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Fx F or NB Rains search for new partners and exciting fun


Feb 23, 2015
Good day everyone my name is RainK I have been rping for several years now and I love it. I quite enjoy working with my partner to figure something out that can please both of us and allow us to really get into it. I have had plenty of good rps and plenty of bad rps the key factor is that everyone talks and discusses what they don't like or what they really want more of finding some way to get figured out. :)

With that in mind, I'd like to get some specifics out of the way. When it comes to rps lengths I try to match my partner so as long as its more than two sentences I'll try to get there with you, however, I am not a para rper and thus won't be giving you more than 3 paras at max. Along with that, I tend to rp at night after everyone else seems to be in bed so don't worry about replies but also don't be too terribly nitpicky. My grammar is fine, I know it's not perfect but I don't rp to get picky and I don't expect the same of you. I want a rp that's enjoyable and readable not perfect.

Now for some fun stuff, when it comes to rps I prefer a female body to play with for both me and my partner. What this means is I'm gonna be playing a female or futa or on very rare occasions a very feminine male. For my partners, though I'm only looking for ladies or futas, so no boys unless you're willing to play a female.

If you can't figure it out I am a very submissive person and when I say submissive I mean like 80-90%. Now I'm not always submissive I'll occasionally domme but only when I feel comfortable with someone and we've played for a while. Along those lines, I am also up for pretty much anything there are very few kinks I'm not up for and in fact, I am a major pain slut so bring it on hehe. Pretty much my only nos are Scat, death, gas, and mutilation otherwise I am up for trying anything at least once.

F-list refs: Note these are just characters to base around, our rp doesn't have to have them in it at all or it can be a different version. These are just to give you an idea of what I like and what I might play.
Futa Sub
Fem Sub
Fem Sub meant for weight gain
Male Sub
Futa Dom (Warning Paper Tiger)
Futa Dom (Warning Paper Tiger)
Paper Tiger=Sub that pretends they are a domme

Here are a few pairings that I love to play and would enjoy creating a story around.
Random Strangers
Met online
Video game worlds-Preferably OCs set in that world
Book worlds- Above
Movie worlds- Above
Comic worlds- Above
HeroXSide kick

So in here is where I'm putting the pairings and ideas I know not everyone will like.
So first up I am into diaper play and infantilism.
This can involve MomXDaughter, Two Friends, sisters, MistressXSlave, etc.
Diaper play= Honestly this could range into anything as long as I end up in a diaper. We could do a mother fed up with her disobedient daughter and decides she needs to grow up again. Or it could be a mistress who decides her new pet deserves the humiliation. Or it could simply be a loving couple like to add a bit of spice into there life with this kind of play. It could even be two lovers who enjoying diapering each other and playing. No matter what I want this one to be fun and for both of us to enjoy what we're getting out of it. Would love to do full on abdl play, but if you just like the diaper stuff that's cool. Or we could brainstorm something fun I'm down for working out a new idea.
Kinks I'd love to see in this kind of rp: Diaper use, infantilism, Spanking, Humiliation, Breast Feeding

Weight Gain= Once again I would love to be on the receiving end of this one, but I am open to both of us being affected. Anyway, this one revolves around mc gaining weight obviously however how she gains that weight can change. Whether it be by the classic stuffing her face with all sorts of food or by magical means and a devious partner. Like the Diaper play, this one can range from sweet and caring to dominating and humiliating it's up to you what your flavor is.
Kinks I'd love to see in this rp: Humiliation, Stuffing, Cruel names, Spanking, belly rubbing

Torture and abuse and I mean hardcore like strung up by her tits while being whipped hardcore
Total Ownership= This one is not for the faint-hearted and it has no place in a vanilla rp. If you can't tell I like to be humiliated and teased and taunted and this rp would play off of that. YC would be the absolute dominant and would be able to do whatever she wishes with mc aside from my nos. Need something to take your anger out on and punching bags are too expensive, just hang mc up and go to town. Can't make it to the bathroom on time, welp there's mc with a perfectly good hole or two. To be honest, there isn't really anything that you could do that would make me say no, so bring it on and let's have some fun.
Kinks I'd like to see: Humiliation, torture, degradation, spanking, BDSM, public use, non-con, dub-con, etc

P.S. I fucking love spanking and my favorite name to be called is piggy which can have pretty much anything after it

All of these scenarios are meant to be played with legal aged characters. However, they can be mixed and mashed together and can be used in a furry setting as well. Along with that, they can be used with a variety of gender pairings with fxf, futaxf, futaxfuta, or if you have a friend you want to invite hehe. Along with this if you are uncertain of a kink you want to try then hit me up and we can talk it out, chances are I'm gonna say yes.

Alrighty, I think that's it for now, will definitely add more as time goes on. If you don't see something you like try my main rp add. I can't wait to hear from you all so please drop by and leave me some steamy messages. I'll be waiting.

*Blows several kisses*

Anyway thats all for me darlings I can't wait to hear from you
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