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Empire - City of Magic (Black_Out and darkest_fate)

So far, so good. Zatanna worked her way past the bouncer, everything working quite clearly. Though Zatanna knew from teenage experience that quite frequently bouncers and club owners were willing to look the other way if a hot piece of ass wandered into their view. One like Zatanna? At literal superheroine levels? Dressed in skintight clothing and rocking the near gothic lolita look? She could've been sixteen instead of eighteen and probably still would've been able to sneak into a bar (something that she'd actually done at least one time, mostly for the thrill).

The teenager did feel that slight thrill of excitement as she stepped into the club proper. Thudding bass met her pulse, driving her, and the magician's hips swayed slightly. Ugh, she almost wished that this wasn't some sort of dark front for demonic magics. Getting out and moving, just enjoying herself and letting herself go in a relatively safe environment, that sounded almost heavenly to the magician. But no, she had to worry about the crush of bodies, seeing each partygoer as a potential victim, a bystander, someone she'd have to watch out for. As if that weren't enough, her still sensitive body reacted to the throbbing heat. Her pulse pounded hot into her veins, bringing a slight flush to her usually ivory tinged skin. At least she was able to dampen herself down: take deep breaths, focus on her goal, simply act like a teenager out enjoying herself.

Which meant flashing smiles, wiggling hips, trying to look like she was having fun without quite entering full flirty mode. A blonde distracted her, and for a few moments, Zatanna wondered if she hadn't met a cultist or a demonic force or someone enchanted. But no: just someone high on the good stuff. Zatanna found herself almost giggling as the woman rolled against her, though the contact rubbed along the magician's sensitive body, ending her near giggle with a shiver. Still, it seemed like Zatanna had at least gotten used to her sensitive body enough that so long as she didn't start grinding, or stare too long at the various attractive bodies, or think about sex, or let her hands drift, she could focus alright. Her sex tingled slightly as if reacting, and she did feel some slight tension in her chest. Nothing she couldn't ignore.

There! Zatanna grinned as she saw the cellar hideaway. I don't know if that's brilliant or incredibly stupid. She thought, her lips twisting into a wry smile. Hide the demonic energy in plain sight? Well, this was Empire City: you could get away with that shit here. She worked her way across the floor, dancing and moving, until she was finally sliding her way there, getting closer and closer to heading down into whatever lay below. Probably some kind of private club with a few people, likely involving some kind of dark, despicable acts of some kind. Ugh, she really hoped it wasn't some kind of creepy murder den or, like, a whorehouse or something.
Now with the luxury of a focal point drawing her steps towards a visible goal Zatanna was able to hastily work her way through the crowd until she came out relatively unscathed on the other side. There the red neon sign loomed over her and back lit a solid wooden door that was stained pure black. A sleek red expensive looking embroidered carpet swept towards the door and as the magicians black heels touched down upon the carpet, the door swung open as if by magic. But it wasn't magic, perhaps Zatanna could feel the faint tell tale shift of a pressure plate hidden under the rug that triggered the door to swing open.

Another lobby awaited beyond the door. Inside the small chamber were another pair of muscle bound men clad in the tight black security shirts. They both peered towards the small vixen and her gothic attire as she entered the room. They flanked the walls beyond the door and sat on sturdy stools, while straight ahead was a bleak black curtain that was drawn shut. Both of the bouncers looked Zatanna up and down, before one of them tilted his crop top brown hair covered head to the side and addressed her.

"First timer, huh?" He didn't bother to let her reply. "Look, as cute as you are, the rules are the rules. You want to go down into the Devils Den you wear what the devil tells ya to wear." The other man was already reaching over to draw the curtain open and it revealed a large vertical mirror that was framed by the parted dark of the curtain. Zatanna's reflection shown in crystal clear clarity as the bouncer continued to ramble on.

"Just look at the mirror, it'll show ya what he wants you to wear in order to go downstairs and play." There was an electric flicker on the mirror, which was likely some high tech reflective screen. Elaborate illusions weren't something that Zatanna practiced much of but she knew enough about them to know when one was staring her in the face. Her reflection shifted, the clothing on her body melding away and reforming until it was replaced with a rather impressive vision of some scandalous attire.

A black lace fishnet body suit covered her from the tips of her toes all the way to the ample bosom of her chest. It hugged every curve and fit her like a glove. A purple bustier covered her belly, sucked her already thin hips in even further and pushed her proud breasts out further. A sleek matching purple pair of shorts that were cut oh so short framed her crotch just enough to not be totally lewd. Purple gloves that ran up to the middle of her biceps swept down her arms, while another accessory of purple was around her neck like a collar. Then of course were the purple leather boots with the high heels that curled up to the mid point of her thighs. Lastly, and most alarmingly were the tassels of purple that seeming were attached by little suction cups that smothered the shape of her nipples. They swayed about as they dangled down from her perky breasts in the reflection.

With a flash the mirror swung around, rotating like a hidden secret passage in a wall. It stopped when the mirror was on the other side and a simple set of hooks that held the very garments she had just witnessed hung on display. "Well, it's up to you. Strip down and change, you'll get your clothes back, or turn around and get back out on the dance floor." The bouncer smirked with a sly grin, obviously one of the perks of this job was the free shows they received.
Another bouncer? Well, of course, this was the private area, but Zatanna felt her body tensing, readying for combat. She did have enough basic, hand-to-hand training that she could probably go toe to toe with two normal meatheads that weren't expecting her. With a little magical push she could go against some even better ones. For now though, it seemed like sneaking through would be better. After all, apparently they hadn't ID'd her as Zatanna and/or there wasn't some sort of watch out for her. There were quite a few superheroine cosplay sorts out there, and it wasn't like Zatanna had made huge waves yet (though she had seen some social media posts from the more enthusiastic set).

"Aww, does it show?" she asked at his question, pouting in her best seductive, schoolgirl manner. The motion usually entailed pushing her arms together slightly to increase her bustline (not that it needed much help), but as she shifted to do so, she felt her corset dragging over her nipples. The motion made her shiver slightly, and she simply froze, listening to the instructions. Ugh, she should've half expected some kind of dress code. But Zatanna had figured that her own fairly sexy superheroine gear would be enough to get her through. Well, that plus the natural (and arguably slightly supernatural) hotness that was her tight, teenage body. Again, she was going to play along, offering a head bob and turning to face the mirror.

Those clear blue eyes paid close attention, making note of what was happening. It did look like tech, though how they were able to get tech advanced enough to match body shape and select outfits on the fly was a bit beyond Zatanna. She made a note to possibly send some info along to some other teenage superheroines. Batgirl was particularly awesome at hacking, so if anyone could manage it, she could. Might be a lead worth exploring. For now, Zatanna just watched the offered outfit. Definitely sexy, and apparently made of some impressive material. not... too different from what she had on? Less skin-tight pants and more shorts, but with the fishnets, she'd about be covered anyway. There was some worry about the fact that said fishnets might drag across specific.. areas, but she'd have to deal. However, seeing the tassels near her breasts made the teenager go scarlet. Shouldn't the bustier just go up? Because having something like that... when she was already this sensitive. Her nipples would be bullets for the entire time she was down there.

Whoosh! Zatanna jumped, almost gasping as she saw the outfits. Brow furrowed, she stepped forward, noting the utter lack of fabric, and checked. How, the hell, did they get, her size right? Like... the tech to do that was just---they'd be making enough money off that alone. The comment had her looking over her shoulder, and she flushed. Obviously they wanted to watch. And obviously she had to do this. This was her best lead. and she had to get this damn spell dispelled. And she wasn't about to back down for something this simple. So Zatanna took a deep breath, and rolled her eyes, smiling.

