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MHA Time's Changed (East and Frogger)

"Yes, I am the most valuable asset," Sora repeated after him, though she said it with an exasperated roll of the eyes and with sarcasm dripping off each individual word. Must he go on in this manner? Why did she have to have him as a partner, of all people? He wants to fix their broken friendship, to turn the hands of time, and she wants nothing to do with him. If it were anyone else... Sora lifted her head up, amber eyes studying the building before he and her.

Harsh morning light reflected off many a window, making it difficult to see inside. “Hm? Ah. Yes. Well. I have not attempted to carry anyone since then, so I honestly cannot say,” Sora chose to reply with, her eyes still analyzing the situation itself… that is, until he spoke of their both gaining weight. A prickle of intuition had her attention returning onto him.

Is he-? Amber eyes narrowed, but otherwise she said nothing. It is, after all, not important right now. It is a subject best left alone… at least, for another time. “I might as well take you with me,” she pointed out, hopping from one taloned foot to the other. “It will save us time, and I can throw you through the window once I have found where… either the bomb, or the villains are located.” It makes sense. Time is of the essence, and they cannot afford to waste any, not even a millisecond. ‘Lives’ are at stake. Sora spread her wings wide, the wind whistling through her white feathers as she gained altitude, bit by bit. “I suggest you prepare yourself,” she spoke up once again. Her talons flex, sunlight flashing off the sharp tips. When she is high enough, Sora held onto his shoulders as gently as she can manage, but firmly, lifting them both up into the air.


A hand stretched out, frost sparkling between the fingers. Not saying a word, Masuyo cast a layer of thick ice over the floor, across the walls and further down still.

“I am already on it.” Masuyo’s eyes swept through the room, looking for any vulnerabilities, anything that could turn the tides later… but of course, there isn’t. It was surprisingly well-built, given how it’s likely to be destroyed within the span of a day. Already she is making plans when they confront the ‘heroes’... though with his Quirk, she isn’t entirely sure where he can -or will- fit in.

No, unless… he is able to transfer some of her flames? Masuyo looked about, every breath leaving her lips like fog. It’s definitely possible...
"Wait what?" Matsuda gasped as he felt Sora's talons grab his shoulders. He winced wanting to reflexively fight her off but calmed down after a moment. The last thing that they needed was for him to freak-out and for her to drop him while they were in the air. He shivered slightly when he felt the dagger like appendages poke against his skin he also didn't remember her talons being so sharp when she used to do this as a kid.

As his feet left the ground he looked up seeing Sora strain herself to get them up into the air, yet she did manage to do it. Her skill and strength had clearly increased over the years. "Now when you said throwing me through the glass you didn't mean that literally right?"

Coming up towards a window that was fogged over from heat difference however he was given the answer, as Sora heaved him towards the glass throwing him at the window. "Wait!" He hadn't been ready for it, and in a panic'd state he guarded his face as his body was used against the wall like a projectile. Thankfully he was going at a fast enough speed, and the cold ice had been brittle enough that he didn't have much of a problem crashing through. His body rolled and skidded along the icy floor. Minor cuts formed along his arms, chest and face from where glass had punctured him. Standing up though he found himself in a rather bad position as he was litterally directly between the two 'villains' "Ah crap!"

Riku could already see that she was questioning the usefulness of his quirk. It wasn't the first time he had heard that kind of complaint. a lot of people had told him that his power held too many limitations, but he had never really seen it that way. Then again he was only giving her about half the story,

Riku shivered as she got to work flooding to the room making it as cold as possible. anyone going through the various halls of the building would likely have been trapped by the wall of ice, then came the shattering window, as one of the enemy team was used as a projectile to gain access to the room as he slid along the ice.

Riku had a much easier time walking along the frozen floor as he got between the window and the bomb as a sort of last line of defense.
It seems… he was not as prepared as she. An exasperated sigh leaving her lips, it was quickly swept away by the wind produced by her wings, never to be heard by anyone else. And… she is surprised with this development… why, exactly? “I swear,” she murmured under her breath, getting ready to bring her wings in tight against her body and dive in through the broken window… only, one of the ‘villains’ had moved to stand between the window and the bomb. If she were to do as she originally planned, she risks hurting him in the process.

Sora hesitated, her eyes narrowing while she considered her options. It did not come as a surprise to her, however, that she does not have many. Of course entering the building is of the highest priority, in order to stop the villains, disable the bomb, and save any innocent lives… but going through the front door will take too long. Not only that, but if she was to break into the floor below… no, it would not work.

A heartbeat later, Sora brought her wings in and went to dive through the broken window. Yes, jagged edges tore at her feathers… but as the saying goes: she ‘sucked it up’. Drops of crimson appeared on snowy white, though she paid it no mind. No, instead… Sora focused on not losing her footing upon the ice, and even spread her wings to keep her balance. It was… difficult, she will admit it, but she managed to do so, somehow or another. Once she… stabilized, for lack of better words, Sora only spared a glance at the young man she knocked aside before she looked to the ‘villain’ standing between her and the bomb. Her Quirk is fire and ice. As poetic as it sounds… it is also incredibly dangerous to get too close. Is Matsuda going to act-? Not likely. He is panicking at the moment.

Both girls jumped into action. Masuyo had used ice previously, and now flames crackled and flashed about her left side, which she had cutting through the air like a knife. Sora managed to dodge these, by jumping up onto the wall and walking along it, her talons digging in and leaving behind holes. With a jump, she flipped and landed behind the other girl… the ‘villain’, as it may be.

Lifting a leg up high, Sora used her knee to put a bit of distance between them. Masuyo did jump back, however… she took advantage of this opportunity to blow ice over her, frost creeping over the girl’s wings. A curse on the tip of her tongue, Sora broke through and delivered a blow to the villain’s belly with her elbow. A grunt is what she received, and Masuyo collapsed onto her knees, breathless.

“Matsuda!” Sora called out, keeping close in case Masuyo decided to attempt to stop them. “Go after the bomb!” Does he not see this is the perfect chance?!
Matsuda was slow to get up, something about having been thrown through a panel of actual glass, He winced feeling something sharp dig into his hands. By the time he had recovered he could see that his partner was already in the midst of a fight, and heard her calling out to him to claim the bomb. He moved forward seeing the large weapon all he had to do was tag it. His hand outstretched for the thing. Out of the corner of his vision came another, he felt something slap his back, and then things got uncomfortable.

