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Unexpected Detour (Razgriz x Wingshadow)

The Goddess merely flicked her left wrist and the runic symbol on his lower abdomen began to spread and expand, soon covering his entire body as his form stiffened, rendering him incapable of moving or speaking, only his eyes and lungs being allowed free motion as she drew near and dropped to eye level with him, gaze piercing and intense, "No, you see... I'm not the one who is going to be threatened any longer. I'm not one to be trifled with, Kratos, and you are foolish to think I will allow you to tie me down with strings as if I am your cute little puppet. When you came inside of me, you made a very fateful mistake... I obtained a sample of your genetic material, and as such I have full reign over your bodily form via this biological link between us. I could restrict the ability of your body to reproduce on a cellular level, leaving you to die a slow and painful death as your bodily literally rots to pieces. I could restrict your ability to respirate, letting you die from suffocation."

She paced around him, watching him from all angles, "However, as of yet I have not completely pinpointed your connection to Sam's daughter... If you try anything more against me, I will simply terminate every living cell in your body and be done with you. In this sphere I have projected around the two of us, nothing can come in or go out. You have no way of escape unless I allow you to leave. So, I will make my command a bit more clear so you understand the full extent of the situation you are in.. Release Sam's daughter, or die."

The Goddess' expression was dead serious, her intimidating aura extending far beyond even the extremity of the holy sphere that surrounded them. Clearly, she had been foolish to expect that such a being would understand anything other than brute force and absolute demands, as reason and promises meant nothing to him. No, this would be the only way she could ensure his cooperation... She only hoped she would gain more than she had lost by the end of this.


Undie and Gnome laid him down then took their leave, giving him some peace and quiet to help sooth his nerves and recover from the shock as they inwardly disputed what they could possibly do to help. At times like this, Undie felt completely helpless as she had a more full understanding of the inter-workings of Sam's body yet she was unable to help restore his fragile mental state. She could feel the hold of corruption within their daughter, Nami, even then, and in much the same way she felt utterly helpless, held in the palm of a being whose only desire in the universe was to enslave all female beings in existence to the might of his cock.

Gnome, likewise, who shared one of the strongest emotional bonds with Sam, felt both confused and slightly betrayed by Sam's abrupt change in behavior. What was it that had brought out such raw aggression and hate from within Sam? It was as if he were an entirely different person, who sought nothing more than to destroy whatever dared oppose him or cause him pain. She had believed that all of the corruption had left his body when Kratos separated from him, but clearly this was not the case... There was definitely something more to this than met the eye.
It was like he'd been hit with a sudden case of rigor mortis; all the muscles in his body simply locked up like the gears of a machine that had gone without proper maintenance for years. He was now simply standing casually, his arms behind his back in a pseudo-gentlemanly manner even if there wasn't a thing remotely gentleman about him. As much as he tried to struggle to break free, he found that he couldn't even move his pinky toe. What was this spell she placed on him? It was certainly stronger than anything he was expecting; though he supposed she probably had enough of him and his trying to get her to simply leave him be to go on his little quest of utter debauchery and sin.

The sad part was, Kratos couldn't even laugh at how pathetic she sounded; oooooo, she threatened to end his life in such painful ways. Did she forget that she was the one who took in his mighty dick and wailed in pleasure? Wasn't his fault she forgot to verify that it was the real deal and not an impostor. Still she seemed to possess something akin to rationality, realizing that the full extent of his connection had yet to be realized. What was obvious was that the connection was there, and there was one between this demon and Samuel; the former was indeed quite powerful, as Kratos demonstrated his means of holding himself off from orgasming too much. "Hmmm....She's quite the sadist, isn't she? Suggesting such torturous ways to die.....I'll have to remember these when I get out of here, see if there isn't a way I can replicate it" Where'd he hear that one before? His mouth said nothing, as it too had been frozen by her spell, but his....The way he looked at her, it was almost like he was daring her to do it. Like he wanted to see if she would indeed throw caution to the wind and kill him.

Sam, meanwhile, simply laid in bed with his mind slowly starting to collect itself from the intense sensations that had rocked his body not too long ago. As he tried to move, he found that his own body was sore and that his muscles felt frozen in place, unable to even so much as twitch; he attributed it to tiredness from the extreme - albeit very pleasurable - series of releases and simply let it be. After all, this level of fatigue wasn't unfamiliar to him; in fact, this happened to be exactly how he felt after fighting the Pharaoh, except a lot less spiritually broken and downtrodden. He tried to speak, tried to call out for someone to help him get some water, but his jaw was frozen shut, rendering incapable of even parting a millimeter. Weak signs of struggling could be seen if anyone decided to come into the room at the time, but he was incapable of audibly calling out for help in anyway, shape or form. Little did anyone at Arisa's mansion realize the potential danger of Sam's situation.
"I can see that you need more time to think this over," the Goddess turned away from Kratos upon seeing the defiant glint in his eye, concluding that his confidence was rooted in some yet unanticipated connection between himself and Sam. However dangerous Kratos might have been, Sam's continued support was necessary even with her powers restored. As long as the Succubus remained hidden away in her secluded dimension, she could not reach her let alone destroy her. At the same time, the Succubus could not directly act on the surface of the planet without exposing herself to the Goddess' wrath. Hence, a stalemate lay before them, with neither side able to act unless Sam worked to the favor of one side or the other. Kratos' presence would only inhibit Sam's ability to act, and corrupt the Goddess few remaining faithful followers into his personal sex slaves. In light of these facts, there was only one possible solution.

"You will remain bound in this manner until you change your mind, and do not even consider simply waiting it out. Time is immaterial for an immortal being such as myself, but for you it might be a bit more relevant," the Goddess allowed herself a slight smile, "I can maintain this hold on you for as long as I wish, considering the power that you yourself granted me. Although I doubtless would have preferred to obtain it from a more desirable source, there are times in which even I must work with the hand dealt me. Until we meet again, Kratos, I bid you fare well."

The sphere of holy energy surrounding them faded and the Goddess slipped her white robes back onto her shoulders before forming a portal and stepping through, leaving Kratos standing by himself upon the mountain side, unable to move nor act without finding some way of breaking free of her binding. The Goddess knew full well that she would only be able to maintain the spell for as long as she carried his semen within her body, at which point the connection between them would be severed. How long it would take before this happened, she could not say for certain... But the last thing she needed was to divulge such details to her enemy. At the moment, what she needed to do was inform Sam of her progress and assure him that his daughter would be freed. She owed at least that much to him.


