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The perfect partner is someone who...

XXtraPrince said:
^ That is the best *.gif I've ever seen :p ! ^

The perfect ROLE-PLAY partner is one who is articulate and imaginative, with a good vocabulary, a HUGE libido and a little bit of patience.

Wow.... You described me perfectly~
My perfect partner is someone who can touch me and make me feel loved with just their fingers on my skin, and who always has my back. And will never abandon me or let me get hurt~ And is amazing in bed~ <3 ten feet tall, with big rams horns, hooves instead of feet, blazing red eyes, and huge, leathery bat-like wings.
^ sounds like a meatloaf album cover.

Dominates through mental force, not brute force. Make me the sub through convincing, mental games, and putting thoughts in my head. don't just fuck or beat me like a sub.
Intelligent, independent, has a great sense of humour, wants to be with me, but doesn't need to be with me.
Does not exist. Come on Andy. Don't tell me you believe that stuff is real. *smile* Besides, you just described me, and you know it.
AndNich123 said:
Does not exist. Come on Andy. Don't tell me you believe that stuff is real. *smile* Besides, you just described me, and you know it.

Hey, it exists in my mind, and I was thinking of you when I wrote it, XD
AndNich123 said:
Is an Aussie perhaps? lol. Awwwww Andy. You're so sweet.

Or she could be a Southern Belle? Damn, you really need to stop calling me sweet, you'll ruin my reputation!
Could be an open person willing to just talk. Someone who would listen when I needed to talk, when I was in pain, when I was happy, when I was confused. He would know the right things to say. He would be an excellent rp partner. Kind and forgiving when my responses took a little longer than I liked for them to make their way to him. He would be sweet, whether he liked it or not. lol.
Or an intriguing, interesting and intelligent person (I have a thing for I's) who is fun to chat to OoC, a great roleplay partner, who keeps it stress-free and enjoyable by not pushing/pressing for responses, and someone I'm sure would listen to me as well. I guess that could result in a little sweetness on occasion, XD.
He would have to love Rocky Horror too. That's a must. Not just at Halloween either. Any time. Maybe a quiet night at home, curled up on the couch, pop-corn, him and Frank. Hot patootie!
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