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Naruto (RP thread)

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"No I am not playing". Mira said placing her hand on the table. "You nip me Cocco and you will be in trouble. Sorry she is the clans tracker. She was kicked in the ribs by an intruder during the exam and needs to keep still". She looked at Kai "Sets you apart. You are talking about my sunlight chokura". Then a little fox come running in. "I defiantly didn't summon Jack, Jack one you are meant to be resting up, two no one can understand you in that form, three how did you get here?"
A twelve year old appeared, "It's called reverse summoning, and advoiding my dad so but out".
"You come to me". Mira pointed out she had no idea if she wanted to kill Jack for all the trouble he caused during the exam or just die with embarrassment.
Soon her hair covered her face as an evil grin, then a sadistic laugh started to be heard by her. " your like me then when you were younger it like the fun of controlling puppets as well and being sadistic like that..." haruki soon started to jump and attack the spider, weakening it enough where she would seal it into a scroll. " and now I have this....I do want a fight already" as she her weird smile looking at the scroll now.
"Sunlight Chakra indeed," He chuckled and slowly stood up and walked over to examine the summons. Looking from the girl to jack and then patting the girl on the head as he returned to his seat and slowly sat down again. Kai thne grabbed the fox and the girl by the ear and dragged them out, despite any complaints.
"She needs to be alone for a private conversation, so shut up and leave them alone before I send you back." He said as he shut the door. "You have no power over these things do you?" aid the old man. "They come into this world and then they do what they will. That's one thing you need to learn. I imagine it is the source of much of the distrust of you. Tell me, what else can this sunlight Chakra do?"
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Her master didn't look amused, the thing was going back to where it had come from anyway. "Congratulations. You have sealed away a spider in a scroll you can't control it. That ones a special case, the only way to control it is with a living puppet jutsu like I was trying to show you. Otherwise it's jut like that stupid girl with the loud mouth summons that follow her around. Now This next part is important. So pay attention," she said sternly. "Summons are a special case. If you can learn to control that spider, you can learn to control all but the most powerful summoning creatures. I can show you how to summon the spider, its not hard but it takes a lot of chakra and concentration. People are hard to control because they are intelligent and have enough will and chakra control to resist you. You have to force your will on their to make it work. But if you can learn to control the spider you can control any animal and even weaker willed people, with no trouble. "So do you want to learn to control the spider, or just keep playing around?"
"That's not fully true. Guardian's come and go on there own to do there job here so if they come under that cattery they do it when ever they need to do a job. Jack's first time throw. No matter how they are summoned they are connected to the summoned by the chokura what's sufficed to bring them here, but they have there own free will and choose to listen and work with anyone they have summoned. The different is that a contract is signed for that one type of summon. I am unlimited. It's what my cousin tried to explain during the exam. That a summons is apart of the one who brought it here, more contacted to the summoned than the dogs are to our clan but the examiner didn't bleave him even throw he is a vet and has proved it. I can also heal. I am only aloud to do surface wombs, I need to pass the exam due to the rules of becoming a medical ninja to go throw training so I don't put lives at risk. Till then I am held back even if I do or not have the power to do any further so lives are not put at risk". Mira said hoping she was making sense.

"You have free will, you do as you please it's the same for us. We are not your slaves, and incorrect all animals with chokura can do a reverse summons, even bring a human contracted to them to there own home". Jack said turning his back onto them.
" well if their dead or weak then..." stick in out her tongue as she throws the scroll up to summon it, " should h the damn same as the puppets..." already jumping up toward it and connecting the strings, landing on it's back and holding the strings on it. " would it be possible then to steal someone's summon and use that, or steal the summon and seal it so I can keep it for myself? I really want a cool mount, or a bunch of cool mounts like a snake or a spider or a scorpion or a dragon...." haruhi then started to pull a bit more now.
Kai knocked jack on the head ahd slammed the door behind them. "Reverse summons has nothing to do with theor conversation. Just stay quiet and let her talk wth the old man." Said Kai, his voice muffled the door.

