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Team TWLT ((ThomasRHellsing and wiki234))

“ jeez....everyone needs to get back to the room, well the whole school with the students.” Explaining as mana leaned back crossing and looking back at him, “ come on and hurry up...pshhh though kinda hope that tomorrow or something maybe most of us can get some better action with those monsters or something...”
Thomas nodded a bit as he said, "I strongly doubt it. We're first year students to them. Most Hunter Academies barely teach the most basic Aura tricks, and some people don't even know what their Semblances are yet. I'm a but surprised you aren't surprised by my Aura bullet. It's a high level technique that's mostly been forgotten since dust bullets are easier and less wasteful. Alot of useful Aura tricks have been forgotten or left behind. Now a days people just use it to barely increase healing, make them tougher, and general enhancement. It's really wasteful."

He leaned back and winced his back popping as he said, "Lead on Mercutio, I put my shirt in my locker, but I should have a towel in the room and I can shower there."
“And why are you telling me about something I have no interest in? Just get back to the room, I’m not waiting for you, should know where it is...” seeing that she did what she had to do so she could leave then and go back.
Thomas looked at her, "Because I'm your captain and my job is to make sure next time any of you four cross a grim you rip it into pieces, and serve it up deep fried."

He looked at her eyes saying, "I'm trying to bury the hachet here, so could you please stop being arrogant and flighty. I don't know if you're doing it on purpose, but it comes across that way. I'm your team leader, that means I decide your training program, your meal regime, etc for the next four year. Can we please try to get along. Otherwise we'll both spend the next four years making eachother miserable and given we'll eat, sleep, bathe, and study together I'd rather avoid the mutual destruction ok?"

Thomas looked at her and offered her his hand. He wondered which she'd choose, friendship or war.
“ ugh you weirdo....” finding the idea odd as hell and logically impossible as well, rolling her eyes as at least she made to the door and opening it. “ maybe if you admit to them and me in a more convincing way that your a reckless ass trying to fix yourself with the things you said earlier then maybe....I’m going back then, you better hurry....” soon leaving and walking out back to room as izumi had changed into shorts and a different shirt mostly sleeping for a bit as aya did the same mostly but with her phone.
Thomas rolled his eyes, but smirked as he activated his Semblance. He beat her to the room with a smirk on his face, although the other two would hear the room door and bathroom door slam open and closed. A few minutes after Mana arrived he'd step out of the bathroom wearing only a pair of dark blue silk boxers. Revealing his horrific scars to his team. Most with aura a small scar was considered rare unless your body was pushed to it's limits.

Looking at his team mates he spoke easily, "Mana, earlier you were both right and wrong. You said I needed to "maybe if you admit to them and me in a more convincing way that your a reckless ass trying to fix yourself with the things you said earlier then maybe....I’m going back then, you better hurry.... " I'm not sure what you mean. But the simple truth is I'm not reckless. I am an Abaddon. I was raised on my family compound. While you were born presumably between love, I was bred from genetic material selected from some of the best Hunters on the planet. Skills, intelligence, Strength, Aura Strength, and Semblance were all considered and weighed, my mother was approached by my father for the project. She was the last of a long line of hunters as well. While you attended a normal school I was being trained to recognize and kill grim. While you were being given wooden blocks, I was being given knives and lessons in languages. When you were learning to walk, I was being taught martial arts, admittedly at a beginners level, and expected to do physical conditioning exercises. When you were taught to be social, I was being told how to manipulate my aura to choke a sentient creature."

He looked at them, "In the old religon, Abaddon was the name of the King above all kings, a demon feared by all. My family has taken that name, that belief and held onto it. We strove to be the ones that Grim feared. We paid for our hubris. At one point their were 100 Abaddons, if you figured in branch family members, support members, etc. Now I am the last, the last king standing before an army. I've seen them, I've felt their aura of oppressive hate. My first grim kill was an ancient Beowolf, that killed my mother infront of me when I was five years old. I activated my semblance in my rage at the creature and killed the beast by crushing it's upper body into nothing."

He shrugged a bit, "I have social issues, I have issues talking to people. I am not normal. But at the end of the day, I am very good at killing things. You need to be good at killing things to be a hunter. Not just Grim, you'll realize it soon enough, your spars won't be against Grim, but other students. Hunters are judge, jury, and executioner out in some of the smaller settlements. Remember Grim are drawn to negative energy. What do you think would happen if a rapist or a murderer was preying on a small settlement? Even if one was caught, imagine what the negative feelings of a lynch mob would draw."

