Alex was a young rich noble in the land of Teracon. It is an odd place filled with different species of humanoids and demons. The landis ruled by a duke which was always a human and was appointed in thier late teens to create a long rulinf period. Alex along with his rival was up for selection to become the new duke of the land. He was especialy happy becuase he was told that he was in the lead and would become the new duke. He was a a good lokking man abot six feet tall with a tone body and brown hiar that was cut short. As the days counted down he grew more excited knowing he was gonna win. With four days left to the anouncing the new duke he became more reckless and slowly let his gaurd down since he had won. He went to bed and began to sleep about the future he had and how he would be able to rule and change the land for the better. Though he forgot to lock up that night leaving everythin unlocked.