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Best Friend's Love (CLOSED)

RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"Simon! That's not fair! I didn't even know you were touching me! I was asleep!" he said and got up getting dress and followed him out to go see the house. Akira quietly thanked the realtor for the congratulations. He walked about the house and glanced to Simon from time to time. He thought Simon was be rather silly, especially after Akira was the one that mentioned they should probably get married. He looked at the kitchen and ran his fingers along the granite counter tops. He loved it, it was beautiful, not to mention the rest of the house. He looked over to the realtor and smiled, thanking him as well before they left. Once they were in the car again he was quiet for a bit, looking out the window. " you really want to marry me?" he asked and looked over to Simon. "I want to marry you. I do, but not if you are going to act like this when I mumble someone else's name because you decided to fondle me in my sleep. I don't know why I was thinking about Aric. I haven't seen him in years, much less thought about him...I'm sorry it happened, I am."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Once back in the car he had calmed down a bit and was far more willing to listen to what he had to say than earlier in the morning. "I cannot think of anything I want more than to marry you" he admitted and looked at him momentarily. "I know you didn't mean for it to happen but I'm a....slightly...jealous person, and I just don't like thinking about somebody else touching you, even if it happened a long time ago. I'm sorry I overreacted" he told the other and took his hand. There was a slight smile on his face when he looked at the other again "so you were absolutely in love with that kitchen" he stated, not that he was surprised since it was part of the reason that he had picked this house to begin with. "There's room in the back for a pool if you want one since there's a lot of land that just has trees on it and we could cut down a few to keep the same yard space in case we ever want kids" he said, thinking it was weird to say.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira nodded slightly and glanced over to his hand when Simon took it. He was still thinking about what had happened a bit, but Simon had apologized for the overreaction, he decided that he would get over it soon enough. He looked over to Simon when he mentioned kids "I-I don't know about that I mean...I...just don't know about that. It's kind of sudden and a huge step. I don't really know if I'll ever be ready for kids." he said, biting his lip. "Maybe something more like...a dog, or a cat, a bird?" he tried, thinking that Simon really wanted kids or why would he mention them.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"Akira, I am not saying right now, or even in the foreseeable future. I am just saying as a possibility after we've been together for a while and are settled and good" he said, trying to be as clear as possible. Simon didn't even know if he wanted kids so there was really no use to talk about it just yet. He laughed a little "I don't even know if I want the responsibility of a pet right now" he said, smiling. He liked how easy it was now and that he didnt have to worry about anything except for Akira, but he was grown and could handle himself in the world. "So your there a reason you don't want to tell him about us or what?" He asked, glancing over at him. He felt like it was a big deal that Akira didn't want to tell his brother when Simon was going to tell his full family and friends.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira froze when his brother was brought up. "I..." he bit his lip. "He's probably why I was thinking of Aric..." Akira said and took an unsteady breath "Sato, my brother, knows I'm gay and he doesn't have much of a problem with that. However, he has had a problem with my boyfriends. See, I haven't exactly had the best track record with them. Aric, was kind of the first boyfriend I ever was...sexual with...and he wasn't exactly..." he bit his lip trying to think of the right word. "Kind?" he tried, before shaking his head "It was a rather controlling relationship. I did things I didn't really want to do, nothing horrible, but it made Sato rather mad. See, Sato basically raised me. My parents died when I was really young and Sato stepped up to take care of me. So when he found out about the relationship and the way it was, he didn't take it very well." he sighed and thought about what he was going to say next. "I think he'll like you just fine, but I know he's going to have some problems with you and then the fact that we are going to get married...and the way our relationship started out...I just know he's going to think it's Aric all over again."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon nodded at the other, listening to what he was saying about Aric and his brother. "I can understand why he wouldn't want you in that relationship or with somebody like that. I would absolutely kick someones ass if they touched my sister or started making her do things she didn't want to," he told the other as they pulled into their driveway. "He may not like it, but we are who we are and what happened, happened. I want him to know about us, if he has to watch me like a hawk until he trusts me enough then so be it. I'm not worried. I would never force you to do anything" he promised him and smiled "I prefer my partners consensual, I just don't get off on the screaming and tears that come along with force." Simon got out and opened the others door, walking with him inside. "If you like the house I think we should get it, it's a good price and it would be ours" he told him, kissing his hand "after that we can throw a housewarming party and we can announce our engagement then. Did you have an idea for when you wanted the ceremony to be?" he asked the other, growing more excited about it.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira nodded "Yeah...he'll watch you like a hawk regardless. He's kind of overprotective." he shrugged and slipped out of the car when Simon opened the door to him. "I think that would be a great idea." he said and moved to the kitchen to start lunch up. "How about sometime in spring, or something like that. I like spring, things start living." he smiled and put together a couple of sandwiches and handed one to Simon. "I really like the house though, the kitchen is beautiful."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"I don't mind. I was with my sisters husband before they got married. She hated me a little for it but I think she was glad I cared" he told the other, watching him move into the kitchen. His was so much more rustic looking, because that was what he liked but he would give Akira whatever kind of kitchen he wanted since he didn't use it at all anyway. "Thank you love" he responded, taking a bite of the sandwich. "Okay, I'll call the realtor tomorrow and offer a price. Honestly, the only way you're going to get a more perfect kitchen is if you design it yourself" he told him, being completely honest, and he really didn't mind doing it for him. He asked if Akira would make him another sandwich and ate that one as well, thinking about the house.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira chuckled "No thank you. That one will suit me just fine. This one does as well, but I like that that one is larger, gives me more room to work." he smiled and made another sandwich for Simon, setting it on a plate and handing it too him. He moved about the kitchen after he ate his own sandwich and cleaned it up a bit. That was the other reason he liked the kitchen in the new house, when he got stressed or upset he liked to clean more than he usually did. With a larger kitchen he could clean more and keep time in there.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