"Jeez, you guys worried I'm wired or something?" she teased, reaching down to undo her boots. They clunked free quickly enough as her dexterous fingers undid them. "Bet you guys see all kinds of hot girls though, huh? I'm probably, like, an eight for you guys?" Yes, it was compliment fishing, because the only way Zatanna wouldn't be a "10" was if you didn't like teen flesh or you'd fucking seen Wonder Woman naked (goddamn Amazon was too fucking perfect). Boots off, Zatanna undid her pants, moving quickly, but carefully. She was soon wiggling them down, leaving yet another tiny thong. the current one was a bare strip of black this time, with an actual swimsuit style for... absorbancy. She adjusted it quickly, moving almost immediately to yank the bodysuit upward. Jacket off: corset hooks quickly dispatched, teenage breasts bounding free, nipples erect. Zatanna shimmied the rest of the bodysuit up, carefully avoiding fabric to nipple contact. Standing there, she had to pause, taking several deep breaths. The cool air on her sensitive flesh felt good, and the shifting fishnet against her skin was taking some getting used to.

"Okay, shorts," said Zatanna, nodding, wishing she had fucking magic. She reached down, grabbed them, held them, and stepped in. They were snug. Almost too snug. She had to wiggle them up her hips, dragging all the way. They nearly dug into her sex, and she bit her lip, barely suppressing a moan as her body shuddered, the contact of snug fabric smashing against her tiny thong and trapping her sex. She had to pause, leaving them for a bit. "Oops, almost forgot," she said, snagging the gloves and rolling them up, needing the relative break to get herself garbed there. Once gloved, she could at least finish getting the shorts into position.

Then the bustier... not too bad. Lacing it felt snug, and her impressive breasts felt about ready to explode from her chest. Okay, collar thing next, purple around the neck. Then Zatanna fingered the little tassels. Dammit, I don't have a clue how to get these things on. Am I supposed to lick them or squeeze? Zatanna looked over to the guys, smiling ruefully, trying to act like she stood around in sexy clothing half naked all the time (not far off, really). "One of you care to help me figure out how these go on? First timer and all." And yes, she knew damn well she was effectively walking into a trap. But at least they wouldn't suspect a girl who pretty much said I give you permission to maul my tits. hopefully, anyway.
The other bouncer who was a little more lean, yet still impressively built swung his legs out from the stool and stood up as he smiled towards Zatanna. "Yeah, sure, if you don't mind me touching your breasts, I'll put em on for ya." He stepped over to gather up the pasty tassels and flipped them over, his eyes squinting at the interior of the slick plastic cups.

The other man simply leaned back against the wall and perched his fist against the side of his chin as he watched with bemusement in his eyes. He'd seen his fair share of smoking hot numbers come and go through this lobby and change in and out of their clothing often enough now that he managed to contain his arousal. Besides, more then a few had performed eagerly for their enjoyment. Part of him hoped he was going to get another fine show from this raven haired beauty undressing before him.

"They got some kind of tacky adhesive on them." The man with a chiseled jawline turned back towards Zatanna as he reached out with one hand and cupped the full curving weight of the bottom or her right breast. "I don't think, they need to be licked." His brown eyes and slender brows were drawn into the blue of her eyes for a moment. Zatanna could see the attraction the man had for her in the predatory tint that narrowed his gaze before he looked away from her eyes to his hand that was cupping her breast.

"Just hold steady. Nice, uhm, boob by the way. Fucking firm." He grinned as he focused on the rosy color of her stiffened nipple as he drew the first tassel towards it. It smothered over the bud, and the mans fingers twisted the cap around until the suction pulled the sensitive flesh tight against the cool smooth rubber that enveloped. His middle finger gave a little teasing flick against the side of her breast right next to the secured tassel. Her flesh jiggled from the playful strike, but the tassel remained firm even as it's purple strands swayed from side to side.

"Do you want me to do the other one to?" The man asked as his hand stroked the warm fishnet covered shape of her breast before it fell away and he looked to the last remaining tassel.
Great, one to help, and one to watch. Zatanna made a mental note to kick at least one of these guys in the groin, or maybe mutter a spell that would make them limp the next time they tried harassing some poor girl who wandered in here .Though judging from the whole setup, it wasn't like there was anyone coming down here on accident.

Not the only thing around here that's tacky. Zatanna thought as the guy reached forward. Just feeling those fingers grazing against her sensitive breast sent shivers throughout her. She felt the blood rushing, making that perky pink nipple practically pop for attention. The magician licked her lips as she suppressed the burning sensation his continued touch did. To his credit, he wasn't mauling her or doing anything too pervy, considering everything. In truth, Zatanna was a bit impressed. "Gee, thanks. I am rather attached to both of them," quipped Zatanna, grinning tightly. She felt him moving, and she watched him twist, and then press. She couldn't suppress the sharp inhale of breath, her body rocking forward. Just feeling that cold against her nipple reminded her of the wraith's earlier mauling. Sensory memory hit her hard, raw pleasure washing through her, curling her toes and making her gasp for a few seconds, way overreacting to just having something attached. She let out another little squeal at his second flip, biting her lip as it bounced.

"no, I think you did enough. I got it from here," she said, gently reaching a hand up to pull him away. She moved quickly, grabbing the other tassel. She could see the slight adhesive, and how the thing sort of split, like a mouth trying to grab the nipple. Up, twist, press. Zatanna let out another quick yelp, biting her lip as she accidentally twisted her own nipple in her frenzy. She had to reorient, which meant twisting back, to get it to stay in place. Another press, and Zatanna let it go slowly, feeling the tassel falling. Of course, neither adornment did much to sag Zatanna's gravity defying breasts.

"So," she said, bobbing her head, "i'm all sexed up. Time for me to get into the Den proper, right? Girl's gotta get her hell on." And get close to a ritual. Because the sooner Zatanna undid this fucking curse on her, the better, particularly since motions were making her stripper tassels bob, which pulled at her nipples, which did all kinds of things to her body.
"Yeah, you sure are all sexed up and ready to go." The bouncer couldn't help but laugh a little at the exuberance that Zatanna falsely portrayed. "Have a good time, babe." He gave her a wink as he and the other man settled back onto their respective stools. His hand gestured towards the empty rack of clothing which lifted upwards, revealing a small circular room beyond it. There was a narrow doorway, perhaps where the clothing set on the racks came from and a spiraling stair case that drove straight down.

Once through the opening, the mulit-purpose mirror lowered back into place, effectively sealing off the exit. Any check on the door would reveal it was locked, but it was quite apparent from the dim red glowing led lights on the edges of the downward spiraling steps, which way the den was. Downward her little feet took her, the walls quickly shifting to a dungeon like feel around her as thick blocks of uneven stone replaced smooth walls. She could hear the thudding of industrial music growing louder and more fierce with every further step that was ventured below.

Near the end, the stairs flattened out wider and opened up into a parlor. There was a moderate crowd in the place, most everyone was dressed in some sort of provocative attire. Ass cheeks showed, bared belly's were on display, all highlighted by a variety of scandalous garb. The Devils Den very much had a BDSM theme to the place. Chains, stocks, frames, and other such contraptions were common place. Through it all Zatanna's eyes saw the marks of the cult, they were visible to her, but she knew they had been hidden from mortal view by deceptive magics. The pentagram stood just a few simple steps away from her in the center of this room and on the far wall, she saw the mark of the Cult of Horns. It was the same as before, pitch black circle etched upon the wall, with pure white horns rising up and curling out to the sides.

Several eyes, both male and female gazed towards the new arrival. There was hunger in their inquisitive looks. Lofted brows and twitched smiles flashed her way. One man was so bold as to slide up behind her and run his hand along her hip as he murmured into her ear. "Haven't seen you here before." He had long silken black hair, dark as her own. Green emerald eyes that shined with a sultry exotic quality. The smell of the mans cologne was subtle, but rich of a cool spring morning in some tranquil forest. "Let me buy you a drink." He murmured without pause as he slipped his arm about her waist. Little bands of leather and decorative rings that were rather gothicly inspired were collected upon his wrist and fingers as he went to lean against Zatanna and draw her towards the bar.
"Planning on it~" Zatanna called over her shoulder as she flounced forward, adding a little sahke to the hips. She was soon heading down the stairs, glad that she wore the heeled boots and was thus all kinds of confident in moving in them. However, once she got out of sight, Zatanna did decide that her outfit needed at least a small alteration: the stripper tassels were going to go. "Nrut eht slessat otni gnihtemos lacitcarp," she incanted, snapping her fingers to release the magic. It swirled about, altering the purple tassels. But apparently her own sexual desires got a bit in the way, not to mention the spell's relative lack of specificity. Instead of purple suction cups with tassels, Zatanna found her breasts quickly encircled with what amounted to tape. It stuck to her chest, winding around in the same coloration as everything else. Though where it was supposed to meet in the center, it formed stars, each one with a flattened nipple in the center. The sudden change made the teenager pause for a moment, glancing down. She guessed that was an.... improvement? It would be harder to get off, she guessed, but just as easy, if not easier to tease.