Gnome stepped into the room a short while later, calmly approaching his bedside and setting down a small tray of sliced fruit, juice, and water on the small table beside the bed. She sat down nearby his head, reaching down with her hand and brushing his bangs from his forehead as she bent forward and planted a kiss on his cheek. She blinked twice, just then noticing the strange way in which his body seemed to be struggling when she realized that something must have been wrong. She quickly picked up the glass of water with one hand and propped up his head wit the other before carefully pouring a small amount into his mouth.
Even though Kratos couldn't move an inch in his current state, the Goddess' words were more than enough evidence to tell him that she still didn't have the guts to finish him off. If he was able to manage it, a great big smile would be seen crossing his features at her implied surrender; however, her spell rendered any and all body movements moot, freezing his muscles in place exactly as they had been before the spell was enacted. Even with his manhood still fully erect, he had already attained his subgoal of fucking the Goddess. Sure, she thought it was that pathetic wimp Sam, but that was her fault for giving in like she did.

However, as she continued to try and make him see how hopeless his situation was, there was still that defiant glint in his eye that told anyone with enough perceptive capability that he didn't care one bit. Her biggest mistake in using this spell was that she used HIS genetic material against him, his own organic code to bring any movements or plans of moving to a grinding halt. If she'd just taken that one second to really think things through, she'd see the futility of her actions.

As the Goddess lifted the sphere of light that encased them both, the group of Oni that had been witness to their contest of depravity could still be seen watching; while it was obvious they couldn't see past the divine barrier the Goddess had thrown up around the two of them, the fact was he was still there and they probably hadn't gotten all the satisfaction they could have. Essentially, he was vulnerable should they try to use him as a toy....Not that he minded of course. "Damn that Goddess....All this fine pussy and I can't move an inch. Oh well, I'll be free soon enough...." Kratos thought to himself with a mental grin, as he knew Sam's own state would see to that.

Meanwhile, the Contractor laid on the soft bed, finding more and more of just how stuck he really was. Was this Kratos' doing? Unlikely, but maybe he did secure Sam here so that he could make him break the deal and take over his body. Even still..............Sam didn't know how else to perceive this situation, as he'd been mentally assaulted by images of what that bastard was doing to the Goddess. However, he did piece together that Kratos had somehow influenced him to be as cruel as he was to the Doppelganger, Undine and Gnome. Exactly how Kratos had managed that, Sam could only guess; he just hoped his relationship with the two elementals could be salvaged.

And as if to further his anguish, who other but Gnome herself came into the room. He wanted to look away from her, the feeling of shame and guilt for saying such nasty things to her overwhelming him, but his current paralyzed state prevented him from doing even as much as turning his head to the side. He could feel the warmth of her lips on his cheek, her delicate touch brushing the loose strands of his unruly hair from his face. What would happen next would certainly help further Gnome's unspoken assumption about something being wrong with Sam. Sam's head moved stiffly under Gnome's gentle guidance, like it was resisting even outside forces to change its position; the liquid flowed past his lips, but his teeth - held firmly together due to his current state - prevented most of it from even entering his mouth, instead leaking out from the corners of his maw and dribbling onto the bed.
Gnome frowned, realizing that this likely wasn't going to work unless she did something a bit different. She poured some water into her own mouth, then holding it in her cheeks, bent down and clasped her lips over his, pouring the water directly into his mouth while her lips prevented the water from spilling out for the most part. She took the time to make sure he had ample time to breathe between drinks, but she knew well enough that this was only a temporary remedy. They couldn't afford to waste time when they had the fire and wind elementals to contract, yet with her limited skill in healing she couldn't think of a way to help break Sam out of this strangely powerful spell.

The doornob turned and Arisa stepped through the door carrying a tray of food and various ointments that she had prepared beforehand, "Oh, Gnome, is he awake already? That's a good sign... I guess Undie's still too torn up about all this to even come check on him. I think she must be blaming herself for this entire ordeal. She really shouldn't... Its not her fault, after all."

The vampire sat down beside Sam on the bed, placing her left hand on top of his as she granted him a friendly smile, "You know, I never properly thanked you for saving my life. If you had not stepped in when you did, I probably would not be here at all. I'm not sure why you did what you did back there, but I'm glad you are back to your old self again. Gnome has hardly left your side even to sleep this entire time. You must really mean a lot to her."

The earth spirit blushed and looked away, tugging the hood of her cloak down in front of her face in an effort to hide her embarassment, "A-anyway... Have you found any counter-spell for Sam's condition, Arisa?"

"I'm afraid not... You see, the spell isn't directly cast on Sam. Its like there is a connection between him and someone else, who is transfering the spell to him through this connection. Plus, even if it were cast on him personally I doubt I could dispell it. Whoever placed it has a far superior casting ability than I do, and has placed a very complicated seal on the spell itself, most likely using a physical catalysit as the medium."

Noting Gnome's puzzled expression, Arisa continued, "In plain language, what I mean is, the caster probably used a physical bond, such as using semen or some other powerful genetic material to bind the spell to him. Without contacting the caster directly, I doubt anyone could dispel it-"

Just then, the person in question appeared in the room in a brilliant flash of light, the power of her presence far exceeding that which she had possessed in their last meeting to such an extent that if she was difficult to be around before, it was now practically impossible to remain standing in her presence. Her hands were folded in front of her ample chest in a solemn manner as she opened her mouth to speak, "Sam... I have done what I can to ensure thy daughter's freedom, but in doing so I regret that I may have given our enemy more ground than we have gained in the process. I swear that your daughter will be returned to you safely, but I request that you have patience with me in fulfilling my promise. At the moment, there are many pressing matters that demand my attention, not the least of which is the connection that you share with Kratos."

"Although his powers are relatively weak at the moment, he should not be underestimated... His life force and genetic material seems to be linked to your own, and when I bound him it seems that the effect has carried over to you as well. To this end, I have placed a protective barrier around him before I left, but I doubt it will contain him for long after I release you from this spell," she reached out with her right hand over him, a single black feather landing upon his forehead as power surged through him and the stiffness in his body faded. She then withdrew her hand and turned away, her left hand pressing against her lower abdomen, "I may also... Have a great deal to answer for in the future, due to my own weakness... But, I foresee a conclusion to this crisis that smiles upon your future. I only hope that we will reach this future without further compromising our own dearly-held values."
Sam felt the lukewarm fluid roll down his throat as Gnome helped him drink; he had no idea why he couldn't move an inch, but thankfully his gullet didn't seem to suffer the same sort of paralysis as the rest of his ravaged form was experiencing. He'd certainly have a hard time breathing if that were the case; as Gnome pulled away, Sam still felt guilty about what he'd said to her. It was so unlike him...Wasn't it? He'd always thought he'd treated his elementals with the love and respect they deserved, protected them as they worked to protect him on his travels. He didn't even know right now; sure he'd been frustrated, but he knew better than to say such things, especially towards two women that had formed what was considered to be the deepest kind of connection.