"Alright, I was just saying," he teased, thanking him for the sandwich. He watched Akira clean the kitchen, thinking he was slightly OCD about it, especially when it was the kitchen in the bakery. He smiled at the other and gave him a hug from behind "let's go to the park and feed the ducks" he said, leaning into him and kissing the boys neck. He thought it would be a nice break and they could just go and lay on the grass and forget about life even for just a little while.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira blinked and looked over to Simon "That sounds nice." he said and put the washcloth away and moved to go get his jacket. He quickly put it on and waited for Simon to get ready so they could head to the park. He thought about something for a second and then moved back to the kitchen and grabbed some bread. He was like a little kid ready to go to a candy shop. He loved the park and didn't get to go very often so the times that he did he cherished.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon smiled as he watched Akira get everything ready that he wanted to take and went outside to start the car. He walked around a little before steering him towards the pond, sitting down at the edge and looking at the ducks who had started swimming towards them when they saw that Akira had a bag with them. They had been fed by humans for a while so they were quite friendly by now. Some of them would even get very close, and Simon had always thought that they were beautiful. He laid back on the grass and watched his lover as he threw little pieces to them, smiling as he just enjoyed the moment, glad that they had come.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira smiled and sat down by the pond when Simon lead him towards it. He looked over to Simon for a little bit before going back to feeding the ducks. He hummed while he fed them "Akira!" Akira heard his named being called and looked over, he bit his lip "Shit." he hissed, something he never did. He stood up to greet the stranger "I thought I recognized that humming, how are you?" the man asked coming up to him and kissing Akira right on the lips "I've missed you."

Akira pulled back a bit "H-Hi Aric..." he bit his lip a little harder and looked over to Simon "I'm good, you?" he asked.

"I'm doing wonderful, now that I've met you again." he grabbed Akira's hand and pulled the other closer to him. "I really did miss you, you left on such short notice and I never knew why, not even a text to tell me why. It was really heartbreaking."