No matter; she just had to get below. Zatanna hurried the rest of the way, feeling the heat and the sexual energy. It pulsed against the demonic enchantment upon the pretty teen, drawing her inward even though she didn't fully realize it. Magic knew magic; like drew unto like. The poor little thing was practically prancing in, brimming with confidence yet again and, admittedly, this time much better prepared than before. It didn't surprise Zatanna at all to see the various markings, the cult adornments. And while there was a momentary shock at seeing the various... lifestyle bits, that too faded. It kinda explained the outfit, and the feel, and the requirements. Clearly they used the sexual energy that a club like this provided---

---or it was the same inverse thing before; this place had been used as something kinky beforehand. Zatanna cursed herself for not checking up on that: she should know going in! One more thing to send to Batgirl. At least she saw the pentagram and was heading that way, almost making a straight line for it. Of course, that meant she was definitely not ready for the man to just sidle up to her, even with his intoxicating scent.

Zatanna outright jumped as he touched her mostly bared waist. "What? oh, hi," she managed, smiling up at him. She let out a nervous giggle, letting him lead her. Because she couldn't exactly give herself away. And a quick spell could undo anything he might put into the drug. His touch was making her nervous though, tying her stomach up, reminding her that she was way more vulnerable right now than she really wanted to be. She eyed his various adornments, looking to see anything that looked cultish or even just occult. "I'm super new to all this, but it all sounded way exciting and kinda hot. So I figured why not dive in, right?" she ended with a giggle, letting her eyes flick to the pentagram, studying it, distracted as they got close to the bar and the promised "drink."
The lean figure of that man had to be maybe twice Zatanna's age, a fully matured man with well defined features and quite a disarming smile. His arm settled behind her back as he led the much shorter younger girl up towards the uncrowded bar. The feeling of his hand, half on her shapely ass and half on her wide hips acted like it belonged there. His eyes looked downward towards her, those deep green piercing iris's seeming to undress her, inspect her, and invite her to do the same to him.

"So, you just want to dive right in, huh?" He asked coyly as his hand slapped firmly across her ass. "Plenty of opportunity for that down here. No strings attached." His palm moved to the dainty dip in her back and led her to edge of the bar.

Most of the people present, perhaps two dozen with a scattering more were engaged in little gatherings dispersed through out the parlor. A soft groan rose up from a booth set in the corner of the room, and at a glance Zatanna could see a man crouched beneath the table, his face buried in between the legs of a luscious blonde number whose hands strolled over her own bared breasts. There was another couple at the bar, a pair of women that seemed to be getting awfully exploratory towards one another with their hands. The red head of those two had a full view of Zatanna and she offered a wink to the young magician and gestured her to join them with a waggle of her fingers before she lowered her mouth to the side of the neck of the other woman who let out a sharp muted squeal of delight. In the distance, from some unseen room that branched off of this main chamber the sound of a whip could be heard cracking the air. A mans cries of agony rose up, but there was a definite mix of ecstasy in his tone.

Her escort seemed to pay little attention to those erotic background noises as he stroked his hand over Zatanna's fishnet clad thigh. The lustrous black paint of his nails demanded her attention as he rubbed his palm gracefully across her thigh. "We'll have two shots of Sambuca." He called out to the bartender who nodded in response before delving into the fridge. "Have you ever had it, it's a licorice flavored liquor, best served chilled. I think you'll like, and it should help loosen you up." The words were whispered into her ear as the mysterious man leaned in to let his warm breath wash over her.

The drinks arrived shortly after, served in rocks glasses that had been plucked out of the same fridge. Once they hit the air of the Den, they frosted and chilled over as the milky white liquor was poured generously into them. Her companion slid her glass over to her hand, the tip of his index finger dipping into the swirling milky liquid. "Try a taste" He murmured as he offered her mouth the tip of his liquor coated nail before he moved to lift his own his own.

"To diving in." He gave her a playful grin as he offered up his glass for a toast before downing his drink in one fell swoop.

"You know, you look familiar, like I've seen you on social media or something." The barkeep who was dressed in a fitting black tux smiled towards her. "Are you a pin up model? I mean I swear you got the looks for it." He leaned back against the bar, crossing his arms before himself.

That's when it struck Zatanna, when she saw the reflection in the mirror of the man next to her upon the liquor lined shelf behind the bartender. In that reflection, he was no man. His skin was was charcoal black, running with veins of red, filled with muscle and wafting ashen smoke that spewed up around his form. Then there were the horns, curling goat like things, but the eyes were the same, except they burned like intense green flames.

Unknown to Zatanna, but probably suspected, her drink was indeed touched with ill intentions. A prepared spell, stored within the demons finger suffused the liquor with an enchantment meant to muddle speech. If she drank it full, it would no doubt take some great force of will to throw of the powerful magic, but perhaps, if she just had a sip, she might stand a better chance.
The slap made Zatanna jump. The smack, the sudden blow, the... unwanted? touch surprised her in and of itself. More surprising was the warmth that spread afterward, her body remembering the manhandling, the spell pumping arousal into her veins. It didn't help that literally everything around the magician spoke to sex and sexuality. The dancing, the barely dressed people, the fact that everyone just looked... amazing. Not to mention the various more... illicit activities going on. This place might've garnered superhero attention even if it hadn't been a den for spells and dark magicks. Though Zatanna did suppose that if everyone came here of their own free will and there weren't any illegal drugs.

it certainly did seem like that woman over there was enjoying herself. Zatanna flushed, averting her eyes, having to essentially turn back to the bar, and unfortunately put her back to the symbol itself. Another touch almost made her jump, and she glanced down, seeing the hand on her almost bared thigh. Okay, she couldn't just tense up. She was supposed to be a daring young thing sneaking down here for a good time. It probably wouldn't take much for a guy to recognize that she looked underage: Zatanna had that whole youthful innocence, not helped by the big, blue eyes. Usually her impressive figure helped pass the illusion, along with her usual confidence. The latter was proving a bit harder, what with the sounds of erotic whipping behind and a hand stroking her all too sensitive flesh.

"That sounds awesome," she allowed, slightly surprised by her honesty. She added a girlish giggle, looking up at the man, not quite batting her eyelashes. "I don't think I need a whole lot of loosening up though, do you~?" she gave a little wiggle of her hips, adding just a bit of flirty gyration to the movement. Glancing away for a moment, letting her eyes wander, Zatanna whispered to herself: "Llud eht stceffe fo gurd dna knird," a rather standard, partying spell, really. That way someone could drink or smoke or do whatever to great excess. It should also help her fight against any alcohol, though, well, she had been the sort to sneak some of daddy's alcohol or to sneak out drinking before.

Oh, and her little benefactor gave her another opportunity for "innocent" flirting. The teen offered up another giggle, opening painted lips just enough to take in the finger. She let her mouth close about him, blue eyes looking up coquettishly, a smile on her lips as she let her cheeks cave just a moment. It actually did taste pretty good, so she barely had to fake the lips mack that followed. Soon she was adding a giggle, reaching for her drink. She raised it, ready to down the offering, only to stop as a question drew her attention back to the bar. She opened her painted black lips to reply...

Only to pause at that reflection. Shit, seriously? There's ALL these people here, and I find the one demon? Or are there more? Dammit, and I'd just sucked his finger like a stupid slut! If there's some kind of enchantment, he could've just dropped it straight into my mouth. Damn, damn, damn!

