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Unexpected Detour (Razgriz x Wingshadow)

From out of the mist surrounding the rocky, mountainous lands around Kratos came the sounds of footsteps, delicately yet proudly placed bare feet upon the ground. First one, then two, then five figures strode out toward the designated drop-off point where Kratos stood. The one in the front of the pack had distinctly blue-tinted skin and wore a pair of glasses perched carefully upon her small nose. A distinct air of superiority, intelligence, and confidence surrounded her, who was doubtless the leader of this group of Oni which inhabited these mountains. When she spotted Kratos, her eyebrows raised ever so slightly and she made her way down toward him until she stood a mere three feet in front of him. Her companions, which were all likewise tall yet red-skinned, seemed to take more of an interest in the sake than the man who stood beside them.

"You are certainly an odd one... Most of the other humans see too it that they are well out of sight by the time we come around to pick up our sake," the blue oni chuckled, "I don't recall seeing you around these parts, either... Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Silvia, a blue oni who controls these parts of the Zipangu Region. I would love to stay and chat, but I'm afraid there is a drinking party that me and the girls simply cannot be late to."

The red oni behind her chuckled in response, several already beginning to hoist up the large jugs and carry them back in the direction in which they had come.
Kratos, after helping the human workers haul the sake jugs up the mountain road to a designated drop-off point, stood with the large containers as the others made haste out of the area. They had given him many thanks and wished the best for him. Oh, he'd get the best alright....And he'd give it too. After all, the only good monster girl....was a drunk and horny one. And if there was one thing he knew, it was that the Oni loved to drink. And when they got drunk, fun times were to be had by all; one couldn't rape the willing. And his willingness was what many might consider to be suicidal, but he knew he could take it. It was one of the few excellent traits he'd acquired from his "birth", a most handy trait that came from that useless flesh-sack called Sam.

Eventually, he would see the figures approach him; no less than five. "Well, that's a shame...Only five. Well, they do have pretty damn high libidos.....Yeah, I can work with five" Kratos commented mentally with a grin. Each of them stood what appeared to be a head and a half to two heads taller than he; the ones with the red skin were beautiful, sure. But when the blue Oni approached him, she was easily the best. Her body had some muscle, but it was well hidden by the flawlessly curvy figure of hers. And those glasses...Man did they suit her perfectly. Like a hot nerd......But with a LOT more to love. "Well, hello, tall dark and beautiful. I think you'll find that I'm no ordinary human......In fact, I was rather hoping to run into you. I hear that Oni drinking parties can get kinda......wild. I like wild....And I'm sure you won't mind I just hope you'll be able to handle me" he said suavely, inviting himself to be their "entertainment"; he would walk over and pick up one of the large sealed jugs with what seemed like no effort, then wait as she might lead the way to the party house.
"Oh, I can handle anything a human can deal out," Silvia pushed her glasses up with the tip of her right forefinger, taking his words as an implied challenge, "Come along if you'd like, I'm sure the girls will appreciate your kindness in joining us today. I can't promise that you'll be in any shape to re-enter human society afterward, but I suppose that's your own business to sort out."

This human peaked her interest more than any had before. He had a strange quality about him, almost as if he knew very well what awaited him at the oni's drinking party and he was eagerly awaiting the opportunity to be passed around like a bottle of sake from oni to oni until they all passed out from exhaustion and over-indulgence in alcohol. Silvia prided herself as being more dignified and intelligent than the others, yet when under the influence of sake she would become even more insatible then even the most sex-crazed among the red oni's. There was good reason why she was their leader, as she was a skilled negotiator and leader while sober but a wild, lustful opponent while inebriated.

The four other oni merely nodded and filed in behind the blue oni as she led them down a well-worn path toward a small cleft in the rocks, behind which was the mouth of a cave and a small clearing. There were pillows and skins strewn about on the ground, upon which each of the oni took their places with the blue oni in the center. She guided the human to sit beside her, and pulling the cork off the top of the first jug poured a small volume into a saucer-like vessel and offered it to him, "Here, drink up."

Without hesitation, the other oni began to break open their own jugs and help themselves to its contents. Two of them, which appeared to be younger than the others, began to sing a duet while the other two red oni's clapped their hands to the beat.
Kratos couldn't help but smirk as the Oni accepted his challenge; they had no idea who it was they were dealing with. He could outlast anyone, even the wild and lust-soaked Oni. But he was strangely silent as he followed the other Oni to back to their den of depravity; it was fairly obvious to him that this little arrangement was so that the Oni wouldn't abduct any of the remaining people in the village. Though how there were that many men remaining to him was a mystery; with the lack of males, one would think the Mamono would be scooping them up quick as can be. But that didn't bother him; the less monster girls that had a partner, the more he could simply pound himself. Of course, that didn't mean he wouldn't try to move in on other men's women as well. After all, they were his property.

"Heh, nice place......Seems like you could get really comfortable here, if you know what I mean" he finally said as he sat down and accepted the saucer of sake, downing it in one fell swoop. He just watched as the red Oni girls started getting rather loud fairly quickly, making a grin cross his hardened features. This going to get fun, but first, it was time to see just how much of a reputation his former host had built for himself. It was likely they'd heard of him, and he was practically a spitting image of the guy, save for a few differences that could be easily explained away. "So, sexy, I gotta ask......You really have no idea who I am, do you? You know that human who's been going around, kicking ass and drilling hot babes like you?" He stopped here, but the look he was giving the Oni was one that could be taken as either waiting for her to answer the question or dropping the hint that he himself was the valiant individual in question. Of course, he really wasn't, but it was unlikely to him that they would see past his guise.
"Oh, so you are saying that you are Samuel, also known as the Goddess' Right-Hand?" the blue oni tipped her own sake saucer, downing the fiery liquid without a second thought, "That's the first time I've ever heard a human so much as refer to him... Humans generally despise those who associate with monster girls, don't they?"