For Matsuda it was like a cold sense of vertigo, the ground warping as his visual senses dipped and spun, he coughed, feeling like some sort of liquid puked out of his lungs. For a moment it was like he was turned inside out, or that he was suddenly locked in a room that had all of the air pumped out of it. For the rest of the world it looked like Riku had barely touched Matsuda, a gentle pat on the back, but from that touch it looked like his entire body was pulled back in an instant, and turned horrifically into a black goop, before even that vanished into it's self.

A moment later Rin felt his body in free fall, he twisted and grabbed onto the nearest ledge, feeling his hand be run through on a sharp piece of glass, he screamed an action that cost him dearly because the force of the air escaping his lungs flung him from the tall building and into the open air. He fell plumitting towards the ground only to be caught by a safety net that was deployed from ground.

A bell sounded the end of the exam "Matsuda has been incapacitated, Defenders win."

Matsuda's hand was sliced wide open, along with several other smaller stab wounds, and he was taken by escort to the infirmary. A moment or two later the class was recalled into the observation room, all except matsuda.

Riku for his part had a rather self satisfied look on his face. He held up a hand towards Masuyo for a high five, "yeah defenders win."

The proffessor looked over the class. "Can anyone tell us what went wrong in that attack?"
“Yeah. No.” Masuyo didn’t hesitate to turn away from the proffered hand, especially given how she just witnessed what he can do with a simple pat on the back. In fact, she found it somewhat… disturbing? Is that the right word for it? No, perhaps nauseating is more adept… In any case, Masuyo isn’t interested in meeting the same fate. Her eyes landed on the fallen girl before her, the one that had put her in a corner, so to speak. It seems she went a tad bit too far before; several of her feathers are burnt, making it to where nearly half her wing has been incinerated.

Is it proper etiquette to apologize? Maybe, but it is already too late - the two injured heroes are being taken away to be looked at by… Recovery Girl? Is that right? Masuyo shifted back and forth between her feet, feeling… uneasy. Did she go too far-? It was reflex to summon flames, to defend herself from the sharp talons, instinct. Nothing against the harpy, but… Rolling her shoulders in a lazy stretch, Masuyo went to follow her 'partner in crime’ out. It was nice, going out into the warm sunshine, if only for a moment. Mismatched eyes blinking as the pair are assaulted by the light, reflecting off chocolate brown and glacial blue, the girl brought a hand up to shield her eyes.

“Everything went wrong,” a voice spoke up, though only after a hand was raised. Aikyo Nozomi is not your typical hero with a flashy Quirk, but she can analyze a situation and pick apart the details that have helped or hindered someone. It’s her mind quick at work. “First and foremost,” Nozomi continued, adopting a tone that is informative, a tone many associate with a teacher in front of her students, “I feel the need to say it all began with Sora’s horrible decision to throw her partner through the window.”

Nozomi isn’t afraid of telling it how it is. In fact, it’s one of her admirable qualities, since many people are afraid to speak their mind nowadays.

“As to be expected, Matsuda was hurt. Not seriously, mind you, but enough to prevent him from thinking clearly. He and Sora should have located both villains, instead of focusing on the one that was in sight,” Nozomi went on to explain. Her hands spread in a helpless gesture. “The villains, on the other hand, not only had a plan, but executed it beautifully. I personally think Masuyo went a touch overboard, but it proved to be effective, regardless.”

Meanwhile, in the infirmary… Sora was nursing not just her injuries, but her pride as well. Their performance was shameful. It was just… humiliating.

One wing bandaged almost completely, she had it in a sling, and was suffering from several burns as well.
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"Correct!" The teacher said with exuberance as he pointed to the younger woman who had spoken up. He smiled and gave her a thumbs up. "But that of course leads me to the other part of this. While the two villains definitely won this exercise you two went overboard." He was now talking to Riku and Masuyo "And while I am not going to doc either of you two points in this examination because you were in the role of a villain, and the executed your plan of action with impunity I really can't reward hospitalizing your fellow students, as such the two of you will have extra desk work for the next few days."

The teacher nodded and called onto the next group, Riku was standing next to Masuyo at this point but had been moving his mouth mockingly along Aikoyo's unraveling of everything that had gone wrong. "I say it serves them right, if they can't cut it in this industry than they don't really deserve to be here, A couple of burn marks will only get those two to smarten up."


Matsuda was testing a now bandaged hand. while some of the wound could be healed by recovery girl Sora had needed far more care and energy than Matsuda. His hands would be sore for a few weeks, but he would survive. Now he was just laying back in the infirmary bed waiting to be dismissed along with Sora she was in the bed next to him, and recovery girl had left the room.

"So wanna tell me what you were thinking tossing me through the glass? if you had given me some time i could have huffed and puffed and blown the window down, or if wanted to go extreme we could have gone in a floor above them and knocked out the ceiling for a surprise attack. Oh and just so you know that was real glass, like not sugar glass, the real hard stuff real sharp stuff." He huffed again, but just turned on his side looking away from Sora.

He also probably would have fared better against the elementalist as well. While Sora would have had no problem staying out of Riku's reach. They had everything they had needed to succeed, but that one brash action of taking the largest fish in the pond for herself was what had sealed the deal against them. He looked at the wall for a few minutes than sighed and turned towards Sora. While he wanted to lash out and be angry he also couldn't really hurt her feelings sighing and calming down he looked at her. "You okay?"
Extra desk work? Hm. And… that is punishment how? Masuyo does not mind extra homework, or anything along those lines, as long as it serves a purpose. Her eyes shifted over to her ‘partner’, if only for the young woman to sigh and shake her head. “Enough. Both Aikyo and Sensei are right. I did go overboard. I should have had more reservation in using my flames, and you should have more respect for your elders,” she lectured him, albeit in a cool, honest tone of voice that has no pride or snide contempt woven into the words whatsoever. A small tilt of Masuyo’s head in his direction had bits and pieces of red and white hair brushing against pale skin.

Aikyo looked over at the two, just to sniff and turn her back to them. It appears she has found two heroes that are obviously not going to pass this course! The teacher prattled on about refraining from injuring their fellow classmates, and she let her eyes wash over the other students. To be honest, none seem very impressive. Yes, Masuyo Todoroki’s Quirk over fire and ice is powerful, but clearly she had no qualm against hurting others. How disappointing. Aikyo let out a sigh, her brown eyes returning to the teacher once he announced the next teams to be working together as both heroes and villains.


In the wake of his words, angrily thrown out into the silence without concern as to how sharp -or how deep- they may cut, she resorted to keeping her own mouth shut. Humiliation curled in her stomach, thick and bitter, leaving an unpleasant taste in her mouth. How could it have come to this-? Sora cannot believe that they lost. It did not take overly long for the humiliation to… rot, to turn into that of contempt.