Akira looked down towards his hand and then gasped as he was pulled closer to Aric, a little too close but he made no motion to move away from him.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon was absolutely fine until he heard the other swear, something that was just weird to begin with. He sat up and watched as he stood up to greet some stranger, frowning a little but outright glaring when Akira was kissed. He cleared his throat and licked his lips a little and spoke "well this is awkward, seeing as you are Akira's ex, and I'm his fiance. That also means Akira is my fiance, so I would prefer you not to kiss him again if you want to be able to walk back home" he said to the other, smiling. He wouldn't actually do anything unless he was hurting Akira but it was clear how uncomfortable he was in the situation. Simon was a fairly jealous person, so add that with an ex who didn't want to be an ex, and there was a recipe for disaster. He stood up and eyed the other, thinking he could handle a fight just fine if it came to it, but he wouldn't start one.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Aric looked over at Simon and looked him up and down quickly, before going back to looking at Akira. "You're getting married?" he asked, his smile faltering a bit, but he still kept Akira close to him.

Akira nodded and stepped back every so slightly. "Yes. Just got engaged actually." he said, glancing over to Simon to give him a warning look. He wasn't defending Aric in the slightest, he just hated confrontation. It's probably what kept him in the relationship with Aric so long.

"That's too bad. I was hoping to get acquainted with you. I've missed you. Are you sure you're getting married?" he asked, his face looking like he was half serious and half joking with Akira, but it was clearly a shot to provoke Simon.

Akira nodded "I'm sure, Aric. Simon's very good to me."

"I bet he is." Aric mumbled under his breath.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon was already unhappy but all the little things Aric was doing to aggravate him was working extremely well. He was grinding his teeth as he looked at the male before turning to Akira "I'm going to make a phone call about the house while he's here. He's acting like a child" he said bluntly and walked away, pulling his phone out to call the realtor and put an offer in on the house. He went ahead and made a couple more calls to kill time while Aric was still there, watching them. He trusted Akira, but he didnt trust the other to have even a little decency because he hadn't shown any yet. Akira's ex's had something in common, a lack of manners when it came to their ex and his new boyfriend. "Are you ready to go love? I'm sure Aric has somewhere to be, we could even meet him for dinner one night if he has the time. We should probably be going though" he said, not even faking an apologetic look, just ready to get away from this asshole.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira almost gave Simon a look when he said he was going to make a call. It was a slightly pleading look, but clearly Simon wasn't going to help any. He sighed and chatted with Aric for a bit until Simon asked him if he was ready to go. "Yeah, perhaps I'll see you lat-" he was cut off by a kiss to the lips that looked passionate but only lasted a few seconds.

"Yes, perhaps I will see you later." Aric winked, pushing a piece of paper into Akira's hand and hurried off before Simon could come after him.