"Hey~," Zatanna tried, noting and fighting a wince at the slight slur to her words, "I mean--you m--mighta seen my inschtagram?" Dammit, she already sounded slightly drunk! She swallowed, licking her lips. "S--some pe-people think I kinda look like--like Wonder Woman?" she offered, smiling and tilting her head. "So--so sorry, thish drink's a bit heavier than I'm ushed to," she offered, holding up her hands, fingers parted just a bit. There, she could just play it up a little, make them drop their guard. She should be able to do any spells she practiced, so long as they didn't require certain... sounds. Fuck. But improvising, her literal specialty was gonna be tough, and that's assuming that the rest of the drink wasn't cursed... and Zatanna was desperately trying to think of a reason beyond this thing is strong not to drink. Ugh, and if she were supposed to be a teenager sneaking in here she'd want to drink too! Hell, Zatanna almost did just to loosen herself up. And she wasn't sure she could really hide some sort of counter when she wasn't sure what the fuck it was supposed to be doing!
"Wonder Woman, huh?" The bartender shifted and angled his head as if the simple motion was going to allow him to view Zatanna in a completely different light. "She has a younger sister, or something doesn't she? Wonder Girl, I could totally see that. I mean, isn't Wonder Woman a lot taller then you are?" The barkeep seemed to be enjoying the idle conversation, but the next words were obviously flirtatious. "Whatever, I've seen a lot down here and your one in a million in my book." He offered an easy going smile and wink, but the call from the redhead drew his attention and then his presence away, leaving her alone with the disguised fiend that was stroking higher and higher up her toned thigh.

The tips of his nails dragged across her skin, plucking the fishnet stocking like they were strings of an instrument. They swirled about, touched and teased at every inch of flesh and tight fitting garment they passed over. The nub of his thumb lazily traced over the puffy shape of her mound while his other hand, free of his drink gave hers a gentle nudge. "It's my favorite, not to strong, but oh so tasty."

He reached over for one small pearly white candle that was nearby to offer up some sort of normal ambiance that just contrasted everything else. "Let me ask you, have you ever had wax dripped all over your body before?" His fingertip curled over the rim of the flickering candle and dipped into the pool of white wax spread out about it. "It can be, rather thrilling a feeling." His hand drew back from the candle, and wandered right over to her wrist.

Strong fingers settled around the narrow joint, transferring a smear of warm white wax onto her pale skin. His grasp led her hand towards the white candle with a firm, yet suggestively gentle grace. "Dip your finger it, get it nice and wet, then let a drop fall into your cleavage, tell me you don't like it, just the thought of it makes you horny as hell I bet?" He was already pulling her wrist up so her hand dangled near the lip of the candle and his eyes burrowed into hers as if demanding she do what he said.
"Well, yeah, she's a freaking amaszon!" Zatanna replied, laughing slightly. She smiled, feeling flushed from all the compliments. The bartender actually seemed completely normal: no weird demon thing going on, just a pretty nice guy who was pretty decent at flirting. And seeing as this place was literally loaded with dozens of hot, half-dressed women? Yeah, Zatanna was feeling pretty sexy right now. Of course, she wasn't exactly dressed like a nun herself, something that became more apparent to her as a hand drifted further up her thigh. Zatanna had to fight trembling as it got closer and closer. She told herself to look at the mirror, to remember what he looked like.

Which was actually really dumb, as she realized as soon as she did it. the spell had literally started training her to be aroused by demons. Which meant that seeing a demonic form as it touched her spelled sex? She couldn't hide the lip bite, or the slight undulation of her curvy form. That strong spike of pleasure was definitely magically driven, but it still burned her sex all the same. It lit that smoldering fire, heating her from the inside. And he kept teasing, making her body squirm along the bar. She had to take a few deep breaths, leaning forward, trying to hide her mounting arousal. Fortunately for her, the "brilliant" tape situation on her chest at least hid her nipples, though a slight flush crawled over them. And at least the dangerously short shorts covered her sex.

Her eyes flicked to the candle. "Um, not all over, no?" she tried, slightly confused. she barely remembered where she happened to be, blue eyes locked on the dancing flame. Thrilling? Well, there would be that spark of pain, the rising heat, already Zatanna could guess the sensation. Her hand rolled almost as if his words coaxed, and she saw her wrist bared up at him. Soon warmth spread, and she hissed, feeling that sharp of pain. It cooled, leaving a mark upon her flesh, but the sensation had faded heat into her body. the spell, having latched onto the vision and the touch, started its devilish work translating it.

Zatanna giggled at his suggestion. "Um, okay? I guess all the wet talk is kinda get me, well, you know," another giggle. Zatanna paused, licking herself. "This just feel so wrong---" she admitted, some of the giggles dropping. She could see her painted nail going ttoward the wax. Heat washed over her, and she raised it, watching the warm liquid bubbling onto her flesh. Just a drop drizzled down, hitting where the tape left some of her cleavage bared. Zatanna hissed, flinching, looking up at him with a wince. "it mostly just feels... kinda burning? But a bit warm and wet, I guess---" she squirmed, feeling that heat rising within her. This just felt so wrong, but it also felt so naughty and just---was there really something wrong in going along with this whole candle thing? not like he was sticking his hand down her shorts or something.
The demonic doppleganger leaned his shoulder gently down against her, letting his weight slowly settle over her bared shoulder and bicep. "Or maybe, it feels good, because your a naughty girl at heart." The movements of his hands between her legs grew more daring, precise as it came to settle at the very apex of her thigh, where it merged into her hips. His hand translated more warmth towards her tightly snug pink virgin sex, sitting merely an inch away as it was. The strolling workings of his pinky finger touched over the edges of her there. Nudged at the slight bump it made. Ticked at the fabric covering it.

"That's why you came here, isn't it, to cum in ways that you've only ever experienced in your lustful dreams?" His fingertip dipped back down into the liquor that sat barely touched before her. It swirled lazily about the contents, collecting it upon his skin once more. "It's a fairly normal thing, to want to explore. Completely, normal. I'm sure you have plenty of stories about how you've touched yourself. Played with your clit." There was a low breathless quality to his voice as it sounded almost hypnotic in its pleasant inviting nature. "Spread your pink, wide open."

His lips were hovering in a way that she could almost feel them touching her lobe. The movements of his finger had ceased their collection of sweet liquor and began to rise up from the frosted glass. "I'll make you climax, in ways you never thought of even in your dreams, little girl." The fingertip turned and pointed towards her glossy purple lips. It pressed forwards slowly, moving like a dramatic slow motion sequence in some tense moment of a film.

"Go on, suck it right off. Then we'll get into having some real, fun." The demons hand shifted and drew itself over the shape of her sex beneath those tight fitting purple high cut short shorts. Not entirely by coincidence, that movement and sudden fondle happened in conjunction with the press of his liquor coated finger towards her lips.
Was she? Was Zatanna naughty? She did cast magic and she was an eighteen year old who'd lied, sneaked, and literally magicked her way into a BDSM club... wait, no, that was just the demon's silky, serpentine tone and logic. Just like his slithering touch, moving in on her sex. Zatanna tried closing her thighs slightly, but she could feel him getting closer and closer. Her sex was just too well cupped by the tight, tight shorts: whoever had selected these knew her size and shape too well... and had opted for something that clung so tightly to her that it was almost making matters worse. Her tiny, still enchanted, thong wasn't going to offer more. And just knowing that a demon touched her was making Zatanna's body react, that magic working.

Oh, and he was talking like a character from some smutty romance novel. Zatanna watched as she teased the liquor, eyes watching. Stories about playing with herself? Masturbating? Zatanna flushed. "I don't usually need to do that all that often..." she replied, trying to play coy, to act like maybe, just maybe, she meant that people teased her instead. In truth, prior to this whole spell thing, she hadn't really found that much need for regular masturbation. But she had a feeling that was going to change. Hot breath already started ripping promises, even as Zatanna saw liquid she just knew was enchanted dripping.

