe that you cant do it, that you never will. You don't even know what "it" is. I've asked you for nothing and yet you run away. Who is the child now?" His tone wasn't mean or angry, but rather one of sadness and dissbelief. "I will go as I said. I won't ask you to do anything your don't want to do. Todau was my first time outside my house in months. The first day of the rest of my life. I'm surprised after all you've said to me that you wouldn't want to share it with me. Goodbye and fare well. For your own sake don't hide in a closet like I did. You are far too talented. You can do it, but only if you want to." He leaned in and kissed her gently on the cheek, not touching her otherwise, and turned to go.
Aria listen to his words, as she did tears came to her eyes and it took everything in her not to cry but then as she felt his lips on her cheek her eyes closed and the tears fell. Her hand was trembling as she reached for his hand as if to stop him but then she slowly let him go.
Gino wanted to stay with every fiber of his being, but he knew that he shouldn't. It wasn't the place, and if he did they would slip back into their old patterns, and neither would completely heal. He was sure that the only way she would believe that he meant what he said was if he waited for her to come to him. he loved the woman with every fiber. She knew where he was and that he was available to her. The next move was her's. he excused himself, saying he felt ill and went back hime. Oddly, he felt better, almost exhillerated. At least she didn't hate him. he changed clothes and then bussied him self with brightening up the old house. He kept the staff busy deep cleaning and redcorating the next few weeks. They all wondered what had gotten into him.
Aria was hurt when he left and no longer felt like attending this party so she left as well. She figured with the way he left maybe he had gotten over her and did not want to see her and would now have to move past loving him. And then she was informed that her contract was up with the opera and they would liked to know if she wanted to renew it.
She knew what was holding her back, and it rested on Geno. She thought of some excuse to go over to his place to see what he thought about her. So that morning she got dressed in a beautiful dresss and went to his house holding a box. She rang the bell and waited
Charles answered the door, and a huge smile immediately lit up his face. "Good morning Miss! Gino is in his study, I 'll show you right in." When charles announced her, Gino's heart lept in his chest. "Was this the day he had waited so long for?" He steadied himself and when she entered he took her hand to kiss it. "Welcome to my home" . The room was far different than it had been, It was light and airy, the dark velvet curtains were gon and had been replaced with cream collered sheers. The room was full of light. New modern paintings graced the walls, and the furniture was now modern with an emphasis on comfort, and homeness. The mood was relaxed.
As she entered the house she couldn't help but notice the changes. It felt more like a home now instead of a tomb. It was so light an airy couldn't believe it. As she saw Gino she smiled. "hello, I like the changes you have made to your house." she said warmly.
"Thank you, Won't you sit down, Charles, get us some coffee" What brings you here today?" he ask with a smile and hope in his heart.
Aria took a seat and smiled a bit she then held up a box and set it on the coffee table in front of him. "they ere cleaning the opera house and found some items of yours, instead of them throughng them out I offered to bring them to you."
Aria watched as he opened the box and then looked inside. She waited a few minutes before speaking again. "so um my contract is up with the opera house and I am thinking about renewing it."
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