She was certainly sharp, as she nearly instantly picked up on who he was referring to, but on the surface she had made a rather basic mistake. It would be easy for just about any well-built man to pass himself off as Sam at this point, because although the stories of his adventures had spread throughout the planet there were relatively few detailed descriptions of his physical appearance. Silvia seemed to acknowledge this with her next statement, however, "A group of harpy came by a few days ago, spreading the word about the man which had managed to not only fell mighty foes in hand-to-hand combat, but also contract not one but two elemental spirits. He's quite the celebrity among those in the monster girl villages, and many of the younger girls sometimes spend long hours of the day searching for some sign of him. They say he is wandering the planet in search of his long-lost lover, stealing the hearts of monster girls and giving them his seed in exchange for their assistance in his quest. He's quite the icon, spreading hope that someday there might be peace and understanding between humans and monsters."

"But, unfortunately, that's all Samuel is. He's just a story, what the humans might call a fairy-tale. I really don't care what the others might think of him, but to me his qualities seem far over-exaggerated. I mean, even if such a man did exist, there is no possible way that he could have survived so many encounters with sex-deprived monster girls," the blue oni shrugged and passed him another saucer of sake, "I've heard that elementals, especially contracted ones, are very demanding. Simply providing for the needs of one would be exhausting, let alone two. Sure, he's a fun character to discuss over a drink, but he's hardly real."

Before Kratos has much of an opportunity to reply, however, a sudden burst of energy appeared a few feet to Silvia's right, causing all five oni to jump back, the shock knocking the sake clear out of their systems. A thick ring of holy energy surrounded the slowly growing portal as strong winds began to encircle the entire area, wiping the thick blanket of mist away and leaving only the barren, rocky mountainside. A few stray black feathers began to drift in the wind, but hardly any note was taken of them, and there was simply no need to. Such a massive show of power could only be exhibited by the ruling deity of all, the Goddess. Her head and shoulders slipped through the portal first, with the rest of her body, predominately her distinctive black wings, following after. Her elegant, unshod feet stepped lightly upon the ground as she turned the gaze of her closed eyes upon Kratos.

"Kratos... I will not allow you to proceed any further. Your ambitions concerning my children will not be tolerated. Injustices done to them will be counted as injustices done to myself. To that end, I intend to put an end to your corrupt schemes immediately," she spoke calmly yet firmly, the words slipping from her parted lips with resolute determination, "I will not allow you to hold Sam's child hostage. I hereby challenge you, Kratos."

The oni turned a bit pale and backed away from the two of them, not wishing to be caught in the crossfire, so to speak. Having never actually seen their goddess before, and yet hearing her words of confirmation both that Sam did exist and that she evidently cared much about the well-being of himself as well as his children was a bit much for their minds to fully comprehend.
(Goddess used Cockblock. It's super effective! XD)
Kratos couldn't help but grin as the Oni responded to his question; so the weak bastard did have a name for himself! Even if it was something completely degrading, like the "Goddess' Right Hand", it was still a name. "Beauty and brains.....I always did go for the hot know-it-all, ya know" he would then say, trying to woo her. But it would not happen, not that he complained since it was basically everything he had hopped to hear. Her continued revelations of the fame he'd gotten over the course of his stay on this lust-driven planet was indeed reassuring that he could score some easy pussy from just about anyone he wanted. However, her next comment about Samuel being nothing more than a child's fairy-tale was a bit aggravating; was the defeat of the Pharaoh not proof enough? Even if he didn't do it himself, his presence had enabled him to enhance the power of his attacks to do so. "Well, I promise you this, baby: I'm the real deal. I beat the Pharaoh, and I've basically got the Goddess under my thumb...." he then paused as she handed him another saucer of sake, telling him that it was all but impossible to satisfy that many women on top of keeping his own elementals satisfied.

But before he could get a reply in, he had to shield his eyes from the sudden gust of wind, the burst of air knocking the saucer from his hand. As the Goddess stepped forth and made the Oni retreat in obvious fear and apprehension. He grimaced as she called him out by name; damn it if she didn't have the worst sense of timing. "God damn it, talk about a cockblock of the century!" Kratos growled, standing up to look the Goddess in the eye. When she simply stated that she challenged him, the look on his face was something akin to one who'd just been clobbered in the back of the head with a large blunt weapon. He then let out a low chuckle, before long turning into a deep-throated, echoing laugh.

