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Team TWLT ((ThomasRHellsing and wiki234))

Suddenly Camilla flew into the air, blinking she turned and landed easily. She raised an eyebrow, "Tommy, why'd you do that?"

Thomas stood up and said, "Time to be valiant and RUN AWAY!"

He froze however as Lita seemed to appear infront of him, throwing a kick at his head, the axe kick had a glowing heel. Thomas swore and dodged, but it continued on, cutting the concrete as her heel landed. She then turned and mule kicked Thomas in the face. Thomas again ducked, however the kick had alot of power behind it, and was a literal blur it was so quick. Unfortunately, unless she was aware and damn quick, it would slam into Mana's right cheek feeling like a sledge hammer fired from a canon.
Luckily though it was an odd sense as she instinctively raised her right arm anyway as it was alreadyseeming to be a fight, already being cautious anyway as soon as the two ran at each other at least with the shield sending her flying back against the wall with her sliding roughly and hitting it a bit hard but still mostly ok. Soon the others would mostly stay far and dodge, eventually even having to dodge back against the open door before eventually turning to go off now and leaving.
Thomas joined his team half way back to the room, shaking his head as he said, "Fucking menace. I know they are both elites but did they really have to let those sort in? You three need to be on your guard Camilla is well, she's one of my oldest friends, but she's also a massive bitch. If she thinks you're in her way, well she'll do everything she can to break you. Lita is her top enforcer, and enabler."
“ only if she’s annoying as hell but whatever....” Izumi said before making it to the door before mana turned him around and grabs his shirt to lift him up and throw him a few feet back, “ and I’m taking my revenge...” glaring before they all turned to go inside to shower and change before heading out leaving the boy on the ground to walk back inside as the last person but being a bit late as the three already started to head off again, having their weapons with them just in case but of course for mana going for the training building not needing to shower long at all of course when it came to swimming.
Thomas rolled his eyes, "Why the hell are you all carrying your weapons, you're going to get into trouble. Weapons are supposed to be kept in your lockers until they are needed. This is a school after all. The lockers are loaded on rockets to arrive anywhere with our gear."

Thomas blinked as he said, "I'm sorry but you all ignoring me was pissing me off. You act like you know some things, but other things you don't. So sorry if I am harsh but it frustrated me when you ignored what I was saying about Aura. Plus I was taught a hard way, screw up you get punched or kicked in the face. It teaches you and helps you learn to heal bruises quicker."
“ well yeah I guess....” as they all went to put their stuff back then before meeting up again. “ I mean you shouldn’t be teaching us things we know the basics of, the basics of aura and stuff like that yeah we should all know but I get that we need more of actual practice and yes another obvious thing would be that you did put a certain time to ACTUALLY do that....but I would rather learn all the stuff from the profs as least from reading and I we’re hoping then you would train actual combat ability than boring exercises which of course are necessary but still...” Aya spoke softly trying to get some kind of agreement on something and maybe or hopefully a tiny bit make him understand that they mostly did those things because those aren’t important to them for the time being and just the fact he sucked obviously at being a dick.

They all sighed, “ yeah think you should focus on exercise and your also forgetting the dumb logic that fighting is kinda exercise I mean your basically doing two things at once with moving and memorizing stuff...” as Izumi pointed another obvious. “ maybe a small warm up run or stretch thing that’s easy could work but you shouldn’t push that as a damn huge focus...let’s hurry and go then....” the girl pulling the boy by the arm and rushing down the hall with the other two following then until they made it outside at least, “ well don’t really know where anything is of course like mostly everyone..”
Thomas nodded, "The problem is, I don't know how capable you all are. A teacher asks his students to do things like warm ups so he can get a measure. For example, if I challenged you all to a fight, I could kill you by accident."

Moving with them, or allowing himself to be moved by them he said, "One time, I got arrogant, and set a training robot to level 15 when I was 10 years old. I ended up with 15 broken bones, three ruptured organs, and a detached retina. I was left bleeding curled up fetal position while the robot beat me to death. Had one of my teachers not been keeping an eye on me it would have beat me to hamburger meat."

He looked around at them, "When I asked for your max number of sit ups and such, it was basically me asking "Are you competent physically", and all of your replied "No" by not knowing. I'm trying to fill in my gaps before I get you all killed thinking you're my level which no offense you obviously aren't."

Rolling his eyes a bit he said, "The school is designed in a circle, dorm are in the inner most level, so should it be attacked sleeping students will have a chance to arm themselves. Cafeteria and class rooms are a more outer level. Come on. Most Hunters learn to memorize their surroundings. Also their is a Scroll app with a map."

He turned right and headed to the cafeteria.
“ then your just dumb to push yourself too far, I’m lazy but I would still push myself further than I could though not extreme....” Izumi giving a shrug as the others mostly followed quietly not really having anything to say much. “ I don’t think most of us really pay attention to simple stuff like that even if it is good. Looking like fighting with weapons is the bigger focus so just still try for it then.” Eventually arriving before they went off to of course get their stuff and eat before classes.
Their was no course stuff to get, they had all received their schedules the previous night in emails, and the GPS/Map would even show where they were. Thomas had researched already while preparing their pre-breakfast. The books would be handed out in class, as he said, "I'm sorry, I just don't get you ladies fascination with weapons. If I can beat you hand to hand, odds are I can beat you with weapons."

