Explanations on what I am doing.
1. I am blatantly ignoring XP and handing out level ups at specific mile stones. Why? Because xp is handed out at the end of the session, every time you fail a roll, every time you act in alignment, and for certain bonus moves. If this was a table top game with sessions that stopped it would be easy to calculate. But as is I feel it will become lopsided because some of you fail way more then others and it is a damn bother. You will be leveling up more quickly then in a regular table top session to account for forum drag.
2. Kaylin hates combat and finds it boring. So with her permission I do some of her combat posts to keep the game moving. The short, minimal posts are mine. While the elaborate posts are hers. She loves story, sex, and the rest of the game. But finds combat itself dull.