After wiping a tear from his eye when his laughing fit subsided, he turned his attention back to the Goddess, saying quite confidently and in an almost mocking tone of voice, "Oh no! The Goddess challenges me! Whatever shall I do, I've been challenged by the Goddess! There's no hope that I can win!" A fake look of realization then crossed his features, his voice continuing, "But wait! Don't forget that I hold all the cards here, Goddess! You forget that I've got your little puppet by the babysack! You so much as scratch me, and I'll break your boytoy so badly he won't even be able to shit right!" He then held out his arms, saying, "And besides, what have I done so far that's so wrong? All I want to do is give these poor, sex-starved women what they want! You can't tell me that this world, driven by lust because of YOUR mistake, doesn't need someone who can give all these fine bitches a good dicking!" He then sidled up to stand closer to the Goddess, "Or maybe that is your challenge.....See how many times I can make you scream.....Or better, see if you can make ME scream.....Heh, good luck with that one....". Of course, this was all just a ploy to see how he might be able to get under the Goddess' skin; once that was done, he was fairly certain he could bend her to his will however he wished.
As soon as Kratos began to laugh, the air around them seemed to thicken and a sphere of pure energy appeared around them, cutting off any possible escape for him should he attempt to withdraw before the Goddess could force a resolution to this predicament. She had to settle this, here and now, but her mercy required that she give him one last chance to back away from his plans to enslave not only her own children, but eventually every female in the universe under his never-ending desire for sexual gratification.

"My children wish to be loved, cherished, and held dear by one who truly cares about them... However corrupted that one desire may have become over the generations during my period of bondage I cannot say, but within them beats the very same hearts that their parents carried in their chests and it is for that purpose that I cannot allow you to continue your self-seeking mission. You really do not realize the position you are in, do you?" the Goddess' silver eyes opened, revealing the distinct and slightly unnerving white color as she seemed to gaze right into his very soul from the intensity of her stare, "I do not need to harm you in order to destroy you, Kratos... My power far exceeds your own, as you are practically within my very grasp in this plane. My strength lies not in my physical prowess or ability to master the elements... It is a far more fundamental power which you cannot even begin to understand."

She reached out and gently placed her hand upon his chest right above his heart, "Although I find such a proposition distasteful, I will not hesitate further to destroy you utterly by simply denying your very existence. It will be as simple as snuffing out a candle or snapping a toothpick... So, I will command you once more... Release Sam's daughter, abandon your mission to enslave the female sex, and leave my planet in peace."
Kratos let the Goddess place her hand on his chest, knowing full well what she could do to him; he didn't seem the slightest bit unnerved by her words. In fact, her boldness only seemed to make him more and more amused. "That's a load of crap and you know it, Goddess; there are more species of Mamono out there that would gladly rape their "mates" and leave them for dead than those who actually give a damn. Take the Alraune, for instance; she'll keep a worthy male in her blossom until he's practically dead, and then what she do? Throw his ass to the curb. Lucky for me, that won't be a problem. Maybe once you've left, I'll pay one a visit. Show her what a real man can do"

As the Goddess continued to threaten him with promises of destruction, Kratos could only shake his head at how pathetic she sounded. "Guess your centuries of imprisonment have finally made you a bit loopy, haven't they? For one who claims to be omniscient, you sure are blind, Goddess. And not just in the physical sense. Need I remind you that the one you "command" me to release is the one that will break Sam completely? For all that machismo he tries to put out, he's fragile, Goddess. You know, as in, easily breakable. His mind is like a delicate crystal ball, teetering just on the edge of a table. The slightest push...." he paused to make a pushing motion with his right forefinger before continuing, " it takes to make him fall and shatter right before your eyes. Just imagine when his daughter dies, or gets converted......He'll hate you, Goddess. Hate you for breaking your promise to get me to release her. Hate you so much he'd turn himself over to the Succubus just to make you pay" The Goddess might find it a surprise to hear his little exposition of her promise to Sam, considering he was nowhere near either of them when she made it.

He then added, "And even if I'm wrong, Goddess. Even if he somehow manages to power past losing his own daughter, just how effective do you think he'll be? It will haunt him, plague him like a bad nightmare. He will be coated in the proverbial ashes of his sin, of his failure. So, I ask you now, Goddess, is that a chance you're willing to take? To let the man you've put so much trust in just crumble like stale bread? If you are, by all means then.....End me. But know that the stain of failure will ultimately rest on you, for breaking the warrior you've come to trust so thoroughly".
He had seen through her bluff, that much was certain. She couldn't take such a risk with Sam, who at that moment held the fate of her people in his very hands. Any wavering at this pinnacle moment could spell disaster, as the Succubus could very well take full advantage of any moment of weakness within Sam to steal him away for her own lustful desires. Her eyes slightly narrowed as she carefully considered her next course of action. He had probably set it such that if his own life ended, so would Sam's daughter's. Even if he was simply all talk, she was bound by her promise to Sam and could not see the end result of such a decision. The weakness in her precognition was that she could only see the flow of time apart from her own action. That is, she could see the end result if she refrained from action, but not the end result of her own interference.

"I cannot allow you to continue, but neither are you willing to compromise your own depraved ends," the Goddess shook her head, his words striking her deeply although she showed little physical indication of this, "That is why I propose a challenge... If you win, you will be given what you desire. If I emerge victorious, however, you will release your claim upon Sam's daughter. You choose the area in which we will compete. Do you find this arrangement acceptable?"

She felt sick in the stomach to allow herself to stoop to such a low as to bargain with such a fellow. If she could pray on his overconfidence, however, this might just work in her favor. Regardless of the outcome, she could not afford to loose Sam nor allow Kratos free reign. She had to snuff out this threat before he became even more of a danger than Silus had before him.
Kratos just grinned as the Goddess seemed to give up, in a sense; now she was asking him to determine the field of battle for a challenge. Oh, how she would learn what a mistake that was. And the best part was, he knew she was bound by honor to uphold her word. "Anything I desire, hmmm? Does that really mean.....anything? Or is this another one of your attempts at using vague generalities to try and trick me?" Kratos then asked with a grin, giving her a very obvious hint about where this was going to go. If she honestly couldn't see this coming a mile away, then she was even more blind than he thought. Or perhaps she was wanting him to do this, since that moronic Sam denied her and all.