“Excuse me,” she spoke at great length, rising up off the cot. Sora kept her back to him, but looked out through the window to the world beyond, the one which she wants to protect. Her right wing is in bandages, silvery feathers poking out here and there, and yet… several are charred and tipped in black. It should not be but a few days before she is at full strength. It is… difficult to explain, but she heals very quickly. All Sora requires is a splint and a handful of days to rest.

A roll of the shoulders had pain radiating up and down her side. “I… do not need any further treatment,” Sora replied, her tone surprisingly cool. “I am going to return to my room. I truly doubt the teachers expect us to return to class so soon.” It does not matter, anyway. It is not as though she can… contribute in a positive way, but instead serve as an example as to what not to do. “I suggest you do the same.” Sora could not bear to look at him. Not only is it… mortifying, but… no, it is difficult to put into words. “Farewell.” Her spine straight, her shoulders squared, she went to leave him.
for the most part Matsuda had to consider his time, he only had till the end of the week to use his quirk without having a coughing fit, and he hadn't exactly done that today. And with Sora's back to him he felt like there was this wall he couldn't climb or something he couldn't do. He fell back into the bed. "I need to continue talking to the nurse, you go on." Not like she wanted to walk with him to the dorm, and he needed to speak to recovery girl. When Sora had left he felt like complete garbage.

"I can't heal the wounded heart." She said recognizing the termoil written across Matsuda's face, who chuckled and shrugged it off. "I don't know how to reach her, and I probably won't get any more chances. She was my best friend, and now we can't have a conversation that lasts more than a few seconds without one of us hurting another. I try to do anything for her she gets offended." He huffed, and it blew the air around him moving the bed he was facing. He sighed. "That's not what i need help with though, I think after a few years of not being able to channel my quirk or control it that I have damaged the muscles in my throat, my quirk is basically always on, and it's starting to rip apart something."

He pulled off his scarf to reveal bloody spots on the side that faced him. "It's happening when i breath more heavily or deeply now, instead of just when i focus my quirk." A worried look came across recovery girl and the two went over some tests, including a couple of X Rays of his throat.

"The two sat in a chair for a moment as they looked it over. "It's fixable, we could do a surgery, but there is a 30 percent chance~"

"Only thirty percent chance you can fix me?"

"don't interupt 30% chance you will die, if you live i'd say we can strengthen the fibers in the neck, reduce the swelling, and that will give you more control, however if left untreated, your lungs won't survive the stress, and you will die, not today, not tomorrow, but i'd give it... seven years, four if you continue your hero work. I'll arrange the surgery for the day after tomorrow, that will give me and the other staff enough time to go over everything we will need, and it will give you a chance to fix up the other part of you that's broken."


Walking back to the dorm he sighed kicking a rock the entire way. He wasn't entirely sure what he could do to help address the other part of his life, he glanced at his phone. call home? his mother didn't talk to him, and he didn't really want to address that side of his family. Maybe he could talk with Sora? She seemed to hate him though, would him dying on the operating table even matter to her? "Who ever heard of a quirk that kills you."

He was looking at his phone, slowly reading up on the surgery details, he oddly wasn't afraid. He had been dead to the outside world for a long time so it didn't really change much, and if it worked well he would have more control, and his lungs wouldn't be at risk of breaking anymore, no more rampant coughing fits that rip the clothing from his body.

Sora, again and again he came back to her, really that was the only part of his life that he wanted to fix. He stopped, and went to the main gate of the school. He went online with his phone, and quickly ordered somethings, he wasn't sure what he was really doing. He just sat at the gate, as he waited for the dilevery, when it came it was a stupid process. "Hey I'll toss you the money you just toss me the stuff, sorry can't explain why but I can't pass the door."

Finally he was holding a bundle of flowers. "This is... the dumbest thing I have ever done." He muttered. "We don't even know if these are flowers she likes anymore. Also that was the last of my food money for the month, how am I supposed to survive? cupped Ramen?" He supposed arguing about finances was a little dumb at this point.

Walking up to the dorms he passed the dorm officer, and walked up the staircase to Sora's room. He knocked on her door. It was kind of late classes were over between talking with the doc, and waiting for the delivery he still had no idea what he was going to say to her. She was probably going to hit him with them anyway. "Hey, it's me."
How is she ever going to become a hero? It is expected of her. It is… the right thing to do, considering that any other option is beyond her capabilities. Sora shut the door behind her, happy to be away from prying eyes and the suffocating weight of expectations… at least for the time being. Earlier she asked Hitomi for some time alone, and luckily her bodyguard was more than happy to oblige. A frustrated sigh bubbled up, just as the girl allowed gravity to take over, ever so slowly sliding down until she is curled up on the floor.

Is this how it is going to be from now on? Are they truly… unable to work together? It is not as though she wants to, by any stretch, but if she has no other choice… Sora opened her eyes to look up at the ceiling, however there are no answers to be found there, or anywhere else, for that matter. As… degrading as it is, too… she has no one to talk to. Years ago, Sora would have turned to Matsuda for anything… and yet, that is no longer the case. He is no longer part of her life, not like he used to be. At one point, he was… integrated into each and every day, the person she felt she could rely on, share her secrets with, lean on if she ever needs to… but then he left, and she cannot change the past. Sora has moved on, closed her heart off to anyone and everyone.

“Maybe I need to reconsider… being here…” she told the empty silence. “Perhaps I am not… good enough to be a hero. Maybe I should… try and… do something else with my life…” How will Father react-? No, there is no question about it: he would be furious. Not only will she disappoint him, she will tarnish the family name, and that is simply not acceptable.

Her heart heavy, depression and rejection curling in the pit of her stomach like a dangerous poison, Sora crawled up onto her feet in order to get ready for the night.

It is always a task to change, but it is the one thing she insists on doing herself… despite if she rips the clothes or not.

Sora was actually in the middle of doing just that… when an unexpected knock came to her door. A quick glance at the clock revealed more time had passed than she first thought, and… that it is far too late to be having visitors. Not only that… she is not expecting anyone. A frustrated scowl rippled over her features. At the moment, she is fighting to take off her shirt… and of course… it had began to tangle about her arms, making it ten times more difficult to complete the seemingly simple task. The frustration boiling into anger, Sora yanked it up and over her head, just to toss it on the floor.

“Hey, it’s me.”