His words slithered their way into Zatanna's mind. The heroine herad them, and she knew she heard them on several levels. Her primitive, enchanted brain knew full well that each and every syllable the demon spoke had truth. He promised an eventuality, something that knew how to deliver on several levels... delicious climaxes. Pretty sure I've already had at least one orgasm like you're promising... though the thought just reminded Zatanna of that wrenching, powerful moment in that basement. She flushed again, finding herself riveted. That finger drew closer, while another moved to work against her. Fuck, he made this sound good. And she couldn't just, like, slide away. That wouldn't look at all like the whole flirty teenager she was trying to be, not while he was being way too good at this.

As if it mattered: Zatanna's lips had already started parting before her brain had finished offering excuses. Perfectly painted purple lips circled about the offered finger. They closed, wrapping heat around it. Zatanna closed her eyes, the sharp, delicious flavor filling her mouth. She knew, knew that it was going to interfere with her ability to speak, that somehow he fucking knew that her magic was tied to that. But she couldn't help but suck again. That flare of arousal spread more heat from her core, and her hips rolled toward him. Maybe... maybe that was the answer? Let him coax a simple orgasm with touches or whatnot; get close to the pentagram, and then do her thing?

Didn't matter: Zatanna was sucking that offered finger like it produced the delicious liquid itself, even bobbing her head slightly, pulling away only belatedly, seeming to realize what she was doing. Her lips twisted in a bite, eyes averting, wholly embarrassed that she just... let herself get drawn in like that, but still trying to see a way to---to keep doing it? Fuck, her mind and body were just at war here, and every answer and no answer sounded good.
"That was good, really good." His head tilted, shifted so the side of his forehead brushed against the highest perch of her cheek bone. The corner of his lips swept over her skin, brushed up along the corner of her own purple stained ones. "Why don't you finish up your drink and we'll go someplace, private?" His index finger stroked right across the seam of her sex, pressing smooth sleek purple fabric down into ridged pink lips.

His freshly suckled finger and the rest of that hand moved to claim hers once more by the wrist and drew it across the top of the bar until it was saddled up by her drink. Still the finger dared to stroke, molding the purple shorts down into her, as if they could fit much tighter. His fingers played along hers, tapped and danced delicately across them. Then it drew away, the black nail of his middle finger parting form her purple gloved arm lastly before his hand swept and slipped under his black and red vest.

"I have something I want you to try. Trust me." He murmured sweetly against the side of her lips, almost kissing them with his words. "Just close your eyes." He spoke reassuringly, as he drew a black velvet blindfold from his hidden pockets depths. The velvet smooth glaze of saliva from the tip of his tongue slid along the furthest corner of her bottom lip as went to draw the blindfold up, his finger slowing to a casual pace across the heat of her sex. "Trust me. We're just getting started with you, and you want that, that's why your here. Because you chose to be."
Did it count as being seduced if you were aware of it? Zatanna almost felt like a passenger in her own body. She knew it was happening, knew this demon creature was playing into the spell, knew he was acting out some sort of darkly romantic script, yet she literally couldn't help herself. Zatanna wanted to blame the magic, but part of her had always thought that it might be kinda fun to do something like this... minus the whole losing her virginity to a demon bit. She kept telling herself this could work. "Private" would certainly be better than out here in the open. It might get her closer to whoever, whatever, was responsible for it. Yes, it may lead her into a trap, but again: she knew that was what was happening.

Further plotting proved difficult as he almost literally stoked her inner fires. Arousal flared as the finger teased about her shorts, pressing, mapping out the tight folds of her sex. It felt like he knew exactly where her sex proper ended, constantly drawing it out against the tight pants. Just teasing pressure, not enough to do anything besides make her want. The flush kept further, the heat stoked hotter. A hand took hers, guided it.

Fuck it; she could handle things even with her voice slurred. And he'd be thinking he had her: drunk, bespelled, totally under his power. She'd show him. Her hand moved, brought the delicious drink up. she swallowed, feeling the liquor burning its way down her throat. Its delicious, decadent flavor filled her, and she found herself simply wallowing in it, enjoying the sensation, enjoying the naughty feel of a drink she was technically too young to have. Her reverie was only interrupted by another almost kissing word.

"Um, o--kay?" she tried, partially testing out what the drink would do to her, partially to play along. She found her eyes closing, again almost of their own accord. the pressure on her sex felt as if it grew, her want increasing. Thighs closed slightly, the girl squirming in her seat. she knew she'd be blinded soon, but she had ways of paying attention. She started trying to mumble a spell of seeing under her breath, again testing just how the drink was affecting her... while also getting ready to move along wherever he had in mind. Had to figure things out, after all.
The demon watched her intently as she licked her lips clean of the residual liquor while her brilliant blue eyes fell shut almost on command. His hand remained between her legs, firing her desire with its gentle attentions. The blindfold was drawn down carefully by the other, delicately manipulating the strap to swirl around her head until the smooth fuzzy texture of the blindfold covered her eyes. His fingers nudged at the blindfold with a surgeons care as he made sure it fell properly into place. Satisfied his hand drew away and with the wipe of his palm through the air, everyone except for Zatanna and himself froze.

There was almost an imperceptible silence before the snap of his finger replaced it with the illusion of sounds that made everything seem just like it should be. His hand finally released itself from between her legs and slipped around the back of her waist to fall on her opposite hip. "Come my dear." He spoke clearly as he moved to rise from his bar stool. Tucking under her arm just then was the presence of his other hand. It flared out, fingers wide and claiming as it sucked down over the shape of her breast. They fondled, stroked and flicked at the webbing of fishnet covering her breast, and the tape that flattened her perky pink nipples.

He drew her up just then, pulling her back up against his chest, steadying her with his attentive grasp over her chest and his other hand that had resumed its claim between her legs. "Just follow my lead." His body pressed comfortably close against her, the shape of him, immense but recognized even with it being flaccid. He moved her, legs pressing against the back of her own and guiding her steps awkwardly forward towards the center of the time frozen room.

He mauled her breast, roughly squeezing its perfectly round form, contorting it to whatever shape his hand demanded. His fingers stroked right across her firm belly that was tightly packed into her purple bustier. Then it shot downward, tips of nails diving under the ridge of her skin tight shorts and making the unreasonably tight garment beyond tight with that added mass. It didn't dare stop though, the fingers grasped her thong, yanked on it, drove its thin protection roughly up into the pink slit it was meant to protect. "We're going to have. So. Much. Fun."
Darkness descended, Zatanna losing her vision. Her mind spiraled out, other senses overcompensating. Silence met her ears, only broken by the thudding of her own pulse and the shifting of the demonic being working around her. She heard her heart pounding fiercely, as if powered by the lust that kept building from within. For a moment---silence, nothing, and then Zatanna heard everything. What was that/ What was his goal here? she shivered, wishing that she could figure this out, that the books said more or she had more of a bead on what these beings wanted, what their goal was.

A hand touched again, and she gasped. Her head bobbed at the suggestion... the order. She felt his hand shifting, and soon let out another soft noise as his fingers teased against her chest. Sensitive flesh tingled against him, warmth seeping electric into her body. The quickening pulse thudded against her, rattling as if to burst free. She felt it coalescing, tightening nipples beneath oppressive tape. A hand, so warm, cupping against her, drawing attention to chest as well as loin.

Up. Up and against him. Zatanna shifted, hands going to steady herself upon his body, not seeing an option. She had to still be at the bar, not too far away. Unless he'd somehow shifted realities, which would explain the shifting sounds. She tried steadying herself, listening. But uneasy legs had issues in booted heels. His proximity, her body and mind's knowledge of his demonic flesh against her virginal skin, distracted. Something larger than it should be, cylindrical. A hand fluttered near, fingers just moving as if to touch, needing that confirmation, but legs moved instead. Zatanna bit back another moan as he directed her steps. Just the movement grazed skin. Fishnet dragged along her body. Her shorts shifted almost imperceptibly, but still rubbing against her body. Zatanna breathed deep, telling herself to steady as best she could.

But she felt a sharp sensation against her chest, the breast reshaping. Raw pleasure dumped inside her, buckling her legs for a moment, letting her almost collapse against him. Hands grasped as she tripped, feeling foolish, not at all like the confident heroine she was. Dammit, how did the demons keep doing this to her? She had training. Skill. She should be able to deal with this. But she felt his hand shifting, and it grasped against her sex. She let out another yelp, mouth moving to try and form words. Protests? Encouragement? Syllables wouldn't quite form, her lips or tongue or brain befuddled; she wasn't quite sure which.