Blue eyes ran over them as he said, "Sometimes I'm likely to say something that's socially retarded. Let me know. If I say something insulting let me know. I'm never going to hurt you for letting me know if I'm doing something badly. I never want to hurt your feelings or make you feel bad. But I also expect atleast a bit of respect because I have earned some. 100 plus combat tournaments won, actual Grim killed and not just in a school like setting. I know what you need to do to survive this life style you all chose. I was literally born into it. I'll try to get better at the social thing since that's part of why I'm at beacon to begin with."

He looked at them, "So, team T.I.A.M., heh just got it, anyway, we ready to kick some ass? I'm going to get start on breakfast I suggest unless anyone has any allergies I need to know about you guy prepare for bed. Lights out is at 10 P.M., I've got my alarm set for 4 A.M., classes start at 7 A.M., we'll be going through my morning work out from 4:30 to 5:30, then shower and get ready for the day from and get real breakfast from the cafeteria, and arrive at class 30 to 15 minutes early. I'm waiting to work on our after class schedule until I see how much home work we have. I'd like us to work on it together the first week, see if we are all keeping up ok. See where we are individually strong and weak. I'm thinking two hours of physical training a night one to work on aura and aura manipulation, the other just physical enhancement, alternating stuff. Then free time, although I'd like to schedule group activities 3 days a week if you have ideas let me know if can be anything, I don't mind paying and at the end of the day reading one of Mana's favorite books, or seeing a movie I like might not be something everyone enjoys, but it's worth a shot. I figure two days a week of "Alone time" will be good, it won't be enforced or anything if you want to just hang out in the room or make plans with your partner or something, I can tell Mana likes time to herself, and I know everyone sometimes wants to get away. Keep in mind these are just rough ideas so far, as time passes I'll add more details to them and I am open to advice and comments. I'm not going to force you to do something you hate if you can give me a reason why it doesn't help you."

He then turned and headed for the small kitchenette, listening for comments or crituies, as he began to mix up a potent mix of honey, granola, almonds, peanuts and chocolate chips. It was one part trail mix, one part granola bar. It was a massive amount of pure healthy stuff to serve as a sort of early breakfast/snack before the morning work out. He spoke then, "Oh and if anyone wants a specific drink in the mornings to help them wake up, let me know. Right now we've got some te, and Mountain Dew I think, but that's it. I'll handle cost for the room, so long as it doesn't get crazy. That reminds me, any of you know how to cook over a fire?"
The girls soon got relaxed at least as mana stepped in looking over to see that he was already there. “ well I wanted you in the room and I did it so I don’t care about the method...” crossing her arms and walking past him before going to her own little side of the room, sitting on her bed with a stretch before slowly laying down on it to finally relax and take some stress off from the stupidity he had today like anything. “ I meant you were being a jerk above everything. You called us stupid for splitting up to cover more ground faster?! Who the hell wouldn’t be smart enough not to do that, of course besides the risk of injury and communication but still!” Lashing out again not afraid to use their anger as fuel to strengthen hers. Of course at least until he started his little story weirdly but surprisingly all of them looking to listen at least. Before mana was about to speak up to answer his question before looking to side seeing as that there was an impossible answer than easy one of going there and of course doing the right thing but with that simple fact of grim being there as well made even something so simple to fight for that much harder to understand. “ then at least your giving me permission to smack you if something goes wrong...” as she smirked then couldn’t help but chuckle then a small laugh finally escaping the girl as the others couldn’t help but laugh as this time izumi spoke up, “ well your oddly the most aggressive one so anyway wouldn’t mind if you do that, but don’t you forget...” a light chuckling escaping the girl as well before mana turned to reply, “ fine jeez....”

Finally it seems that a good start of change started to slowly appear among the faces of the members among the room before they looked over as he talked again with the three casually getting more comfortable around the room and the beds as well.

“ well I guess I didn’t realize how some people have rough but still others rougher childhood though, guess I do hide behind my anger too much then of course since it’s easy to mostly lash out at someone you don’t know not having to worry about the consequences much until bad things happen....” mana shook her head trying to force herself to be a bit easier and calmer around other people as Aya spoke up finally with her own opinion as well with the girls turning to her again.“ yes but as a team we learn together, it’s just the beginning, we will eventually learn each other’s faults and build ourselves stronger than who we were when we first came here. We still don’t trust each other much and still not for a long while at all but that’s why people like us exist...we grow strong against each other but more importantly with each other....” giving a small speech of understanding that she wasn’t aware of herself though truthfully just stating an opinion and her feeling that she needed to let out at least even if it would be to her own team.