What? Matsuda? Sora looked to the door, though of course it is impossible to see through it to the other side. A typhoon of emotions hit her next: anger, depression, guilt, and resentment, one after the other. Why is he here? Does he wish to inform her more on her shortcomings? It was humiliating enough as it is, she does not want to endure another lecture… not tonight. A shake of her head had the thoughts scattering to a nonexistent wind.

It is a shame she cannot knock on the wall, ask if Hitomi can get rid of him. Sora struggled to pull on her tank top, just to sigh and fidget. As to be expected… her hair is a mess at this point, sticking up towards the back and tangled somewhat. It is difficult to brush her hair, however, without fingers. It does not, however… provide her with an answer as to how she shall handle the current situation.

“Excuse me, but I do not see a reason I should open the door,” Sora spoke up at long last, reluctantly approaching it. “I heard enough earlier. I do not need to hear anymore as to how I am inconsiderate, how I am a failure or… anything along those lines, thank you very much.” A wing reached out to rest upon the cool wood separating he and her. “I would actually appreciate it if you could leave me alone for today. I am in no mood to entertain guests.” It is but the truth.

As much as she did not want to, Sora pushed down on the handle, having the door swing open so she may see him. It is… only polite, after all. A Hanakawa can never be rude, nor can he/she be anything but civil. “Please,” she said on a sigh, not lifting her eyes up off the floor as of yet. “I would greatly-” It was then that she did look up… and what she found struck the poor girl speechless.

Lilies. It is… her favorite flower, in both her favorite colors, pink and yellow, along with miniature purple roses. Their subtle scent washed over her. Sora looked to him finally, not daring to open the door any further, nor did she step out. “What… do you want?” she dared to ask, shifting from one taloned foot to the other before leaning against the door frame.
"A friend." It sounded a bit cheesy, but he could see how disheveled she was. "I need someone I can talk too, and honestly I..." He looked at her clothing her discheveled state, she was clearly depressed but had managed to beat herself up more than he would have expected, he could see from the claw marks on her shirt that she had been trying to take it off, probably to get ready for bed. He paused for a moment to say the dumbest thing he could think of. "Do you need help?"

He realized a moment after offering that he was offering to help her take off her clothing. His hand went to his face and he groaned why wasn't this ever easy? why couldn't he just talk to her like a normal person. He held out the flowers. "Believe it or not, you are still my best friend, I know that's changed for you, and I don't blame you, but... there is a part of the story I'd like you to hear, the part I wasn't allowed to talk about back than."

He stepped inside her room, and went about straitening up her room a little, finding a jug for the flowers to sit in till he could get her a proper thing. He filled it with cold water and sat it on the table in her room. He moved to the sofa, and pulled off his scarf, trying his best to breath lightly as he did, he turned it over to show her the blood. "I spoke to the doctor, I'm gonna have a surgery, the day after tomorrow, to fix the damage that prison did to my throat, if it succeeds I will be able to have a lot more control over my emitter quirk."

He didn't talk about what happened if the surgery failed, he chose to focus on the good parts of his life at the moment. "So, I know I can't change the past, but I would like to talk about it, the more we don't the more distant we are going to grow. I'd like to clarify somethings, and I assume you have some questions, so if you will humor me take a seat, cause... you look very tired."

He smiled towards her, true and genuine. "I will answer any and all questions you have."
A friend? How cheesy. Did he not say the exact same thing before? Only without the flowers? Sora thought of pointing out the obvious, but reconsidered. A heartbeat after his question, dark red rose to her otherwise pale features, even going so far as to burn the tips of her ears. “N-No!” she protested in an instant, lifting her wings up to hide her… current problem, however it did nothing but bring attention to the fact she is not wearing a bra. Amber eyes avoided his for the longest time.

It was not until he spoke of the doctor that she dared to look at him, and it was only after he pulled off his scarf. Surgery? Sora did not know what to say. Why is he sharing this with her? It is not as though they are friends any longer… A frown threatening to wash over her features anew, Sora twisted to gaze out the window, to the display of colors upon the horizon while the sun set. It helped to calm her nerves, drinking in the rosy pink, the warm gold, the navy blue lurking just beyond.

“Day after tomorrow? Does anyone else know?”

No, of course his teachers have to be informed of his absence. What a ridiculous question to ask-!

Sora shuffled, not entirely sure what to make of this situation. “I… I see no point in talking about the past,” she chose to begin with, her shoulders squared somewhat. “As you said, neither one of us can change what has already happened. I do not have any questions, either.” It would be almost cruel to turn him away entirely, however… thus, the girl sank onto the sofa at his request, though not too close. In the wake of the word ‘surgery’... how can she refuse him? Sora looked over at the vase, her eyes drinking in the vibrant pink and yellow of the lilies he brought her.

“...I am fine. Thank you. I am not very tired. I just thought I would change and get comfortable before I retire.” This is truly awkward. At one point, they could have fallen easily into conversation, laughing and going on about nothing in particular… but now, it seems the words do not flow. Sora is halfway tempted to reach out and touch one of the flowers, pull its scent into her lungs, however now is not the time.

“How… No, a better question is: what do you wish to address, Matsuda?”
"The faculty probably know by now but your the only person I am telling. There is no one else I'm on speaking terms with. My mom never spoke to me again after I was arrested." He sighed for a moment looking at the ground.

"Context can sometimes help to heal the wound." Matsuda said in terms of changing the past no that couldn't be done, but maybe she would understand why he did what he did, and that could end up healing the now. He shrugged as she sat down. Her first question was a good one. "No one ever listened to my side of the story, I was silenced and thrown into a cell. I never really got a public trial, and i received the maximum punishment for crimes I... okay I committed them, but still don't you think that's a little weird?" He sighed and leaned back into the chair curling up lifting his bare feet to the sofa as he looked at Sora.

"To understand everything I have to start at the beginning. They called the group of people I was with theives, which is... well it's in the grey area. I won't defend them, lord knows none of those assholes ever defended me, but they were vigilantes. All the places they broke into were homes of villains that's why I felt like i could reach out to them. My father had vanished from the face of the earth, the eighth strongest just vanished, and no one could give us any answers. I dug around in a storage locker my dad owned, and I found a Journal, the date entries were from the week before he vanished, and gave an address. I needed to know what was in there, so I reached out to a small group whom I thought could help me find my father." Matsuda shook his head. "It was dumb, I kept you out of it because I knew it was dumb, and because if it had taken my father from me, than it was probably bad."

