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That feel when...


Feb 12, 2018
Just a thread to post those feelings of frustration or disappointment (or even positive things!) and others chiming in with "Been there", or just general expression thread.

Allow me to start.

That feel when you start the week with a lot of promising or current stories, and by the end of the week everything has stalled for whatever reason or they've just ghosted on you, leaving you with nothing.
That feel when you've posted a request thread that has had about forty or so views and no one has responded to you yet. :(
That feel when more than half of those who approach for rps in the same week have the same general theme that just isn't one you dig all that much.
that feel when you finally get a post out the door after a month even when you know it isn't that good, but in your gut you know it'll take you a second month before you type another sentence
That feeling when you browse through old roleplays on a lark and cringe at your own writing, wondering how on earth anyone wanted to write with you in the first place.
That feel when you finally find someone who wants to write the most fucked up roleplay of your dreams. :love:
That feel when, after you've approached in PM or posted a reply, you see that the other person has since been active and just not replied.
That feel when you can't envisage ever again being totally caught up on the stories you already have, but your brain still keeps telling you, "Just one more, just one more. You can handle it."
When it seems like you’ve looked at every req thread and approached every possible match and don’t have any current RPs to for show it.
That feel when you can't envisage ever again being totally caught up on the stories you already have, but your brain still keeps telling you, "Just one more, just one more. You can handle it."
Quoting this one more time for myself, hahaha.

Now time to go look for that one more roleplay.
That feel when you learn a random fact somewhere, and your first thought is “that would be perfect for my thread and my partner will love it! I must use it now!”
That feel when you are absolutely obsessed with your game and NEED to read/write/think about it.
That feel when you are sick and tired of seeing everyone and their dog say they are into X/Y play, BUT ONLY AS Y, DON'T EVEN ASK THEM TO DO X.
When you wake up to a PM from your partner to tell you nothing more than that they're fawning over a little scene you included in your response! Make's all the effort of writing worthwhile.
That feel when this thread is full of so much positive experiences and you’re the pessimistic rain cloud.
That feel when this thread is full of so much positive experiences and you’re the pessimistic rain cloud.
Then let's mix it up, then.




That feel when you stayed up later than you should have with your partner, even though you both had work the next morning, waking to find out not only was your work canceled but so was your partners so now you get to spend all day writing together. ☺️💕 (ok, so the cancelled work feel sucks but the rest is wonderful!)
That feeling when you finish your reply, and realize that you have jumped three hours into the future.
That feeling when you say “holy shit! I get to reply to that thread!”
That feel when you realize you’ve left your laptop charger at work and forgot your debit card at Starbucks last night.

I’m really drinking the dumb bitch juice holy fuck.
Ugh, the feel when you get really hyped up for a good role play, you and your partner pen excellent intros, and then REAL LIFE means partner has to abandon the RP ;__;
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