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The perfect partner is someone who...

.. pushes my buttons in the way they have always been meant to be pushed, while wrapping their own bundle of delicious desires around my senses and luring my insatiable need to drive then to the extremes of intense pleasure.

Although.. a wild set of nails to slide inside my hair, upon my greedy scalp.. that also speaks volumes to me. :)
Someone who doesn't mind me wearing my sweats, hair in a ponytail, and no makeup, and still finds me sexy as hell.

Oh and someone who, when they know I am not in the mood, pushes the right buttons and gets me there! ;)
Kiandra_Black said:
pushes the right buttons and gets me there! ;)

Can literally do this. Pleasure points.

Though, without further ado:

Someone who is loyal and obedient when it matters, but feisty, fiery, and enough of a challenge to keep my blood racing.
Someone who wakes me with Tim Horton's fresh coffee, just coz she wanted to see me smile.
.. effortlessly pushes their own cravings into my own until we are ravenous with need to satiate each others wants without end. Mmmm and if those sweet little hands slide their way over my scalp in a special way.. it's an added bonus. Yeah, that's a weakness of mine. That and having a pair of legs wrapped around my neck.
Someone who can accept me with my flaws and love me unconditionally.
Someone that will laugh with me and share a life with me. Good and bad.
All serious, experienced role-players have, at one time or another, been guilty of every shortcoming we can name; the only divide is between those of us who will admit it and those who will not.
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