Thomas wasn't using his arrogant voice, just his simple common sense one. He shook his head a bit, "Oh, I've got a sword, that can become a missile launcher, that can become a dildo.", well, if you aren't strong enough to bruise me with a punch with my aura, odds are your won't be strong enough to pierce my aura with your sword either. I guess I can arrange a group spar later, use "Paint" rounds, and we can see how it goes. I might be underestimating you guys."

He shrugged obviously speaking to himself, but speaking out loud again, "Need to get them ready Camilla will be gunning for them and she can be nasty. Rumors and actions. I won't let her hurt them like she did the others."
“ there goes that stupid look of bragging again...” mana rolling her eyes. “ yes maybe you are stupid as hell to be doing that...” as the others could mostly hear him before Aya spoke again as well to reply to his comment, “ we only just mostly met so you have no damn position to say anything about us with that...” looking a bit annoyed as well before they headed off.
Thomas followed and shrugged, "Camilla's family is alot like mine, she was trained from a young age. Also like mine she was taught how to manipulate public opinion and play the politics game. The big difference between her family and mine is her family is large. So large that they over encumbered their resources. Carmilla marries me, it gives her family the life's blood it needs in my family's money. On paper it would be perfect."

The blond ran a hand through his hair, "However, I would cut my own throat before marrying her. In Camilla's family, only the women are allowed to fight. Which means if I married her, and took her name something her parents would demand, I would have to give up being a Hunter. Camilla doesn't understand honor because to her and her family it's an out dated tradition, all that matters is."

He moved to stand in line and get food as his tummy gugled in hunger.
“ jeez well at least someone is mostly keeping her from doing mostly crazy stupid shit I guess so that’s good....” izumi giving a shrug as they now soon seen it themselves they have some competition they could work towards then. Soon they all went off themselves to get whatever they wanted as Aya was the first to find a table at least before Izumi then mana would sit as well to eat.
Thomas was soon sitting with them, drinking chocolate milk, hot coco, and soda. He has fried sausages, bacon, and pastries in front of him as well as a steak omlette. He liked meat.

Soon they were headed to their first class. Sir George aka "The Dragon Slayer", was a well known Hunter. He looked pristine, a simple rapier at his side, he began to teach the students about the Beowolf type Grim and it's weaknesses. In general the Mask of a Grim was it's weakest point, and limb damage was artificial. However, not always. Thomas took some notes on his S.C.R.O.L.L., but most of it was easy to remember. What seemed like all too soon it was time for lunch.

Thomas chose a chicken fried steak burger with bacon and ranch. As well as cheesy fries and bacon. Looking at his team mates he said, "What do you think? I liked it, but I can see it getting boring quickly. Aim for the mask and smash it. Dire-beowolves, and Cerberi-Beowolves will be interesting though."
Soon they got to class as they sat down, pulling up notes to take of course as msotly everyone else did, heading out together back into the hall once class ended. “ well I mean it’s cool seeing the different species and stuff but it seems kinda over complicated....” giving a shrug from Aya still finding it interesting more than anything with what more dangerous types that people have faced and actually killed. Heading for the cafeteria again they went off and met again to eat at the table like this morning.
Soon it was time for combat class. The teacher was a Faunus, Mrs. Tora soft spoken and kind, she seems like an odd choice for a combat instructor.

The woman smiled, "Welcome to combat class. Here we'll mostly do one on one, or team on team spars. Normally I would pick, but we actually had two teams volunteer, team T.W.L.T. and team C.R.M.L., would both teams please head up to the arena. Remember to make sure your weapons are loaded with non-lethal dust rounds."

Thomas bit back a rather violent swear as he moved to the communal changing area, "Ok, be on guard, don't let them get close, if you see them moving to separate us, don't do it.]Camilla Rose[/url] stepped up, a Bisento in her hands, the wickedly sharp blade on one side glinting in the light as she said, "Come on ladies, let's show these whores what happens when they try to steal my Tommy-Sama! First one to make them bleed gets a spa day my treat."

Lita Black was wielding a pair of massive pistols on her thighs, and a pair of fans in her hands. Sharp eyes would notice the glint of an edge. She glared at Thomas, "I will make you bleed for dishonoring Camilla and her love for you dog."]Mika Lampon[/url] the third girl was also a Faunus, as she smiled looking at team T.W.L.T. she said, "Try to last awhile ok neko neko? I need a chance to see how I rank neko neko."

The Faunus's body was noticably muscular, and she carried a set of nunchu, and slightly off boots and arm guards.]Rolla Lestrange[/url] bowed saying, "N-Now now, l-let's not be super hasty. We all know."

The teacher cut off the blond as she said, "Students ready? Set, FIGHT!"

Thomas and the enemy Faunus both seemed to vanish as they MOVED. The Faunus however was visibly throwing a sharp snap kick at a red form's head, then appeared infront of mana and attempted to do a savage spear kick. If it hit, even with Mana's aura it would feel like her collar bones and ribs were being squeezed by a giant deranged toddler. She'd find herself air born and then mercilessly slammed a foot into the reinforced concrete head first.