The three soon turned back to him as he spoke, “ well at least I’m not having to plan anything and I’m lazy so I’m good with it though, I’m not really good at waking up that early at least for a while so I need help...” Izumi replying as one of her early weaknesses. “ well probably mostly all of us probably until we get better at it, wish classes started later than that...well I guess I’m gonna say rather have some soda for all of us with sugar and stuff than anything” as Aya stuck her tongue out with mana giving a shrug but seeing that it was her too. Seeing as with no mention of their opinion to his weekly plan they would mostly be ok with it for now. “ you mean an open fire like a campfire thing?” Izumi looked over at him with a “really?” Expression on her face though probably not minding anyway depending on what he meant on that of course.
Thomas nodded a bit, "I probably should have clarified. I saw Beowolves in the forest. I don't know how much you know about them, but they are pack hunters. In general if you see one Beowolf, assume their are five more in the shadows. Imagine for a minute if you all had spread out and a Beowolf had managed to wound your leg. You'd scream, and the rest of us would be drawn into an ambush. Beowolves have done it before, it's one reason why Beacon keeps them in the forest, they are one of the more intelligent Grim as far as age goes."

The blond ran a hand through his hair, "I once dealt with an ancient Beowolf, that was smart enough to use harrying tactics. Meaning every 10 to 12 hours, he'd have a force of Nevermores and Beowolves charge a settlement, they'd move in, maybe hit the defenders, then pull back. Their were 6 Hunters in the settlement at the time. The thing was, the numbers were so intense, every time they charged, all the hunters had to react. If they didn't the Grim would push on. They did this for weeks, until the Hunters were beyond exhausted, and had used up most of their stores. They then waited until the Hunters had to split up, some went hunting, and they attacked in mass using already found weaknesses in the defenses. They then targeted the Hunters."

He looked at Mana, "That was the day my mother died. I learned the Grim may not be intelligent, but they are crafy and cruel. Ever since then I've always assumed they are smarter then they appear. If I'm wrong, it takes a bit longer to do what I need to. If I'm right, it might be the different between a a death sentence and an almost death sentence. I should have been more specific, but I forgot most consider the Grim too dumb for such tactics, and to be fair most in the forest probably are."

Unsaid was the "But if it involved us coming back alive, is it really paranoia?"

Thomas chuckled a bit, "Oh yeah, I know I'm not perfect. Honestly being too paranoid is also a slight problem of mine. As we grow together and stronger I'm hoping such issues will relax a bit. I don't know your strengths, or weaknesses, and I really didn't in the forest. So I was assuming you were D graded hunter school students. Better to assume lower skills in fight for your life. I can tell you aren't now, but I can't tell your exact levels."

Thomas couldn't help but tease, "Oh, but I should mention, if I screw up I get a smack to the head, but you ladies screw up you get a spanking."

He kept a straight face for a bit before laughing a bit at their expressions. A light dusting of a blush on his own face.

The blond shrugged, "I don't consider my childhood rough. I was loved, fed, cared for. I just was chosen and chose rough life. Does a boxer hate a coach that believes in them and pushes them to their limits to make them better? Sure it wasn't the best childhood, but it wasn't like I was abused or anything. As for your anger I get it sort of. Easier to blame others then yourself?"

He nodded to Aya, "Well said. And sort of a good point. We're still strangers, which to be fair is why I suggested my game earlier. Getting to know people is hard, so I figured a slightly goofy game would be a decent ice breaker considering I don't even know any of your last names."

The crimson Aura wielder nodded to Izumi, "I figured all of you would. Honestly it will be rough on me as well. But well at the end of the day, being a Hunter is a shitty job. Sure combat classes are important, but the difference between the elite and the dead is who can still run after a day long hike in a desert, or a long slog through a swamp. Physical conditioning matters in pretty much everything. The faster you are, the faster you can fight, the faster you can run, the longer you can fight, etc. Even if it sucks alot pushing forward. Mornings will be for general stuff, I'm thinking swimming and running. Afternoons will be more specific stuff, arm day, leg day, core day, etc. Aura will also help a night's sleep and you'll be able to go again. Also, just so you know, once your body and aura increase a bit, you'll find you have more energy and need to sleep less. Obviously if you go without sleep for like a week it will still effect you. But Eight hours will become 7, then 5, etc. Most pro hunters can function one 1 to 3 hours of sleep a night for a week. Obviously they are adults but it's something to keep in mind."