Sam's eyes refocused on the doorway as none other than Arisa stepped through; her gloved hand touched his own, letting him feel the definitions of every digit even through the fabric itself. She did it in such a gentle manner, it was...thankful, caring. Was this how she treated Silus? If so, then the man was a greater idiot than Sam had previously expected. But Sam had no idea what actually went on between her and that deranged lunatic, so it was impossible to tell if this display of caring was a one-time thing or an indicator of how her disposition usually was. He wanted to tell her not to thank him, not to say anything about that considering what consequences had come to light as a result. He'd done nothing as of late that was worth any thanks; it was no wonder Undine didn't visit him. He'd put her daughter in the hands of a very dangerous individual, all for the sake of only delaying what looked like an inescapable fate.

It wasn't until the Goddess herself appeared in the room that Sam snapped out of his daze; he'd completely missed everything that Arisa had said about what she thought the cause of this strange petrified state of his was. Her guess was right on the money, but as Sam had no real knowledge of what happened between Kratos and the Goddess, he couldn't say anything meaningful even if he wanted to. The Goddess' words confirmed the dread that had been plaguing him: The initial attempt had failed. Even if he couldn't move, one could see tears starting form at his eyes; Nami didn't deserve this. No one did.....Could he really say he did the right thing?

And when the Goddess released the spell which bound Kratos and Samuel simultaneously, the Contractor did not move from his original position in the slightest; how could he go through with this? It had only been a few hours at most, but already Kratos had done so much damage. More so than even Sam had realized; how could he hope to free Rachel and defeat the Succubus if he couldn't protect those he cared about? Just then a sinister voice popped into his head, "Hehe, oh my, the Goddess looks positively vibrant right now. You see, my boy, all she needed was a good cock in her like the rest of her open-legged subjects. And in case her turning around didn't provide a clue.....Just want to let you know you're gonna be an uncle, hehehahahahaha" Sam's eyes widened at Kratos' revelation, and made his own depression worsen.

It was also this that finally made the Contractor more responsive; he couldn't let the Goddess anywhere near Kratos anymore. Not if that was going to be the consequence. He wouldn't allow her to do that to herself any longer; even if she would be more wary of Kratos' treacherous deceptions, he didn't want her to get caught like this again. "Goddess......Why? Why did you let him do that to you? Even if it was to help me.......You shouldn't have had to debase yourself like that. Not to the likes of him....." The voice came back, speaking through the psychic link that he and Kratos seemed to possess, "It's like I told you, no woman in their right mind can resist my almighty weapon. Your Goddess, the one you trust, has fallen to my wiles. You see now why it is you cannot win, why even after everything you've accomplished, you'll be nothing more than a pimple on history's shiny metal ass". Sam clapped his hands over his ears, as of to block it out, which only prompted a somewhat deranged chuckle from Kratos as he added, "Oh come on, Sam.....You should be smart enough to know that's not going to work. I'll always be here, reminding you of just who it is you serve" "Shut up" Sam growled out, his teeth clenching; Kratos just laughed and said, "Uh-uh-uh, my little dog on a leash. Remember, I say bark....You bark. And if I have to kick you, you better not bare your teeth. Or else" Sam then saw a vision of Nami undergoing torturous screams, her pure sapphire form being flooded by ugly plumes of black. He could hear her, her agonizing shouts rang in his ears like an unholy symphony. She was in pain! He could feel it!

"NAMI!" Sam shouted; with surprising speed, he shoved his way off the bed and knocked Arisa and Gnome over. The partially ajar door to the room was busted open, slamming with impressive force against the wall as he bolted down the stairs. "NAMI! NO! DON'T!" Sam continued to shout as his feet pounded down the banister; he ran through the whole house, shouting to find Nami and Undine. He would be in for quite a surprise when he did come across them, however.
"Originally, that was not mine intention to allow him to do such a thing to me... Yet, vile deceiver that he is, he first clouded my mind then proceeded to give me an outlet for the desire that had built up within me for hundreds of years. He impersonated you... You were the one with whom I desired a child, not him," the Goddess remained turned from him as she spoke, "She will possess the capacity to surpass me in power and wisdom, but also destruction and sorrow. She will possess both the corruptible and incorruptible in one being, inseparably unified within one body. As my daughter, she will be loved and raised as any other, but that in no way alters my intentions concerning her father."

Sam, however, likely did not even hear a word of her reply as he bolted from the room and began to frantically search each and every one of the mansion's rooms until he happened upon the one at the far end of the hall containing the two water elementals. Undie, her body formign a thick puddle as she knelt down with her daughter in her lap, looked up at Sam with a surprised yet endeared expression upon seeing her contractor. Neither seemed to be in any physical pain, although Nami did appear more than a little startled at her father's sudden appearance and his panicked state of mind. Undie reached out and clutched her daughter, holding her tightly to her chest without speaking a word at first, while Nami's body language indicated growing discomfort with her mother's open display of affection.

"I'm... I'm sorry, Sam," Unide sobbed, "I just couldn't bring myself to see you, not when its entirely my own fault that you are driven to such extremes. If I had not suggested that we use the Pharoah's power, Kratos wouldn't have existed in the first place... Every time you see me, you think of Nami, do you not? I've tried to spare you that pain, knowing that our daughter's life holds your own fate captive. Please forgive me."
When Sam happened upon Undine and Nami, he'd find them embracing each other, but obviously alive and well. For what seemed like an eternity, he just stared at them, all the while Kratos' demented cackling rang out in his mind, "Hehehehehahahahaha, boy did you fall hard for that one! Hook line and sucker! Are you an absolute moron or what?!" As Sam fell to his knees, his sudden adrenaline rush falling off to reveal just how fatigued he still was, Kratos then parted with some last words "Just remember Sam.....Her life is in your hands. Everything you do, every choice you make, will bring her closer to either salvation....Or oblivion. Make your choice". And with that, Kratos' influence over Sam's mind was lifted, bringing the tormented man's mind back to reality.

"Nam.....Nami.....Undine....." Sam muttered out, starting to crawl towards them before again breaking into a sort of sprint as he rushed them, his arms coming to embrace the both of them. If Nami was feeling uncomfortable before with just her mother hugging her, one could only imagine the smothered feeling she might be experiencing right now. But that was lost to Sam; he was just glad she wasn't hurt or dead. Undine's words didn't make it to Sam's ears, the elation of seeing both of them - especially his daughter - unharmed blocked out everything else.

