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A Generous Tribute

"Alright, that's two steaks, one medium rare and one well done, coming right up." The waiter said as he walked away with their orders. "So, Emily, is there something you'd like to do before your week off is up?" Michael asked her as he looked into her eyes, hoping there was something she was dying to do.
"Oh, um...not really, sir...I just expected to come here and work. My parents need to pay off their debt...I'd like to work to get it paid off, I don't need anything else." she appreciated his generosity, but she almost felt like he was going to use it against her.
"Well...I suppose there's something I need to tell you. You may or may not want to hear it, but it does involve your parent's debt." Michael began to say as he reached into his coat and pulled a small paper out. Michael unfolded the paper and placed it on the table. "You see, shortly before you arrived here, your parents wanted you to work here, but knew you'd want to return to them, so they asked for some money to leave the estate and asked me to care for you, and in exchange for you working for and living with me, I'd erase their debt." Michael asked as he slid the document over to her.
She gaped at the document, not believing his words to be true. She picked up the paper and read over it, and it was so. Her parents' debt was gone but now...she basically belonged to Michael. She was shocked. She looked up at the man and then down at the document. "How long do I have to live here then?" surely not too long, how long could he possibly want to keep her there?
"Well, to put it bluntly, your parents sold you. So you now you have to live with me until we die, but don't worry, I have no intention of using my position to do anything to harm you. That is a copy of the contract, but please feel free to keep it." Michael said as he looked at her sullen face. He knew she'd be dissapointed at what her parents did, but wanted to care for her much like he would a lover.
She stood up from the table in alarm, "Until we die?" she asked increduously. Did he know how long that could be? She could be stuck with him for sixty, seventy years! She balled up her fists in anger at her parents, and then at him. "How could you buy me? Am I just some sort of pet for you then?" she gritted her teeth, her eyes flattening and she growled a little. Her tail was tense, she was upset.
"Well, to tell you the truth, I saved you from a life of serving someone you never knew. Your parents were going to sell you and use the money they got to move away. Believe me, the money they could've gotten from selling you alone would've been enough to pay for several years worth of rent and bills and still be able to retire in luxury. So I paid them what they would get after they paid the rent and bills and let them leave." Michael said to Emily as he pulled a small envolpe containing a letter that said almost the exact same thing Michael said
Her eyes welled up with tears. She felt so betrayed by her parents, betrayed by everything. She had never been anything but a meal ticket to her parents, apparently. Now she had to live with a man and do what he told her, without her even having a say in it. She was his little pet. She brought her hands up to her eyes to hide the tears. "What if I say no?"
"Well, your parents told me to either sell you or throw you out if you refused me, but..." Michael said as he looked away from her. He looked at his watch and noticed that their meals were taking much longer than they were supposed to. He was about to go back and see what was taking so long, but the waiter came out with their meals and a bottle of wine. "Ah our meal is here." Michael said as he tried to change the subject.
"Sell me or throw me out?" she yelled, refusing to let the subject change. "So if I don't just, just drop to my knees and answer to your every call then you'll just ship me off to someone else, or put me on the street to fight for my life there?!" the tears overflowed and spilled down her face, wetting her pretty dress. She saw the fancy food and the wine and was disgusted by it, it was just something to try to make her forget why she was here.
"Well, I didn't mention this to your parents, but I wouldn't throw you out or sell you because I like you. If I told your parents that, they would've sold you off anyways." Michael said as he looked at her, and saw her tear-stained face. It was obvious that she was upset, but he didn't know how to comfort her without upseting her more.
She had to surpress the screams and howls that welled up inside of her. She dried off her eyes and thought for a few moments, she didn't know what to do. If she left, where would she go? But how could she possibly stay? Her stomach rumbled, she was hungry. She sighed, "If I stay...what do I have to"
"All I'll ask you do to, is care for my room. Don't worry, my room isn't much larger than the guest rooms and I'll ask you to do only my room. I'll also let you wear whatever makes you comfortable. The other maids have to clean four, five or even six rooms at a time. I should also mention that there is a cleaning day that all rooms are to be cleaned of dust, dirt and what not at least once a month, twice if I have a party." Michael said as he reached out and began to pour some steak sauce on his steak, picked on his knife and fork and began to cut his meat.
She stared at him for a moment, "So I'm going to live here, and clean one room, and do nothing else?" she furrowed her brows, "That doesn't seem right. Are you serious? That's all I'm going to do? What is the rest of my life going to consist of?" she sat down gingerly, looking at the steak in front of her. She wanted it and didn't at the same time, but...she was so hungry. She cut out a small piece and put it in her mouth, it was so delicious...
"Well, considering that you came here under some 'circumstances' I'll leave what you are to do or want to do, up to you. If you want to know what, if anything else you could do, or if you want to do something outside of the estate with or without me, please let me know and I'll figure something out." Michael said as he put his fork and knife off to the side, popped the cork on the bottle, and poured himself a glass of wine. "Would you like some?"
She nodded, almost blindly, accepting the wine. She needed a drink to stop the wild thoughts in her head. She thought of killing herself, of killing him, of just languishing away as painfully as possible, but she didn't think any of that would do her any good. What could do her good? She didn't know. She sighed a heavy sigh and took a deep sip of the wine he had poured her.
"This wine is one of the best bottles I have in the cellar. Please savor every drop of it." Michael said as he took another sip of the wine, then put the class down and picked up the knife and fork and began to cut the steak again.
"I will...thank you," she muttered, setting her glass down on the table. She stared at the steak in front of her for a few moments, barely seeing it there. Then she shook her head and flattened her ears, "Pull yourself together," she chided herself in her thoughts. She picked up the fork and knife and began to eat.
"Hmm? Is something wrong?" Michael asked when he saw Emily shake her head. Michael was wondering what she was thinking, knew she'd probably never tell him.
She snorted, "Is that an honest, serious, question?" she turned and gave him an awful glare, meaner than she had meant to be. She was extremely bitter about having to stay with him, she hadn't asked for this, she'd done nothing to deserve this kind of life.
For once in his entire life, he was intimidated by one of his employees. Michael just shirked back and looked away from her, unsure if she was going to intentionally bring harm. He picked up his knife and fork and resumed eating his steak. As he ate, Michael began to wonder if he made the right choice in saving her from her original fate.
Her primal internal wolf instincts were made glad by his shirking away from her. She wasn't often wolfish, but when she was, it usually wasn't pretty. She had a horrible urge to growl at him, but she didn't. She had learned restraint a long time ago. She turned back to her steak and finished it, eventually finishing off the wine in her glass as well. She had the slightest buzz from the wine, it felt nice.
"I was just worried about you, that's all." Michael said as he took another sip of wine, before cutting another piece of steak and putting the piece into his mouth. Seeing that she was almost out of wine, Michael grabbed the bottle of wine. "Would you like some more?" He offered.
"Oh, yes, thank you." she said and pushed her glass towards him. Her brain was kind of fuzzy at the moment, she was having a hard time focussing on anything. Then suddenly a thought hit her, "I...I don't have to stay with you right? Like stay in your room?"
"No, you don't have to sleep with me if you don't want to, though if you do, I won't mind." Michael said as he poured Emily some more wine. It wasn't his intention to get her drunk, but if she wanted to drink herself crazy, he won't stop her. After pouring her some more wine, Michael poured himself some more and put the bottle back down and resumed eating his steak.
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