Thomas smirked and nodded, "An open fire, and basic skillet or griddle. See, Hunter Academies and even Hunter Schools like this tend to focus on the grim heavy subjects. That's fine, but well, Mana, if you had a weeks worth of supplies and were hunting a grim in a forest, only it was wily and managed to evade you for a week, could you hunt your own food, or survive on the local flora and fauna? Aya, do you know the difference between poisonous flowers and edible ones? How to purify water? These are skills a true Hunter or Huntress needs that we're sort of left to our own to learn. Supposedly every quarter test has questions about general Hunter or Huntress skills not taught in class, since while Beacon exists to train Hunters, being a Hunter is a dozen different things. Grim killers, jury and judge, scavenger, relic hunter, heck even carpentry and plumbing. If a settlement you're in suffers a grim attack, you're expected to help them recover from it, even if that means helping fortify a wall, or repair a ruptured water line. That's why Hunters and Huntresses are so revered. Heck, one time I delivered a baby in a settlement a few months out, when I was 10 years old. The local doctor lost his arm in a Grim attack a few days previous and was out cold on pain medication. I was the closest thing to a doctor in the town of half a dozen. The other women had been evacuated, but she couldn't be because flight wasn't safe for a woman that far along. Luckily it was an easy birth. Of course Hunters and Huntresses aren't expected to know and master EVERY skill. But know enough to handle an emergency situation. Field medicine is also a good thing to cover unless you gals did in your Hunter schools?"
“ and there you go back to a doubtful idiot....” as mana spoke up again with a tired sigh not really liking about hearing his bullshit so much like that. “ there’s a reason we got damn accepted here and I swear if you even try that then you’ll know what I’ll do....” going back to the threat but a mostly reasonable one than outright aggression.

“well I mean basic basic basic stuff that’s mostly logic that’s not dangerous with the wrong choice like fire in terms of just being careful in general and water is easy, you take the water in something metal or something that isn’t gonna burn and just let it boil...” shrugging with a yawn as she laid down pulling the blanket up. “ well duh that’s what your supposed to do, you fight the grim to protect people and not just for fun and yeah all the other stuff but then it’s like why would you ask an obvious question like that....” seeing that Izumi didn’t really get the point much than talking about his own story.

“ well me, yeah learned the basics of plant medicine certain plants and stuff that can be used like bandages if you cover a wound over them or mixed in with other stuff, though I’m not an expert at all in that stuff....” Aya replies next laying on her side on the bed with a sigh. “ well we have the school to train so whatever then...” deciding to leave it with that as the other would too anyway.
Thomas shrugged, "You three forget that different Hunters and or Huntress academies teach different things. Each one is made by a village or town or city, and Beacon takes only your grades from the school into account. This is one reason why we have teams. I've seen the syllabus for some and it was four hours a day basic physical combat, and exercises, and four hours a day basic math, English, reading etc. If you come from a smaller village odds are you wouldn't have had supplementary lessons."

He looked at them, "Hell, why do you think only 4 to 8 teams are likely to graduate Beacon? We had 800 students at the entrance test, and it cut down to what 400 or 200 just with the chess piece test? Each of those students was considered an elite in their training school. Just taking the entrance test is considered something of an honor. I'm not assuming you're stupid or anything, but if you were never taught something I need to help you fill in the gap in your education. Just like you guys are going to help me fill in the social gap in my education."

He smiled at Aya, "You're not wrong, but you can also use your aura to draw the impurities our of the water, and even with control do so in your mouth. It's one way pro hunters avoid poison. I knew a Hunter once who could actually make alchol into pure water to avoid getting drunk, but that level of control was insane. I'm still not sure if he was honest or lying."
“ well don’t even worry about that for now anyway, we probably should have most of those in this school then, just not that heavily taught but still.” Aya responding softly as mana started again “ well whatever....” not caring much for now about it as Aya spoke again, “ that doesn’t even make sense, the aura would have to make it go somewhere or something unless he makes the aura disappear or something....” giving a sigh as all the girls eventually showered as went back to bed again to relax for a bit before sleeping.
Thomas nodded, "Yeah, it doesn't just purify the water. Aura is an energy made by the body, exactly what it is is sort of vague. But you can use it with the precision of a laser so long as you have the proper control. That's sort of what Aura Bullets are after all, aura gathered into a tight form and then fired to either explode or pierce a target. With focus you can use your aura sort of like a net fill a container with it and pull out the pollutants. It actually is the first form of the Aura Choke or Aura Grasp ability. A higher level technique but based on the same concept is Aura Purge which you use your aura to clean out a wound to prevent infection."

