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The Cat's Meow Brothel (Please read the rules in the first post before continuing!)

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RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Of course. You know, if you've a favorite, I can tip off our staff and have something waiting for you next time you come. Feel free to let me know what you think of it all," she said, smiling. Then, she went off to fetch him the pie he wanted. She came back with a plate of the most delicious looking piece of cherry pie they had with a fork for him as well.

"There you are. I'm sorry, I haven't asked for your name. What shall I call you?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Inclining his head, all the strange man did was smile and remain silent, stowing away Kelly's offer. It wouldn't be the first time this strange, devil-tailed man had special orders of lemon pie awaiting his return at certain establishments. Why, the thought of having the dessert waiting for him here brought the most infectious of smiles to his face, a mirthful chuckle escaping his lips as Kelly departed to fetch him some food.

When she returned with a pie and fork, the strange man wrung his hands together in evident pleasure, his face taking on the optimistic flare similar to that of a kid in a candy shop. It looked quite odd, really, on his handsome albeit rugged and aged face. "Much obliged, mein fraulein," he replied, sliding his chair closer to the table.

But before he could eat, Kelly presented a query that he knew was imminent. Unfortunately for Kelly, this strange man had no desire to impart his true name unto her, finding it much too valuable to part with so easily -- even if she did get him pie. Placing his elbows on his table and interlocking his fingers, the strange man smiled a charmingly deceptive smile and tilted his head, giving himself a more attractive, boyish appearance.

"Name?" He responded with a slight edge to his voice. "Tell me, Kelly: What's your favorite name in all the world?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

The man before her was, indeed strange. It was nice to see him so happy about the pie, but he had a curious expression on his face when he turned to face her next. He had a bit of a bite to his voice that she wasn't sure she deserved as he asked her what name she liked best in the world.

"Me? Well, I'm not sure now that you ask. I guess I don't think about it all that often. Hmmm, I like Jack. What do you think?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Candira said:
The man before her was, indeed strange. It was nice to see him so happy about the pie, but he had a curious expression on his face when he turned to face her next. He had a bit of a bite to his voice that she wasn't sure she deserved as he asked her what name she liked best in the world.

"Me? Well, I'm not sure now that you ask. I guess I don't think about it all that often. Hmmm, I like Jack. What do you think?"

"What a coincidence," the strange man replied, eyebrows arching. "My name just so happens to be Jack. It's an absolute pleasure to meet you, dearest Kelly." Laughing for some unknown reason under his breath, Jack took his fork and carved himself a piece of the cherry pie set before him, the metal of his fork scraping against the porcelain dish with his deft maneuvers of his hand.

And while Jack carved and moved a small morsel of the cherry pie to his lips, he would manipulate the leathery-hide of his tail to the legs of the chair beside him, sliding it out. In between chews, Jack gestured with his free hand for Kelly, obliging her to sit beside him.

Swallowing, the man turned his head, licking his lips. "Fantastic," he'd murmur with genuine fondness for both the pie and the woman. "Simply divine. Please, sit. How long have you been working here, my dear?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

She was quite skeptical about the idea of him actually being named Jack, but she shrugged it off. After all, who was she to question him if he didn't want to give his name. He wasn't doing any harm. And he had complimented the pie. How bad could he be?

"It's lovely to meet you, Jack." She smiled and took a seat next to him as his tail pulled the chair out. His next question was one that she didn't often hear. Most people didn't care about how long she'd been there. More cared about her rates.

"Since near the beginning of the establishment, I suppose. I was quite close to Shadow, so he made me the mistress here. He trusted me a great deal." She smiled and tilted her head at the man she was at the table with. "And how long have you been sitting here?" She teased.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Curling his tail by his side and rolling his shoulders, Jack moved his chair closer to the table and reacquainted himself with his cherry pie, listening to Kelly describe her tenure and the specifics there-of in the brothel. Nodding every so often as he chewed, Jack set his fork down and wiped the edge of his mouth before turning his head, looking at Kelly with a mild furrow of his brow.

"And where is the proprietor of this place, hm? This Shadow?" That same hand worked its way down to his jaw to rub the fine hairs growing along his chin.

