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The Three Kingdoms - OOC

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I figured I'd reword my question here, it might be useful for public knowledge.

What roles in society do wood elves, water elves, Dryads, and Naiads play in society. Such as how often are they made slaves, do they interact often with the kingdoms, things of that sort. I'm curious since I'm considering playing a Naiad.
I'll repost here what I sent you. I was actually working on a writeup for just that concern. Here is the quick version (I plan to clean it up a bit still)


Wood and water Elves generally wander the lands outside the kingdoms, although they can sometimes be found crossing the borders. They are prime targets for slaves as they are beautiful, skilful, intelligent, and useable by Vaskaan. The wilderness is not a safe place for anyone though. The Elf cities are the only real safe haven the Elves have.

Although not close friends, all three tribes of Elves are friendly with each other and will try to help out each other when danger is around.

It is possible for Elves and humans to communicate without difficulty, although Elves also speak their own language. Because of this, there are many stories of people who got lost in The Great Green and befriended an Elf who eventually helped them find their way home. The light Elves even helped the Vaskaan people at one point during the wars which lead to their current peace treaty.

In a sense, the Elves are masters of the largest kingdom: the non-kingdom between the three; however, there are the constant dangers that come from being in the wilds (wild animals, trolls, undead, hippogryphs, the occasional dragon, etc.)

Half-Elves are very rare but not totally unknown. Some may try to hide their Elf heritage and make their way in the kingdoms, or they can live lives as partial pariahs among the Elves. Vaskaan and Light Elves are the most tolerant of half-Elves, again, because of the treaty; however, most people will still likely distrust the person if they find out about the mixed heritage.

I never really intended nymphs to be a playable race, but any adventurer caught out in the wilderness for an extended period would very likely see more than a few. And any Elf characters would likely meet more than a few as they are more than happy to socialize with wandering Elves

Nymphs are closely associated with Elves. Elves revere nature and Nymphs embody nature. That is not to say Elves worship these nature spirits, just the two share common goals and ideals. The Elves try to protect the natural world that the Nymphs live in. For this reason, Nymphs often dwell near places popular to Elves and will often help the Elves as much as they can. It is not uncommon for a Nymph to jump to an Elf’s aid if they are cornered, or help hide an Elf who is on the run from Human hunters.

It is said that in and around the Elf cities, Nymphs can be found in abundance. They play with Elves and help defend the cities from outsiders. The most common way of doing this is by leading the humans away into the forest until they are totally lost, at which point the Nymph slips away.

If caught and removed from their home for too long, less than a day, the Nymph will wither and die.

Nymphs speak broken Human at best, but they can speak Elf fluently given their close relationship. These are learned skills though as naturally Nymphs do not speak in a way we would recognize as they talk to each other in the language of earth and trees and water.

Nymphs can become cursed if the land they inhabit is cursed. This often drives the Nymph mad and can make them a dangerous foe to all living things. Nymphs are extremely powerful, less so the further removed from their home location.
Reipuru said:
I'm curious since I'm considering playing a Naiad.

I had an idea. You may like it or your may find it awkward, but if part of a Nymph's home domain could be transported around, then theoretically the Nymph could travel with it, although likely at reduced power.

Example 1: A Dryad wanting to leave it's home plant would have to travel with a living clipping of the plant. As long as that fragment was tended to and survived, the Dryad wouldn't die.

Example 2: Naiads would have an easier time of it. All they need is a way to carry around some water from their home pond/stream. Probably more than a cup of water, just to be safe... let's say at least a litre.
Because interest in Nymph characters has come up, I'll post what I've told people already. I would really hate to limit my players. this is meant to be a big open world of possibilities after all (within reason).


Dryads and Naiads don't really have jobs per say. On a character sheet I think that slot would be N/A (not applicable). They can act as guards for Elf villages, but that is mostly because they live there, not that they are hired to do it.

The main thing a normal happy Nymph does is protect its little piece of the world, play games with Elves, and tease/play tricks on Humans (and occasionally Elves, especially Light Elves)
I'm not sure if this game proves I have too much time on my hands, or not enough :lol:

On one hand, I keep adding details about the world and its history (going on the encyclopaedia soon), on the other I feel I never have time to write down everything that is in my head.

I'm thinking maybe one more person and I'll try to start up an IC thread. 4 seems like a decent number to start with. I'll try to fill in any needed characters that might come along that we don't have players for. I'm fine with playing bit parts for now. As things get rolling I may take up a regular character.

For now, I'm just playing god around here. Excuse me while I shape the world... has it been seven days yet? I need a coffee break :lol:
Looks like we got four people, just waiting on the final two characters to appear now and I'll go ahead and get an IC thread started up.
Well, that history only took me 2-3 days... sorry for the delay folks :oops: I thought I would have it finished faster.
Calm down Reipuru... it's not going to come any quicker. *laughs* I was hopeing to hear back from Night about my character and her starting conditions but haven't gotten word back
ok, edited my first post. I like it better now, and Raiden, you got the intro/set-up you asked for so get in there and make a post already! :p
I wanted to let people know they are welcome to make up to 3 characters (much more than that could get out of hand).

Being a big world, I think it's only fair to allow players who want to be in multiple places at once to do so.
Before it comes up (not sure it would, but who knows) I'm exempt from the 3 character limit :p the catch is most of who I play are temporary NPCs who I would much rather have taken over by full players rather than be my little deus machinas.

Just didn't want anyone complaining that I'm breaking the house rules by jumping into everyone's game. I'm the storyteller around here, and I can bend the rules as I like ;-) (at least as long as it keeps the game going smoothly anyway)
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