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Somewhere in the world (Candira and runawayninja)

He nodded slowly. "I don't think I could leave your side unless I was ordered to...and then it would be...more than I could bear." He mustered the strength to look her in the eyes when she looked into his. "I...I don't know if its love, but I don't want to leave you. I can't imagine life without you in it. I don't want make me a better person. You are above duty and honor, above everything else in my life..."
At that, she started tearing up. It was everything she'd ever wanted to hear from him. Well, aside from three little words, but she could do without those after all he'd just said to her. Nora couldn't remember the last time she'd been so happy. Gently her fingers ran through his hair and she hugged him tightly to her.

"Then promise me you'll stay with me as long as you can. And I'll promise the same to you," she said softly, holding him close and taking in the scent of him, the way it felt to be exactly where she was at this point in time. Maybe they didn't love each other quite yet--but the beginning was there. And she wouldn't pass up the opportunity so easily. Not after her conversation with Rafe. She could only hope that Lionel was willing to fight for her in more ways than one.
"I promise Nora...I don't want to leave you...Nora..." He whispered softly, leaning close to her. "I love you...I...didn't think...I wasn't sure. I didn't think I'd have the strength to tell you that." He looked into her eyes, his own becoming watery and misty. "Nora...I...I want my life to entwined with yours..."
She blushed softly, smiling through the tears as he came close to her. She looked back into his blue eyes and gently kissed his lips, just brushing lightly against his lips. "I love you too. And I will do everything to make sure we never have to part. I don't want to lose you. I'm so happy you told me..."

Chuckling softly she ran her fingers through his hair, just enjoying being close to him and knowing, once and for all, how he really felt about her. She held him to her and leaned into him, just wanting him to hold her. "I love you, Lionel."
Lionel kissed her lips softly and then he embraced her, holding her close to him. He didn't do anything more than then hold her for the longest time, letting the quiet moment say all he needed to say. He felt closer to her than even before, not just physically, but as if he could reach into her and touch her mind and soul. He felt her vulnerability for saying what she had said to him and he loved her for getting the strength to do so. He wanted to treat her feelings as carefully as he could, to protect and guard them with his own heart.
She blushed softly as he kissed her and then just snuggled into his arms, content in the moment to just be there. They'd been through so much together. Rafe was right--holding back and living in denial would have been torture. And all for nothing. Now, Nora had the man she loved and she was willing to do whatever it took to stand by him. She closed her eyes and smiled softly, quietly humming the song from that day in the garden so long ago.
That brought a soft smile to Lionel's face. A smile like Nora hadn't seen before. One of pleasant memories and heartfelt happiness. He tightened his hold on her a bit before he spoke softly to her. "So, my little dryad..." He looked down at her. "Do you think your family will let us be together...?"
She looked up at him as he squeezed her, only stopping the song when he called her a dryad. Her eyes sparkled and she smiled at him, putting her hands on either side of her face. "I think they will. My father loves you, and my brother respects you. And I love you, so you know, there's that." She smiled and kissed his lips softly.
He smiled softly and nodded slowly. "Of course. I'm just used to thinking ahead and I didn't want this moment to end...ever." He kissed her cheek softly and looked at her. "Do you want to head back to the party?"
She thought about going back to the party. It might be a good idea--if for no other reason than to get some food in her stomach. But that meant she would have to share Lionel with people at the party and she wasn't looking forward to that at the moment. The more she thought about it, the less she wanted to move from this spot.