"But very well, Goddess, I accept your terms. If you win, I will relinquish the hold I have over that moron's smart-mouthed brat. But if I win.....Oh the possibilities. Anything I could possibly want.....Well, to be honest, I'd like to go around just keep fucking the shit out of any hot babe I stumble across. And if you're a good girl, maybe Daddy will show you some love too, Goddess". Before she might have a chance to respond, the devious man just added, "But as for the field of battle......I think I have the perfect thing in mind. A challenge worthy of a pure-hearted deity such as yourself, hehehahaha".

After letting a pronounced pause set in, Kratos then simply said as he raised his hands and arms in a dramatic fashion, "I, Goddess, challenge you to an orgasm-off!" Without warning, something resembling a modern world microphone appeared in his right hand, making his voice ring out that much more, "In this challenge, Goddess, the rules are simple. Whoever brings their partner to the most number of orgasms in a set time-frame, hour.....wins! That's it, me versus you, in a contest of debauchery and utter lust!" He then paused and sidled forward, cupping the Goddess' chin gently, "But in the spirit of good sportsmanship, and to give you a fighting chance, and of course for me to have some fun....I'll only stimulate you with my hands and mouth. That's right, no penetration, no filling your babymaker full of sperm, nothing like that! Otherwise, this would just be too easy!" He then leaned in close and said, "Well, Goddess, what do you say? Do you...accept?" He then placed the bud of the microphone near the Goddess' mouth, awaiting her answer. Where it came from one could only guess.
The Goddess knew well what he would decide on from the start, and perhaps out of a strange sense of self-punishment she allowed him to set the terms of the competition. She doubted he would ever agree to any competition that she arranged anyway, so in this way she felt certain that he would humor her long enough to get a foothold even if he would later rescind on his word later. She was genuinely surprised that he wouldn't use this opportunity to have his way with her, but as his over-confidence was once again placing itself on full display she couldn't say that it was an entirely unexpected move. He had, moreover, unintentionally placed himself squarely within the Goddess' own hands. She wasn't the Goddess of the monster girls simply because she was pretty, after all... Her capacity to bring her partner to orgasm was, for lack of a more fitting term, divine.

"I worded it in such a way to allow you to choose the method of your own fall, since in every capacity I am superior to someone as depraved and self-seeking as yourself," the Goddess granted him a genuine look of disdain, "However distasteful your choice may be for me personally, I will submit to the terms. However, I too will make an effort to level the playing field. You would not possess the capacity to endure for even ten seconds from the direct stimulation of my own body, so I will work without even using either my hands or mouth. You will have your hour."

She stepped back from him and in a brilliant burst of light her white robes simply vanished, standing firm and resolute before her opponent in the nude. She closed her eyes and stepped back once again as her hands and black wings spread forward. Thousands of feathers swirled around Kratos' body as the air around him began to grow thick with holy energy to the point of saturation across the surface of his skin, particularly concentrating around his groin. First a soothing sensation would spread throughout his body, which would build toward an irresistible urge to climax as her holy energy directly stimulated the nerves within him and bathed him in pleasure.
"Oh? You're certainly sure of yourself. I like my women to have some backbone.....But needless to say, you were a fool to agree to this, Goddess. But that's OK; I can always just fuck you senseless after we've had our little competition" Kratos replied with a smirk, his hand casually tossing the microphone aside and having it burst into a small plume of black flame. "You there, blue Oni....Keep a watch on the time. Or don't, because I bet she won't even make me feel a thing!" he then barked at Silvia, but paid her no more mind after that. The mention of her not even using her hands or mouth made him wonder if she was a foot fetishist; not that it bothered him, he could go with that.

"So, who will go....." he started to ask, but the Goddess' sudden disappearance of her clothes made him stop dead. "Judas Priest!" Kratos exclaimed; already the man was drooling over the Goddess' flawless figure. For a holy spirit, her entire form screamed sin. Her luscious curves, the perfect size and shape of her breasts, the way her hair flowed down her back. Already the urge to jump her and just start pounding away at her body was welling up within him; he would hold himself back, though. He would win this.....And then have some fun with her as the cherry on top. He wondered if she'd ever been touched by another man; hell, with a body like that, it would be a crime not to tap that fine ass! Any man would be the largest homosexual in the universe not to be turned on by this!

"So, who's gonna start this......" he tried to ask again, but soon felt the energy from the Goddess start to envelop him, stimulating his most sensitive regions. A pleasant heat was starting to build up in his loins, making his impressive length start to harden almost instantly. "Frisky, are we? Alright then sweetheart, I guess it's only chivalrous to let the lady go first" he said, letting the waves of pleasure wash over him. He could feel her directly attacking his pleasure center, trying with what seemed like earnest fervor to make him reach orgasm. "Damn....Goddess, you hour...." he then groaned out, closing his eyes as he felt his body start to tense up.
"I don't even need an hour to completely wear you down, mortal," she spoke softly, the aura around her growing even more thick with her holy energy.

"First Gate of Heaven," the Goddess's arms suddenly spread out and the feathers suspended in the air swept down and encircled him, the tips pointed inward as they began to slide along his body and delicately brush across his skin in time with a sudden surge of holy energy that she sent pulsing through him, intending not to simply bring him to orgasm within a minute, but also drawing out his release such that the sensation of his peak would linger, eliminating the need for her to start from scratch and build up the pleasure after each orgasm.