"and bad it was. Do you remember last year when a bunch of creatures attacked the city? those half formed humans, with their brains exposed?" He looked to the ground for a moment. "We found a warehouse at the address, we went inside, and we found some of those things, though not nearly as developed, If I had to guess it's some kind of growing process, the room was lined with surgical tools a medical bed, everything wreaked of bleach it was like walking into a hospital with how sterile everything was. We took pictures, thought we would just go to the police, then... honestly I don't remember what happened at that point. It sounds lame, but I remember only brief bits from everything past seeing those half formed bodies, something hit one of us, I remember using my quirk to blow down a wall, a brick wall by the way something I have not been able to do since or before, my guess is adrenaline helped me expand my lungs and force out enough wind. We ran, we scattered, I made it all the way home and I hid under my bed till morning... when the police came to knock on my door. Apparently a camera across the street had seen the wall explode. I was hit with breaking and entering, property damage, and several other things, and when i tried to get the police to go see the warehouse, it was clean. Even the smell was gone, it was just a dusty old room that no one had been in for years."

"Of course my camera was gone, I think I dropped it in the commotion, and the group I was with never re appeared to collaborate my story. My guess is they were either found by whom ever owned the warehouse, or they did the smart thing and got the fuck out of japan." Matsuda shrugged. "Then last year, the incident happened. Those creatures appeared, and oh hey there was this one kid who talked about that six years before it happened. Suddenly I was getting visits from Pro-hero's and one of my father's former friends gave me the chance, house arrest on UA for a year, good behavior and good grades, become a hero, and be pardoned for my crimes."

"But for years I tried to talk about my story, and no one would listen. The state approved therapist once wrote qoute 'he clings to a childish delusion that he was faced with some great phantom evil.'" Matsuda just rolled his eyes. "So there, that's my story. It doesn't change anything, but... Maybe you can understand a bit more of why things ended up the way they did?"
Sora listened to his story without interruption: not only because it would be rude otherwise, but because… she did not know what to say, either. It all sounds so ludicrous, and yet… knowing him, it can be nothing but the truth. What does he have to gain by lying?

"I... I do not know what to say," she chose to begin with, first and foremost. "I just... I am lost for words." Yes, it may very well be pointing out the obvious, but it is the only truth she can provide him. Sora feels... restless, but she also believes she owes him the common courtesy to remain where she is. Amber eyes darted away from the young man, if only to take in details of the room she has not yet gotten accustomed to. Nerves dance in the pit of her stomach, a feeling she has little experience with. Why-? Why tell her this now? Is it because of the surgery? Is he afraid he may not live to tell her this story after-? It is an unsettling notion.

An impulse had her rising up off the sofa, in order to pace about. Sora just had… no idea how she shall react. If this were anyone else, she would have… an inkling, but this has to do with the one person she swore never to get involved with again. Her heart can only take so much. Years ago, she chose to close it off to anyone and everyone, as to not get hurt like he hurt her… and now, he wants her to open the walls she built around it? Really? It is asking a lot. Sora brushed her wings over her shirt… not that it did a great deal of good in solving the issue, but it served as a wonderful, albeit brief, distraction. Her eyes avoided for as long as was… well, as long as it was impossible, however she cannot avoid him forever. Matsuda is, after all… in her room. Pausing in the middle, Sora brought herself to look him in the eye, though she doubts she can find the answers she is looking for in their depths.

“Yes… I understand your position, and I sympathise. No one believed your tale before, not until there was proof they could not deny. I just… I truly do not know what to say, or what to think. Do you care to give me a bit of time to process this?” It is not an unreasonable request. Anyone else in her place would need time to step back, to think over everything. Sora is not being… unkind, by any means. A few more words were exchanged, more like pleasantries than anything else, but it was not long before they were bidding each other a good night. It was a bit awkward, to say the least… however, they are on more… civil terms? Is that what this is? Of course it is difficult to say, or to tell this early on. In the past, they were the best of friends… and now, they are having to start anew. Sora collapsed onto her bed once he was gone, looking up at the ceiling with silver spilled over the navy blue blankets. How is she supposed to take this-? In a way, she can understand the position he was in back then, however… he did not tell her any of it before he… ran off to join the motley crew of thieves. Did he not trust her? Yes, he wished to protect her, and that is commendable, yet… if he shared with her his thoughts, she could have talked him out of it. A soft sigh left her lips, and rolling over onto her side, Sora tried to calm her racing mind and get some sleep. It was easier said than done… but she has no other choice, if she is to attend classes tomorrow.

And… as she should have expected beforehand, things just had to go drastically wrong. For one thing, Sora overslept. It appears that Hitomi was… summoned by her father to deliver a report, so… she was left alone to deal with this… chaos. It is nearly impossible for her to change into the school uniform, too. Ooh-! Bemoaning her misfortune, Sora hurried to collect her things, knowing fully well she is going to, more than likely, embarrass herself in front of everyone as of today. Is that just not lovely? Sora nearly tripped over her feet on the way to the door, but luckily she managed to knock her elbow against the dresser and, in doing so, prevent herself from falling flat on her face.

“I cannot believe this!” Sora cried out, nursing this new injury. Is her luck truly so poor?!
Sleep had been a bit of a lark. It had been impossible to get any kind of rest for Matsuda as he struggled through the memories of that night. Having told his story had brought nightmares long dealt with back to his brain. He struggled for a long while to try and maintain his composure but several times through the night he awoke wanting to scream, feeling like he was being strangled, feeling the earth heave and something chase him, yet each time when he woke he was alone, in the darkness of his room. The only real thing that decorated his room were a couple of posters of various pro hero's, a shelf of figurines dedicated to female heroes that he had collected over the years. His personal favorite was on the night stand a figure of Mt Lady.

He was alone in that room. He sighed feeling the room shift with his breath. He sighed feeling cold. He had faced non existence before, death wasn't so bad. He wasn't afraid of the surgery, no he was stuck on a trauma much older, and telling Sora his story sure he may have opened the way for the two of them to have been mended, but the cost was ripping open old wounds. Wounds that years of repression had thought to close. He had spoken so openly, so calmly and yet deep down all he felt was the fear and the desire to run, like his lizard brain was screaming that he was in danger, but this was UA, it was literally the safest and most secure location in the world.

Morning didn't offer much more clarity than that. The fear had lingered, and the sleep had evaded him. All in all he thought maybe he got 2, three hours of solid rest but not enough. He kept his shower cold just so he could be better awake, and used the coffee pot he had in his room to try and wake him up even more with a hot brew of black sludge that was instant coffee. Walking out of his room he realized he had the door across from Sora.