"Thank god......You're both still here......" Sam stuttered, trying to fight back his own tears of mixed joy and sadness; instead of replying to Undine's pleas for forgiveness, he would say his own "Nami, Undine....I'm so sorry. I know I messed up, I know I messed up real bad. I shouldn't have made that deal with him, but I couldn't bear the thought of seeing either of you hurt or taken from me". His grip would tighten on them both as he added, "But I promise......I promise I'll find a way. I'll find a way to beat him. I'll find a way to get Nami out of this, to make everything work out". There was of course particularly vengeful thoughts directed towards his quite apparently evil counterpart, but he was too distracted with making sure Nami was alright to really give them much thought at the moment.
"Oh Darling," Undie returned his embrace with enthusiasm, portions of her body reaching up and enfolding him while leaving his clothes uneffected, "I'm the one who should be asking you for forgiveness. You didn't do anything wrong, Sam. I know you will make it right again. You always do, Darling. We will watch Nami grow up and find her own husband, don't you worry, and I'm sure she will live a long and happy life as well."

"Oi, you're crushing me, mom," Nami murmured, her eyes slightly narrowed more than usual indicating her discomfort, but neither of her parents seemed inclined to release her at the moment.

Undie could hardly contain the joy she felt knowing that Sam's determination had returned, and although the circumstances could certainly be better they now had a more clear picture of what they needed to accomplish in the coming months. Ignus would not simply test Sam as she had submitted Sam to. No, she would make a genuine effort to destroy him, if he let her do so. Lacking any amount of self-restraint or thought of the future, she was a terrifying opponent in battle... Which made her all the more important as an ally in the coming confrontations. Doubtless Kratos would not spend his freedom in idleness. He would be gathering his own strength as well, and they would need her power to confront both him as well as the Succubus.
Sam just shook his head at Undine's words, pulling back a little to wipe the leaking tears from his eyes, "Undine......It wasn't just you. I accepted the Pharaoh's power because of what she did to me; after how badly I was beaten, I knew I couldn't afford to be incapacitated after every encounter. I wanted the Pharaoh's power, Undine; it was my own fear of failure - knowing what could happen - that drove me to accept the offer". He knew now that they were both being hard on themselves; there was no way they could have predicted that someone as vile as Kratos would be born from something like that.

Regardless, with Sam's on-the-spot fears allayed for the moment, there was still one other thing: He needed to talk to the Goddess, Gnome and Arisa. "Undine......I'm sorry. For how I acted earlier, I mean; I don't know what came over me. I don't know why I said those things. I realize this isn't exactly an effective means of expressing how sorry I truly am, but know that I love you and our dear daughter from the bottom of my heart. And Nami......."

He paused to caress his daughter's chilly, wet cheek, his eyes gazing into hers with all the love a father could show his child, even as the horrific growths within her reminded him of the colossal error he made, "I'm sorry to you as well, my child. It was never my intention to place you in harm's way; I know that you didn't want me to make that deal with Kratos, but it would have agonized me if I'd let you be taken from me. I promise, Nami.....I'll find a way to free you". That much was certain; poor Nami was so young, she should not have had to experience this. He would make Kratos pay for this, pay for hurting his family, for wanting to do to Rachel what he planned to do to the female denizens of this planet, and pay for making things harder than they already were.

He then bent down and kissed Nami on the forehead, saying in a gentle fatherly tone as he pulled back, "And please, go easy on your mother. I can tell you don't like being coddled, but when you find that special someone and they give you your own bundle of joy.....You'll see why she acts like that". With that, he stood up to go find the others; there was much to do and rapidly diminishing time to do it in.
"Don't worry about it, Darling... I know you weren't yourself at the moment, so there is nothing for me to forgive. I think Gnome was more effected than anyone else, and she wouldn't hate you even if the fate of the world demanded it. She's just not the sort of person who can genuinely hate anyone. I think the Doppel might have been a bit shaken up about her close scrape with death, though," Undie didn't seem overly concerned about that fact, however, and gently set Nami down onto her own two feet to allow her some much-appreciated space. Their daughter nodded, accepting her father's words without reluctance as she gave her mother a quick peck on the cheek.

"Of course, Father. I'll do my best as well... I'm just not used to all this, its sort of embarrassing how dramatic everyone is acting these days," Nami reached up and pinched the bridge of her nose, "You go do what you have to, and I'll try to stay out of any more trouble so you don't have to worry about me any more than you already are."

The earth elemental, vampire, and goddess all stood facing each other in the room Sam had occupied not too long ago, the awkward silence that hung in the air feeling thick enough to cut with a knife as each made a feeble effort to spark some sort of conversation before Sam made his way back in. Gnome was understandably concerned about Sam's bodily needs, as there seemed to be some lingering fatigue following the intense releases he suffered from the stimulation the Goddess had unwittingly given him. The Goddess felt that there were still some matters that needed to be resolved, and Arisa was more than a little confused as to the current state of affairs and how she was supposed to fit in with all of this. All three seemed quite relieved when he finally returned.
As Sam re-entered the room where the three ladies he needed to speak to were, he found that all three had turned to face him, as if expecting him to come back. He didn't feel the need to explain why he'd run out of the room like that; the Goddess would likely surmise it was Kratos' doing anyway, and he didn't want to cause any more undue stress on Gnome, so he just let it go. How exactly he would start up a conversation after running out of the room like he did, he did not know. What could he say? What should he say? Question and more questions just seemed to pile up on each other, even for the simplest things.

But he figured the best place to start would be with the one he hurt the most; he slowly made his way over to Gnome, eyes peering sorrowfully into hers as his muscle-thickened arms wrapped around her short-statured form. He'd grown quite a few inches overall from his encounters and accumulation of divine and demonic power alike, as the top of her head now rested square in the center of his chest; one hand gently grasped the back of her head and pressed into his torso, his other forearm pushing her body closer to him. His own head bowed forward as he clutched his beloved Elemental as if his life depended on it, "Gnome......Forgive me......I don't know why I was like that, why I said those awful things".

He then peered up to Arisa, saying "Arisa, thank you for taking us in. Thank you for helping me get back to my feet" He then looked to the Goddess, his eyes shimmering with tears of being overwhelmed at such a rapid occurrence of terrible events, "Goddess, I'm sorry I wasn't stronger, that I couldn't overcome my own damned weakness......I'm sorry you had to go through that bastard's depraved contest...." Giving himself a moment to pause, he then added, "And it's for that reason, Goddess, that I don't want you going anywhere near Kratos again".
"Sam... You know that my forgiveness is always yours to have if you ask for it," Gnome pressed her head against his broad chest, "But I knew that you were not yourself at the time, for I know that you love me as dearly as I love you. There is nothing for me to forgive, Sam." Her small arms wrapped around his waist and held him to herself in a tender, loving embrace, enjoying every moment of his arms enfolding her. The timid, quiet young woman had blossomed into a loving, dependable mother and companion, that much was clear.