She then brought her hands close together, a small sphere of energy materializing between them, and began to draw runic symbols in the air with each movement of her fingertips, her motions forming an intricate, three-dimensional magical formula formed within the sphere. She then gently grasped the sphere and pressed it into his chest, passing through him with ease as if it lacked physical mass at all. Its intention was to hone his senses onto the sensations flowing through him, diverting more of his attention to the pleasure and breaking down any resistance he might have been building up within himself in order to limit the number of times he would succumb. With this accomplished, she began to move on to the second stage of her attack on his senses, giving little time for him to adjust to each layer of pleasure that she intended to lay upon the last.
Kratos felt the pleasure rolling through him as the Goddess intensified her efforts; she sure was eager to get him to cum. He suspected she had a bit of a domme attitude about her, but to think she would do this. Even if it wasn't the most powerful of her techniques, it was certainly enough to make him feel every last bit of her attention. Ironic, since he considered this as her essentially rewarding him for completely fucking over her hero. But hey, if she decided to let the bitch suffer, then it was all the more for him to have fun with. And when he won, he would make the Goddess scream so hard and loud that she wouldn't be able to talk normally for a month.

"Hot fuck.......I can see the pearly gates now" Kratos replied to the vocal utterance that was her spell, feeling the effects of her spell begin to make his body convulse with sheer bliss and erotic pleasure. His manhood stood at attention for the Goddess and the Oni to see should they be looking, its fat tip dripping copious amounts of the clear fluid that predated an impending release. The thick veins that ran along its length could easily pace his strong, ever-increasing heartbeat; he had to admit, she was good. But he was better....Still, it wouldn't hurt to let her think she was winning. She had her tricks.....Well, he had his own.

When the orb of magic passed him into him, he decided to let his resistance break down for the moment else he be driven mad with pleasure; his massive cock stiffened even more before spurting out large hot ropes of thick, sticky seed. Over and over again, his length swelled and contracted visibly, many of the heated threads of cum landing on top of the Goddess' divine mounds, coating her already fair skin in a thick film of white semen, as well as drip down between her cleavage. Some of it would run down to hang off the end of her nipples, dangling heavily from there. Others still streaked across her belly and the frontside of her shapely thighs, but most landed on the ground in front of them. It was certainly more than any normal human could put out; in fact, the amount he released would likely spell death for a common mortal. As he felt her magic begin to rile him back up, his chest heaving from the intensity, he smirked and said, his speech interrupted by heavy puffs of breath, "Come on now......Goddess, I thought you were.....gonna pleasure me......You can do better than that". Of course, what she might not realize is that soon she would be playing right into his little trap.
"Second Gate," the Goddess cut him off just as the words were leaving his lips. She stepped closer to him, circling around him yet not reaching out toward him in any way. Instead, she seemed to be stalking him in a strange sort of way, viewing him from all angles. Just as she turned her back on him, however, a spiritual apparition of herself stood where she had been mere moments before, followed by four others in the same positions that she had been when she had walked around him. They were all identical to herself, minus her distinctive wings, so it was hard to tell them from each other as they reached out and began to run their hands along his body, grasping him and pulling him into an intimate embrace. Of course, her actual body was not actually touching him in any way, but to his senses it would feel as if she were pressed up against him in five different positions at the same time. The first gate was still in full effect, this second layer of pleasure merely building on top of the other. Their hands caressed his massive length, grasping his balls in their hands and gently massaging them as others stroked his shaft and teased his throbbing tip.

Yet, even so, the Goddess was not even halfway finished as she then turned to the third so-called gate of heaven technique. A pulse of refreshing energy flowed through him, fulling restoring his stamina as it would likely be necessary for the next process that she would place on top of the other two. A thin mist began to form around him, the tiny droplets which touched his skin would quickly sink into him and increase the sensitivity of his body ten-fold, multiplying the already intense pleasure that she was pouring into him. It also served to cool and wipe any clinging perspiration from his skin and clean him from his previous release, helping to remove any inhibition that such discomfort might add between releases. She clearly was trying to go all-out and force him to submit to the pleasure she piled on top of him... Yet his own turn remained to be seen, and what possible techniques he might use against her.
Kratos was certainly enjoying himself; as he felt the five apparitions of her divine figure begin to caress his body and manhood, a grin crept across his face. "Such a naughty Goddess......Getting help from your friends like this. Heh, figures.......I'm too much man for one lady to handle after all" he then commented, using this as an opportunity to try and goad the Goddess into pushing harder. "Though I have to admit......I'm flattered you want to please me so much.....Perhaps you'll come to your senses some day and ditch that loser Samuel. I can give you......everything you want.....". His body shivered as her Third Gate of Heaven cooled him down, feeling the pleasurable waves of cold roll up his spine.

What the Goddess might notice is that it was taking considerably longer to bring him to climax the second time around; she still a little over half an hour left to do her thing, but it didn't seem like he was responding as strongly as he was the first time. Though perhaps it was because he had a fair degree of control over himself, even in the face of such intense stimulation from someone like the Goddess herself. "Good lord.....It's a wonder you don't have a husband, Goddess. If this is how you treat your enemy....I'd love to be treated as your lover, hehehahahaha". Still so defiant he was, even as his muscular form writhed in ecstasy.