Izumi would have 4 blades of aura flying at her knees, ankles, waist, and breast height respectively. If they hit, even with aura quarter inch thick bloody furrows would occur. Unless her armor was high quality, then it would be gouged instead of her flesh. However a literal wave of blades would continue, unlike the first ones which were five feet wide but relatively slow, like arrow speed, the assault would be smaller a foot long, and move at bullet speeds.

Aya would have two blades like buzz saws flying at her chest. Both spinning and obviously less then pleasant to get hit by without aura. If they hit without aura they'd sever flesh, with it, you'd still get bone deep cuts. They would then arch around and try to get her from behind.

Suddenly Thomas would appear where he'd start. He had some scorch marks but a smirk on his face as he said, "One down, how are we doing team?"

Soon all the girls would take their place as mana loaded up and smashed her fists together. “ I was actually predicting you were doing that...” quickly slamming her gauntlet into the ground and shooting it up at high velocity to move herself back before loading a shot and firing it off as she charged forward to get past her and hide herself in the smoke before switching her gauntlets rounds to dust mines as she laid them out which were specially designed to burrow completely into the ground and actually do a good job of remaining undetectable as she stood there. “ come on is it weird I expected that?” She moved her arm to shoot at her and if she would rush would either jump back behind it or block it with a blade that would shoot out and take a good amount of force away for her next attack leaving the girl open to get hit with the side and send her flying then.

“ well don’t have to dodge then...” giving a sarcastic yawn as she had a trick from her weapon EXACTLY to counter fast projectiles like these that were at least solid. Spinning her gun to a sword she held it in front of herself as the black armor like slowly slid down into sections before she stabbed it into the ground making and leaned he blade toward her as rays of small lasers would cut or destroy the projectiles completely with deadly accuracy. “ projectile defense is what I do the best against most...” before sending the lasers themselves to try and burn her skin or transfer it into bigger concentrated beams but less lasers to try and hit her as she had another very good surprise in case the girl would get close to her from any angle as she was safe for now.

Finally with Aya she would focus as a swirl of purple energy consumed the bow as well as what looked like the sound of demonic monkeys screeching around her, jumping up and shooting the arrow into the ground as a purple portal was ripped and a rather large swarm of medium sized purple skulls with canine teeth poured out to attack her with some of course sacrificing themselves to stop the saws completely and lose speed so they were so much easier to dodge as the others would fly toward her continuing to open and close their mouth as they very quickly moved toward her like bees, though of course being smart to split the swarm so they wouldn’t get hit by her ranged attacks, split them in a two way or flanking attack or form into a fast moving swarming wall to bite at her. Aya focused again shooting another portal before retreating back a bit and preparing to dodge anything as the other large swarm would attack anyone on the other team at least.
The Faunus was far faster and stronger then Mana could react. While the smoke was a good attempt faunus were known for their hearing ability, and sense of smell. The cat girl tried to kick away Mana's sword and throw a cross punch that would have bent a steel plate around her knuckles at her face. Back flipping like gravity was a suggestion she said, "You're good neko neko! But I am a master of the Neko Neko style martial arts. You should give up before I have to break your pretty face neko neko. Otherwise I'll have to get serious neko neko."

The dark haired girl smirked, it was like a shark that smelled blood as she drew the high bore rifle from her back saying, "Interesting. Strike Gungnir!"

She pulled the trigger, and the round fired flying through the various conjured dog heads shattering them like glass, it dodged, swirled, jinked and twisted. Aiming for the hound skulls, before suddenly juking right and aiming for Izumi's skull. The bullet would not stop even if blocked and was glowing thick with aura. Lita launched herself at Aya, her hair glowing with her blue aura as it shot out like razor tipped whips, thrusting attempting to pierce her limbs, or grab/destroy any arrows fired. The glasses wearing girl was ridiculously fast, plus she could attack from dozens of different directions. No doubt her hair control and hardening was her semblance.

Camilla went to decapitate Mana from behind only to meet a cross shaped shield as Thomas spoke, "This is my burden to bear, so long as I am team leader you shall not harm my team. This is my penance!"

Camilla pouted, "No fair, no fair! You already know my semblance."

Thomas nodded, "The ultimate blade, you can make any edge sharp enough to cut a molecular bond, literally nothing can stop your blade, except of course for the ultimate shield."

Camilla spoke, "Density control, I can cut diamonds, you can compact the atoms even tighter. The ultimate shield. Add in gravity control and your power is as scary as always Tommy-Chan. Let's get serious shall we?"

She spoke to Mana, Aya, and Izumi, "One chance you scarlet women! Denounce your love for my Tommy-Chan, and surrender the fight, and we'll allow you to leave without any more injuries. If you continue to fight I can't guarantee your safety or survival. What do you say?"

Thomas looked left, then right. Looking at his team he said, "Well ladies? We could walk away, it's just one sparring match. It can't effect our grade that much. No point in risking injury for one fight right? My honor says we should take these bitches down hard, but I'll leave it to a group vote."
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