"Its no problem... I just wish I could be a greater help," Arisa could not help but feel slightly flustered at his thanks as she felt her cheeks slightly flush. In the brief time that they had spent together, the vampire had already grown rather fond of him. It no longer surprised her that he had not one but two contracts with powerful elemental spirits who adored him and had already born him a daughter each.

"It was my own decision to make, Sam, and for that you should not feel responsible," the Goddess replied in a mild tone, although her tone was hinted with mild offense, "Kratos is not the sort of person I enjoy the presence of, yet in order to free your daughter from his grasp I will do whatever is necessary to fulfill my promise to you. Do not ask me to break from that which I have already bound myself to fulfill, Sam. The consequences of my actions are my own burden to bear. Do not burden yourself with such matters. When the time comes, I will see to it that he is duly punished for his insolence... Even if it requires that I destroy him with my own hands. Focus your attention on the task before you, Sam... You are doubtless aware that your task of contracting Ignus will be your greatest trial to date. I wish that there was more that I could offer you, but to grant you a measure of my own power would make any such contract formed null and void. As with any other elemental, she must acknowledge your own ability and power, not power borrowed from another."

The Goddess then turned, granting Sam a fleeing smile, "In time, I may even come to recognize this child within me as yours... However different the two of you may be, you do share the same genetic make-up. With this in mind, perhaps it may not be such an unfortunate turn of events."
(Oh, wow....I'm so sorry, I thought I already replied to this one)

Sam held Gnome for the longest time, relishing the tender manner in which she returned his embrace. The future might have been uncertain, and it still was now that there was this terrible incarnation of Sam's psyche and persona running around the Goddess' homeworld, but as long as Sam had his wits about him, he would try not to get himself lost in the violent tides of this strange and ever-stranger world. He knew Undine and Gnome would be there to help him, but their relationship with each other would be severely tried should they successfully contract Ignus and Sylph.

As the Goddess reaffirmed that she would live to her promise of freeing Nami from Kratos' depraved hands, Sam just stared at her in disbelief, the offense in her tone having been completely disregarded by him. That bastard just defiled her in the worst manner possible, and she would willingly go back to him? He knew she was strong of will, but even this......This was too much. Why would she put herself in that position. He would weakly try to interject, saying things like "But..." and "Goddess.." to try and dissuade her from having to deal with him again, but it seemed her heart and mind were set on making Kratos pay. A sentiment shared by the both of them, albeit for slightly different reasons now. Her last statement made him falter and turn extremely red in the face; while it might have been true that Kratos and Sam were one in the same in most cases....She would really consider it his offspring?

And it was this last sentence that she spoke that made Sam realize trying to argue with her was pointless. All he could do was stare after her as she might disappear once more to continue on her endeavors. And with Sam was now left with Arisa and Gnome, their situation precarious and teetering towards utter chaos. All the while, Sam had not released Gnome from his embrace, his expression one of both relief and confusion. What did this mean now? Could he even go on? What if Kratos overpowered the Goddess somehow? No....She was too strong for that.

Giving Gnome one last little squeeze, he let her go and looked up to Arisa, "Arisa......I might need your help with something. That Doppelganger....I don't know if she's still here, but I need her to help give me an audience with the Succubus. It's high time I got some answers.......So I would like you to help me track her down if she's not here".
Upon seeing Sam's reaction, the Goddess couldn't help but giggle. She granted each of them a polite nod, and Sam a gentle kiss on the forehead before departing, passing through her heavenly portal back to her own domain, leaving behind only a few stray black feathers which where doubtless her hallmark. In the very least, none of them could say that the Goddess lacked drive and a sense of humor, as the remaining girls turned their attention back to Sam.

"I understand," Arisa nodded, "The Doppel just this way, spending time with her daughter in the other room. She still seems to be somewhat in a state of shock, so please be careful what you say to her since she seems paranoid that someone might try to harm her daughter or herself again. I can't promise she will be cooperative, but at least we do not have to scour the alternative planes of existence in order to track her down, right?" The vampire stood and took his hand in her own, giving him a tender squeeze and a smile as she led him across the hall to another room, which she rapped her knuckles on twice before entering. There in the center of the room sat the doppel, her black umbrella unfurled and concealing her head as well as most of her upper body from view as her back was turned to the door. before her sat her daughter, whose wide round eyes immediately turned their attention to the people who stepped inside. For the moment, she remained silently observing them, although she was most certainly staring at her father most intently of all.

"Doppel, I know you are... Emotionally distressed at the moment, but Sam wishes to speak with the Succubus as soon as possible. I know we have no right to make such a request of you, but-" Arisa began, but she was cut off as the Doppel turned around and faced them rather abruptly.

She had a sorrowful yet humble look to her as she gazed upon them, her tightly pressed lips parting to speak, "I will... It is the least I can do to repay you for my crimes against you, Sam. What I did was unforgivable, I understand that now. Perhaps, in some small way, it will help you in your quest. All I care about now is taking care of her, the most precious thing in my life. I do not ask that you forgive me, but please, let me be in peace after I have fulfilled your request."

The doppel stood and drew a large oval in the air, around the size of a mirror or man's head. Within the circle was only darkness, the darkness so deep and penetrating that it caused even those in the room to shiver. Out from this small portal issued a voice, a voice distant yet at the same time chillingly familiar in tone and quality, "Good afternoon, Sam, my love... What can I do for you?" It was the voice of the Succubus, the being whose desires had twisted the fate of an entire planet.
Sam grimaced a little as Arisa told him to be mindful of his words towards the Doppel; for the sake of making things go smoothly, he would. But that wouldn't stop him from feeling those vengeful thoughts rise up in him. How she tricked him, and worst of all, how he fell for it so easily. He just wanted to be back with Rachel so much.....And in retrospect, he hadn't been gone that long. Which made his submission to the Doppelganger that much more humiliating. Even as Arisa would lead him to the door, he felt his blood start to boil a bit. "Calm down, Samuel.....Don't spook her" he thought to himself chastisingly; moments later, he found the Doppel and her daughter Azaleth huddled together.

As Sam's gaze would meet his daughter's, he found the rising icy hatred in his heart start to melt away; as much as he wanted to hurt the Doppel, Azaleth was - as her mother pointed out - still a child. She didn't deserve to get scarred, mentally or physically; she wasn't her mother, and from as far as Sam could tell, the Doppel was indeed raising her to be a fine young woman. When she granted Arisa's request, Sam ignored her request and words of regret, watching intently as she created a mirror into the Succubus' home. So, now he would get to meet the one who took Rachel, the one who essentially forced him to compromise his own morals to save her and this planet.

