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Little Things You Love

Practical Insanity said:
Bulldogs are the greatest! Bulldog puppies are even better!

Let just say all puppies are better before growing into age.
Practical Insanity said:
Southern Sweet Tea. I shouldn't drink this much sugar before bed, but fuck it!

OMG! Me too, I absolutely love Southern Sweet Tea! Especially Arizona's!
For me...I'm not sure this has been mentioned, don't want to read 46 pages, but...
>^.^< KITTIES! and my Mom!
The crisp Summer morning breeze that makes you snuggle in your blankets before it gets too warm.

The birds chirping in the morning.
simpleroleplayer said:
Practical Insanity said:
Southern Sweet Tea. I shouldn't drink this much sugar before bed, but fuck it!

OMG! Me too, I absolutely love Southern Sweet Tea! Especially Arizona's!
For me...I'm not sure this has been mentioned, don't want to read 46 pages, but...
>^.^< KITTIES! and my Mom!

*holds back a hurl* How can you even call that toxic sludge real tea!?

Real tea is home-brewed using six tea bags and two cups of sugar per gallon. Go make some nao and then tell me how much you like real southern sweet tea!
Practical Insanity said:
simpleroleplayer said:
Practical Insanity said:
Southern Sweet Tea. I shouldn't drink this much sugar before bed, but fuck it!

OMG! Me too, I absolutely love Southern Sweet Tea! Especially Arizona's!
For me...I'm not sure this has been mentioned, don't want to read 46 pages, but...
>^.^< KITTIES! and my Mom!

*holds back a hurl* How can you even call that toxic sludge real tea!?

Real tea is home-brewed using six tea bags and two cups of sugar per gallon. Go make some nao and then tell me how much you like real southern sweet tea!

Hot tea. With milk. Cheerio, Motherfuckers. *Mic-drop*
Don't you know that it depends on the type of tea weither you put sugar, lemon, honey or milk into the cup? *Owned ya all* *Loves hot tea so much that I even drink it in summer*
That sounds like paradise, Rauk.

Also, I love those first five minutes after I get home from work and everything just washes away. Course, it's just making room for more crap that I have to do at home, but w/e. Those five short minutes are heaven.
Enjoying a day without a single conflict.
Catching salamanders with a 10 year old little brother.

Having them walk on the flat of your hand and straight off the edge to go "ploop!" into the watery bucket. We nicknamed that one "retard". :heart:
Oh, I love to catch critters! Salamanders aren't too common around here, but I have a ton of lizards! If I go to the creek then I can catch crayfish.
Mindlessly fun horror movies because I definitely don't have to think too much during! Not that I'm not a fan of thinking, but it's nice not to every once in awhile.
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