Chuckling, Jack shook his head at her tease before turning back to his pie, taking up his fork once more to play with his food. "Oh, I've been sitting here long enough, I suppose. Just me and ol'Jack right there." He gestured to his half-filled glass of whiskey with the points of his fork before carving himself another piece of his pie. "I like you, Kelly," he'd say before eating a small morsel. "Very friendly girl."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Shadow is dead," Kelly said, her voice empty for a moment. It was still a very fresh loss, and having to admit reality took her breath away for a moment but she kept her cool. "So I'm the proprietor now." She replaced the smile and quickly shook off the sadness.

"I'm glad you approve of me, Jack. It's always good to know." She smiled and leaned on her hand, watching him devour the pie.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

A shadow passed over Jack's face in response to Kelly's words. It was not his intent to rub at already sore wounds, and thus he looked away out of respect, his pie no longer as appetizing as it used to be. Clearing his throat and reaching into his shirt pocket, Jack pulled out a handkerchief and laid it over his half-eaten cherry pie, signaling that he was done with it before pushing the plate away.

"So--" Sighing, Jack trailed off. Bringing up a dead person was a sure way to kill a conversation. "Mm, do you happen to have beds for the evening? I'm tired, and I must be boring you with my endless array of questions."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly was grateful that he didn't apologize or dwell on anything. Just moving on. She did hope she hadn't ruined his pie though. "Of course, Jack. And will you be requesting any services from our escorts tonight?" She asked, standing. "If you'll follow me, I'll get you all set up."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Cherish walked inside the Brothel, her lavender eyes searching around.The loud music was bumping hard in her ear drum.She managed to ditch her guards for the moment, since she needed the time for herself and by herself, she meant a little private fuck in another club.She loved her club of course, but she loved checking other clubs, basicly, checking the competition.She heard this Brothel was really booming and it was true.She wlaked forward, zig zagging between the crowd, not wanting to get touched. She wondered where she could find a person or group od people who were willing to show her a good time.Maybe, if she found the owner or owners of this Brothel, a little business and cooperation can be arranged.Club Blood Cherish had barely been established, so a few alies wouldn't hurt.

Cherish slipped herself on a bar stool and tapped the counter.The barkeep strolled over, cleaning a glass.

"What can I get for you?"He asked, eyeing her.

She smiled and licked her lips."Hmmm...Bloody Mary.Double the Scotch if you will."She said and smiled when he nodded.

She turned around, legs crossed, elbows placed on the counter behind her and her eyes roamed over the crowd, looking out for a potential someone.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Atreides lay in his bed, staring at the ceiling, mulling over what had happened. The doctor that had been assigned to him had reset his shoulder and took care of his wounds, but neither his shoulder, nor the burns hurt anymore. It was scratchy though, and the young Nekomata couldn't help but poke and prod at his wounds, until he had enough.

Quickly standing up, Atreides began removing the bandages as quickly as possible. He took off the the sling and tossed it against a wall before he rapidly removed the gauze. The bandages lay in a pile on the floor, only barely stained with the blood of the young adventurer. Atreides swung his arm about. It felt as good as new. The only thing left from Trygon's blessing- or curse, some would say- were superficial scars from the talons biting into his arm and very faint outlines of where the burns had reduced all of the dermal layers to ash.

Trygon's mark was still there, on the back of Atreides' left hand. Good thing his left arm was still good. He was left handed.

"Ugh... Sooo hungry." Atreides groaned, putting his palms to his stomach.

Somehow, the outfit this boyish Nekomata wore felt weird. He looked down to notice that the left arm of his outfit was completely ruined.

"Awwww! Damn it! My favorite outfit..." grumbling and disappointment escaped Atreides' lips.

With a sigh, the young adventurer tore the rest of the sleeve off at the stitching and tossed it into the pile of bandages, revealing a well toned arm. His outfit looked strange, but Atreides left it as it was. He'd definitely need to buy something more durable soon. Out the door and down the stairs he went, looking for his unfinished meal. He took a seat at the bar, keeping his space away the other patrons. He figured it would be good to wait for Kelly, rather than bother her whilst she was with a client capable of payment.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

It was just then that Lorie returned, looking rather pleased with herself. She grinned and stretched a bit before making her way to the bar. She noticed Atreides there and wondered how things had turned out. And where was Shadow? She caught sight of the new scroll and gasped. If Kelly was in charge, that meant that Shadow was dead. She looked around for her friend and her heart fell a bit as she saw the beautiful woman talking to the strange man at the table.