As the portal was completed, Sam felt the crushing darkness envelope him, sending waves of chills over his body. He regained his own will a bit to see that there was no face, no one there on the other side; before he could demand the Doppel bring forth the vile demoness, that very woman's voice came out. To other monster girls it was a tone of warning and danger, a tone of one not to be trifled with; to a red-blooded male like Sam, it too possessed that quality, but also was laced with a haunting melody. Like the world's sweetest music that pulled at his heartstrings; for a few moments, his head went blank and he actually started to walk forward. His arms slowly started to raise up as if to show his subservience to her; it was thanks to that little niggling in the corner of his mind that he managed to snap free of the trance, close his eyes and shake his head to free himself of her grip.

But even with this, as his golden hues stared into the infinite darkness, he could still feel her passive grip on him; what power was this that even her voice would draw him in? Make his mind slowly degenerate in such a fashion? Regardless, Sam focused himself and after a few moments of slight internal struggling, replied heatedly as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, "You have some nerve, Succubus....Acting innocent as if nothing were wrong". Taking a deep breath to calm himself once more, he then added, "But I'm not here to chastise you. I'm here for answers, and I'm not leaving until I get them. So you better have a damned good reason why you kidnapped Rachel and forced this planet into a downward spiral".
"A good reason? Why, of course I do... It is the same reason why you are here talking with me, is it not?" the Succubus' voice took on an even more laid-back and casual tone, indicating that she felt comfortable rather than threatened when speaking with him, "In fact, my reason is two-fold. First, I wish to obtain control of this planet and by extension, to spread my influence beyond this tiny, forsaken fragment of the universe until all life forms everywhere know our names. Secondly, I wish for you, Love, to stand by my side as my faithful mate and lifelong companion. I'm doing all of this for you, after all... I thought I already told you that, Sam."

"I've seen the way you look at Gnome, Undie, and all the others that you have and will soon meet. Your heart is wide and open to the plight of these lovely women, and who am I to deny you such satisfaction and pleasure? I do not require that you have eyes only for me, and hence it is not as if I am asking you to marry me or anything of that sort. Throughout all my years of imprisonment, I have come to a more full understanding of your tastes, Sam. At first, I resisted my nature, seeking to regain the humanity that I had at one time, but in the end it was pointless to stand against fate," the Succubus continued to speak, although the pace of her speaking increased with her excitement, her audible breaths growing more labored with each passing declaration she made. Was she getting aroused simply speaking with Sam? "If you are pleased to take this many women into your embrace, then will you not be even more fulfilled to have a great many more? Your pleasure is mine as well, Sam... Do not worry about Rachel, she will be set free soon enough. Simply using her to bring you to speak with me was enough. I would prefer to see you in-person, but I am afraid that you are still not strong enough to survive my embrace. Patience, Love, it will all come to pass in good time."

"Contract the last two elemental spirits, and come to meet with me... I'm waiting with baited anticipation as we speak, so please hurry. I've waited for such a day for well over a hundred years. I think I can afford just a few days more," the Succubus giggled, "So, is there anything else you wished to ask of me, Love?"

The manner in which she spoke to him caused the other females in the room to feel uneasy. Just when had the two of them spoken before, if ever? She talked as if the two of them knew each other, but since the Succubus was significantly older than Sam in terms of mortal years this was a rather absurd observation. Perhaps she had simply gone mad from lonliness and isolation, since no man had ever survived her embrace? No explanation seemed to do proper justice to this situation, however, and they all remained silent. Only the Doppel seemed to possess any measure of understanding, as she remained eerily unresponsive to the Succubus' declarations.
So the Goddess was right; of course, there was little reason to doubt her, but there was that extra sense of assurance hearing it from the Succubus' own perverted mouth. His left eyebrow twitched in annoyance as she would then refer to him as Love and tell him she was doing this all for him. "Yeah, a real big favor you're doing for me" Sam commented to himself. As she continued to blather on about how he was open-hearted to the plight of the women of this planet, and how she wanted to give him all the pleasure for him to enjoy, Sam just felt his annoyance start to bubble over.

Her mention about Rachel and why it was the Succubus captured made his fists clench in repressed outrage; so she did capture her just to get to him. His whole body tensed up; oh how he wished he could wrap his hands around her neck and just strangle her. As much as he was trying to hold himself back lest he make the Succubus do something unspeakable to Rachel, the refreshed prospect of her being held captive by this arrogant, pig-headed bitch was too much for him to handle. Before he could open his mouth to give the Succubus a tongue-lashing that would make even the hardest of soldiers whimper, a familiar voice reappeared in his mind. One he hoped he wouldn't have had to hear for awhile

"Whoa, feeling some nice violent vibes here...Sorry I took so long, just got done laying the pipe to an Ookumade. Hehe, the ways she uses those legs of hers....So, who are we fighting?"

"None of your business, you bastard. Scram"

"Hey now, no need to be hostile....Wait a minute.....That energy, that darkness.....No way..Are you...."

"I'm warning you, Kratos....I don't want to deal with you right now....."

"What are you gonna do, boy scout? Short my sheets? Give me a wedgie? You're talking to the Succubus, aren't you? Come on, lemme talk to her. I'm your pal, remember?"

"Yeah, with friends like you, who needs enemies?"

"Fine then......Let me talk to the Succubus, or I'll mess up your brat so badly even I won't want to fuck her. Your choice"

Sam grimaced, his teeth looking like they were ready to simply give in from how hard he was clenching them together. But he couldn't risk anything happening; at the same time, what if the Succubus took this as an excuse to hurt Rachel? What should he do? From Sam's extremely tense body language, one could see that something was indeed troubling him; whether it was the Succubus' words themselves or some other force that he was having to deal with was the question. Eventually he would say out loud for everyone to hear, his eyes squeezed shut and his voice strained, "Get...out of my head, Kratos......Get! Out!" His hands flew to clutch the sides of his head; dark energy could be seen enveloping him as he spoke again, but this time in Kratos' voice, "Give up, you pathetic bitch!" "Never....I'll never give up! Get...out of my head!" After a few long moments of intense struggling, the Corruption levels fluctuating wildly as Kratos and Sam fought for control of the same body, Sam finally bellowed, "I! SAID! OUT!"

In that instant, the Corruption in the room faded to its previous level; Sam leaned over to rest his hands on his knees, his breathing heavy from the surprising amount of exertion he had to enact to kick that bastard out of his head. Figures Kratos would come running as soon as the Succubus started talking to him. "You're just lucky I'm feeling merciful, Samuel; next time you better give me what I want, or you lose your daughter". And with that, Kratos just vanished from Sam's head, resuming whatever lecherous activity he may have been pursuing. And as if to not miss a beat, Sam just resumed with, "Let me see Rachel, Succubus....And you better pray she's alright, or else the Goddess' wrath will pale against my own".
Throughout the entire scene that played out before them, the Succubus remained conspicuously silent, while Gnome and Arisa could merely exchange concerned glances with each other. If even the Goddess could not sever the link between Kratos and Sam, what could they possibly do against him for the time being? It served as a clear indication of how real the danger was, even when he was not physically present.

