So, the only thing that is the same for all people here is an interest in a D&D 5e smutty game?
Can you people get more concrete in your interests? Maybe I will DM...
What I would like to know:
1.) Sytem roleplay, but seeing that the 'original' basically is for age 12+, there is no rules for smut. Would you need some rules, or just use what is there and try to play smutty?
2.) I think it would be nice to know what kind of character each of you want to bring. Or if you can't choose, then write two options, top. Mainly "Race/Class/Sex" is what interest me at this point.
3.) Some kind of limits or wants about the smuttyness. Not a full F-list, or a whole kink listing, but maybe three 'Do' and 'Dont' would be good to see the compatibiity.
4.) How do you want to do the throwing of dices? (Do it yourself, let me do it, or use a dice roller...)
5.) Would you want to play it here on site in Forum, or Discord?
What (how) I would DM (and what I would not):
- I hope we can make a party, with one leader, and a couple of specialist - if needed I can bring an NPC (even if it is not needed...

- I am only interested to DM D&D, as in Dungeons and Dragons... oh well, not that much dragons at low level, but there will be monsters, treasure... Quests...
- While I am a somewhat accomplished DM, I am not a native english speaker, also not really mainstream in the 'official modules' kind of roleplaying. So, if the players can't do investigation worth shit, neither can their characters do it 'because of high INT and WIS'.
- Players should be ready to play with each others, NPC's, possibly monsters and if so inclined, animals. As part of the main game.
- Be ready to play out an in-game day in a real world week. Even in case of fighting... (Except if we do some dungeon crawling, in which case it can be realslow.)
+ And I am not DM-ing harem.