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She took a sip of the wine, feeling her buzz rise a little bit more. She seemed, now that she was a little bit out of her mind, to be thinking of more and more things to ask him. "You don't seem like much of a master to me," she blurted out boldly. He had told her that she had to stay with him forever, and yet he wasn't doing anything to make her stay. He hadn't even asserted his ownership of her.
"Well, I'm trying to show you that I'm a kind and caring master, instead of being a cruel and abusive master like you may've gotten if your parents sold you." Michael said as he took another sip of his wine. He was much more tolerant of alcohol than Emily probably was.
Emily wasn't a big drinker, and so this wine was affecting her quickly. She shrugged at him, "That doesn't mean I'm going to want to give up anything to you," she said, her speech slurring just slightly. She had finished her steak and didn't have anything to do except sit here and drink more wine, which she didn't think she should do, but was pretty sure she would do it anyway.
Michael had finished his steak not very long after Emily did. "I understand. Say, are you getting drunk?" Michael asked as he noticed her speech was a little slurred. If she wanted to continue drinking the wine, he wouldn't stop her unless she was falling all over herself.
She furrowed her brows and her ears flattened, "Drunk? What? No. Of course not," she set the half-empty wine glass down and shook her head. That made her feel a teeny bit dizzy. "Woah..." she blinked her eyes a few times. "No, I'm not drunk." she paused, what was she going to do now? She couldn't sit here any longer.
"You're drunk alright. Here, I'll help you to a room." Michael said as he grabbed her hand and helped her to her feet. "Don't try to walk on your own, you'll just fall over."
She pulled her hand away from him, "I'm not that drunk." she said bitterly, putting a hand on the back of the chair as she stood. Her tail swished a little in annoyance. She began to walk forward, teetering a little, but managing to walk mostly straight. "But I don't know where to go," she said, a little confused.
"Alright, I'll help you to a room. Would you like sleep in my room or your own room?" Michael asked as he stood by her side, ready to catch her should she fall over. Michael was worried about her safty when she began to climb the stairs.
She walked up the stairs sloppily, but luckily without tripping over herself. "Why would I want to be in the same room as you?" she snapped, making it to the top of the stairs. She looked around, not recognizing anything, because obviously, she'd never been up the stairs before. It was still her first day in the estate.
"I was just offering. That's all." Michael said as he walked with her to one of the room's next to his. He didn't tell her his room was next to her's though. "Here's your room. It may be a little dusty, but otherwise it's in good condition." He said as opened the door for her.
"Kay, thanks." she mumbled, walking into the room. She looked around it, it was more opulent then any room she'd ever dreamt of sleeping in. The bed was high and looked amazingly soft. The sheets were silk, the chairs were cushioned, the mirror was gold plated. She was in awe of it, even in her drunken state. She stumbled over to the bed, crawled up on it, and let her face sink into a pillow. She curled up, her tail wrapping itself around her leg.
Once Emily was in her room, Michael walked into his room and towards his bed. The steak was cooked perfectly and the wine was divine, so he didn't need to make any notes for his staff to work on.
Emily fell asleep quickly. She preferred to be on top of covers anyway, as they felt nice on her fur and she was always too hot underneath them. Her body temperature was higher than that of humans, so she only went under the covers when she absolutely had to. She slept deeply and for a long time, the bed was more comfortable than any she'd be in before.
When morning came, Michael woke up and began to stretch out for the day's activites. After stretching, Michael got out of bed and walked towards his bathroom and began to care for his personal hygine.
Emily slept on when the morning came, time was really of no matter to her when she slept. She didn't have an internal clock like humans did. She slept until she was done sleeping, and then stayed awake until she needed to sleep again. Times were useless to her, she only obeyed them when she needed to work.
When Michael left his room, he walked next door to see if Emily was awake. He opened the door slowly and quietly, only to see her still asleep on the bed. Michael was going to invite her to breakfast, but with her still asleep, he figured he'd leave her a note saying, 'I was going to invite you to breakfast in the dining hall, but you were still asleep, so if you want to eat something, just ask for something.'
Emily had not even heard him come into her room. She would probably sleep until he woke her up, unless he let her sleep for many more hours. When she finally awoke she would have a lot of energy, but because she part wolf, she needed a lot of sleep.
Michael walked towards the dining hall. Once there Michael ordered some bacon and eggs, and began to think about how he could get Emily to like him, if not at trust him. By the time his meal came, he hadn't come up with anything that could help him earn her trust.
Emily slept on and on. As she was sleeping, she began to have a dream. She dreamt that Michael had taken her seriously for once, that they were discussing the true terms of her being there. He was telling her that she had to obey his rules, or he would put her out on the street. She didn't believe him at first of course, but then he did it, pushing her out the door and slamming it in her face. She woke up with a start, sweating a little bit. She couldn't remember her dream exactly, but she knew it had been bad.
Michael was eating his breakfast as usual, but he had a strange feeling that he just couldn't shake. He knew it invovled Emily, but he couldn't tell what it was about or why he had it to began with.
She got out of the bed and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked horrible, her hair was messy and ratty, her fur was matted. She had fallen asleep in her dress and it was all wrinkly now. She didn't have any other clothes to wear, she had expected to be given uniforms. She sighed and went down the stairs, planning to ask Michael about it. She entered the dining room and looked at him eating breakfast.
The odd feeling Michael had, only seemed to get worse when Emily walked into the dining hall. "Good morning Emily. Would you like something to eat?" Michael asked as he called for a waited to serve her.
"Oh, sure." she said, sitting down in the chair next to him. She fidgeted, trying to think of the best way to ask what she needed to ask. "Um...I didn't bring any other clothing with me." she stated, hoping he would get the inference.
"Alright, I'll get you some new clothes, but I'll need your measurements so I can order some clothing that will fit correctly. Is that ok with you?" Michael asked as he put his fork down and looked at her. Now that he got a better look at Emily, he could see that even in the wrinkled dress, she was beautiful.
"Yeah, yeah...that's totally fine." she said, shifting in the chair a little bit when he looked at her like that. She felt uncomfortable because of the dream she'd had, but she couldn't exactly remember what he had entailed. All she could remember was being pushed outside, turning to go back in, and the door being slammed in her face.
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