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Little Things You Love

Isn't it? Knowing someone is watching and reading...wondering what it is you'll write next. There's something to be said about that for sure. Though it can be a little overwhelming too. Not in a bad an unexpected way, a way that makes you smile.

Other things that I tea when I have a cough. >///<
The return of old friends from Hiatus/real-life. I envisage BMR once more being adorned with many pretty threads, xD.
Wearing a long sleeve shirt but no pants when it's cool/cold inside my house. Not sure why, but I really like the feel of cold air on my bare legs. My upper body......not so much.
When people look at your picture and guess that you're in your mid to late 20s and you have to tell them 'nope' only for them to be completely and utterly they keep guessing higher only to be MORE stunned....and when they learn you're actual age....they are SPEECHLESS! HAHAHA!!! XD
That rare and unexpected moment when your one child suddenly 'gets' how to play. I don't care that it's with kids wayyyyy younger because you know what??? He's interacting...engaging in play...communicating. I'm in humble awe and so proud right now. And yeah...there are tears. >.<
Meeting a lovely guy who is interested rather then shocked when I'm telling him about my fantasies.
Pumpkin spice poptarts. All good things come in a shiny wrapper that would wake someone up if you sat next to them while opening it.
Fey said:
Meeting a lovely guy who is interested rather then shocked when I'm telling him about my fantasies.

Color me curious, what are your fantasies?

What I love is finding a new good fantasy book series: The Saga of Darren Shan
I already am in love with them! Three (or nine) down, one (or three) more to go and then I've finished reading it. Not counting the manga and the short stories, of course.
Sweeeeeeet!!!!!!!! Yeah, I totally adored them....the wait was sooooo killer having to wait for the books to release. It felt like EONS each time. Seriously, I was banging my head against walls each time I had to wait for a new book. lolol. You're lucky you can just marathon through them.
Yeah, especially now that there are three books together in one. That way I can read them even faster!

Drinking a cool glass of apple juice every morning is a little thing that I love very much!
Just wait until the last book!!! It'll make your brain explode, I swear! By the end, you're going to be like WTF did I just read!!!! Must re-read!!! @_@ Hehehe!!

I love unsweet tea. To the point of near addiction. Tehe.
Ugh, I hope that I don't remember this when I read it or my too high expectations will ruin all the fun for me. The same happened when I was told that I would cry while watching the movie Ted. I didn't shed a single tear through the entire movie.

I love the smell of freshly brewed tea before sipping it while it's still hot.
You'll love it. The whole entire thing was fantastic. I assure you. : )

When you're on an awesome roll with an RP. MUSE ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Playing with the tendrils smoke coming from a stick of of the most calming, relaxing things is to watch the way it clings to your finger tips and skin when you trail your hand through the thread of smoke if gives off.
Reading that line or paragraph in a partner's reply that makes you go "wow"
Really reminds me of why I'm here
DeRe said:
Reading that line or paragraph in a partner's reply that makes you go "wow"
Really reminds me of why I'm here

Yeah. I've got one or two partners like that. Y'all know who you are.

And. When you're welds come out perfect.


When your muse is happy thanks to the awesome stuff you get and thus is on a roll. XD

The fantastic people I've recently met on here. ; )
: )

Good conversation with good people.
Making new friends who just kind of jive with how you think, etc and have no issue accepting you for who you are.
And pumpkin pie....that is THE BEST STUFF EVAR (after cheesecake)! <.<
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