He decided to show off a bit and closed his eyes. Suddenly a super thin string of just visible crimson aura would shoot from his finger and wrap around the plastic wrap he'd pulled out of his bag. He then turned his wrist and yanked it towards him, the aura strange shrank like pulled rope and the plstic wrap flew through the room towards him. Nodding he said, "Aura Bind, or Grasp are extremely useful for stopping someone, you in essence project your aura and either bind them in "ropes" or aura, or wrap them up and pull them towards you. Unfortunately I'm not sure how useful they will be here."

He began to cut the trail mix into bars as he said, "See, Aura tends to clash with Aura in conflicts. But the farther outside of your body aura is, the weaker is becomes. I've got a maximum range of 50 feet if I focus everything I have on it. But from about 40 feet out, my aura has about the same binding strength as a spider's web. That being said, Aura versus Aura fights as as much about will power and belief as control. If I tried to bind say Mana, and I was holding the aura rope, if she had more Aura, a stronger need to get free, or a stronger will power, she'd be able to break free. Sooner or later she would anyway since one second of my focus changes, she'd be able to apply her will and break free. It would be a constant contest of wills. Of course I've been trained to use Aura binding etc, and I don't know if she's been trained to break them. Although really it doesn't matter aura tends to react to what you want."

He shook his head a bit, "Long story slightly less long, the farther outside of your body you're conjuring aura, the weaker it becomes. When comparing that to say grabbing someone, the farther away they are the harder it is to begin with. But the technique was meant more for Grim and people like bandits who have no Aura. That's why when spars come around I don't just use Aura choke on my enemies and knock them out. Their own aura would counter if not break the worst of the effects, and the focus required would leave me open."
It was mostly hard for them to really pay attention anymore as they all mostly past out with of course aya being the more obvious and easiest as she was very much sleeping along with the others just setting up for tomorrow not really feeling like talking at all anymore as they both did the same with a small shrug from izumi before they all now started to sleep with him alone.
Thomas shrugged a bit, after making the trail mix bars, he popped them into the fridge. They would harden up a he then made sure all the lights were off and crashed his silk sheets like always felt good.

Six and a half hours later he woke up a bit groggy. Moving to the bars, he microwaved some chocolate, before coating the bars in it. He then put them in the freezer in five to ten minute the chocolate would be hard, but the bars not so hard they were hard to eat. Leaving the chocolate to set, he headed for the bathroom, not being particularly quite, but not being loud either. After a shower, he'd move naked through the main room, having forgotten to get his clothes ready before hand. Quickly he pulled on a pair of boxers, basketball style shorts, and a sky blue wife beater. Fresh clean socks, and a pair of Nike shoes finished off the outfit.

Grabbing one of the bars, he would pour his room mates each of glass of soda, and then if they were still asleep gently move about the room shaking them awake. Fighting the urge to use static shocks or water since it was the first morning.
Mana was heavily curled up in her sleep with her blanket covering up full even up to only show the upper half of her face and hair, slowly turning as she felt her body shaken and curling up a bit more still.

Aya had her normal sleeping position before turning the side as well and hugging a pillow before moving her face under it until she was shaken before softly giving a yawn and slowly sitting up in her bed with another, rubbing her eyes as her body swayed side to side mostly because in the mornings she felt like a slow zombie rising up from bed but at least awake before shuffling into the bathroom before getting out and taking clothes back to the bathroom and finally locking the door to shower.

Izumi soon wake as well with a yawn though of course being one of the lazy ones she would decide to stay in bed for as long as she could, having the probably not that strange but strange to her ability of being able to hear people talk and noises even when she was really asleep, having to be completely knocked out or very tired or just lucky most of the time that she couldnt hear anything. Eventually though they all very slowly woke up and took turns in the shower before they were all ready to go, still looking more like zombies with all their sleepy faces but given time in the morning they would slowly wake up at least and be a lot better and active for the day.
Thomas smiled and offered each of them five of the chocolate coated bars saying, "Down the hatch ladies. These are basically to start your body burning calories. They are granola, mixed with chocolate chips, pecans, peanuts, and walnuts, and coated in chocolate. They may seem a bit fatty, but remember we're going to work out, and your aura burns calories."

