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Fx Any What tickles my fancy... NSFW

Mar 7, 2015
Hello everyone! My name really is Zoe but I choose to keep my real last name to myself. I have enjoyed role playing since I was a teenager and have over ten years experience! I prefer superheroine roleplays, the idea has always been fascinating for numerous reasons. Below are a list of enjoyments I have and deal breakers if we role play! At the bottom of the page, I will list my discord contact if you are interested in playing! I prefer to roleplay via messenger the most though I will play through threads and private messages! I will be happy to answer questions about my character in a conversation.

1. I want a long detail scene! I like to play out a movie in a sense or write a novel as we play. Yes, it is not for most but this is what I desire most in a role play! But do not let that scare you, I am only looking for a paragraph or two posts at a time. Sometimes, I have found, writing so much at once can take some of the fun reactions out of a play. I prefer a slower, shorter post pace.

2.We must have a clear plot! Why does the villain or villainess go after my heroine? What is the purpose of the story and develop an ultimate goal. If simply capturing me and taking control of my mind and body is your goal, please move along! Such a swallow play will quickly turn me away from you.

3.I want character development! As you will be able to see in my character profile shortly, I like characters to evolve! I want to know your villain when they are not in combat with my heroine! I want you to get to know my heroine's alter ego and what she is like! This means I do enjoy playing characters other than just my focus character to develop the story and prefer the same in return.

4.I want someone who can lead the story considering they are playing the villain! I cannot lead the story because a heroine is simply reacting to the events that unfold in front of her! I will do everything I can to add depth and detail, but you need to guide the story. You know your end game, you know where it needs to go! Guide us there but do not take control of my character! If you do, than you are simply writing a story by yourself rather than allowing the two of us (or more than two) enjoy each others company.

5.I want someone who can write a paragraph at least. Sometimes I realize the situation will not call for it but most cases, anyone can work out three or four sentences in their posts! What are you thinking? How do you feel? What is going on around us? What are you doing to me? It is very simple, and I believe you will find my character a very complex journey you will enjoy.

6.I want a good balance between a captivating story and arousing sexual peril and such! I want a story that keeps me on the edge of my seat, wanting to know what happens next but I do like the sexual element. Please, be creative though! I am perfectly fine with force and peril but other styles of sexual advancements can be even more of a turn on! Seduction, turning the heroine against herself! She is betraying herself and willingly giving herself to you! You have not just forced yourself upon her but you have forced her to turn against herself! Also, romance and mind games are very entertaining! What if you find out who my alter ego is? You could try to kill her but that may not go as planned? What if you made her fall in love with you? What if she was torn between stopping you and needing you, loving you?

7.I consider the biography for my character to be her canon but all canon is forever changing and evolving! Feel free to read it and use it in our stories! That will make it exciting and show me you put some thought into every detail!

8.Please understand, though I do strive to be the best writer I can be, I am not a professional! I do make typos and grammatical errors! I try to limit these as much as possible but they do happen! Be understanding, and know I am not judging you because we all make mistakes!

9.I realize the first time two people play together, they are feeling each other out. What each truly likes and dislikes can only be figured out by actually playing rather than listing. If we run across a snag, I am more than willing to talk our way through it! We are trying to become partners and we have to develop a chemistry!

1.I do not like stories that have no purpose other than raping my character or entrapping her for fun. Even The Joker, in all his craziness, seemed to have a purpose more times than not!

2.Do not make it all about sex! It gets boring fast and turns me off! Make sex a part of the overall experience! Warm me up, give me the story I long for!

3.Do not speak for my character! We are working together to make the story happen!i If you start telling me what I am thinking or doing, what need am I?

4.Mindless quick posts that makes me do all the work! Forget it, I will not waste my time with you. I will not type out a paragraph telling about my character in the moment while you give me a quick sentence.

5.Ignoring my skills and my back story! Why did I waste my time developing this character if you are going to completely ignore the details?

Now, let introduce you to my world...

As the new Millennium approached, crime and corruption had grown to an all time high throughout the country. The inner cities were black holes as organized crime, gang warfare and other crime flooded the streets with drugs and sex. Small towns were full of poverty and desperation, making them breeding grounds for the metropolitan areas. With no choice, the legitimate politicians passed a law legalizing vigilantism without lethal force.

In cities across the country, women began taking to the streets, using their sexuality and blunt force to clean the streets. While most did not find success and suffered various life changing events, others were able to make a difference. These were covered by media outlets throughout the country, giving rise to the term superheroine. As their fame grew, a celebrity status began to follow. Becoming a lucrative business, these superheroines became reality stars and celebrities.

The national media became obsessed with the latest story covering the success and failure of these ladies. The number of heroines rose tremendously until every city had their own defender of the streets. Shockingly, the crime rates fell and corruption was uncovered. These heroines were making a difference until the rise of the supervillains occurred.

