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A Generous Tribute


Jan 9, 2009
The Halls had worked for their boss for a very long time. In fact, they'd been working for him for generations. This was the fourth generation now, and they had been hoping that their daughter would escape working for the family. It wasn't going to happen however.

Jeff Hall was a smithy for the boss, but he also rented his home from him. He'd made good on his payments for years until a few months ago. The economy had grown hard and Jeff couldn't pay the rent on anymore. Soon it came that he could only pay half of what was needed each month, and the boss didn't like that.

Jeff and his wife Gina had met with the boss and had finally come to an agreement. They would be giving away their daughter to the boss as a personal servant, though they didn't know all of the terms of the agreement. They signed the contract hastily, neglecting the section that stated: 'The given girl shall be subject to any and all sexual desires of the reciever.'

It was a cold day when Emily arrived on the doorstep of her new boss. She was wrapped tightly in a coat, her fluffy gray tail peeking out from underneath. She was wearing a pretty dress underneath the coat, it was a dark blue and came just to her knees. She had gray fur all over her body with small point ears atop her head. Her ears and face were tinted blue, as her family were partly artic wolves. She rang the doorbell and awaited her life as a servant.
Michael's home was very large, even for someone of his size. Aside from himself, there lived six maids and seven butlers in his mansion, but had so much room available, that at least two generations of six families could move in and still have room for more people. One of his renters, named Jeff Hall, was failing to make full payments on his rent for the past few months. So Michael called Jeff up and set up a meeting to discuss the reason for his payments. When Michael presented Jeff and his wife a method to redeem all of their payments with a contract. He was surprised that they didn't read all of the text of the contract and willingly sold their daughter into slaverly, but Michael didn't tell them about their mistake.

When the day came that their daughter, Emily, was to start working. Michael had a butler standing at the door to greet Emily when she arrived at the door. When the doorbell rang, the butler quickly opened the door and let Emily in.
Emily smiled at the butler and stepped into the house, immidiately overwhelmed by the vastness and lavishness that the house contained. She'd never been in so big of a house, though she had seen this one from afar. Her family rented one of the small cottages on the estate, though she guessed she wouldn't be able to go back down to her home very often, now that she needed to be cooking and cleaning all the time (or so she thought).