Even after something like that, she was still going. She smiled softly and then turned her attention to the neko at the bar. "Hello Trey. Oh...what happened to you?" she asked, taking the seat next to him.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Walking down a few minutes behind Lorie, seeming far more at ease than he had been when they had left the room the last time anyone had seen them. Giving a stretch and offering slight smiles and nods in greeting to some patrons and escorts, he paused as he noticed the posting, reading it and frowning. It definitely put a damper on a good mood. He looked toward Kelly, a bit of concern on his face, then to Lorie to see she was attending to Trey, glad to see the young Neko had decided to stay a bit.

He found it hard to really mourn for the previous owner, though part of him did feel bad, but Shadow wasn't the kind of guy that would want people crying over him, so he would carry on as usual. Catching Kelly as she moved to show the new customer to wherever they were heading, he looked to her for a moment as he held onto her arm. "I'll help you run things. It's the least I can do." Giving a simple nod, there wasn't really much more to say, so he didn't, instead letting her go about her business.

Passing by Lorie, he reached up and gave her arm a gentle squeeze and offered Trey a slight, respectful nod before moving to sit by Cherish at the bar. Looking to the tender, he pursed his lips. "Just give me a bottle. It's gonna be a long night," he remarked as the man got the bottle he asked for. Opening the liquor, he raised it to his lips to take a sip, savoring the burn before looking to the woman next to him. "Hi, welcome to the Cat's Meow. What can I do for you since everyone else seems kind of busy?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Cherish turned, eyed the man.A brow raised, her eyes scanning him.He looked delectable, and she felt as if he was a person one shouldn't mess with.He even smelled older...older than her.She smiled, looking at his lips, moist from the drink he took."You can do alot of things to me, lovely."she said in a sultry tone, her tongue licking her lips sentually."May I ask who the owner of this establishment is.I like how the place looks.Very.....hmmm..whats the word.Relaxing. Maybe the owned should hit up my place."she smirked and turned, snatching the bottle from him."The names Cherish love.And I was looking for a bit of fun tonight, since I haven't had any in quite a while.The last guy who kept me entertained lots all his fingers-."She pressed the rim of the bottle to her lips and smiled"-literally."She said and took a swig, feeling the burn of the liquor as it ran down her throat, filling her tummy.She pulled the bottle back and placed it on the counter next to his hand.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Bold one aren't ya?" Eli smirked as he grabbed the bottle from the bar and took another long pull from it before passing it back to the woman, somewhat intrigued now. "I'm afraid the owner is...gone. So now it's fallen on his...lover I guess she was...and me to sort of take over running the show." Giving a shrug, he leaned back against the bar and rested his elbows on top.

"She'll be handling the administrative end of things. I prefer to just keep making sure the place stays secure." He glanced to the door where he had some of his people working on getting it fixed and set back into place after the recent events, then turned to her once more.

"But I suppose I'd be one of the people you want to talk to." He was trying to maintain a bit of professionalism, though the woman's flirting made it somewhat difficult. He didn't seem to mind so much though, even giving a slightly crooked grin, amused if not flattered by her straightforward mannerism.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly stopped for a moment as Eli held her arm and she nodded in response, smiling softly, though it was clear that she was still sad. She put the smile back on her face and led "Jack" to the register where she intended to book him a room for the night. She saw him flirting with the woman at the bar and felt a little tiny pang of jealousy, though she wasn't sure if she was jealous because she was flirting with Eli or if it was because he could flirt and she didn't have it in her to do it consciously.

Lorie caught him as well and chuckled. He seemed like he'd been pretty satisfied when she left him. Perhaps he was insatiable though. Oh well. She hoped, however, that she would continue to be special in his eyes. It was nice to know that she'd given him quite a night.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

With Lorie returning to greet him, Atreides finally had a familiar face to talk to. Raising his left hand, the young adventurer showed Lorie the brand Trygon had given him. The mark was in the shape of a black dragon's wing. It's darkness was near pitch, and it almost seemed like there was nothing under the mark, like it was a portal to the void.

"The Black Dragon God Trygon branded me with this." A slight depressed tone spiced his voice. "And now... I don't know. I've just condemned any children I will have to serving Him. So long as a person bears my blood, this mark will follow them... Can't say I saw that coming."