"Dosen't it bother you that your summoms seem even more incontrolable and disobiediemt tham everyone elses. Or that you cannot utilize your powers to their full exstent for fear of being judged by others?" Said the old man.
"Thats not how summons work Haruki." it immediately started to fight her again. "You have to make friends with it or dominate it your choice. Whatever you do you should probably do it before it eats you." It jumped into the air and slammed itself back down in an attempt to throw her off. It churpped loudly and angrily at the tiny little thing on its back that wouldn't leave. Her instructor watched from a distance and started making plans for what to do when it did try to eat her.
"What's that to do with free will you fuckin jerk". Jack yelled to Kai
"Launage. I swear you are like a rookie these days, over confident of your abilities, louds mouth, stubborn, acts on your own, rushes into things, likes pranks. One other thing in common, they are 12 years old. All because one human defeated you, you are taking it out on everyone". Mira said
"Shut up I am nothing like a destructive human". Jack snapped
"To answer your question, that does". Mira said pointing to Jack. "First summons so grow up with him, he's kind of acting like a preteen going throw the hormone stage kind of attitude, always forgets his kind are half human. It's bleaved that the more tails a fox has the wiser they become. He is the one tails, the harvester, kitsune".
" jeez...." she turned to look at it, jumping off and standing in front of it, making sure it would look at her. " sacred beast of stone I ask that you let me use your power....and I will be giving you better strength than you had before..." dodging just in case it would attack. For now haruhi reaches a hand up towards it now, as she closes her eyes and focused. " it must be dangerous to live out here. All you can do is hide....and if that's it then I'll be here with you. We protect each other..." finishing as she would wait from a response hoping it would understand or not attack yet..."
His expression was blank accept for his raised eyebrow. "I can see why you have problems. Tell me are all your summons so free willed and unpredictable?" If so that would explain why people reacted so strongly too them.

Outside Kai had put up with enough of this and was done. His hands moved rapidly as he cast a paralysis Jutsu that struck the fox spirit and left him as still as a statue. He then grabbed him by the tail and put him over his shoulder so he could carry him around back, where none of his loud mouthed chatter would bother Mira or the old master.
The creatures stopped. It did not attack her. It stepped back a few steps and settled down. Staring at her with its six eyes for a moment before it vanished in a massive burst of smoke.
"Well, it looks like you actually managed to make friends with it after all." She scoffed. "I'm not impressed. Come on. Let get back to the inn before someone misses us. Well get back to your training later." She thought Haruki would be able to handle this, apparently she underestimated the girl.

Back at the inn Dajin heard the sliding door move as Haruki came back into the room.
"Where did you run off to?" He asked her. He had heard her leave an they had been gone for some time.
" learned something new well not really new but it's awesome as hell hmm since it doesn't have a name though wonder what I should call it..." crossing her arms with a sigh, " I have something to ride on now if I don't want to walk..." giving a hint as she sat on the bed.
"There is only him and a ghost called Holly I summon. Holly is human, she was 14 when she was killed. From a traveling clan delivering supply's to all the five nations. Not many can see her throw, probably like her. My cousin gave me a picture of a green dog, pretty strong considering he is still a baby, Jack said the green dog is a type of dragon because its hatched from a egg and breaths it's attacks, they behave like dogs and grow to there height, this one was still in the nipping stage and got a few people trying to play at the arena". Mira said
"So you have no control over them, and you use forbidden summoning to call up the dead." He examined her closely. "You should be careful about telling people such information. "Either those you've told must think your mistaken or only a foolish child or have not reported to a higher authority yet. You should be careful."
"So she dragged you out in the middle of the night for what exactly?" It seemed silly to pull someone out of bed so late for something they already knew.
"Can you two shut up, I'm trying to sleep?" Whispered Riu. Dajin rolled his eyes and rolled back into bed. They could talk more in morning.

'Himi, Himi wake up!" Sakuri jabbed Himitsuri Amako with his foot and tried to wake up the girl. "Come on, sensei wants us to scope out the competition before we start training." He and his fellow leaf ninja, Himi and Gotsu, had been one of the teams to make it past the second round, though Saku had not maid it any farther, in a fight against his own squad mate no less. He knew that the final rounds wouldn't be easy, and if he wasn't going to in than Himi was at least going to make an effort. "Come on lazy get up."
"I wouldn't say it's forbidden. I am one of the rare ones who can talk and see the dead. Holly come to me while I was still in school not long after she was killed. She should be older than me. She use to play games. Those who can not see and here spirits must have thought I had a imaginary friend back then. Holly said she saw others late at night. Dandrous ones. She needed to go befoure they knew I could communicate with them, but summon her the same way I did with Jack. It was her will and she isn't ready to move on, I don't think it will work when she has moved on". Mira said
" does riu need cuddles or something..." joking a bit as she laid down and sighed. " whatever...." turning as she started to sleep then.