No one is sure who the first supervillain was, but the profession of crime fighting became a much different game. By this point, these heroines had mostly became more concerned with fame, glory and greed rather than making the streets safe. Their costumes grew more provocative, accessibility became common and a rock star life style followed. Quickly, the headlines became as much about heroines’ humiliating, sometimes deadly, failures as much as their victories. Those foolish enough to not wear a mask found themselves victims of their own fame.

Twenty five years later, the entertainment business has become dependent on these lewdly dressed ladies, as their faces grace magazine covers, and most are looked at as sex symbols and divas. Movies of their adventures flood the box office, children dress as them for Halloween and social media tracks their every move. Reality television shows such as Heroines, where camera crews follow heroines around during their patrols, debuted. A new show, called American Heroine, even takes would be hopeful heroines and trains them in an elimination talent show format until a new girl wins the full backing of the show’s network.

There is a dark side to this world however, which is ignored by the limelight on most occasions. While heroines are typically successful, some have been raped, kidnapped, trafficked and even murdered. The life style has been damaging and damning, with such defeats appearing on the dark web. Others have crumbled under the mounting pressure of the fame, leading to public meltdowns, mental breaks and suicide. Some were even lured, tempted and seduced to the opposite side of the law.

In the early twenty-teens, a series of unfortunate events have the heroine community a bad perception in the public eye. While the more famous heroines worked to repair the reputation of the industry and regain public trust; the government was stepping in with some regulations. The Vigilante Registration Act forced all heroines to register their identities with the government in case of law suits and criminal activity. These registrations are very expensive to keep just anyone from applying and have became sponsored by large companies.

Unfortunately, this registration has made some ladies desperate to keep their fame or to get started in the business. Rumors have circulated of ladies being taken advantage of due to the vulnerability this creates and created new extortion rackets for crime lords and perverted billionaires. Heroic Agencies have appeared, representing heroines both legally and publicly as well.

Realizing the dangers these heroines face and also potential for good they possess, the FBI created a secret task force of heavily skilled heroines to defend national security or help those heroines who are abducted, break the law or anything consider national interest. These superheroines have a licenses to kill and government affiliation is top secret. Those who have encounter these ladies, typically are locked away in a top secret location kept off books.

The Bootlegger – There will always be perverts in this world that take their fetishes a bit too far. In this case, one man/woman seeks to take advantage of the heroines' popularity. A farm afraid of losing everything to the bank gets desperate. Taking their grand father's moonshine recipe, they decide to target these perverts. Capturing heroines, this villain loads them with hormones until their breasts swell like a pregnant woman and they lactate. Hooking them up to a milking machine, he uses them like cattle. Mixing the milk into his/her moon shine, they began a very profitable bootlegging business.

The Pimp – A down on his luck pimp who has been losing money due to the heroines helping his employees break free from the streets, he/she makes one last desperate attempt to stay in business. Taking all the money they have left, they build a high dollar brothel and move their hoes into an environment where they can be protected from the heroines influence. When heroines begin to target the establishment and try to shut it down, the savvy business man realizes he can get revenge and make big dollars by selling the bodies of these heroines to the average person who would never stand a chance. Surprisingly though, people are willing to pay big money to breed with them.

The Drug Dealer – A lonely chemistry professor grows desperate for love after years of being single. Thinking sexual attraction is a science, he develops an aphrodisiac gas to help influence the opposite sex. When his friends see the success he is having with ladies, they want to know his secret. Giving them samples of the aphrodisiac, until the professor realizes the aphrodisiac is a very addictive drug. Seeing the potential in making massive amounts of money, him and his buddies begin to distribute the drug throughout the streets. With women and men everywhere becoming addicted, his business starts to boom and spreads neighboring cities and states.

The Doctor – A doctor who discovered a cure for cancer, but when big pharmaceutical learned of their success; purposely sabotaged the doctor's career. Seeking revenge, they went after high ranking officials in every pharmaceutical businesses until a heroine stopped them. Angered they were going to jail for murder while a lewdly dressed woman was being celebrated, the doctor vow revenge. Wanting to destroy the image of these heroines and present them as fakes to the world, they begin to capture heroines and transform them into mindless bimbos the world would mock instead.

The Brutish Anarchist – An average person who fought for their country, they feel forgotten about by their country. When soldiers and all they do is not celebrated like heroines are, they seek to punish society. Becoming a domestic anarchist who bombs government buildings and creates terror, they finally start to get the recognition for all the wrong reasons. When heroines start trying to bring their operation down, they feel it is their place to teach these ladies the horrors of war. Taking them hostage and treating them like prisons of war, but with a flare for sexual submission and dominance.