Atreides' lips drew into a slight smile at his last sentence.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Lorie's eyes widened. "Well, you leave for one night and suddenly the world has changed. Jeez I've missed a lot of stuff." She squeezed his shoulder, though and smiled. "Hey, don't worry. There's something to be said for being a disciple of the dragon god. Even if your family has to serve him, you'll always be well taken care of." She smiled and gave him a little hug. "Mmm, I'm hungry. Want something to eat, hun?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Atreides hoped that Lorie wasn't wrong. Trygon embodied Cruelty, so he wasn't expecting much mercy, or even sliver of compassion. The night was also young, but the dreams Trygon had warned Atreides of weren't far off.

The young Nekomata hadn't been able to finish his food due to the... issue he had with the owner, so he was definitely in need of a meal.

"I didn't get to finish my first meal, so yeah, my tummy has the rumblies." Atreides said with a slight smile, his ears preening. "Is it okay for me to eat?"
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Lorie smiled. "Sure. Let's get something big and split it kay? Go ahead and pick something off the menu, Trey. I'll take care of it. But if you're not careful, you'll owe me a little more than advertising," she said with a little wink. Then she walked around to the other side of the bar and waited for him.

Kelly smiled and made the arrangements for Jack's room for him handing him the key before she walked to the bar and made herself a strong drink.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Atreides tried to shake off the slight blush he had obtained from Lorie's innuendo, whilst simultaneously trying to think of what he wanted to eat. In the end, he couldn't decide.

"I don't mind. Whatever you're willing to share would be good." The young Nekomata said with a genuine smile.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"Ohh, good. I've been craving the dynamite shrimp and some artichoke dip." It was an easy order to fill, inexpensive, and large enough to feed them both. She sent the order back and gave a wink to the staff to get them to speed up the order a bit. She returned just as Kelly was making herself a brandy and mr pibb.

"Hey, how are you feeling, Trey?" The pretty new owner asked him. "Still hanging in there?"

Lorie found it a little ironic that Kelly was trying to be a shoulder to cry on when she was probably the one who needed it, but said nothing.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

"I like the sound of that." Atreides said before noticing Kelly's appearance at the bar.

Kelly's question seemed strange to the young adventurer. She was concerned about his well-being, even though her lover had just died. He felt it was his duty to comfort her in this terrible aftermath.

"Besides knowing that any offspring I produce will be permanently indentured servants to the Black Dragon God Trygon, who embodies Cruelty, I'm okay." Atreides said a bit quickly. "But I'm more worried about you. Is there anything I can do to help?"

The young Nekomata put his hand on the distraught mistress' shoulder, trying to show his concern.
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Kelly blinked, not really expecting either of his responses and shook her head. "Even if Trygon does embody cruelty, you'll have respect and honor from the rest of us here, Trey. If your master treats you badly, well...there's not much I can do but make sure you're comfortable here."

She leaned her cheek against his hand and watched him. "I'm afraid there's not much you can do for me at the moment, love. Bring in customers, is all I can really ask. I don't really want to think of it while I have to keep my professional face on, though." She smiled softly and then let him go, taking a sip of her new drink.

Just then, Lorie was hailed from the kitchen staff: her food was ready. She went and got it, setting it down before the three of them, offering Kelly some as well. The redhead had a chip loaded with the artichoke and spinach dip, pleased with the taste. "Mmm, just what I needed. Well, if you kids need me, just holler, kay?"

Then she wandered off, checking along the bar if anyone needed their drink freshened up a bit.

Lorie sighed. "Poor thing. I can tell it's eating her up...but she's got her own process. Not much we can do but be there for her while she deals with it." She took a piece of shrimp on one of the forks she'd brought with her and smiled at the taste. "Mmm, at least she's got good food."
RE: The Cat's Meow Brothel *delicious plot and yummy smut*

Eli turned his attention from the woman he had been talking to for a moment, his eyes meeting Lorie's briefly and giving her a warm smile. His gaze lingered on her for a bit, as if sharing something with her that only they knew before finally winking at her and turning to talk to Kelly as she straightened the bar a bit. "Hey, how are ya holdin' up?"

The concern in his voice was quite obvious, and his face showed the same emotion as he reached a hand over the bar to take hers briefly, giving it a squeeze. "Hey, just stop for a moment and talk to me, okay?" He turned in his seat so he could face her more fully across the counter now. "Just come sit and talk with me for a minute. Everyone needs someone to listen to them sometimes."
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