Soon the girl started to get up, giving a loud yawn as she stretched her "arms" up before turning to him. "Ummm rude..." she said squinting up a bit at him as she deeply stood up revealing her snake tail as well. " sensei I bet is lazy as hell if their not coming along...." rolling her eyes giving a cheeky smirk as her somewhat arrogant attitude was showing now. " and who the hell thinks that in good at scouting anyway! I swear if I get one more so soon after this I think I'm gonna explode! Bleh bleh bleh!" As she stuck her tongue out now acting like a rebel.
"I would be careful about that, if someone to think you were breaking deep held rule and summoning the dead they would hunt you down." he said in a hard serious tone. Anything to do with reanimated the dead or summoning their souls back was of the highest taboo and rarely met with any kind of toleration unless it was for malicious reasons. "So I will start with teaching you how to control your summons then. If you can do that then you will have true power."
"Try to cuddle me and I'll bite you." She groaned the next morning when they all woke up Riu's hair was a mess. Dajin was gone with a note that said he had left for breakfast. "Ehh. I'm going to go take a shower." Said Riu before she dragged herself to the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.
Her partner just stared at her blank faced for a few moment. "I don't know what to say to that. Look just dressed and meet us outside so we can do this." he closed the door behind him and then he went downstairs to a noddle shop across the street where he sat down to some breakfast while he was waiting for her.
"Well where is she?" Gotsu asked. Gotsue was a short ninja, firmly built whose outward appearance disguised his speed and skill.
"getting ready." Replied Saku with a mouth full of food.
" well I will too then..." haruki yawned and stretched as she slowly stood up and looked around. Soon she walked over and looked out the window. " who gets to die today...who gets to die today.." starting to talk to herself as she pulled out the scroll with her spider. " we'll have a test drive pretty soon...after I take a shower.."

" ahh your so mean.." himitsu said with a grown switching to another personality as she stood up and went for a shower before eventually making it to the restaurant. " I'm hungry, hungry..." she sang sitting down and stretching again, " whatever good ramen with lots of seafood..." she called out to the people with a random laugh.
"I don't bleave there is any such thing as power, if you think about what is called true power, money, knowledge, the size of an army, the weapons you may have, skill, rank yes that brings more freedom as you are aloud to do more things in many jobs, no matter the job you have to answer to someone, land, industry, trade, contacts, alliances. To me there is too many thing what have been called true power to be real. More like a dream. What's different for each indidual, like a lifetime goal". Mira paused for a moment. "To me not everyone will agree knollage is the key to power, you don't know what type of land you have how do you know what to grow, people could starve, without knowing what's safe, you could poison your animals because that pretty flower is poisons to them, wrong type of berries, something not put up right can hurt or kill a lot of people, even if it's basic it can be enough to feed your family or keep someone safe after all without some knollage you can't leave your own house without getting lost and knowing where the shops are is basic information".
He shook his head. "I cannot teach you." he stood up, walked around her, and pulled open the door. "I am sorry to have wasted your tome young lady, but you need something I cannot help you find."
"You know the showers are open right? what are you waiting for?" Said Dajin as he gathered his stuff to go to the shower himself. He went through the same door as Riu and close the sliding door behind him.
"Coming right up," said the waitress as she pored a glass of tea.
"I see your in a good mood today, so who are your right now?" Gotsu asked as she shoved a bite of pork into his mouth. And started to chew loudly.
"Lets eat quickly, their a couple of them I saw going off into the woods. "I'm going to ambush them on their way back so you guys can see what their like okay?"
"Thank-you for your time". Mira said placing the rope around Cocco's neck then getting up on her feet.
"Like not letting Jack get away with his crap and putting him in time out like a naughty child, I don't let him get away with anything when he starts". The dream fairy said from earlier "I have finished here see ya". she added vanished
"And her during the exam. I really don't know what to think about her methods, don't ask her what she is. My opponent in the exam did and she humiliated him". Mira added bowing then leaving the hut.
" I'm thinking..." she simply said going for herself, changing and getting her other stuff before going out. " jeez I just feel so lazy..." crossing her arms haruki yawned and waited wondering what to even do.

