A list.
1) Parents teach their child fear instead of acceptance.
2) Parents ignore younger entirely, locking her out of the problem that obviously is consuming her attention.
3) Parents die. Elder responds with moping and doubles down on ignoring younger.
4) Younger decides A MAN WILL FIX EVERYTHING. Tumblr comparisons start in my mind.
5) Younger immediately bails out on most important day of either sister's life to go catch some strange.
6) Elder is still in mopecity and allows younger to pop off like a champagne cork. Doesn't seem to notice or even consider what she's doing until...
7) Younger gets engaged. No comment.
8) Elder responds with irritation and a curt denial, instead of a) ignoring her like she had been for over a decade or b) just laughing at the idiot child, either of which would have been appropriate and in-character.
9) Younger decides this is the time for a blowout. The last ten years were just winding up her screaming voice, I suppose.
10) Elder panics, fucks up the scene, and does a supervillain heelturn. Good people don't cause massive destruction and only think "GODDAMN THIS FEELS GOOD." Elder, at the very least, has a sociopathic lack of empathy.
11) Younger decides that fucking off all responsibilities seems like a good idea, and leaves her command in the hands of her fiance(??), not anyone else who actually, you know, lives in the city.
12) Younger takes fiance's horse (???) which is clearly a show animal and predictably isn't tempered for hard work like climbing a mountain in four feet of snow. Horse proceeds to toss her and bolt. Surprise!
13) Younger goes hiking in a ballroom gown.
14) Younger FALLS IN A CREEK, and leaves the multiple layers (and pounds) of now-waterlogged dress on. And continues hiking. In the four feet of snow.
#Iwish) Younger dies about five feet from the creek when the blood in her legs solidifies. Despite being only a few hundred feet from the store she was headed to, the insinuative properties of the snow make sure neither the shopkeeper nor Poor Guy hear her desperate mewling. The wolves feast.
15) Younger enters store. Despite having actually frozen clothes, she chats politely with the shopkeeper about the supplies she needs while frostbite sets in.
16) Poor Guy shows up. He's the least awful character, so I don't have much to say about him, other then his anti-social behavior frequently bites him in the ass, he seems clever enough to figure out how those two are related, but they never address why he hates people so much - Especially since he was raised by a horde of garrulous, goes-to-11-cheerful trolls.
17) Poor Guy gets himself 86'd. Younger's two lonely synapses bounce off each other, and she has something that's within a stone's throw of a good idea - Get the antisocial lump to do her bidding via bribery!
18) Younger starts talking to Poor Guy. His respect for her follows mine.
19) Dramatic wolf attack! All characters present fuck up dramatically and repeatedly. Younger sets shit on fire (on their wooden transportation) TWICE. Plot Armor prevails.
20) Is this where they made it to the castle? The sheer amount of tumblr girl bullshit from younger was flagging my consciousness. Oh, no wait, the pointless snowman. THAT'S RIGHT.
Seriously, what the FUCK?
21) Younger arrives at castle. Her impatience once again fucks everything. What should have been a quiet, seated conversation spread out over days is instead forced down Elder's throat. Yes, the one with the panic disorder and the apocalyptic powers who has just fully embraced her ability to ruin the world.
22) Elder loses it. Surprise! She creates a creature infused with a deep violent instinct to evict her sister and Poor Guy. Also tags her sister here, but despite her SINGLE GREATEST FEAR COMING TRUE RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER, she still opts to have her last family thrown ass over teakettle out the door to discover the effects of the tag on her own, on a mountainside, miles and miles and miles from town. Make no mistake. This is a death sentence, and Elder KNOWS it. However, she wants peace and quiet.
23) Younger antagonizes the golem. Despite her frequent protestations that Elder would never hurt her, she seems less convinced about Elder's magical lifeforms. Chase scene.
24) Is this where the soldiers leave the city? No, that was earlier. Nevertheless, Fiance(??) decides to go looking for the sisters, despite the fact that, uh, he wants them both dead and this is a magnificent chance to have the problem solved for him.
25) Soldiers arrive. Fiance(??) orders Evil Dudes to leave the queen alone, because he can't tip off the audience before his heelturn, even if he wants both sisters dead at this point. There's a fucking mess as Elder chooses NOW to have a crisis of faith about killing people, despite doing quite a good job on her sister a moment ago, and general ineptitude takes the day.
Suddenly bored. Probably won't finish this. Had a conversation about how nobody in Frozen makes a single good choice or logical conclusion, except for Poor Guy sometimes. Needless to say, I wasn't a fan.
Especially since The Princess and The Frog, an actual good movie with good animation and good music and good villains and good heros and good supporting characters, is mostly ignored in favor of The Land With No Threatening Men.