The Mechanic Biker – Rising to the top of a notorious biker gang, business is effected by the heroines who clean the streets. Angered when a big money deal is ruined and their father is arrested, the offspring of the gang takes matters into their own hands. Developing an armor plate with four long metal tentacles, the gang leader becomes an enforcer of sorts, defending their business deals while humiliating the heroines by fucking them with their tentacles. They have a special hatred for the heroine who arrested their father though and will stop at nothing for revenge on her.

The Head Master/Mistress – As the heroine business becomes more lucrative, academies start to appear where ladies can be trained to fight crime. When students of one of these academies are discovered to be committing crimes, the investigation leads back to the school. The heroine on the case comes to realize the head of the school and those working for them are brainwashing and abusing their students for their own nefarious schemes.

Porn Producer – Famous for making porn of women dressed as heroines, his studio grows into one of the biggest in the country until a scandal breaks that an actress was raped on set and it was filmed. While his business is drug through the mud, he realizes the demand for such videos of actual heroines. Sensing a major business success, he begins to film girls being raped and abused while distributing on the black market. The demand for an actual heroine grows though, until the studio executive decides to lure a heroine onto the set of his latest blockbuster, the filming of her rape.

The Social Streamer – A rival to the porn studio producer, they focus on creating live stream social media like a gamer. Kidnapping ladies, and locking them in a rape room, and broadcasting the event live. Streamers log in and purchase a vote, casting their choice on what happens to the victim next. Some of these have even turned deadly depending on the victim, with the streamer having no issue with snuffing their victims in creative fashion.

The Psychopath – Their origin is unknown, but they seem to have one goal only in life… Do whatever it takes to force a heroine to show their true colors. Whatever sick, twisted fantasy they have on their mind that day will be what drives them. Do they want to prove she is a whore in a costume? Push them to break the law? To kill? To betray a friend? Nothing is really off the table as long as it is fun!

The Brander – A widower hasband whose wife died after a car load of drunk college girls hit and killed his wife in a car crash. Out of anger, after their rich father's got them all out of trouble, he began to stalk and rape them. When he was finished, he branded each of them with the word murderer. Realizing he had grown addicted to the thrill of stalking and assaulting women, he continued as a serial rapist, targeting any woman he felt displayed immoral traits.

The Serial Killer – A stalker type serial killer, not much is known about him except he was in and out of mental institutions growing up. A man/woman of very few words, he/she obsesses over a single target and starts to murder those around them, leaving romantic letters and small alters at the crime scenes. Worse, he will randomly appear to attack the woman, forcefully making love to her in a sick and twisted tender way.

The Mad Scientist – After discovering trace amounts of a sludge like substance on a meteorite, a scientist is able recreate it in much larger amounts. After the a heroine's actions accidentally led to the death of their spouse, they become blind with rage and begins a crusade against anyone who is wears a mask or supports their heroic activities. Learning how to use their sludge as anything from a full body sex suit to a statue encasing execution.

The Cult Leader – First strange videos of someone dressed like a demon or witch appears all over, with subliminal messages to recruit members. Later, sacrifices begin to be made of people considered blasphemous to their cause. Worse, the leader seeks able body wombs to carry, in his words, his demon offspring hoping one will rise to take over the world.

The Dreamcaster – When a new virtual reality game headset is released, people start to report missing hours out of their day while playing the game. Worse, someone begins learning their darkest secrets because the headsets are a new device which allows the owner access to the subconscious and dreams of anyone they chose to mentally invade.

The Society – A secret society has been working from the shadows to promote and grow their chauvinists ideology. Targeting women of fame and power, they are abducted and taken to their secret mansion for a night of intense punishment before they are reprogrammed to be submissive, non-ambitious Stepford Wives for one of their members.

The Human Trafficker – A long time business man who leads a front business for billionaires around the world. Kidnapping girls off the street, from wayward homes or other troubled locations; they clean them up and offer them a better life as a sex slave to the rich and sadistic. Once a month, he invites those who can afford the buy in to his private island where the girls are hunted in a hunger games like event.

The Master Thief – The world's greatest thief, no one knows their true identity or any information about them due to how often they forge documents. A silver tongue devil, they can seduce anyone with little to no ease. Recently, they have developed an intense interest in the heroines trying to stop them Seducing them, making passionate love and then escaping while leaving the heroine wanting and thinking about more.

The Eco-Terrorist – A young idealists hoping to change the world, but never able to do so. When funding for their experiments ran out, they tried to seduce millionaires but we're not activate enough. Becoming desperate, thru create a plant like parasite which turns someone into a crazed, zombie like nymphomaniac. Using it to extort large sums of money from their victims.

The Corrupt Politician – Uses power and authority to blackmail heroines for their registration.

The Hacker – Someone who hacks into the government database to learn the identities of heroines, using it for whatever means suit them.

Heroic Agent – Extorting support in exchange for personal favors from the heroines.
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