"Of course, Dear," the Succubus spoke in a more serious tone, perhaps due to recognizing Kratos' nauseating aura, "Allow me a moment to bring her... I assure you the effect will be that much more potent with the proper lighting." With that, the sound of shod footsteps grew gradually distant... Within the small portal there appeared a dim glow, revealing the outline of a woman with long flowing hair, and small wings sprouting up just above the base of her spine. She walked toward the portal, hips swaying with each soundless step her feet took. By the time the light had sufficiently lit the room, it was clear that the person before him was none other than Rachel herself, although her movements where much more... Alluring and sensual than Sam would ever remember her being before, hands wrapped in front of her ample chest and soft fur covering much of her torso in the place of clothes.

"I've missed you so much, Sam..." she smiled gently at Sam, as she often did when greeting him, her right pointer finger brushing across her lush red lips, "All this time, only the thought of you kept me sane. At first, I was worried that you would find the changes to my body repulsive, but now I realize that your love for me is far too great to allow something like that to come between us. Please..." She reached out toward him, "take my hand, and let me feel your face-" Even as she spoke, the portal began to grow in size, widening as Gnome felt chilling twinge run down her spine. There was something off about this... Something very much off. In a blink of an eye, Rachel's arms shot out of the widening portal and cupped Sam's cheeks in the palms of her hands, drawing him forward as she sought to clasp her lips over his.
As the Succubus went to fetch Rachel, Sam waited with crossed arms and a doubtful mind; while he foresaw no reason for her to logically mess with him in this particular situation, it still wasn't out of the realm of possibility that she would have another Doppelganger like the one who was currently helping Sam disguising herself as Rachel to just mentally wear him down. He didn't even know why he was trusting her, coming from a logical point of view, seeing as she was the source of his troubles ever since he landed on this planet.

Regardless, Sam had to raise his arm up to shield his eyes a bit when the crushing darkness of the other side of the portal rapidly grew brighter. When it dimmed some, he refocused his gaze to see a rather curvy individual approaching where the small troop stood, eventually coming into clarity and leaving no doubt in his mind as to who it was. "R...Rachel?" Sam stuttered; he knew it was her. That smile.....He was confident not even a Doppelganger could fake that. But what happened to her? Those wings...The horns on the top of her head...That translucent tail......That strange purple fur......What was all this?

"Rachel....My darling...." Sam muttered in disbelief; he started a bit when she leaped from the portal and grasped his cheeks in her hands. He could feel her warmth, the softness of her flesh, the gentleness of her touch. When she reached for a kiss, Sam stopped her by placing his own two hands on her cheeks, the shimmering at the bottoms of his golden hues showing he was on the verge of tears. He didn't find her hideous or anything, but the fact that the Succubus not only captured her, but changed her.....Altered her flawless beauty.....made his cap blow. Rachel would feel his fingers press lightly into her cheek, the anger at the Succubus' audacity outraging him. Screw trying to contract the elementals....He was ending this. Now. "SUCCUBUS! I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!" the man bellowed, pushing Rachel away roughly as he started to go through the portal itself, oblivious to the danger he was rashly putting himself in.
Rachel gasped in shock when Sam knocked her away, her wings flapping as she flew back, hovering a few inches above the ground as her eyebrows nit close together with worry and concern, and above all else shock. She did not seem put off by his anger or his words. No, it seemed somewhat plausible that she did not even understand either. Rather, she felt confused, wondering why he did not accept her into his arms.

"Stop!" Gnome and Arisa both grasped his shoulders, pulling him backward and preventing him from following Rachel through the portal as he raged against the Succubus. The earth spirit pleaded with him, her arms straining to hold him back from rushing toward certain doom, "You must not do this, Sam! She'll kill you if you try to oppose her in your current state! Or worse, she will simply toy with you until she grows tired of you... Please listen to me, Sam!"

"I already told you, Love... You are not yet ready. But, Rachel wishes to enjoy your company. Please, offer her a measure of her hospitality, and when you come to confront me, do so when you are ready. Perhaps if you win, you may force me to restore her humanity," the Succubus' voice rang out clearly from the darkness, but from no particular direction. It was as if she were everywhere and anywhere, and yet nowhere at all. She as within the darkness, and the darkness itself. She held no interest in fighting Sam, but Rachel took the Succubus, her Mistress as it where, to heart. Her eyes narrowed and a thin smile spread across her lips, a smile very much different from the one that graced her lips before.

"Rachel, see to it that he has a good time. If he does not survive, then clearly he is not the man worthy of my love," the Succubus giggled, "But, I know you are, so please go easy on your fiance. We will be seeing each other soon, Darling." Rachel flew upward, spheres of light forming in the palms of her hands as her eyes began to shimmer, her tail lashing back and forth in an ominous manner. Gnome lunged backward, pulling Sam back through the portal with Arisa's assistance before releasing him, pressing her hands against the ground and calling forth a thick wall of granite as a temporary barrier.


The wall shattered like glass as a single bolt of lightning sliced through with little difficulty, retaining enough power left over to cut a hole in the side of Arisa's house and extend out toward the horizon. Arisa cast a worried look toward Sam, then back at Gnome, "Are... We in over our head this time?"
"LIKE HELL I'M NOT READY! I"LL BREAK YOU IN TWO! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT TO RACHEL!" Sam shouted, tears of frustration and anger streaming from the corners of his eyes as he fought against the collective grips of the two women trying to hold him back from his demise. "LET GO OF ME! I'M NOT LETTING HER GET AWAY WITH THIS!" he continued to belligerently yell, twisting this way and that to free himself. For the moment, nothing else mattered other than making the Succubus bleed for having done...whatever she Rachel.

Eventually Sam would find himself forced back from inside the Demon Realm, the combined strength of Arisa and Gnome being more than enough to overpower him and draw him back into the mortal realm. He and Arisa fell back, the Vampire's body laying over the top of his and off to the side a little as if she were cuddling with him, her right arm across his chest. As the Succubus took her leave, Sam started to shoot up to stop her, but found his progress impeded by Gnome's defensive move and fell back once more. The blast of lightning and subsequent annihilation of his Earth Elemental's stony barrier forced him to cover his eyes, feeling the air heat up from the massive electric discharge; his own hair stood on end, his head now possessing the appearance of an agitated porcupine. Given the seriousness of the situation, he took no notice to it, only gazing with solemn eyes at the woman that was Rachel still standing in the open portal.

