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Little Things You Love

darkangel76 said:
When it's nice and quiet and the room dark and tranquil.

Where everything stops for just a moment and you're the only thing that exists for a little while. Agreed.

Also, hot dads. Jaezus!
The excitement and anticipation of a long deserved vacation! I think the few weeks prior of planning and going over the details is sometimes the best part! Colorado mountains here I come!
Lately, Dr. Who

Are you watching older episodes or did I miss the new ones? I thought we'd need to wait a little bit longer...

Garlic sauce with jalapeno or garlic sauce with wasabi mixed together with hot sriracha sauce. I love it spicy ;)
A friend got me started on the Matt Smith seasons, but I decided to go back to the Eccleston seasons, and start from there. I've heard a lot of good things about Tennant's Doctor, and I really want to get to that, but I mostly only watch it when I'm with my friend at the moment.

The feeling of not having to get out of bed in the morning. Also, being able to wake up, turn on your TV, and start playing video games from the moment you wake up, till the moment you go back to sleep. (I can be a seriously, professional level of lazy-bastard sometimes.)
Tennant is perhaps where most people got their introduction to the new series, such as myself. He's a big ball of fun, and he has had some of the best plots.
Tyrion Lannister.

Oh! Oh! See what I did there? No but seriously, out of everyone, he is my fav.
I can't wait to see the new episodes. I wonder what kind of new enemies the doctor will meet?

I love the show Doctor Who. I wish I could travel through time and space with him to go on adventures. Allonsy!
That feel when I finish mowing all my grass, knowing I don't have to worry about the 2ish hour chore for another week or so.

Also, Jim Croce.
Revnarh said:
I started with the 2005 episodes, but yes, Tennant is an awesome big wibbly wobbly, timey wimey ball And stuff.

I second that! Although I'm partial to the Doctor's companions. Rose was my favorite, then the Ponds and new companion Clara. Though SHE is gaining fast on the Ponds.
DelightfulRevenge said:
Teen wolf
Michael J Fox classic or new? On that note...a howl out to Sabrina's half-werewolf bestie Veralupa! (HUBs CGI series starring voice of Ashley Tisdale and Ian Corbett as Salem in a Paul Lynde sound-alike. Heard OF him. I watched Bewitched when it was reran, on MeTV)
simpleroleplayer said:
DelightfulRevenge said:
Teen wolf
Michael J Fox classic or new? On that note...a howl out to Sabrina's half-werewolf bestie Veralupa! (HUBs CGI series starring voice of Ashley Tisdale and Ian Corbett as Salem in a Paul Lynde sound-alike. Heard OF him. I watched Bewitched when it was reran, on MeTV)

The new one.
simpleroleplayer said:
K. Just checking. I can truthfully say liked them both. :3

Lol, sorry. I should of probably have been more specific in my last post. =3
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