A pull, and she let out a high-pitched yelp as her thong again bisected her slit. she needed to get a garment with better coverage, or at least something that wouldn't be quite so easy. But already she felt the roiling in her lower belly, the smoldering heat melting her insides. Her sex throbbed, a slightly unfamiliar, empty ache suddenly forming. It felt like... like being hungry, like she needed filling. It made her fight down a moan, trembling once more. She shifted to grip him, lips moving to try and form the question: what kind of fun? But how much vocalization hit reality, Zatanna couldn't quite tell. It was hard to tell much beyond the mounting want the demon inflicted upon her, and she was struggling to determine why she'd even bother otherwise.
Decorative vest and soft white shirt faded away into nothingness from the frame of the mans body. Pants followed, vanishing into nonexistence along with his polished boots, leather wrist bands, and shiny rings. Skin changed color as the demon entered the boundary of the pentagram etched upon the floor. Pale creamy peach shifted to deep burnt red hues. Form shifted against the back of the young magician, no longer being pushed and prodded by a mere man, but by a chiseled towering demonic form that had risen in it's place.

Heat pulsed from his body, raising the temperature around them and transferring that boiling lust from demon into teenage virgin mortal flesh. Twice the amount of hands moved to smother, maul, and caress her tender body. Her breasts were all but encompassed by two spreads of reaching fingers while sharp curled nails scratched as her orbs were twisted about at the demons leisure. Raw heat slapped around her neck, vice like and clutching from a third hand that fell around her throat. With the much smaller, cursed girl under his firm control the demon took the last step into the center of the pentagram and held her trembling body against his.

"You are such a sweet little pure thing." His voice sounded hollow now, yet so full of force as the words fell to her from above. Seizing hands turned her body about while legs pushed and forced her awkward stance to pivot until she faced towards the large mirror behind the bar. The hand that laid claim over her vulnerable sex and utilized her own thong against her puffy sensitive pink slit twisted about. Dark honed tips of nails sliced up through the underside of her clinging purple spandex shorts and tore it to ribbons.

Slithering out from between the demons legs a trio of tendrils, ridged and lined with uneven knobs, began to unfurl as they moved to twirl and twine about Zatanna's limbs. The first rolled up her back, fell under her midnight black flowing hair and directed its movements over her left shoulder. Fleshy domed cap pressed and prodded at her lips, seeking entry into her mouth where it would stuff her throat full if given the chance. The second arced downward from between the demons long and thick tri-jointed legs, and then it swung up like a ram towards the split of her ass, intent on forcing entry, determined to shatter through clenching muscles that guarded. The third, and last of the tendrils coiled around Zatanna's upper thigh, squeezing like a python around it while the slimy head of the demonic cock wriggled its way into the torn open front of her shorts. Hand withdrew as the demons invasive and tubular shaft pushed within torn apart shorts and battled with the protective magics emanating from the dug in thong buried in Zatanna's virgin sex.

"Your chosen, did you not find it strange that you of all people discovered us? Did you not think that we planned this? That the magic you sensed was meant to find you as much as you were to find it?" The unoccupied hand lifted upward, dragging away her blindfold, revealing sight again as the hand around her neck forced her to stare into the mirror and witness the demon that was just now starting to ravage her while his tendril squirmed and writhed about in an effort to break the enchantment that kept the sloped head from plunging into virgin wetness. "Cum, cum for me Zatanna Zatara, and wash the floor with your climax."
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Something shivered over Zatanna's body; she could just feel it, could barely recognize it through the lustfilled fog that overwhelmed her senses: magic, demonic magic. Surprise filled her for just a second, before she remembered that reflection. The man was a demon; she'd known that, knew it before she dared walk out here. A fleeting thought almost made the magician lift up her blindfold, had her hands hovering up for just a moment: is he a hot demon?

Barely had the thought fluttered through when Zatanna flushed. She... she couldn't have even thinking that, could she? The heat met with something external, her rising want pulsing against the demon's ever present. Moaning, the magician shifted toward him. Sensations danced around her impressive breasts, teased, drawing more and more heat into her increasingly overheated body. The sensations increased, and Zatanna noted, in a distant way, that there were just too many to be real. Of course that thought's just insane---all demons are hot... no, wait, I don't..

The girl moaned as her body entered the pentagram, lust already bubbling up and throughout her body. Lips moved to try and say something, garbled words coming out. Zatanna shifted, almost falling ash moved her body. Something teased between her legs; she shivered. she tried shaking her head, the last bits of sanity clinging and acting through her.

Slice: it was like cutting through a dam. Liquid arousal seeped from about Zatanna, thoroughly soaking through the barest, enchanted thong upon her body. It coated her thighs with a sweet glaze, beckoning toward her nether lips, which already throbbed with sheer arousal, the want eclipsing anything Zatanna had felt before.

Yes, that hunger rose within her. The fierce, intense WANT hit her lower abdomen worse than any pathetic hunger pang. The beautiful superheroine felt so achingly empty. Her body, her core, her sex felt hollowed out. She... she needed filling. Needed it like air. Already she panted, already she squirmed. Spell latched onto teenage suppression, built from lust, amped from situation. The desire to orgasm, no, to do more to orgasm, to fuck roared so fierce within Zatanna that she felt frightened by it. something... something that strong couldn't just be from.. from a spell. She knew that.

Something slithered about her. Her mind kicked in, told her to resist. To tighten lips. To clench tight ass cheeks. But that hunger roared back at her. Made her gasp.

Schlick. Gurgle. A tentacle pushed passed painted lips. Began sliding into Zatanna's throat. Her eyelids fluttered, her mouth simply going slack to allow the intruder within. She could taste him, feel him stretching her throat, feeling him punching down. Magick, he could fill her belly with his seed and essence, pump her so full of him that it would take hours... days to remove his taint from her system.

The hunger kicked.

muscles near her lower half clenched, but seemed to part. A domed head was working its way through an unprotected ass. Zatanna could feel the entrant yet again, like before, that memory fueling the fire. want stabbed into her even as the blazing heat from having her still "virginal" ass parted by thick demon appendage hit her hard. She moaned around a thrashing tentacle, eyelids fluttering.

The hunger screamed.

Magic... of course they knew, and they'd enchanted her to train her to be like this. The magician took solace in that: it was the spell; just the spell. Not....not some supressed emotions, not the hormones of a too-sexy teenager who spent her nights dressed like a fucktoy while kicking bad guy heads in, not the repression of daddy's little virgin, who blushed and felt guilty whenever she used a vibrating wand against her needy sex, certainly not thinking of tall men like her father or the sexy superheroes she found herself with. And she never---

---Zatanna saw a girl standing there. One of those like the ones from all the illustrations and books she'd sneaked as hormones raged. I'll never be one of those horny sluts she'd thought, even when she'd felt the squirming in her lower abdomen. So many tales of innocent virgins wrapped in demon, held captive at thier mercy. But Zatanna was too smart, too clever, protected by her own innocence and self-assurance.

There she stood, wrapped in tendrils, sex drooling with want, blue eyes staring with desire at the demon, the spell fueling some hidden lust that the magician would've never explored, would've insisted was disgusting. And an order--a simple command that her body simply wanted to follow.

Yet she found that last storing of will... or perhaps some inner desire to only release this tension when he fed that all consuming hunger. Instead of cumming as her new---master? commanded, the spoiled little magician let out a few gurgled noises of denial, shook her head just slightly, pulled her legs together just enough.

Nuh uh: I'm not cumming.

The hunger rampaged.
Hands squeezed down over melons that were far to ripe, far to taut to hang from her chest despite their size. Nails scratched along the creamy smooth flesh, leaving rake marks of red in their passing wake. The black fishnet severed apart, purple straps of tape that pressed down over throbbing hard nipples was wrenched away. His forked tongue, long and pucker marked swirled down over the shoulder of his captive erotic prey and twirled like fine twine around the shape of one perky tart deep pink nipple as soon as it was revealed to the lustful burning heat of the room.