He also gave each a glass of soda and a smoothie saying, "Protein powder, and some other healthy odds and ends, mixed with pineapple, apple, grapes, and banannas to make a fruity shake. Again it gets your body going and ready to burn calories. Fruit is naturally sugary so provides a good balance and the various powders are all hunter approved and mostly tasteless. If you want more breakfast bars that's fine, I made 30, I'm going to wrap the rest up and keep them in my bag. If you want to eats one between classes let me know. One of my training ideas could be exhausting. I'll explain it in better detail later."

He popped his knuckles and began to eat. He added, "Oh and remember we'll be eating real breakfast later. This is to help your body fight off sleep and get in the right "Mind frame" for exercise."

He'd been walking as he spoke, soon they were at the pool. Nodding he said, "How many is the max push ups, pull ups, and sit ups each of you can do before you absolutely can't do any more in the proper form?"

Thomas reached into the bag he'd brought, and pulled out a thin cotton looking vest, as well as arm guards, and ankle to knee guards, tightening them he said, "Oh and have any of you ever done weight training before?"
“ who the hell do you think we are? Fitness buffs at the gym? And I know of course exercise is needed but still....” Izumi being the first to complain again as they all very slowly but eventually woke up with the soda and the bars as they all skipped the smoothies anyway before slowly stretching with a yawn. “ I bet we all suck at these....” Izumi continued as Aya spoke up this time. “ I don’t do morning running but I’m good at running exercises in general, I’ve been able to do a mile in five minutes at least, used to suck a lot at it but still....” shrugging at the better solution than doing something none of them could do as mana was quiet and let them solve it then.

“ would rather do weapon stuff of course since that’s what it’s mostly about, even bet probably though three of us would want to show a bit at least and besides it’s probably more hard work that won’t do much than studying. I know why you wanna do it in the first place but maybe later or something, think of something else with it...” seeming they already had that fighting drive to improve that area for all of them the most than anything.
Thomas nodded as he said, "The thing to remember, is that you ARE a weapon. Your body is your first weapon. I can probably beat all three of you in a fight with your weapons without one. That's not bragging, but the simple truth. At the end of the day a sword is a piece of metal that's been sharpened, if someone is strong enough to grab the sides, they can kick you around like a child. Even projectiles don't work on me because of my Semblance."

Looking at them he said, "I'm not being arrogant. I understand why weapons are more fun. But the longer you can run, the more weight you can lift, the more exercises you can do, the better your stamina. The longer you can fight with your weapon. You saw me in the forest, I only used my Hunter's Weapon against a grim that was B Level. Even then it was more due to wanting to end it quickly."

He rubbed his chin saying, "That being said, since you all agree you want weapons training, I'll add it to the physical training in the afternoons. Maybe some marksman stuff as well. I said I'd pay for training, but well dust rounds aren't cheap. Especially since two of us use Gatling gun type weapons."

The Abadonus heir knew he was being a bit stingy, but dust rounds of decent quality cost between 100 and 500 lien each. A minute's fire from a Gatling gun was a 1000 rounds, that meant between 10,000 to 50,000 Lien. Add in it wasn't uncommon to blow a million rounds from a Gatling gun, and that was alot of cash. Looking at his team mates he said, "As for weight training, I didn't mean like dead lifting weight, luckily I brought spares."

He pulled out a vest arm and leg weights, in blue, black, pink, and yellow. Looking at them he said, "Pick out ones for your arms, legs and torso. Currently they have 20 pounds worth of weight in them. Mana I think you could probably take fifty fairly easily, but we'll go slow since this is the beginning. Now, I want each of you to do 100 push ups, sit ups, and 50 times up and down the bleachers as a warm up. Ideally without aura if you can. I need a baseline to figure out where you are. Ideally this would be a warm up. A good warm up is about a quarter to half of your Maximum, and a good cool down is a quarter of it."

The Bleachers around the pool were maybe 50 feet tall, so while 50 times up and down would be annoying it wasn't anything super human. Thomas himself dropped to his stomach, and blinked, "Oh, almost forgot to turn my weights on. These are different, I channel Aura into them more aura, the more weight."

He closed his eyes and suddenly the vest and arms began to glow. His muscles visibly tensed as he groaned a bit popping his neck. He nodded as he said, "I use around 500 pounds bit pathetic I know, most true Hunters can handle one thousand or more, but I don't want to push since we have classes later."