Whether it was her that cast the lightning bolt or the Succubus didn't matter to him; nudging Arisa aside without answering her question, he slowly stood up and brushed the bits of rubble off his body. "Rachel.....What did she do to you? Why are you like this?" he asked pleadingly, starting to make his way back towards her; he just wanted to know, to see if there was a way to change her back. Little did he realize the difficulty of such a desire, and the nature of just what it was she had become.
Arisa quickly stood up and clutched his arm, pressing herself against his side both in a protective as well as affectionate gesture. No one else in the room took much notice of her, however, as there were much more pressing matters at hand.

"She set me free, Sam... Free to be true to myself, free from the bonds of society and its unjust demands upon the individual," Rachel smiled, the spheres of light in her palms fading as she reached up to slide her hands up across her long legs, up her sides, until she finally reached her shoulders, "All this time I was worried that you might forget about me, that somewhere along the way you might become lost in despair. But, for my sake you have done so much, accomplished so many great things. As long as your love for me burns as it always has, Sam, it will be enough for me." Rachel then dropped down onto all fours, creeping in a circular path around him like a leopard stalking her prey. Her barbed tail flicked back and forth in a pleased manner, as her alluring eyes gazed directly into his. Her small wings flapped twice, in time with the motion of her hips as she stalked him, awaiting a moment in which to strike.

"She infused a small bit of her power within my body... At first it was frightening, how forgien my own body felt with this new power surging through me, but in time I realized that it was my own frame of mind which was the intruder. There is a bit of this beast within all of us, which can grant us freedom and pleasure beyond mere human understanding. Surely you know what I speak of, since you have contracted two elementals already. It is a similar concept, only she never made any sort of binding agreement with me," Rachel explained, each step bringing her closer as she continued to circle him, "This is but the first part of my transformation, Love... She assured me that as soon as I take you into my arms that I would truly awaken, and become what I have always been destined to be-" Long blue tendrils wrapped around her mouth, wrists, ankles, and torso, holding her in place before she could leap toward Sam and claim him for her own. On the other side of the room stood Undie, her eyes conflicted yet firm as she restrained Sam's fiance.

"That's enough, Rachel... Can't you see that Sam is pained by what you have become? His love for you is no less, that much is true, but he wishes for you to return to the woman that you once where, the woman that he wished to pledge his life," Undie spoke softly, not wishing to directly confront the one whom Sam loved so dearly. Rachel, however, could not comprehend such a concept.

"Even you, who have conceived and given birth to a child with my fiance, do not understand the depths of our love? I would wait for him for over a thousand years, wreak havoc on any that stand in the way of our being together, snuff out the lives of countless individuals if it were necessary... Would you not also do the same, Undie?" Rachel tilted her head to the side slightly, and with a simple twist she broke free of Undie's bindings, landing upon her feet in an elegant manner, tail swaying back and forth, "I will not harm a fellow lover of Sam, but I will not hesitate to do what is necessary to ensure that you do not impede our reunion... Keep that in mind."

"Undie, she might only be a lesser succubus for now, but she's still very powerful," Gnome warned her, "In terms of raw power, she's more than a match for any of us... Unless we all work together I doubt we can successfully restrain her."
Sam cast a sideways glance of mild surprise at Arisa, whose form now encircled his right arm; before he could question what she was doing or ask her to get off of him, Rachel responded to his query. Though her response brought him about as much peace as the Succubus herself did; Rachel thought she was free? He did feel somewhat relieved that she wasn't upset, or at least if she was she wasn't showing it, but the manner in which she began encircling him made him uneasy. This wasn't the Rachel he knew; the Succubus must have corrupted her mind somehow.

The answer to what he thought to be Rachel's problem soon was revealed, however; now she put a piece of herself inside his beloved. The Succubus had indeed corrupted her body and mind; even still, Sam knew Rachel was in there somewhere. This wasn't really the Rachel he'd sworn himself to, was it? Then again, was he the man she'd sworn herself to? He sure didn't feel like, not after everything he'd done in the name of trying to make it back to her. The next words out of her mouth made him reel a little, the look of utter shock prevalent on his face "The....first part? Transformation? What are you talking about, Rachel?"

He would not get a chance for a response; as Rachel attempted to embrace him, he watched as blue ribbons encircled his fiance's limbs. He turned his head back to see none other than Undine standing at the entrance to the room itself, begging Rachel to stop what she was doing. "Undine...." he muttered, surprised that she would come to his aid, especially given the somewhat grieving state he'd left her in. Rachel then broke free moments later, and it was here that Gnome revealed exactly what it was Rachel had become: A Lesser Succubus. Lesser meant the initial or a previous stage, and given Rachel's previous remarks about her transformation, that meant......No, no he could not allow that to happen! He wriggled free from Arisa's protective embrace and stood between Rachel and his friends, acting as a sort of human shield. "Rachel....Stop this. I'm sorry....I'm sorry I let this happen to you. But fight it, Rachel; you don't need to become a Succubus to be true to yourself! I've always loved you, Rachel! You know this!"
"I do not doubt your love, Sam, it is my own capacity for love which I doubted," Rachel's smile curved into a slight frown, eyebrows nit together in remembrance of the pain which she had endured, "Do you think my previous self would be able to accept what you have become, Sam? No matter how you see it, Sam... You are different from the way you where before. You have opened your heart up to other women, women who love you as dearly as myself."

"I have seen them, you know... Every single one that you have made love to," Rachel held up her fingers as if she had kept careful count, "She showed me how you met each of them, from the centaur up till this very day. Perhaps it was for a greater cause, a purpose that she herself caused through her loneliness, but despite the circumstances you still did form a bond with them, a bond which should not be severed."

She was obviously referring to when he forcibly broke his contract with Gnome, and the suffering which the small earth spirit had endured following that incident, "At least in this way I can accept you for who you are, since I know you will always accept me..." Conspicuously, Rachel never once referred to the Succubus as a succubus. Rather, simply called her "she" as if she were unfamiliar with such a term or had never affixed it to the Succubus in the first place. All of this talk lift the monster girls in the room utterly confused, unable to comprehend the difficulty with which the two humans (or former humans, as the case may have been more accurately described) contended.

"Wait, why does any of that explain why you are helping her?" Arisa interjected, "If all you want is to be reunited with Sam, then you have already done that much. Why don't you help us restore this planet to the former proper order and balance? I do not understand-"

"It is fate which brought us here, and it is my own fate which binds me to this path," Rachel replied cryptically, "I promise not to harm any of you, but I cannot allow you to kill her, Sam. Please try to understand when I say that I need this... I need this so that we can be together." She offered him a hopeful smile, extending her right hand toward him as a gesture of acceptance.
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