With two hands occupied with the mauling, squeezing, torturous manipulations of fresh teenage breasts the other two freely roamed over the gentle curves of Zatanna's body. Her throat, full of a slimy ridged tendril that parted glossy purple lips wide was cinched and released repeatedly by the alluring demons hand. Another moved to stroke down between legs, shred more of dangling purple spandex away from her violated sex. Fingers pressed down there, parting slick with arousal pink lips of pussy, grasping the entrenched purple thong. It shred in two as the demons razor like claws cut through the magically enchanted garment and left it to fall in ruined, useless purple tatters between her legs.

Handsome sharp features, if a demon could be considered such, looked from past the young magicians shoulder. Blazing green orbs stared into the blue of her own that shown in the reflection. The mirror consumed the attentions of the demons eyes. Stared with forceful intent upon the sexual sacrifice of fresh virginity taking place within the midst of the soft red glow of the pentagram around them. Strong bony hips pump forward and up, driving hard tendril mass into the parted pink star of muscle between the albino cheeks of her ass.

He could see the loss in her eyes, but it wasn't complete, no not yet. There was still a glimmer of defiance. Of resistance. But there was want too. Hunger and thirst for the demons forced pleasures. There was no need for verbal speech anymore. So deep was the demons connection to his teenage toy that his words bore into her mind with merely his will to beckon them there. Her will would be put to the test as the hard calloused pointed head of the demons slithering cock broke apart clenching pink virgin walls. It flooded upwards, surging through the pure untainted sex of Zatanna, leaving it's mark upon every fiber of her grasping sex.

"Yes, yes, resist Zatanna, Zatara. Resist. It will make your climax all the more powerful. All the more devastating." Heated demon flesh, chiseled and well formed by muscle and sinew raged into helpless young Zatanna's body. Slick tendril plunged down her warm throat and bobbed in and out of her gagging muffled mouth. Her dainty full figure was tossed about by the demons ravaging thrusts. Feet left the floor with every upward ram of the demons crotch against the backside of Zatanna's plump parted rear.

The sin and carnal pleasure being embraced within the pentagram fueled its fiendish core and prepared Zatanna's curse to be driven further into the fiber of her being. "Resist. Until you can't anymore." The demons seductive voice echoed through her mind.
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Pain and pleasure hit Zatanna's chest. She felt it building in her breasts, firing them. Straining sensation pushed along her, pumped directly into the heart. Skin danced electric as a tongue slid downward, teasing her, arching her body oh so deliciously yet again. she felt it popping her magically created tape, winced, then gasped. Such sharp pleasures hit her chest. No one had teased her nipple, not like that. The raw, wet sensation along one of her most sensitive areas, an area amplified by magic and situation, hit her hard. She felt the stabbing pleasure pierce into her gut, wrenching against her, twisting her already trembling body further. She should have cum from that: she could actually feel the aborted orgasm almost swirling about within her, spurred on by that newest thrash.

Each time she thought she processed a situation, the demon switched. From breast to body to throat. She felt her muscles working, attempting to gag. spittle bubbled out, burst in bits. Her mouth felt almost as if it would unhinge. Gagging turned into an almost constant swallow, started to dim into something like acceptance, blue eyes fluttering as air was less breathed in then pushed by a thrusting cock. Stars swam in Zatanna's vision, and just a bit more of her will got beaten, hammered out of her. She tried working, mumbling spells or incantations, but she'd have been lost. Hands spasmed in motions, trying to recall where she'd saved magic, or to resist or---something?

Eyes drifted. Zatanna could see the demon, felt his gaze locking hers. The enchantment within Zatanna kicked, mad her eyes widen. She could literally feel him twisting pleasure within he,r twisting mind, twisting want, rewriting desire. Heartbeats passed, her gaze locked, mouth gurgling protests, till she gathered enough will to pinch eyes shut, try another shake of the head.

Barely had this small act of defiance left when he thrust. She cried out, feeling her tight muscles giving way. The rippled tendril simply pushed against her clenching form. It burrowed into her ass. She felt her body contorting about him, reshaping. She tried to squeeze, to clamp, but the sensation was just---too good, too fulfilling. The hunger greedily clawed at it, burned its want into her belly. She felt her hips rising upward and she let out another gurgling noise. Her ass's resistance lasted seconds, a matter of thrusts, before it simply became a trembling, tight tunnel for his use. And she felt every inch of him. The spiking pleasure, the carnal feeding, was making her sex leak. Her hips would jerk up, an orgasm roaring forth, screaming its way out from her throat. But her jaw would clench, muscles flex, toes curling into her boots.

NO! I CAN'T---I WON'T! she thrashed her head as best she could, black locks almost slapping against her. That taut, superheroine body was being almost ground between writhing tendrils. Every inch of her ached. Her hips kept jerking every few seconds: orgasms that she was barely suppressing. Did she think that she could outlast him? That he'd give up? that someone would swoop in and save her? The superheroine? Zatanna thrashed again, but it was a losing battle. Her body was aching, and the spasms kept coming quicker and quicker. Like little bubbles before the eruption, sparks before the explosion, trickles before the flood...
The writhing twirling tongue that was snared about her standing at attention pink nipple tightened around the root of it. It made the engorged diamond hard nub expand at its precipice like a balloon. The painful and pleasure searing sensation lasted but only a moment before the tongue unwound and fished its way back into the volcanic maw of the demon. Tips of dark claws circled her areolas, traced their circumference while the demon's lips wrought words of power from days of times forgotten by most.

But there meaning wasn't lost to Zatanna. He was enchanting a spell of marking, tracing a red circular line around the borders of darkened pink flesh that spread out from the base of her aching nipples. More sex magic began to flow through the curled points of fiendish claws, turning the goose bump peppered canvas of her areolas into a rich pure black circle.

Gagging cock meat plunged deep one last time into the depths of Zatanna's throat before it wrenched its way up and out of her parted purple lips. Snake like appendage moved in a wave that drew it behind her as it fell back between his legs, where it coiled about the pumping tendril shaped shaft that was hammering in and out of her sex. It's joining caused the walls of her sex to expand beyond reasonable limits as the two joined and merged into one knotted and twisted cord of ridge textured slickness that worked her quaking pink with relentless aggression.

The needle like tips of claws from thumb and index finger clamped down over the middle of hardened pointy nipples that were encircled by areolas turned pitch black by foul demon magic. Sharp needles began to press through those magically protected nubs, piercing both her defenses and flesh. Words flowed from the demons mouth as nail like needles pushed all the way through to the other side of her roaring stiff nipples. Piercing dark nails fell loose from tips of fingers, turned bony white and remained lodged in the heroines nipples as their shape manipulated and they morphed into horns of white that swept up out of each pierced nipple, turning her sensitive peaks of breasts into small mimics of the Cult of Horns symbol.

As the sensation of the adornment rolled pleasure and pain into young inexperienced teen flesh the plumping invader buried in the clenching depths of her ass pulled free with a pop. It tucked down between tightened legs that couldn't help but be spread by the demonic union of thrusting tendrils. It slithered around the married pair and widened their girth further as it added more defiling cock into her bulging pleasure twisted pink parted walls. The demonic voice, sultry and reverberating with power filled her ears, worked to dig into her psyche. "Your resistance only makes you weaker, you will submit further with every conquest we take of your flesh. There is no, escape from that which you crave."
More magic? Zatanna moaned, the sound reverberating about the thrusting tendril. With more will, she could've resisted whatever he was doing. Fuck, if she'd been ready, he wouldn't have even gotten close. But right now? Every ounce of the trembling, black haired teen was focused no not cumming her brains out. Zatanna couldn't resist anything the demon wished to enact upon her. She could only feel the dark magics circling her chest. Feel them seeping into her sensitive nipples, pulsing along them. Biology responded almost immediately, swelling the breasts slightly, allowing just a hint of milk to dribble from them, as if the sheer arousal they felt couldn't be contained. They ached as they never had before, the raw pleasure sheer agony amid a sea of other torments.

