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Empire - City of Magic (Black_Out and darkest_fate)

Sensations continued flooding through Zatanna, far, far more than a human could handle, even one with her will. her chest burned, ached, leaked. She could feel each pass of his demonic mouth, each thrash of tendril, each caress pulling against her. Tension mounting in her chest, leaking itself out in raw fluid. The almost magical milk that flowed forth would no doubt taste delicious, twisted as it was from the teenage superheroine with raw arousal. It shot the need into her all the more, resounded the actual purpose: for feeding the children, the demon's children, this creature, this cult's progeny. She was literally built for it, her body shivering with it.

Fuck him.

The tendrils lashed, and Zatanna again cried out, jerking. The pain had mixed with pleasure to such an extent that she couldn't fully tell where one sensation began and the other ended. Her hard white ass already had turned almost pink, save for the dark marking. Raw heat poured into Zatanna. Made her sweat. Made her sex leak. Made her body shiver with yet another magically suppressed orgasm. The muscles quivered and shook from that rawness, from the heat. Insides quivered, raw arousal pumping out. Her sex almost hungrily mouthed the head of the thick, demonic phallus, as if it would start consuming without its owners position.

More heat rained from above. It drew taut lines of pure fire across her body. More made her cry out, jerk, writhe. Streams of fiery want streaked her body, leaving trails along her skin. Everything burned, everything ached. She cried out once more, feeling her legs quivering. Ahaaa, FUCK ME!

With the thought came release as the heroine dropped herself down. She felt her hips sinking. It wasn't an instant process: she didn't quite go from empty to full of demonic cock in that moment. Even as her body shivered, internal walls quaking with an orgasm that would not cum. Even as her lips parted, squeezing the thick cock inside. Even as the raw heat of it threatened to melt the girl from the outside, sweat and wet pouring from her, opening pores to allow even more wax and magic to sooth her. Even as her chest continued to be milked, as her body felt as it it would burst. She still simply sank, a few inches punching into her virginal channel. She felt it splitting her wide, felt her body struggling to take it in. She'd been trained, but not quite in the flesh. Another raw scream tore from the magician as she let herself down, gave up her precious virginity to the demonic force.

Another burst---another suppressed orgasm, the intensity of it rocketing through Zatanna's body, almost seizing her up. This was... this was so much...
The moment that demonic force felt her submit to the needs of her flesh, as her hips started to descend, it cast away its mind numbingly patient assault. Straps, buckles, belts, and strands of black fetish clothing unfurled themselves from the writhing mass of shifting garments that surged beneath Zatanna. They snapped around her spread wide taut legs, coiled around thighs and calves of the young heroine and grasped tightly. More sprang upward, wrapping long black rubbery fabric around the magicians toned belly and waist leaving her pale sweaty flesh to peak out from between small cracks left between the dark swaths of bands that began to cover and cling. Others flung themselves around her shoulders, circled around beneath her armpits and latched into place. One last ebony length of strap slipped around her neck, worked in a circle upward as it rotated around her neck, then covered her chin, her mouth, and left the young magicians nostrils free to flare for much needed oxygen.

"Clever, little girl, so clever you must of thought yourself to be." The demons sultry voice wandered through her head as the snaking forks of its tongue that had been so tightly twined about the base of her breasts began to release, letting a torrent of blood rush back into them. "Making some sort of magic, to keep yourself from climaxing, to deny yourself that bliss." The wax from the candles that had been painting her flesh in heat pulled away, hovering to fall gently back into place upon the floor around her while the demons maw sucked and gorged itself on her breasts. "Now perhaps you realize, to late, that your protections are only going to drive you insane with desire." The painful lashing of the whips that streaked red lines across her spread apart rear and along her back fell away, twirling about each other now, merging into one knobbed and knotted length. "Without that release, the fortress of your mind will be left shattered and in ruin. When you crack, when the last vestige of your resistance is dismantled, you will cum with such ferocity."

As the demons musing taunts swirled through her head the joined tendrils slapped between the wide parted cheeks of her pale rear. The knobby tendril rubbed over the parted valley, roughly grinding against the sensitive skin and the dark mark left upon the entrance into her nether hole. The straps that were clinging to her, mummifying her stretched out body began to pull and tug her downward. Virgin pink lips of her sex struggled with the mass of demonic cock that she was lowering herself onto. It pulsed with a life all it's own, surface of the massive invader rolling and bubbling with unnatural energy and insidious warmth. The fiend drew the helpless heroine downward, spread those puffy pink lips further with every centimeter that she descended. Filled her with more and more of its unfathomable intrusion while it sucked, bit, and formed its long black lips around the mounds of her breasts.

The pair of cultists watched from where they had settled amongst the shadows. Slowly sinister smiles dawned upon their lips that were concealed beneath their masks. The dark robed figure that wore the goat headed mask drew a phone out of his pocket, tapped at its surface with the tips of his gloved fingers and held it to his head. "We have her. Make sure the room is ready. We might be here, for awhile, yet."
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