Akira stood there shocked and blushing bright red. "I-I..." he looked down at the piece of paper and felt like screaming as he tore it up and threw it to the ground. He looked over to Simon, his eyes apologetic and worried about what he would think. "Simon, I'm...I'm so sorry, I didn't think...I didn't think he'd go that far..."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon was not about to stand there and listen to the man's bullshit when Akira looked at him like he wanted him to keep his mouth shut to avoid a fight. He was still looking down at his phone, glancing up when Akira spoke, watching the shit kiss him and then taking off like a coward. Simon was glaring at him murderously as he took off "If I ever see that fucker again I will rip his head off" he said and ran a hand through his hair "come on, I need to leave before I go try and hunt him down." He walked with his arm around Akira back to the car and was quiet for a little while "for the record, I refuse to buy him a meal. Ever. And he will never step foot into my house as long as I am alive" he said, putting that out there. "We should get the house without paying too much since it's been on the market for a little while and they haven't gotten any offers on it so far." He said, considering that fairly good news. It still upset him that Akira didn't have a license because he would most definitely be getting a new car for his birthday whether he wanted one or not. He was still shaking a little when he thought about what happened, it just made him so mad he could go off on someone easily.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira just nodded, he was still in a bit of shock over what had happened. He touched his lips and looked away from Simon, biting his lip. He soon took to chewing on it, though not hard enough to make it bleed. He wanted to just get home and start cleaning. He had lots of thinking to do. "That's nice." he mumbled, chewing on his lip again. He had liked it. He had liked that kiss, had missed that kiss. He glanced over to Simon and then down to his ring, fiddling with it. After all this time he was thinking about Aric again and then he just showed up out of the blue, kisses him and then disappeared again like nothing ever happened. He kept chewing on his lip trying to get his feelings straight, he loved Simon not Aric.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon was a little worried about the silence "are you okay, love?" he asked the other, looking worried as he gazed at his lover. Simon followed Akira inside their house, standing behind him and kissing his neck "how about a massage?" he offered, his fingers teasing the sensitive skin on the inside of the boys wrists. He wasn't sure what to do, really hoping that Akira wasn't thinking about Aric now that he just randomly showed up after Akira had mentioned him in his sleep. This was why things hadn't gotten really serious with anyone before. Either he would get bored, or the other would, so then they would cheat and split up, it had happened several times already but he didn't want to lose Akira to a prick like Aric who was just plain rude.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira looked over to Simon and gave a weak smile "I'm fine." he said and as Simon touched the inside of his wrist he pulled it away. "I-" he glanced around the house, it was spotless, "I...yeah, okay." he said, he didn't want to worry Simon any more than he already had. He chuckled a bit "You must think I'm crazy for ever loving someone like that." he mumbled and moved over to the couch and sat down. "I'm sorry...I really wish you never had to meet him..."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon looked a little hurt when the other pulled away but tried to shake it off. He could tell the other was looking for something to clean, though he only gave in because the house was already spotless. "I think you're crazy for loving me," he admitted, looking at the other. "He was similar to the other guy, Edward, you seem to pick men who like to become annoying ex's." Simon sighed deeply and looked at the other "I just don't seem like your type. I'm older and boring and you clearly aren't over Aric, no matter how long ago it was," he said, trying to pick out his words carefully. "I guess I just want to make sure you want to marry me because you want me, not because you want to be married or you feel like you have to. I want to spend every day with you, you're all that matters to me and I honestly could not care less if we get married or not, as long as I get to be with you, that's all I want, and I want to know that you are okay with that. I need to know you aren't going to get bored if we just sit at home, cuddle, and watch a movie instead of going out to some club. I can handle your ex's but I don't think I can stand you feeling like you settled with me."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira blinked "You think..." he closed his eyes and sighed "Simon...I'm...I'm not settling for you. I was settling for those other guys. Those other guys aren't who I am anymore. And they aren't just annoying as exs...they were like that when I was with them too, just the same, they haven't changed a bit. I want to be with you because I love you and because you are right for me." he said, he looked down at his hands and fiddled with the ring "I kind of always fear that you are going to find someone who is older than your dad says, I do look like I'm just out of high school. I know I act like it at times."
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Simon watched the other speak and took the others hands, rubbing his thumb along the backs of them. "Well, there's always that" he said when the other mentioned him maybe finding someone older than Akira, smiling at him. "My dad is an old bastard who would rather see me alone and miserable than happy with another man," he told him, smiling again at what he was saying "I like the way you look, you're absolutely adorable, and it's a good thing you act young, otherwise things would get very boring around here and we probably still wouldn't be together" he admitted to the other, kissing his knuckles lightly. He stood up and pulled the other into a tight hug, kissing his head and just holding him there for a few moments.
RE: Best Friend's Love (PrincessGumdrop, Church)

Akira smiled a bit and when the other pulled him into a hug he squeezed and sighed "I'm glad we are." he said and kissed his cheek, before moving away "Now...where is that massage?" he chuckled, moving back over to the couch "I didn't clean because you said you were going to give me a massage." he teased the other "It would be nice to get one."
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