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To lost to sing? (Distain and nightsorceress)

It took all of Nia's strength but she quickly moved from the table and ran towards the bedroom locking herself inside. She needed to be away from him. She feared he would be mad at her. not only did that but she felt so dirty and so wrong. Nia could still feel Thomas hands all over her and she wanted to rip her skin off.
When Namir entered the home and found docis setting on the ground he was heart broken. He could tell that docis was in terrible pain. "Docis both your things I am taking Nia with me back to my home. She will be safer their. I expect to see you no later then tomorrow morning or i will come drag you to my home. " He spoke softly before knocking on the bedroom door. "Nia it is Namir can i come in please? "
Nia heard the knock and she was afraid it was Docis. But then she heard Namirs voice she went to the door and unlocked it she stood there trembling like a leaf. She didn't know what to say she just cried.
"Nia come with me Lily wants me to bring you to our place so you can be safer. " He spoke softly slipping his arm around her leading her to the carriage he had waiting outside. Docis never moved he could not she ran from him when she saw him. He wanted to jump of the theater he was so heart broken.
Nia jsut let Namir lead her away. She couldn't fight him. She got into the carriage not saying a word just crying softly. When the carriage reached Namir home Lily was waiting outside and quickly ushered Nia inside and straight upstairs to the guest room.
Namir sat down on the porch he had never seen docis that broken it disturbed him terribly.

Docis sat there for hours before getting up packing all of her things into a small bag before heading to Namir's on horse back. Once he arrived he set her things on the deck and went down to the lake. He had a great deal of thinking to do he had just crippled 3 men and he could not handle that.
It took Lily hours to settle Nia down. Infact the only she was able to leave her was because Nia had cried herself to sleep. Lily went outside and saw Nia things she looked at her husband "where is Docis?" she asked softly
"I was inside getting a drink when he dropped them off. I am not certain but i think he is down there." He pointed at the dock the small shadow laying out on the edge of the dock.
"well Nia spoke to me and i think something he has to hear" Lily kissed Namir and then made her way down to the doc. she came up behind him "hello docis, i thought you might need someone to talk to." She came up next to him
Docis sat up looking at her then turning to look out over the water. "You should be in bed not out here dealing with me. I will be fine. " He spoke softly not certain what he should do he just wanted to go hug Nia but he was not sure he could.
Lily took a seat next to him "there i am resting while we talk" Lily then reached for his hand and gave it a firm squeeze. "you should be inside with Nia. Both need each other more then ever now"
"She ran away from me she does not want to see me. I don't blame her after how i acted in that room. " He he tossed a stone out into the lake clearly ashamed of the way he acted.
"well she has a lot of emotions running through right now. She dirty and she feels like she doesn't deserve your love. She thinks this whole mess is her fault. She also thinks you hate her for this" Lily explained softly to him
"I hate myself. I should have sent a guard with her. " He spoke softly standing up slowly offering lily a hand to help her up. He needed to go be with Nia.
Lily slowly stood "you can't have a guard with her forever. I mean a woman does need her freedom, i mean think about her life up until under lock and key. No you did the right thing, you just now need to help Nia releazie you don't hate."
Helped Lily to her feet slipping his arm around her to help her walk. Soon they where at the house and docis entered silently slowly slipping up to the stairs towards the guest room.
Docis pulled a chair over next to the bed leaning over it his fingers slipping into her hand. He sat there his head pressed down deep into the bed as he laid there broken.
Nia started to stir when she felt someone grab her hand she thought it might be Lily. But when she opened her eyes she saw it was Docis. She quickly jumped out of bed and backed herself into a corner. her eyes began to flood with tears "don't look at me please don't look at me. i know you hate me for what happen. oh god how i hate myself. please please just go."
Docis moved over to her slowly his eyes staying down as she requested. He knelt down taking her hands slowly. "I do not hate you. Your not the one at fault. I am not mad nor do i hate you. I love you Nia i am mad at myself for letting this happen to you. " He squeezed her hands tight hoping she would realize he loved her.
Nia was shaking, her hand was shaking in his as she listen to his words "no you shouldn't love me anymore, i am not fit to have your love. and you are wrong this is all my fault. it is, it truly is."
"No it is not this has nothing to do with you. And you are more then fit to to be with me. You did not want this to happen you did not ask for it. I need you please don't leave me Nia.
"you begged me not to go and i did. you deserve a woman who listens to you" Nia pulled her hand away only to back way more she felt the wall against her back she slide down it her knees came up and her rest on them hiding her face from him. Crying.
"It is my fault i should have killed him the last time i saw him. " He spoke softly slipping his arms around her holding her close pressing her body to his. "Nia i don't care about what happened today i just want us to be happy together from now on. "
Nia could not longer help it she wrapped her arms around him her head pressed into his chest. "i can still feel his hands on me. I can still feel him biting my breast. And i can still feel him inside me. i don't know how to make that feeling go away"
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