" what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Seeming a bit ticked off as he pushed his shoulder a bit, " jeez what's with you..." as the food would eventually come she looked over as her face started to glow for a moment though as she shouted out, "some meat here please." Before staring down at the bowl with a wide smile and starting to eat.
"I would advise you to do all you can to learn to control your summons, or learn which ones you can control. A quiver full of arrows that do not fire straight is more of a danger to themselves then their enemy, for they never know when an arrow will turn on them or those around them. If you're thought should become unclouded, and you decide that you desire my help. Then you may come back." As they were leaving Kai was obviously upset, but he would not say anything at first.
"What did you do that made him turn you away?"
After a while Riu came back still drying her hair. "Get moving Haruki. At your rate it will be after lunch before we even have breakfast." Her friend teased her and smiled. "Come on get going." She pulled her up and started to push her out the door. "What do I have to wash you myself?"
"Jeez calm down I meant what personality are you planning on having, sour, sweet, salty, or just your usual mix of everything? that we love to hate so much." He said with a sarcastic grin. "I see you have a very stable appetite, as always your like your eating for the whole squad."
" if you want..." she shrugged going in and already stripping to wash herself already as she stretched and yawned, finishing herself after a bit though faster if riu helped as she stepped out got her things together. Throwing her scrolls up as she summoned her puppets then started to move off now.

" maybe angry if you don't shut up and not ask about that...jeez yes I have this but who the hell asks someone what kind of person you'll be when you first see them?! It's like me asking you the same thing everyday..." she turned away from him a bit as she started eating again, " one more! But the smallest size please! And a little less on the seafood and meat!" She shouted out with a hand up, going back to finishing the bowl with a burp finishing her drink as she slammed the cup on the table like a drunk person would even if it was just water. " damn!! I feel amazing you guys are the best!!" Finally finishing it off with a laugh as she stretched.
"Propyl because I don't bleave true power exists, too many things are called true power, Rank in any job, land, oil, army, weppons, abilities, doesn't matter if you are born with them or learn them, knollage, industry, trade, alliances, one I missed not as common these days gender. There is one think they all need to work, apart from the gender to the most part, knollage no mater how basic, babies learn there own freedom and power as they learn to speak more words again when they learn to move becoming toddlers, basic still, same with knowing where the shops are is basic knollage". Mira said looking at him, "The most basic of knollage can save a life, knowing what foods are safe to eat, first aid, you can pass that knollage onto others to save more lives, some people will turn it into power and decide who can learn there skill".
"Tell me something, do you think being able to stop your summons from attacking your own squad mates because they decided they don't like the way they look at it, even you is basic knowledge?" He brought here hear because he wanted to help her, but she was fighting with him over semantics. "If you cant do that then knowing what mushrooms are poisonous, or what snakes will bite doesn't help if you can't say the same about your own powers. Trust me, I know."
She rolled here eyes, "Fine," She shoved her into the shower room and started to strip off. Her body was tight and toned not overly muscular or overly voluptuous though her breasts perked up and her legs were strong and toned that gave her some shape so she wasn't just a rail. She put her cloths in a neat pile and putting them in a small cubical. "Come on or do I have to take your cloths off for you to?" Riu said.

"Who said we were paying?" Saku said. "Meet us by the west gate, "See yea." Just as they stood up her check came. They went out to the west gate and waited for her there. When she arrived they started walking. "Remember the pixie girl and the.." Ihhh, his skin started crawling just thinking about that guy and his jutsu. "That leaf ninja with the creak genjutsu? Well there the ones were going to be checking out today."
"unlike ones who have signed a contract with one animal, mine are not random, they have the same emotions and free will as we do, so if I can't get throw to them I wouldn't summon that individual again. Let them keep there free will instead of forcing them here". Mira said
"Human children are smarter than adults, they ask the right questions why do they attack? Why don't they lesson? Fear and hatred of humans. Most animals have boundaries what they can't or won't destroy and it is the same for all there kind, humans have killed all animals including there own family, the land, the water, created technology what can destroy the world, experiment on all living things and also uses them as a weapon try and force them to do things what are not right. A number of them have been brought up with that information as there parents and grandparents were summoned during the war times, not knowing if that human is one of the destructive ones brings fear, the history brings hate, then goes the children, some of war have seen there human child get killed so they think they are too young to summon them, wrong environment something what harms them, common one forced away from there babies". Jack said.
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