Eventually, he would lose out once more, sending more spurts of his thick seed erupting out of his cock, some of them landing yet again on the Goddess herself. Even before the wave finished, he felt himself starting to get hard all over again and pulse for yet another orgasm. However, there was now a small amount of flaccidity in his impressively-sized dick, even as her Gates of Heaven drove his senses wild. How this could be true, one could only postulate. He looked over to the hourglass clock that Silvia was keeping; the level of sand showed about twenty-five minutes remaining. "Come on, Goddess.....Surely you can't be out of tricks just yet. Even with these lovely ladies helping you, only twice so far? I color myself disappointed....." He then gave her a fake pouting face, as if to jab at her for failing to do as well as he thought she could.
Only two more Gates remained, such was the extent of her non-physical sexual techniques and yet she had expected him to be much farther along than he was. Only twice? Something had to be off about this man if he hadn't come at least three times that many times. Few men could even survive her first Gate of Heaven without cumming five or six times and simply falling unconscious due to physical exhaustion and lack of semen, and yet he had taken on three out of five of her Gates and had only reached orgasm twice. She knew he is words were merely intended to frustrate her, but she couldn't help but worry slightly that she really had been slipping slightly due to lack of practice...

Clearing her mind, however, she redoubled her efforts, determined to make up her lost ground and force him to cum at least five times. She had never orgasmed more than three times in an hour before, so she felt confident that he, who was unfamiliar with her body, would be unable to accomplish such a feat. If she could make him come five times, her victory was all but assured, in her own mind at least.

"Fourth Gate," she spoke solemnly, as a strong wind began to blow around him and the world seemed to swirl around him while he alone remained still. Her energies flowed into his mind and replayed the growing tension in his chest just prior to his orgasm, adding a mental layer to the physical stimulus that she was already bombarding him with. A thick, fragrant scent filled his nostrils and increased the depths of his breath. It was primarily a strong sexual stimulant and aphrodisiac, somewhat similar to the scent used by Alrune to lure in potential mates. This, however, was the utter perfection of this hormone as with it she could influence his ability to release ever increasing amounts of semen.

"Fifth Gate," the Goddess noted the rapidly approaching end of the hour as she called upon her fifth and final technique to layer upon all the others. Time and space itself started to bend around him as his bits and pieces of his own depraved fantasies began to be foisted upon him, from the distinct texture of a slime girl's body ravaging his cock to the strongly clenching yet soft interior of a lamia. Dozens, hundreds, then thousands of different positions and partners each distinctly unique could be felt. Less skilled men would practically loose their minds under such a technique, as the full extent of the pleasure defied words. If this did not capture him and force him to submit, then she had practically exhausted her current techniques. At that point, she would have to improvise...
Kratos heavily gasped as the Goddess unleashed her Fourth Gate of Heaven, his well-defined chest surging forward and his adrenaline spiking more as he breathed in the deliciously sweet scent. If he were any lesser man, he would have surely been broken long before now. But like the Goddess, he certainly had some tricks up his sleeve, ones which might be considered unfair, but all he agreed to was not using his dick. "Hehehe.......Now I know where those flower bitches get it from......God damn, I love this! Make me harder! Break me, you pathetic skank!" he shouted, letting the energizing depravity of the situation run through him and give him strength. He would certainly get his wish when she unleashed the fifth and final gate on him, feeling a near-infinite number of different sensations wrap around his strongly pulsing, quivering flesh.

"FUCK YEAH!!! That's it, baby!" Kratos bellowed, his body tensing as he came for the third time; thanks to the Goddess' influences, he was practically erupting cum like an active volcano. So much divine stimulation......And yet even before he finished, he felt his body tense up for yet another orgasm. This one he had to fight particularly hard against; he was trying to limit himself to three releases. But he'd somewhat underestimated her ability to bring pleasure to those she chose, worthy or otherwise. "Hehehehahahaha! Yes, Goddess, give into the depravity! Break your enemy! Break me with your pleasure! Come on! More!" the man shouted with increasing fervor; it seemed like he was enjoying this far too much. Enjoyed denying himself pleasure for other reasons besides trying to make himself win.

He then looked over at the hourglass clock; there was but mere moments remaining for the Goddess' turn. And little did she potentially realize that the sperm which had landed on her previously would drastically place the odds of victory in his own favor. "Just minutes to go, Goddess! What will you do? Is this really all the Mother of the Monster Girls has to offer? Here I am, the embodiment of lustful sin and hedonism itself, and yet you can't so much as make cum even five times! You're slipping, oh divine one". Just what was up with this man that even under the most intense stimulation the Goddess could offer without using her body, that he could still be so defiant and crude?
"You really think you have won, with a performance such as that?" the Goddess slid her hand across her body, wiping off thick globs of his seed from off herself as she turned her back toward Kratos, "Do not confuse me with my children, whose tastes have become perverted by the corruption which makes up your entire being. Someone such as yourself does not stand a chance of making me orgasm even once in an hour, let alone three or four times. Although you denied yourself the use of your manhood due to your overconfidence, even if you did use it you would still fail to force a reaction out of me. How exactly you manage to refrain from succumbing to my devices remains a mystery, but I have no desire to allow you to soil me with your depraved seed for any longer than I must tolerate it."

Content with how much she had wiped off of herself, she waited out the rest of the time she had left as the last grains of sand drained out of the top of the hourglass. Just as it did so her Five Gates simply vanished, allowing him to stand back up and move about as he pleased. She kept her gaze fixed away from him, however, as she had no intention of presenting herself to him on a platter. If he wanted to stimulate her to orgasm, he would have to approach her himself and get to work, with his time starting just as soon as he touched or performed any sexual act upon her.