He hadn't even thought about that when he had taken the room. The only reason he had noticed now was because he could hear her screaming as he opened the door. He looked over to her as she looked like just as much a mess as he did. He glanced at his clock slowly coming to the realization that he the two of them were late for breakfast. He held up his travel mug, a bright green cup with the words 'evil genius' written on it. He held it out towards Sora "Coffee?"

He sipped on the elixir of life either way. Walking towards her, he saw her hair was a mess her clothing wasn't put on properly. "Your shirt is on backwards." He said softly. "Do you need help?" He stood there, offering her coffee, and help and half expected to be rejected.
Coffee? It sounds heavenly… and yet, she was reluctant to accept his generous offer. It is humiliating he has to see her like this, but she cannot rewind time and alter what has already been done. Heat licked at her features, however Sora pretended as if she is not blushing, that she is not flustered, instead looking to him with a wary glint in her eyes. It is… far too early to be considering everything that has occurred between he and her only last night. Far too early. Many silver threads of hair swayed forward right then, and a wing lifted in order to deal with the present issue. “I… would absolutely love some coffee,” Sora begrudgingly admitted, shuffling towards him to accept the offer of coffee. Did he add anything to it? Cream? Sugar? Sora likes it sweet herself, but he could very well prefer his black.

No. Wait. What? Her shirt-? It was not until then that she noticed just how… disheveled she was. How did she manage to put her shirt on backwards?! Sora paled, only… a heartbeat later, to blush darkly. A rosy red spread from ear to ear, which… just so happens to be a nice contrast against the golden-amber of her eyes, the silver of her hair. “I… I did not realize,” she replied to him, trying to keep her composure, but of course, failing horribly in that aspect. “I-I should have, before I left my room… I just… I did not know Hitomi left to deliver a report to Father, and… well…” What else is there to say? It seems she is helpless without some sort of assistance in everyday activities…

Sora was thinking of ways she can excuse herself -and hopefully without any further embarrassment-, however he proceeded to ask her a question that struck her speechless. Did he really just offer-? No, of course not. It would be… It just… At a loss for words, it was a heartbeat or two before she could bring herself to say anything at all. “I… I do appreciate the thought, but… do you believe that is… wise? I do not know if I want to accept you back into my life, or be friends again, and… your help would require… taking off my shirt and…”

Heat once again rose to her face, and yet there was no denying the fact she is flustered. No one has ever seen her… naked… except Hitomi, but she does not count, not really. It is highly unlikely she has an opinion on her body… though if she were to find it off-putting, it would be… disheartening? No, that is not the right word… oh, it is too early to be thinking of this! Sora cannot go to class, not if she looks as awful as she feels. A furtive glance was stolen at him, a veil of silver concealing this fact from him.

“If… you were to help me…” she decided to speak up at long last, “I do not… want you to look. I need to keep some shred of dignity,” Sora huffed next, looking very much like an impudent five-year-old at the moment. How else is she to preserve not just her dignity, but her pride as well?
Matsuda had made his coffee blend strong today, because it was needed too keep him awake at this point. He had added sugar to it, but no cream, and so when he offered a drink from his mug she would find it to be sweet but strong, apparently some sugar in Matsuda's book was like 4 cubes. He stepped into the room and nodded when she accepted his help on the promise was that he wouldn't look at her body. "

He kept his face neutral so as to hide any disappointment in not being able see anything. It had been a long time since he had seen anything related to a woman's body, well before he could appreciate it any way at least. He smiled still knowing that just having her accept his help was a step in the right direction for the two of them. Walking back into her room he stepped behind her. "Okay I won't look now put your wings up."

True to his words he didn't look, his eyes stayed focused more on his task, and he stayed well enough behind her that at most he may have gotten a glance at the side of her breast, what he was really seeing was the bare of her back. He turned the shirt around and just as he had pulled it off her it was on back around her. He then lifted her long white hair out of her shirt. "we don't really have time to brush your hair at the moment, I'll take the brush and we can get it done after breakfast."

He retrieved the brush that Hitomi would normally use, and put it in his pocket. Before heading with Hitomi to the elivator offering her drinks of his coffee as they walked. Helping her and lifting the cup to her lips. He remembered back in the day he would do this kind of thing for her all the time, and for free, now she had Hitomi, and he was pretty sure the body guard did not like him at all. Then again the woman was payed by Sora's father and there was no question that the man hated him. Sora's dad had disliked him back when he had just been the boy next door.

"How is your family?" He asked curious for a moment, wanting to know about other elements than just her father. "When we have a holiday break, do you plan on going to see them?
How mortifying. Is she really so helpless that she has to rely so heavily on someone else? Sora loathes the fact, but what else can she do? Rip off her wings? Kick? Scream? It would be childish of her, and it shall accomplish nothing except aggravating her more so. Her heart in her throat -of course figuratively speaking-, Sora finally dared to open her eyes once he pulled her hair out of her shirt. Breakfast? Do they have enough time-?

Amber-gold glanced up at him for but a moment, only to fall away at the subject of her family. It is… not one she brings up herself, not if she can help it. “I suppose my family is doing fine,” she replied at great length, albeit reluctantly. “I have not heard anything that requires my concern or worry. Mother is doing well. Father is busy with the company, so I have nothing to report.” Holiday break? Oh. Right. It is coming up soon… Sora blinked as she is temporarily blinded by sunshine pouring in, just to frown a heartbeat later.

“I believe I will be expected to return.” A shoulder lifted in a nonchalant shrug, though it did not portray any of how she felt about the protest of seeing her family again. “I know Father has spoken at great length that I need to be more involved in the business… and Mother supports his decision. I should be… looking forward to the opportunity.” Sora did not look to him for his reaction, but instead chose to look elsewhere. “If you do not mind my asking… why the inquiry? You know of my family situation already.”

Sora finally brought herself to look at him, though not directly, through a veil of tangled silver. Is he trying to make idle chit-chat? To pass the time? Or is he attempting this to… put her at ease? It is difficult to tell. Sora knows not if she can ever forgive him, or see him as a friend. A great deal has happened over the past five years… and she is not the same girl he knew her to be. “Tell me something,” she spoke up again, fidgeting a bit under his… scrutiny? No, that is not quite the right word… judging stare? No, no… Oh, what does it matter? Sora’s mouth opened, and yet… she could not find the right words to ask.