And that sea was drowning her. The tendril kept slapping against her sex, battering that last, feeble bit of enchantment. She could feel it moving ,piercing through, shredding cloth and enchantment. Her precious, well-guarded, well vaunted, virginity was sliding from between her bucking legs. For she could feel the textured head of him sliding within her, poking along her body. Muscles started to part, and she let out a scream against the tendril as she felt her body finally giving way.

The pop felt almost audible.

Zatanna whimpered, knowing that the fate she'd dreaded: losing her virginity to a demon, had just happened. Interior walls clamped belatedly down upon an invader, as if her body could reject. But sheer liquid lust made the insertion ever so easily. The tendril could fucking glide into the snug teenager's protected hole, wriggling and pushing against her insides, already working to reshape her. She felt the squirming sensation, tried rallying herself: she couldn't cum, couldn't---but it was nearly impossible with this thing thrashing about inside her.

Wait---why was it getting tighter down there? Why was her hunger almost dancing in celebration? Zatanna let out a cry, surprised to hear her own voice echoing, realizing that another was pressing, prodding, slithering into her already stretched to its limit hole. She protested ,bucking, bucking hard, jerking her lithe body. But a thrust from her filled ass drew her into an arc. Sharp full sensations in her trembling breasts made her contort, and Zatanna all but helped worked the tendril in to see its twin.

Raw arousal burned through her, clawed into her mind. The imprint, the sensation of textured cocks working her sensitive flesh, seeped into her, seeped into her body, seeped deeper into her want. The teenager could almost feel the demon reconstructing her to be a demonic sexual plaything. Her thinking mind protested, started thinking of counters---rallied just another bit of will and---

A sharp pierce, and something slid inside her. Zatanna bucked, another barely expressed sensation of pleasure rocking her. Blue eyes squeezed shut in sheer denial, tears carrying markings of mascara along her face. Her chest heaved as she felt something sliding into her body, lodging there. Bone piercings would be hard without magic to remove... magical bone piercings? Zatanna could already feel them seeping into her, making her chest throb. It tricked her biology, hit upon the more... maternal aspects, made her want to be in a position where she could have her chest tended to. For several long, painful seconds, even while drowning in the desire to cum, Zatanna wanted nothing so much as to have something warm and wet encircling her nipples and sucking hard...preferably something belonging to a demon.

Wait---why was her ass---empty? When had that--Zatanna screamed, now freed to vocalize, as she felt it pushing inside her, widening, preparing. Oh, oh, magick, oh magick, he's turning me into a fucking INCUBATOR, a...a... BREEDER or---or something. Oooh, fuuuuuuuck----- The thought turned into a slurred vocalization, something only loosely approximating that curse and description as her body kicked. I can't---I can't---I CAN'T---I---I---I---dammit, it feels so good! I'm so tight and my chest hurts and my body's on fire and everything is just swelling with this---this FUCKING NEED---oooooh, sex feels so fucking good and I----I----aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh-----"Aaaaaaaahaaaieeeeee" The thing thundering through Zatanna now was less an orgasm and more... an explosion?
The trio of diabolical perversions of cock slapped in and out of Zatanna's erupting sex as the young magicians hunger reached it's peak and she broke, leaking pleasure out of her filled sex. It withdrew, hollowing out the fluid leaking slick walls of no longer virgin tightness. It's presence though, knotted and twined together in a thick strand like a rope that could hold a yacht to a dock slapped between her legs and rose upward. Wet sticky residue transferred from merged demonic tendrils as the shape slithered up across her belly and rubbed against her trembling cumming slit.

Erotic heat and smoldering ash swirled around them as the young teens torrential climax fell down her parted trembling legs and spread across the floor within the center of the pentagrams shape. It's etched borders burst with fiery red power, the marking connecting deeper with the magical curse that saturated Zatanna's helpless body and tainted her to the core. "Yes, yes, it feels so good. So free of the burden of care. Why fight why deny yourself such blissful sensations." The demons hissed out words rolled across Zatanna's neck and swirled into her ear while it's multitude of hands caressed the quivering magicians flowering form.

The heads of the union of tendrils parted like the serpentine heads of a hydra. Two snapped forward, puckering mouths opening and granting the young teen's wish for her freshly marked nipples to be sucked upon. The enclosed around those firm protrusions and feasted on the desirable peaks of her firm and full breasts. The last of the splitting heads of demonic cock rose upwards like a hypnotizing cobra that swayed before Zatanna's face. The spear like hard head pointed downward towards gasping purple stained lips. It rose up further and then drove forward and down like a spear that plunged itself deeply into her mouth once more.

The sulfuric heat of the demons approaching climax dripped into her mouth and coated the soft velvet tongue that it pressed over. It's bulbous shape slid over her pinned tongue and ventured further into the back of her throat with every stroke. Mouths meanwhile clenched and twisted around her ensnared nipples, forcing the bony piercings to corkscrew the hard pillars of flesh they were buried in. The bubbling sensation of gooey heated demon seed began to sputter out of the suckling mouths of those busy heads, drizzling her chest in the essence of the demons own budding climax.

"I curse you, in this unhallowed place of perversions. Your words will flow freely here, but never will you be able to form the back words callings of your magic in this place. In this place, marked by the virgin juices of your climax, you are powerless to call upon your magic." His spoken words hammered into Zatanna's body at the very moment that the demons own vile orgasm was delivered. Steamy clinging orange seed spurted down her throat, the taste of it sweeter then any nectar's her taste buds might of known. More orange creamy goo erupted against her ensconced stiff nipples, pouring out of the mouths and painting her chest with a thin layer of slime that began to course down her body.
Bliss dominated the young heroine. gone were thoughts of protest or right or good or anything that existed beyond her bodily wants, the glorious sensations rippling through her body. Sensation seized, jerked her about, made her quiver in small, short spasms amid the thrashing tendrils' more desperate movements. Internal muscles seized and danced as never before. Tight walls clamped upon invading tendrils, but not to stop. They pulled and milked, aiding the textured phallus to glide along the girl's tight walls. Shivering muscles drew flexible, gnarled flesh against her tender spots. The sheer pressure blasted an orgasm, made the girl's delight fountain for several hard moments. A short gush, the last bits of Zatanna's virginity almost expelled from her writhing flesh in a perverse reverse exorcism.

And it kept going. As his tendrils worked her, dragged along her. The sheer pleasure, so long suppressed, shook her body. Flooded veins with its raw sensation. Muscles gave way, body grew slack, until she was little more than a quivering body of flesh. Zatanna Zatara had been literally fucked to almost component parts. Her want, mixed with a slight hint of virginal blood, mixed with demonic precum, seeped from her body, glazing legs, pooling upon the floor with even more power than before.

Dark magicks shot against her. Zatanna could feel the energies lighting her veins, the light shimmering through her pale skin as it literally burnt itself into her essence. She let out a harsh scream at the first, only to just let her mouth work ,body relaxing..., suddenly undulating. Her breasts felt the teasing torment of mouths upon them. Reaction began, life-giving liquid seeping out of the teen as her body simply reacted. The sheer pleasure of it sent shivers through her, built the smoldering heaps of her previous eruption further. The girl shivered again--had she even stopped orgasming? The wave building felt like another. She almost tilted her head back, a sudden supplicant before this new force.

Painted, smeared lips parted, letting the cock shove into her throat, as if the demon were reaching within to the source of her impressive power. The girls swallowed, eyelids fluttering as the heady desire flooded her, drugged her. A twist in her already aching nipples finalized sensation: she came again, body jerking, sex spasming around the emptiness within. She let out a little cry, gurgling about the cock sealing her mouth yet again.

A curse, and she barely understood. It hit her hard, as if she could already speak or summon magic. But she knew what it meant: she hadn't just lost this fight, but she'd lost something impressive. Yet she didn't care. Her throat worked and she greedily sucked down the cum. Slivers of orange drizzled out of her lips, even as the noises of her desperate swallowing grew more. It coursed down her body as surely as the seed drizzling her torso, mixing into a river of want that met her still quivering sex, baptizing Zatanna in her new want, her new desire.
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