She kept her mind clear and focused. If she could concentrate and remain calm, he wouldn't stand a chance even though her bodily reactions might flare up. Pleasure, like all other forms of energy, could be controlled and it was merely a matter of mind over matter. This man, who saw himself as the embodiment of lust and depravity, shouldn't be able to break through her iron will. She had to emerge victorious, or suffer the loss not only of the possibility of keeping her promise to Sam to free his daughter from Kratos' grasp, but also the purity of her own body which he clearly intended to soil if he claimed victory. She couldn't afford to loose.
When the last of the time faded away and the Goddess' own pleasure techniques wore off, Kratos stood and rolled his neck and shoulders to work the stiffness out of his body. Now it was his turn, and he knew he could make her cum more times and even harder than he had. Her words of defiance only made him chuckle; even now, covered in his manly seed, she still didn't cave. "Such defiance. But that's good, Goddess: Fight me, resist me. In the end, oh divine one, in the end.....You're no better than your perverted children. Lust is the sin that resides in all of us, no matter how much we try to hide it".

He then made his way closer to the Goddess, looking over her divine figure and repressing the urge to just jump her and start pounding. Oh, how she was begging for.....Standing there with her body so delightfully exposed to him like that. He then walked right up next to her, whispering in her ear rather maliciously, "And you, Goddess......No matter how much you try to deny it, no matter how much you try to make me out to be the bad guy......are certainly no exception" With that, he started off his time by giving her a quick slap on her juicy ass, the flesh rippling slightly from the force of the impact and leaving a barely-visible handprint.

He then pressed himself against her back, being mindful of her shoulder blades where her impressive wings sprouted from, and placed his hands close to her undeniably tight pussy. It was here that he began to rub her hips and trail them down to the insides of her thighs, teasing ever closer to the prize that all men inarguably sought from a woman. He then leaned in, letting her feel his warm breath on her ear "I'm gonna make you scream so hard your throat will go raw. And you're going to love every second of it, Goddess"
The Goddess shot him a poisoned glance from the corner of her eye as he approached her, sliding his body in place behind her as he gave her a sexual smack on the rear. he certainly lost no time getting started, yet if he spent too much time merely attempting to tease and humiliate her, he would forsake any chance he had to bring her to her knees. She didn't care if he chose to loose in such a manner, as it rather befit someone of his nature, but it irked her that he believed he had time to waste given that the hourglass had turned just as soon as he touched her. Was there something that he knew that she didn't?

"Don't flatter yourself, Kratos. There is not even the slightest similarity between us, other than the bare fact that we breathe the same air and possess the ambition and desire to rule this world," the Goddess shot back firmly, turning her head slightly toward him in order to ensure that he heard every word, "You would take all women as your sex slaves, selfishly denying any other man the opportunity to enjoy a long and happy life beside a woman who would please and love him. There is more to these women than merely lust, which you seem to be willfully ignorant of, instead lowering them to the status of pleasure toys for your own personal use. There is nothing more despicable than a man who objectifies women in such a fashion."

"You would be king of all this world, yet you will be unable to capture the hearts and mind of my subjects without first capturing my own. One man in his meager life span cannot undo generations of worship and adoration of a single being. If you believe that by merely taking me or in the off-chance that you might actually succeed in making me reach the peak of pleasure within an hour, you would therefore capture my affections you would be severely mistaken. I'm not some simple monster girl who craves any man's embrace," she scoffed at him, her wings slightly stirring to show her growing irritation. She seemed to be using their conversation to her own advantage, as her body showed no signs of becoming aroused by his actions...
"Hehe, oh you can read me so well" Kratos simply replied to her statements, feeling no shame in admitting that what she said was true. Yeah, he wanted them all; it was all they were good for. To serve and worship the one who could sexually dominate them. Mortal men had what they called their "little black book" with the numbers of women, he would have an entire library floor-to-ceiling, wall-to-wall. "Just imagine this, though, Goddess; I may be despicable. I may be the lowest form of life on the planet, but guess what......All I am is a persona. I was derived from the sensations your so-called "hero" felt deep inside, that all men feel inside".

He then paused in his motions, reaching down and scooping up some of the cum she'd recently wiped off herself. One handful went to her bountiful chest, his thick fingers massaging it into her skin, making her orbs glisten and feel more slippery. She would soon feel a slight warmth spread through her chest, the cum working to sensitize the nerve endings of wherever it was applied. "So, my sexy little angel, you're not fooling anyone with your "holier-than-thou" façade. You claim not to crave the embrace of a man......And yet before you even came here, you tried to put the moves on the very man I was born from. So tell me, Goddess, who's more despicable? Who's letting the one who holds your hero's daughter hostage play with her body and get his jollies?"