“Why? I know that… you want us to be friends again, like old times. I just do not understand the reason why. I… I was not a good friend. You can easily find new friends, if you put your mind to it. I just… I do not understand why you insist on being friends again.”
Listening to Sora talk about her family was about as pleasant as listening to someone having their teeth pulled out. Matsuda could pretty much instantly tell that she was struggling to talk about anything good when it came to her family. He remembered only small things from the visits he used to have with her, he remembered her mom being kind, and her dad being distant, and apparently that had been pretty much the same to now. The formal way in which she refered him, calling him father, it felt awkward.

His dad, when he had been alive had always been dad, he had been close to the man. Which was why his disappearance had been so hard on Matsuda, and why he had tried to go to such great heights and dangers to try and find out any information about what had happened to the man he had loved. As the two of them walked he supposed it was only fair that she ask him why he was suddenly inquiring about her broken home, he knew it was unpleasant at least from back when he had visited, and Sora had all but told him things had not improved.

"I wanted to know if things had improved is all. Believe it or not that had always kind of nagged at me." A lot of things had nagged at him while he had been locked away barely allowed a thought or breath. When she asked why he was insistent on being friends again he just sighed he thought he had covered this last night.

"I don't have anyone else. My mother refuses to talk to me, my father is... still missing." He said the last part as if he was pulling his own teeth at that point, he knew deep down his father was probably dead, it had been so many years since that time when he had vanished, but he never admitted that the man was gone verbally he was only ever missing as if he would suddenly show up at UA alive and well.

"Yes I can make new friends, and I am sure I will, if tomorrow goes well." He added the last part under his breath. "I never thought of you as a bad friend, you were my best, my closest. If anyone was a bad friend it was probably me I should have told you what was going on instead of trying to push you away." He admitted his wrong doing and sighed. "Those are all things we can't fix, what i can fix is the now. I want to be your friend again because you are literally the last living connection I have on this world. You told me that you learned you didn't need friends because of what I did.... but I'm not going to stop offering because."

"Because I need you." His voice was suddenly very meek when he said that. "It's an emotional... dumb need, but seeing you again after all those years..." He bit his lip at that point he felt like he was saying too much. Heck he had probably just creeped Sora out, who the hell said that they needed someone. He shivered for a moment this time it was his eyes refusing to meet hers, he didn't want to look at her, he already knew she would reject him, she had been doing that all week.

"Without you, I become a ghost with no real connection in this world. Yes I could make new friends, but I would have no past. I can have this second chance, but without your acceptance... honestly your opinion is the only one that matters to me anymore. it's the only one that ever mattered to me."
It has? Why? To be a Hanakawa means… she is ‘meant for greater things’, as Father put it. In fact, she is held to higher standards than the other students. Sora has to work harder than everyone else, not just because she cannot do a lot of things herself… but because she has to prove herself worthy of the name. Is it so much to ask that she be treated like any other teenager? To be treated as… normal for once in her life? Amber glanced over his way once again, and yet she did not dare breach the subject or interrupt, not until he is through.

Yes, it seems that… many a mistake has been made in the past, on both their parts. Their actions -or lack thereof- should not play this big of a role on the present, however. A small frown appearing upon her lips, Sora meant to say something or another… and yet, she did not take advantage of the opportunity. No, she was struck speechless… and she knew not what to think. How can he… need her? It would make sense if she was… providing some sort of emotional support, or did something of value for him, but she does not. Once again she looked to him, but she could not find anything to say… not without looking completely ridiculous.

Need? Her? It seems like… he means to flatter her, to make it to where… she knows not how to think of this. For a moment, she thought… he meant it in a different context… but of course that is silly. Matsuda has no other feelings for her besides that of friendship. How can anyone find a girl with feathers attractive-?

Sora lifted her eyes to the sky, studying the brilliant blue that which has stretched from horizon to horizon… the wisps of white that is clouds dancing high above. “I… do not understand how my opinion is of such high regard,” she spoke at long last, though it took her a moment to find the right words. “I do… understand that your family leaves much to be desired, as does mine, and yet…” It was then that frustration sank in, causing her to trail off as she considered what to say next.

“Matsuda… I…” Sora looked to him, as though doing so may provide her with answers… but of course, it did nothing of the sort. No, instead, it made it more difficult to find the right words, to offer her opinion, her thoughts. “You wish… only to have this friendship again out of fear, right?” she finally managed to say. “It is because the surgery scares you, and I can understand that. Mortality has a way of… driving us to do the oddest things. You do not want to feel alone. I…” What does she do now? Sora does not know if she can forgive him for what happened in the past, for his neglect on their friendship… his tentative trust that failed to compel him to tell her what was going on.

A heartbeat later, she could not help but release a sigh. “I suppose… if it is to satisfy an ‘emotional, dumb need’... I can allow our friendship to… resume where it left off,” Sora begrudgingly caved. “It is not as though such a friendship will be without merit. Our… Quirks could work well together, provided that we work together and communicate better. I think the best term for this would be a ‘partnership’, though…” A shrug rolled through her shoulders, just for a glance to be thrown his way.

How else are they to proceed? It is not as though they could be friends like they were before, especially being that she… cannot bring herself to let him get so close again. More than likely, he will end up hurting her, and… she could not survive a second assault on her heart, not by him. Sora let the warmth of the sunshine banish the cold threatening to enclose upon her heart, closing her eyes for but a moment. “Let us… put this subject behind us,” she told him after a minute or so of silence. “We need to hurry and eat, or else be late for class.”
"Don't try to psychoanalyze my reasons." Matsuda said when she questioned if it was because of the surgery and his sudden brush with mortality. Mortality, the inivitability of death, well those things had never actually bothered him before. His life had been difficult and in the dark of his jail cell, when he had no one around him who cared about him, when he had been burried and forgotten by everyone he had cared about before hand. Not allowed to breath his full chest because it had a chance of decimating the earth and metal he was surrounded by.

There were things in this world much worse than death.

The way she said the word friendship, honestly made him groan, the way she talked about it being benificial and 'not without merit.' he had never heard someone talk about a friend in such a sterile way. It was like she used logic to pick apart matters that were far more emotional. A brief memory of the more vibrant girl he remembered, and then he was met with the beautiful, but rather gloomy woman she had become. Was that because of him? had he damaged her beyond repair? He had been focused on what had happened to him in the time he had been gone, but he hadn't really considered the damage to her.

Before he could ask about why she was so cold... she told him to put the subject behind them, and for now he would nod and follow that request. Walking out into the sunlight he sighed there was a light breeze today, and he had to admit that was refreshing to feel on his skin.