He then began doing what looked like the worst sort of push ups. Unlike the girls who he'd suggest just normal push ups, he curled his legs then went up onto thei toes, doing a push up with both arms, then a second push up with both arms, pushing up to clap his hands together, then catching himself with his left arm he did one push up, pushing up he switched arms doing one with just his left arm his right behind his back. Then push off of the ground, and do a push up with just his arms touching the ground. Then again his left arm would go behind his back, and just his right arm would move up and down, then he'd switch and just his left arm, then both arms again, before he'd allow himself to drop and do another classic push up, only then counting "One".

He was demanding physically, but it was obvious he wasn't trying to force them to keep up with him. Honestly he was wondering how they could have graduated a Hunter Academy without demanding physical work. That was what he figured most academies focused on, preparing your body for the rigors of being a Hunter.
Mana looked over at him, “ if your talking about me, it’s actually based on heavy anti tank type turrets and shells, so slow firing heavy impact high explosive shells.” Explaining her difference thinking about seeing that she had even a heavier weapon from even izumis. “ whatever....” soon walking off and stretching as they all decided then to go the track and work on their speed for a little while before deciding on the bleacher and working on their jumping ability as they all ran before trying to jump and skip every other row before reaching the top and doing the same as doing this would help sharpen their dodge power and overall speed at least amen especially their breathing. They all seemed equally matched with Aya and mana keeping up with each other during the laps and Izumi falling behind though not by much compared to them a with their practice on the bleachers being that they all struggled at different times either going too fast at times or not using a different foot though they weren’t bad at all much at least.
Thomas spoke easily, "You guys should listen when I talk about physical stuff. Their's a reason why I didn't take us to a track and instead to the pool."

He gestured towards the water, Air isn't very dense, so running uses only legs, thighs, and core muscles. Running in water however uses your whole body to work out. Plus it can help your body learn to adjust to forces pressing on your chest. Now for the real work out, I want each of you to swim 100 laps around pool, alternating running around it every other lap."

The pool wasn't super deep so it wouldn't be too hard to run and swim it. The sheer number was kind of alot though. He made a note to double their warm up exercises the next day. A good warm up should be right in the sweet spot between a good work out, and a bit too much. You should be sweating a bit and breathing heavy but not too much. Once he'd done his thousand laps he pulled himself from the pool saying, "Now, who wants the first Aura exercise of the day?"
“ screw that....ima do it normal then...” Izumi rolling her eyes with Aya sighing with a shrug before they all left at least before eventually coming back still having at least a little bit of time as they all got in shivering a bit from the water and just trying to take it in before Aya slowly moved to one side and started her laps for a bit to focus on being able to push herself farther than before with holding her breath as well as being able to find a calmness that let her think as well as have her body naturally react and get into the rhythm of a motion which would be useful for fighting at least.

Izumi clung to the wall for a bit before turning and shooting herself underwater before bursting up and quickly swimming to the other side trying to practice more on breathing than anything as well in order to pace herself and not use too much more energy from the running with finally mana mostly taking it slow so she wouldn’t use too much energy and recover a bit better.
Thomas nodded a bit before saying, "Not bad for a first morning. We can slowly work your girls better. Honestly, you aren't bad, but I was hoping for a bit more."

He shook his head, "It's fine, we're here to improve after all. Now, the first aura excersise is something that isn't hard, but is a bit like rubbing your tummy and patting your head at the same time. You see, your Auras are lazy. It's not your fault, but people who unlock aura assume that their aura is already maxed out. To improve your aura you have to train it."

Looking at them he said, "So, just to see if you beautiful ladies have been paying attention, I said the farther outside of your body you push your aura the weaker it gets, and the more effort it takes. But right now it's too deep inside of you to protect you. What then is the logical conclusion for a good way to train your aura so it's always active."

He smiled at them, having your aura constantly flow under your skin was a major protection. It would reduce the damage from anti-aura weapons as well. Not fully manifesting it where it was visible, but just partially. It wasn't really hard, but to keep it between the who phases "Activate" and "Manifested" was a bit of a challenge. He added, "I might teach you another good technique known as "Aura Repel" at lunch if your auras are capable. It exhausts your aura fairly quickly, but a good meal will help you recharge. Heh, anime fans love it."
“ oh shut up....” seeing as mana was basically the conduit to keep him from doing stupid shit but also whenever he said something as well. “ or you just train with your aura kicking in randomly like that, heard it’s just easy like that....” Izumi replies sticking with that and mostly ignoring everything else then. “ would rather just train normally then mostly, might even go for the robots or something...” as mana again started, “ same might just do that for a while then...and test my natural skill at least, when you train with combat stuff you learn more about yourself besides emotions, skill , strength, or weakness..” Soon all of them getting a towel and bedding back out to the room to shower and change again before they would try to find the cafeteria.
Thomas suddenly grabbed Mana and spun her around, grabbing the cross around his neck he pressed it to her neck, to draw a small but noticeable bead of blood. Releasing her he said, "You are now dead, I slit your throat, and you are choking on your own blood. While Izumi and Aya are reacting trying to save you I do the same to them. You've killed your team congratulation."