She took off her coat and gave it to the butler, who had offered to hang it up for her. She wrapped her arms around herself selfconciously, she felt so inferior in such a lovely place. Her tail swished behind her nervously and her ears twitched a little.
Michael was in the library when Emily rang the doorbell. He placed a bookmark in the book he was reading and began to walk to the main hall where Emily and the head butler where. When he got to the main hall, Michael saw Emily handing the butler her coat and began to walked down the stairs. "So, You're Emily Hall. You may call me Michael." Michael said as he walked down the stairs and towards Emily.
"Oh, hello...Michael," she said a little bit awkwardly. She hadn't been expecting to be on a first name basis with her boss but...that was what he had asked for. She saw him coming down the opulent stairs and tried to look as professional as possibly, hoping that she looked nice enough. She had wanted to make a good first impression, even if she was just going to spend her days cleaning his enormous house.
Although, he'd never admit it to her or her family, Michael really like Emily. "Since today is your first day here, I'll give you the rest of week off to rest and familarize yourself with my lavish home. If you need any help, please ask any of the other maids or any of the butlers for help." Michael said as he extended a hand in friendship.
Her eyes widened a little bit as he extended his hand to her and promised her the week off. That seemed a little odd to her, what kind of boss gave a worker their first week off? She shook his hand politely though, thinking that she shouldn't kick a gift horse in the mouth. "Oh, why, thank you sir." she said with a smile.
"You're quite welcome Emily. I gave you the week off so you can memorize my home. Don't worry if you get lost, I still do from time to time. I find it helpful to carry a small map of the entire house." Michael said as he finished shaking hands with her and politefully walked away.
"I will try my hardest to memorize the house, sir." she said with a little nod. She wrung her hands together nervously, taking another look around the large room. She would be lucky if she didn't get lost and end up locking herself in a closet somewhere. She shifted and felt a little awkward, what did she do now? Just look around?
Michael turned around and saw Emily fidgeting. Wondering if she was ok, Michael called out. "Hey, is something wrong Emily?" He was hoping she'd ask him for a tour of his home, but if she didn't want a tour, he would ask her if she was sure.
"Oh no, nothing's wrong really...I was...well, I was just wondering if'd take me for a tour of the house? You know, so I could start to learn where things were." she smiled awkwardly again, taking a step toward him.
Michael began to walk back toward Emily. "Alright, which floor do you want to start with?" Michael asked her. Although Michael was quite tall and intimidating, he was in a way, a 'gentle giant'.
"Any floor sir, it's your house afterall." she said, looking up at him as he came near her. He towered over her, almost a complete foot taller. She was definitely intimidated by him, not just because of his tallness but because of the fact that he was wealthy, affluent, and her boss.
"Alright, we'll start on this floor. This floor, while the largest, has the fewest rooms. This room is the main hall. The main hall is where all guests are greeted and seen off. It is the butler's job to greet and see the guests off, while it is the maid's job to clean any dirt that the guests bring in, either purposefully or accidently. Now, if you'll come with me, I'll show you the dining hall." Michael said as he looked around the main hall and began walking towards the dining hall.
She nodded as he spoke, taking in everything that he said and noting it. She, of course, still thought that she would be one of the maids that would come in and clean away the dirt that the guests brought in. She had no thoughts of anything different. She followed him as he lead her towards the dining room.
Once they were in the dining hall, Michael offered her as seat. "This hall is where all the guests eat. I hold only three banquets a year, so most of the time this hall will be empty. When it is empty and there is nothing planned for that day, all of the maid and butlers are allowed to eat here, as long as the clean up their mess, and clean up anything they drop. In the back is where the kitchen is and obviously, where the food is made. When the food is made, it is the butler's job to take the food to and from the guests and it is the maid's job to clean the plates, silverware, and trays." Michael said to her.
She sat in the thickly cushioned chair, surprised at how soft and comfortable it was. Her butt sank down into a little bit, and the straight back kept her upright. She looked around the lavish dining room, the table must seat at least twenty people. "Okay," she couldn't imagine eating her meals in here, but she thought she might try it once or twice.
"Would you like to eat your first meal here?" Michael asked as he pulled up a chair for himself and sat at the same table, next to Emily. He asked if she was hungry, because he himself was a getting a little hungry.
"Oh, sir, that would be lovely!" she said with a big smile on her face. She wanted to see the entire house, but she was hungry. Her stomach grumbled a little bit, and she blushed because of it. "I would still love to see the rest of the house afterwards,"
When Emily's stomache growled, Michael's stomache growled just a few seconds later. "Ehehe, I guess I'm hungry as well. So, is there something you want to eat?" Michael asked as he called for a waiter.
"Oh, I couldn't choose're far too kind, doing this like you are. Anything you give me, I'm sure, will be wonderful." she folded her hands in her lap delicately, her tail swishing out from the side of the chair. Her ears twitched a little bit.
"Ok, but before I order, do you want meat or vegtables?" Michael asked as he looked at her. He wanted some meat for himself, but was unsure if Emily wanted meat or vegtables.
She hardly ever got to eat meat, as her family was obviously not well off. "I would love meat," she said eagerly. She could taste it in her mouth already, juicy and savory. She hadn't eaten good meat in years.
"Alright. Waiter, two large steaks please. I'll take mine well done. How do you want yours cooked?" Michael asked Emily. He wondered if she would order her's raw like her more primitive and barbaric kind would eat on a daily basis.
She thought for a moment, her tail swishing back and forth eagerly. "Medium rare," she said confidently. She didn't want it too bloody, that would be improper of her. Medium rare she thought was human enough.
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