"Well, maybe we can make an appearance, but I don't want to stay you?" She would go if he really wanted. But she also just wanted to be alone with him.
He shook his head slowly and smirked wryly. "I didn't really want to go back there either." He put an arm around her and slowly walked with her down the hall. " you get the feeling that the other two were plotting against us? I mean...I don't mind the result at all but...I just don't like plotting going on without me knowing about it..."
Nora grinned as he told her he didn't want to go back. She enjoyed her arm around her as they walked along. She put her arm around his waist as well. His question made her wonder. It hadn't seemed planned at all. Then again, things had gone a little too smoothly... "Well, I suppose they could have. Like you said, you can't argue with the results, but I guess it's never nice to think that other people think they know what you need more than you. I guess in this case, though, they really did." She leaned against him and unconsciously walked toward the garden with him. "We'll get them back somehow," she said with a little laugh.
He gave a slight, soft laugh, as though he weren't used to the notion in public. "I've never heard or seen such a devious side of you in public, Nora...its...a little pleasant hearing you talk like that in a dark and humorous way." He slowly sat on one of the stone benches, looking at her. "I treasure that memory in the is one of my favorites and best memories. For a while...I thought it may have been a dream."
She chuckled at his surprise and wondered for a moment just how perfect he'd thought she was. Apparently they still had plenty to learn about each other. She sat with him on the stone bench and held his hand as he told her about his memory. Blushing she tilted her head. "Really? I wish I had known you were there. It would be a nice memory to share," she said with a chuckle. "What else do you remember?"
He looked at her and smiled softly. "I remember...let's see..." He put a finger to his chin. "I remember seeing you at dinner that evening. It was the first time I had eaten at the palace and I got to practice the strict manners I had been trained to show when I was a squire under my father's brother." Lionel looked at her and smiled. "I saw you and your brother there. David looked bored. You looked a little nervous."
Nora chuckled at his description. "I remember the little dinners like that. I was super nervous. But David was pretty much used to it by then. Not many stimulating conversations for children," she said with a chuckle. "I remember seeing you at a few of those," she said with a grin. "You were a cute kid. I remember wanting to talk to you, but I was afraid to move unless it was to eat," she said with a laugh. "I still get nervous at big dinners. But it's good to know that I can keep it in check at least a little." She leaned up and kissed his cheek.

"I remember you had the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen..."
Lionel had on the lightest blush at that comment. "Th-thanks...I remember you being very pretty...I kinda thought princesses were supposed to be pretty, but you were especially so." He smiled a bit. "The palace was very large and grand, I got lost wandering through it helped me out, that was the first time we talked...I remember feeling as if I might have been doing something I shouldn't have because my family told me to treat the royals with extreme respect and to be courteous."
"That's so sweet of you to say. It seems like I always help you find your way." She hugged him and leaned against him. "I wish more people would have talked to me like you did. It's not like you were rude. You were just lost. I definitely remember talking to you. I remember thinking you were really sweet then too." She sighed happily and squeezed his hand.
He nodded slowly. "I think people are just intimidated by your position. I was. But if you want me to talk to you, I'll talk to you everyday...all the time. I'll make sure you're not alone ever. My words are your words, my lands will be your lands." He kissed her cheek very softly and then he kissed her lips warmly and with a restrained passion.
She smiled at him as he vowed to do more talking. Chuckling, she let him kiss her cheek, feeling incredibly special. When he kissed her lips, she just about melted. She closed her eyes and kissed him back, enjoying the affection. After a long, lingering moment, she broke the kiss and smiled at him. She cupped his face and smiled.

"I'm so glad you would do that for me. I really do want to talk to you. Every day. But you don't have to talk all the time," she said with a smile. "But I want you to have something too. Tell me something you always wanted...something I can give you."
Lionel gave her a soft smile. "You already have...I have a princess...a knight should have a fair lady to fight for...I have my little dryad and that's all I've desired. That and..." He shrugged a bit. "Well I honestly can't think of anything else, but if I do I'll let you know." Lionel looked at her and gave a soft laugh. "What if it's something bad? Or something you can't give me...?"
She laughed and put her arms around him, hugging him. "You're sweet, Lionel." She smiled and took his hand. "If it's something bad, I'll deal with it. And if I can't give it to you...I'll find a way to give it to you." She kissed his lips softly and hugged him close. "But what is something you've always wanted to hear from me? Or see with me? Or do with me? I want to give you another memory."
Lionel thought about it for a long moment, before he looked at her. He stood from the seat and then slowly guided her to standing and moved her amidst the flowers. He then walked off from the garden, only to sneak back in and make like he was spying on her, watching her from secret.
She blinked in surprise, standing with Lionel. She walked with him to the flowers and stood there, watching as he walked away. She opened her mouth to speak, only to close it and smile brightly when she realized what he was doing. No one had ever made such an impossibly sweet gesture before. Grinning, Nora turned her attention to the flowers just as he snuck back in. And with that she began to sing the song from that day so long ago--one of her favorites.

She reached out to a few flowers and smelled them from time to time. This time, would Lionel come and talk to her? Or would it be the same as that day so long ago. She turned and started to look at other flowers in the garden, still singing with a smile on her face.
Lionel watched her for a while, listening to the song before he slowly approached her. He moved from behind her before he came up silently, slowly and softly placing his hands on her shoulders. "I've caught a dryad..." He said softly. "What is your name...? Please don't run, I mean you no harm..."
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