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An Unconventional Guardian (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

He made a noise, looking over the destroyed dummies with frustration before moving to rebuild them to destroy them again.
She looked him over slowly before shaking her head. "I need to get back to work.." She said.
When he was done destroying his frustrations, he went back inside and waited for her to summon him again.
She was busy working, but made sure that he was summoned back up. "Apologies for acting rashly." She said when he entered.
"As long as you never attempt to drag me to whatever a 'den' is ever again, we will have no such problem." She said. She didn't even look up from her work. It was late and she was still buried in work?
"With all due respect, you honestly do need to settle down and take a moment to yourself..." He said, "If you'll humor me?"
"Share a drink with me." He said, "You'll find I'm quite stubborn. No is not a viable answer." He added with a smile.
She made a noise. "Alright.. Alright, fine." She said and closed her holopad. "We have a fully stocked wetbar downstairs."
She made a noise and moved downstairs. She sat at the bar before requesting one of their finest wines for herself
She made a noisr and simply sipped her wine. "I thought I had found the right man but he proved me wrong. So I guess I've buried myself in my work and never thought about finding another."
"Unfortunate." He muttered, drinking his whiskey, "I've never had the time to settle down with a good sow..."
"Given the right circumstances, perhaps...though, with such a dangerous job, she might not stay for long...the stress would kill her.." He replied.
"Well then maybe find one who's used to the stress... That seems to be the logical conclusion." She said, finishing her wine and ordering another.
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