The other glob was spread on her womanhood, the thick fluid being rubbed into her delicate folds and around her pussy, some of it dripping to coat the insides of her thighs. All at once, the sperm disappeared into nothing more than a thin slick film, but the heightened sensitivity did not. "I, at least, am honest with myself. And yet here you are, letting these "dirty hands" of mine touch your pure body. Is it because the one you wanted companionship from scorned you? Denied you what it was you sought most? Isn't that why your "kiss" was about to go to something.....more?" At this he applied more pressure to her slippery breasts, his hands working around her areola until the fingers would close on the nipples. "I can give you what you want, Goddess. What your body truly desires.....All you have to concede. Concede and I'll make the loneliness go away" he then growled in her ear, gently kissing the nape of her neck in addition.
"Humans are dual beings by nature, possessing both some of the most depraved of thoughts but also some of the most noble of intentions and desires. When you separate the corruption from the ability to restrain said depravity, you are the product... A being without the slightest amount of self-restraint or conscience," the Goddess snapped back, "You are wrong to assume that I crave the embrace of just any man... My heart belongs to those whom I deem worthy. I am demeaning myself in such a manner as to allow you to taste of my body for one reason, and one reason alone, to keep my promise to Sam and return his daughter to him."

His rough hands roamed across her body, rubbing his semen into her soft, ivory skin as his actions caused her body to flinch slightly. Normally, his touches would not have even caused her to become the least bit aroused but the increased sensitivity of her skin as he massaged his semen into her body like thick lotion caused sparks of unwanted pleasure to begin to creep into her consciousness. Other than a slight tensing up in her body, however, she showed no sign of the mental struggle that had already begun. He molded her soft mounds in his hands, fingertips stimulating her but conspicuously avoiding the slightly hardening peaks. His touches weren't sufficient to draw moans out of her just yet, but it was frustrating how confidently he was working her body.

"You can't make my loneliness vanish... You can only plunge me further into despair and anguish if I were to submit. I am not yours to use as you will, and even if you were to violate me your seed would do nothing to me, for I will only bear the child of the one I choose," the Goddess huffed, "Besides, you've hardly even warmed me up and well over five minutes have already passed. Are you sure you're alright, Kratos?"
Kratos couldn't help but chuckle at the Goddess' words; she was so far into her denial that she couldn't even see it. "Oh, Goddess, you and your antiquated sense of morality. But I suppose it doesn't matter much to me; my pleasure is getting to play with this magnificent body of yours" he replied to her words with a grin. Try as she like to resist, he was confident he could bring her to orgasm more than three times......And many more times after that, if she was good.

The extremely subtle twitches of the Goddess' body did not go unnoticed; a smirk crept across his face as he pressed himself more firmly against her body, letting his reinvigorated stiffness rest between the plushy cheeks of her bottom. Its length throbbed as it was sandwiched between their bodies, letting the deity feeling its heat wash over the contacting portions of her exposed skin. "Oh, I'm more than alright, Goddess; what you don't seem to get is that no matter what you do, I hold all the cards. I've got your little object of affection hanging by a thread, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it".

At this two more arms seemed to sprout from his body, vigorously rubbing at her sensitive womanhood while his main hands continued to fondle her orbs, the fingers mercilessly the nipples and using the increasing hardness to his own advantage. "Tell me, Goddess, was the reason you threw yourself at Sam to tell him that he was worthy of your heart? That you wanted him to give you a child? How did it feel to be rejected? To be cast aside for another woman? As much as Sam claims to love everyone he's come into contact with......I can tell you he's not sincere. If he gets Rachel back, that means you lose a lover. Again, Goddess. Can your poor heart handle that kind of pain?" He then whispered again after suckling on the nape of her neck, "Your body is the truth-teller, Goddess, even as your mind spews out lies. I can give you what Sam won't.......What you REALLY want, no matter how much you try to deny it".
"No, you're wrong... I already suspected that he would reject my advances before I even attempted to, but I gave in to my emotions and attempted to draw him in anyway. I have been denied happiness for so long that I hardly remember what it is like anymore, but giving in to you will not only cast away any hope I have to save Sam's daughter as I promised to but would also reject any possibility of happiness in my future and that of my children. My subjects are my children, and I don't need a biological child of my own to hold and cherish for me to be happy... Least of all born from someone as degenerate and vile as yourself!" the Goddess was starting to loose her cool as she snapped back at him in a particularly pointed manner as he had (intentionally or unintentionally) struck a cord within her. She truly did crave a child of her own, one who would look like herself, hold in her arms, and call her own. She had seen countless children be born, and the pleasure and happiness that their parents received from raising them. The Goddess had even personally come to bless them and hand taken them up into her fair arms and kissed their foreheads as a symbol of her protection and care, but it was different from having her own daughter to love.

At times she would spend long hours fantasizing about her lovely daughter making dandelion chains and running in the fields of royal lilies in her little white dress, her bare feet dancing among the spring blossoms and smiling back at her, beckoning her mother to join in with the joy of the moment. She could practically see her soft, round face and full, innocent smile. Her long black hair would flow with the wind, her small wings spreading out as she extended her arms like a second pair of arms and ran into the wind, pretending she could fly. Yet, all at once she would realize that such a dream was not to be, for she was still alone and without a lover to give her such a blessing.

His hands which grasped at her breasts and insistently rubbed at her sensitive womanhood added to her growing frustration as her body started to react more readily to his stimulation. She began to twist her shoulders and hips as body's temperature raised and slightly flushed her cheeks, her throat tightening as she fought against the desire to moan. His fingers pinched and squeezed the tips of her soft breasts causing them to stiffen, and his other pair of hands started to grow damp with sweet, divine nectar which flowed from the loosening within her flower. Her body did, indeed, crave the seed of a male although her mind was yet unwilling to accept his child, "You wouldn't' understand the pain of rejection or the love of a woman, because you don't care about either of those. You view women as objects for your personal use, and you admit as much. Don't pretend to care, because I know you don't, Kratos. You only answer to the calling between your legs!"
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