Looking at Mana he said, "Aura is natural, and like any natural thing is has strengths and weaknesses. Their exists minerals that either absorb, or piece aura like it doesn't exist. I know of at least 4 or 5 assassins guilds that use weapons made of it. It's effective but it's like anything else. You neglect training in it, and it will get you killed. Plus your Auras aren't trained, it means you're lazy with it, and it might not react in time. If an opponent was fast enough they could end you before your aura kicked in."

He looked at the three of them, "I expect that sometimes I may push you all to hard. That I may sometimes say dumb things. But I WILL NOT be talked down to based on things I know about. If you don't believe me I can try to get the files. Also most drugs work on Hunters the same as anything else if they get into their systems. Haven't you wondered what would happen if you were knocked unconscious in a fight? Life saving surgery would be countered by your aura as well after all. Hunter and Huntress medics use scalpels and syringes made of the material thus why it isn't illegal."

Blue eyes moved over them as he said, "Sorry if the lesson was harsh, but you all have been treating this like a game. "We want to skip to train", or "We need to change into bathing suits", because a Grim will let you change before it throws you into a river. I know I'm asking alot of you but."

Suddenly, before any of the girls could react a red blue had jumped Thomas, knocking him to the floor. Suddenly she became visible,]Camilla Rose[/url] leader of team C.R.M.L. the red head had his face in her cleavage, her legs on either side of his torso, and a strangling hug like a python. She spoke in an educated tone, "Oh Tommy-Wommie, I was so upset we couldn't be on the same team together. I know those whores who stole you from me won't treat you right. Don't worry, our love shall conquer all and I WILL have your babies!"

A surgical voice spoke out, "Camilla, let go of that pig Abaddon, we came here to swim our laps."

The tone belonged to Lita Black she was Camilla's partner on team C.R.M.L., and seemed to eye Thomas like she wanted him to burn. Shaking her head she said, "So unworthy of my Camilla-chan."

Both women were tall for women, lean but muscular, and had massive breasts, Camilla's were E's, while Lita's were DD's. Only obvious because of the barely there string bikinis and thongs both wore. Thomas was turning red in Camilla's cleavage, slowly changing to blue as he was unable to breathe. The red head herself didn't seem to care as she squeezed him like she was a snake and he was her next meal.
Mana soon got seriously pissed off but before she could do anything of course the two others showed up as they all stood together and looked over with Aya crossing her arms and Izumi leaning to the side a bit as mana held her gauntlet on her arm being with her cannons as she had fists. “ god your really dumb to think that we would rely on our aura that much, look who’s talking to us like dumb kids who don’t know what aura or semblance’s are...and not every good hunter uses drugs so shut up already” the two pretty much felt the same.

Looking up at the girls, “ well I wish I could say you really could...even good luck with that, I’ll probably rely on you then as a job to keep him under control even...and you know what your actually doing me a favor by making his face turn blue as well if you don’t notice the obvious...”

“Pshhh...” Izumi remarked not helping but to laugh at the girl with glasses comment about the other girl before Aya looked over at the other girl kinda seeing how much it sucks that she knew him more than them knowing of course they shared mostly an annoying dislike to him to be honest but of course being at the academy she would just decide to mostly change but still try to suck it up at least like the others.

“ jeez I think you even repeated that last comment like five minutes ago well basically everything you’ve said right now beside this morning you’ve been repeating abbaddon..” finally Aya making a more form comment as none of the girls were scared or opposed much for the moment to the torture she was giving him right now.

“ and if you ever do that again I swear you will feel these high explosive shells face to face...” finally giving her threat to him again. “ well hopefully they don’t do that stupid thing with needing everyone again cause otherwise go ahead and play with him....probably gonna change and go for the robots or something...” as both Izumi and Aya looked at each other, “ probably food then....”
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