"Okay." In truth he was starting to worry that he was dragging them down by always talking about this past. So trying to talk more about the future made things easier. "Do you by any chance have any notes I could borrow from the last few days?" He asked cause he knew she had missed classes, but Hitomi had probably taken notes for her as well.
Psychoanalyze-? Is she really? Is that all she is able to do now? Is she… unable to grasp her emotions? Or act out on them? Sora did not think of that… nor does she like the prospect she may not be to understand what she feels in her heart. A frown tugging at the corners of her lips, it was a moment or so before she came to realize he asked her a question. “Hm? Oh. Ah. Yes. I do have notes,” Sora replied, distracted by the breeze ruffling her feathers. It was nice, refreshing even. “I have a device that records the lectures… Hitomi does not intervene with my studying methods, except to get notes if I miss the classes. I actually memorize everything I can, for the… tests and such.”

Uh oh. Did she make things awkward, by opening her mouth earlier-?

Most likely. Perhaps it would be best if she… keeps quiet. It seems that every time she says anything, it only makes things worse. Sora did not dare look at him again, but instead chose to have her eyes study the colorful flowers nearby. Being that Hitomi had to get her notes during her time of… recovery, she will have to study the meticulously neat handwriting of her bodyguard, and yet… he will need them, too, if he is to pass the classes. If she is not mistaken, a test is coming up… Sora lifted her eyes as he held open the door for her, only for her ears to be… assaulted with the noise of more than half a dozen conversations going on at once.

Yikes. It is moments like this that Sora dreads. A wing lifted as though to hide her tangled silver hair, but of course, it is pointless to do so. Amber eyes dropped as they entered the building, finding the floor to be more interesting all of a sudden. “I… do not usually eat breakfast,” she brought up.

“If you want to, that is perfectly fine by me, but... “ At a loss for words, Sora let herself trail off. It used to always be a topic of discussion, her eating habits… being that everyone thought she should eat more. A veil of silver hiding her face from view, she went to take a seat nearby, as to prevent any arguing or… tension.
"Why don't you normally eat breakfast." Matsuda looked over Sora for a moment. She honestly seemed like ate enough she had a good figure, her body wasn't too thin. As she went to get a table, he went to get food. He kept pondering why Sora would want to starve herself, there was no logic to that choice. He quickly got together two breakfasts, they were simple, a fruit, some juice, a bagel with cream cheese. They were simple cause they were still running late, and as he arrived back at the table with Sora he placed one of the trays in front of her.

"You have a long day ahead of you." He said softly. He had tried to get only food that she should have been able to handle with her wings. Stuff that didn't require his help to eat. He wasn't about to accept her body as an excuse to not take care of herself, and if she really did use that then he would go the extra mile, taking the bagel that was for her and lifting it up to her.

Matsuda had no issue being a temporary care taker, there was no shame in it for him. Heck he actually enjoyed feeding her it was kind of cute, like something a couple would do. He smiled at her. He saw the tension that she was carrying, and moved to sit a little closer so that he didn't have to yell over the voices around him. He was close enough that honestly he could feel her body heat radiating off of her, he blushed at just how close the two of them were physically.

His arm brushed against her wing, and he felt the softness of her feathers. He had completely forgotten that. He looked at Sora with an odd fondness perhaps even loving glance. "let me help you." He whispered against her.
Sora looked up at him through a tangle of silver, amber just barely visible through the strands. A long day ahead? No, not necessarily-? Yes, Hitomi is not here to provide assistance on more of the difficult tasks, but she will manage somehow. Her attention switched to the… two trays he brought, a small frown threatening to overtake her features. Did he just not listen-? It is inconsiderate that he took it upon himself to bring her breakfast, though she specified she does not usually eat this early… or is it? No, this is not the time to be considering it.

“...Thank you,” Sora begrudgingly told him, even if she did not feel a great deal of gratitude towards the gesture. It looks as though he was thoughtful enough to bring her things that are easy to eat, which… has to be something, she supposes. About to try and fix a bagel for herself -because, quite frankly, it seems to be the easiest to deal with-, Sora did not expect him to take it and lift it… nor did she expect him to shift a bit closer.

Uh oh. Heat did not hesitate to rise to her face… and of course, her heart decided right then to flip over inside her chest, only to beat faster. The tips of her ears burning as well, leaving no doubt as to how she felt at that exact moment, Sora fidgeted nervously in her seat… hoping against hope, though futile as it may be, he did not notice. Matsuda’s arm brushed against her wing, too… serving to make matters worse. Their eyes met, crimson red and golden amber… and it was almost as though the world fell away.

Let him help-? Red quickly replacing the pink upon her cheeks, Sora had no words of protest… nor could she think of anything to say. No, instead… it was almost as though she had no other choice but to… succumb to his wishes. Sora bit her lip before opening her mouth for a bite… despite the fact this feels like something a couple would do.
Matsuda could see how red her face had gotten his own was aglow as well, this was probably the closest he would ever get to being in a relationship. He kept telling himself that he was only trying to help his close friend, that this was not a romantic moment for the two of them, that even if he saw it that way he knew she never would agree to that. So he tried to hide this as him just helping even if it was a lot more intimate than he had expected.

When she could take over eating for herself he turned to his own breakfast, his ears burning for a moment as he felt a lot more red. He lowered his scarf, and ate at his own food. Still sitting beside Sora. He was recovering from the intimate moment, but he also never pulled away. He stayed a lot closer to Sora than he had previously.

His red eyes would occasionally peek back to her golden ones. There was a real urge to try and steal a kiss, and that was where he had to break it off. "Come on, we should go to class." he said standing up finishing his food, he fell in line behind Sora.
Why is her heart beating so fast? Why does her face feel like it is on fire? Sora did not know the answer to any of these questions, but she can… pretend as though she was not affected by what just happened between he and her. It is easier said than done, though. For some reason, she feels… sort of jittery. Sora nibbled at the breakfast he was kind enough to provide her with, however… it seems she has lost her appetite. Then again, she did not have much of one to begin with.

Matsuda did not pull away, either… which did not help calm the butterflies any. In fact, Sora was very aware of his presence… to the point that she had to fight against the urge to fidget, or move away. At one point, she could have sworn he had kept… glancing over at her, but of course that is just ridiculous. He is not interested in her, not in a feathered freak.

“Oh. Ah. Yes.” Sora stood to join him, however she did not expect him to slide in behind her. A look over her shoulder had silver rippling down the length of the girl’s back… curling just so at the junction of her hips. “Do you plan on… walking behind me the entire time?” she felt the need to ask. “I almost feel as though I have a shadow… and I am used to having Hitomi with me.” Sora did not say anything else before heading off down the hallway… back to the elevator they had used prior.
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