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Team TWLT ((ThomasRHellsing and wiki234))

Sep 18, 2011
Hell ((2nd Circle))
Thomas Alexander Abaddonus ran a hand through his hair. The straw blond locks were silky smooth as always. The Hunter in Training tried to play off the current events as not important, but the truth was the teen was really nervous. Not so much the Grim infested forest, he'd been trained to kill the creatures of negativity since he could remember. The Abaddonus Family were reknowned hunters. His grand father had supposedly killed atleast one of every grim in existence. Unfortunetly, while legends and even facts were good, they also tended to have a price. His father had been the only Abaddonus to have children our of ten kids. He'd then died at the age of twenty five.

The Abaddonus family retainers had made sure the young heir was properly trained, winning multiple tournaments and such. The teen was known for a buzz shield and blade whip combination. The truth was such things were mostly toys. Each member of the Abaddonus Clan carried what they referred to as their burden. A weapon meant to shred an army of grim. Thomas's was wrapped in thick cloth on his back, and the cloth was belted to it. In it's "Passive" mode the thing resembled a cross. Another calling card of the Abaddonus family most of their weapons either had crosses on them, or were cross shaped. His sword that could be a whip, or a blade, or a bladed whip depending on his he twisted the handle was on his hip in "Cross mode" at the moment. It merely resembled a foot tall and six inch wide cross. His shield was currently in "Watch Mode". While he didn't think any grim in the entrance exam would require his "Penance" he kept his burden on his back just in case.

The heir of the Abaddonus family was tall even without the massive cross slung onto his back. 6' 11", with a build like a swimmer. His skin was pale and his eyes a dark blue. He wore a vest that resembled European plate armor, with chain mail sleeves and metal gauntlets that left his fingers exposed from the second knuckle onwards. Dark blue cargo pants, and steel toed leather boots finished off his outfit. Well aside from the already mentioned cross on his left hip. He also carried a high caliber hog's leg pistol on his right hip. His style might seem ancient to those with modern "Transformation weapons", but that was because such weapons were a bit finicky in their use, so he preferred when dealing with lesser grim to use his less complicated weaponry. If he ran into a higher ranking foe his Penance would be more then capable. He'd just have to clean, polish, sharpen, and reload the monstrosity of a weapon afterwards. Hearing a noise, he tapped the center of his watch, and it quickly folded out to make a circular sword, a blood red cross on a black diamond back ground on the center. That was his family's symbol. He caustiously moved towards that, shield kept infront of his body, his torso leaned behind the shield.
Aya sighed as she landed down fro the pads, firing a few purple arrows, connected by a glowing purple string of lightning that came off it to a tree as it let her change her course and slow down to land safely at least. It was her first time doing something a bit crazier like this also being the first she wasn’t put into a regular school like she mostly knew about. Standing up with her low and quickly pushing her ribbon up just a bit the girl headed off, giving a few deep breaths to keep calm as she took her time at least for the moment.

Mana managed to oddly not screw landing mostly by keeping low during the launch to better control herself a bit at least in the air before managing to luckily land on a large tree safely, changing her cannons into her long lance form and stabbing the end of the tree and jumping off to stop her landing at least before taking a deep breath from the crazy thing she just did and finally move off into the forest

Izumi luckily had as much luck as most of the others, bracing herself and tucking her legs together as the large side of a tree came into view, pushing herself with a flip and onto the ground, managing to land as she wasn’t someone to try something tipsily crazy as this. With a sigh, giving a stretch and shaking it off a bit the girl pulled out a black sword, spinning it to transform into a beam rifle before slowly walking off then at least.
Thomas blinked as the brush moving was a rabbit. He shrugged a bit, and began to move silently through the forest. Almost literally walking into three girls who'd walked into the same clearing. Blushing a bit he said, "Hello Ladies, I'm Thomas, Thomas Abaddonus. I guess we're partners?"

He knew normally it was the first one you saw but he honestly wasn't sure who he'd seen first. Looking around he said, "Do you three have any idea where the chess pieces we're supposed to get are? I think the ship I saw was to the North, so a straight path, but I did see a rope bridge as well. Any issues teaming up to get the pieces?"
Aya could already hear people nearby, deciding to avoid them simple for the moment before jumping to a tree and straight into a bush as she rolled out into the clearing with her bow pulled back aiming at the three then slowly standing and backing up just a bit before giving a sigh aiming her bow down but still pulled. “ this is dumb...” giving a sigh being confused than anything as she just shrugged standing there.

Mana stuck mostly to the high trees and open ground, already seeing a bit farther than mostly anyone below her at the moment before jumping off and rushing off into a nearby bush and into the clearing this time awkwardly and oddly to have already bumped into three others as she raised her weapon up across her chest just in case though. “ we just got here you dummy and you think we know anything about that, we are all new anyway god hope your not really like that too often being stuck like this now...” before running over and using her weapon to get up to a tree. “ I guess just split and search then....” as aya turned to get up a tree with mana looking over at her and two soon heading off the opposite direction leaving the others.

Izumi kept her rifle, seeing a rather medium sized open clearing slowly walking toward it very much ready before seeing someone in the distance as well as hearing rather loud noises around herself in general knowing a few more than two or three people were close, deciding to not take any actions in bumping into someone on purpose at least until she moved closer to already find three other people. Izumi mostly just listened and shrugged not really one to plan things as she started to run off the other direction to leave the other to follow then as she wasnt wanting to really talk much than focus on this.
Thomas rolled his eyes, speaking before they could run off "You could have already looked around. Also splitting up would be sort of dumb given the test is about finding a partner and learning to work with them. Plus their are supposedly Grim in the forest. Having eachother's back is the smart play."

Shrugging a bit he added, "You could also know a bit more about the forest then I do. I mostly lived in cities. You could have seen a better path then I did. It never hurts to ask allies if they have any useful infor-."

He cut off as with a low growl a beowolf leapt from the brush. He drew his sword, and met it's charged, his blade forming and glowing dark red as he charged it with his aura. Bringing it down he cut the juvenile beowolf from snout to the tip of the tail. Letting it dissolve he said, "Yeah, sticking together it the smarter move. Arrow Girl, are you a good enough shot to shoot around us, or should you be in the front? I think a diamond formation would be best, but I'm open to ideas if you have superior ones."

He nodded to the arrow woman, "Traveling by trees would be quicker, do you two have the Aura control for it? If not her being our sniper and spotter might be a good move. I know the general direction we need to head. I checked it out during my jump. My Semblance made it easier for me."

He wasn't trying to be arrogant, he knew he would likely have these three on his team for the rest of his years at school. Showing competency was a good idea. He also wasn't trying to step on anyone's toes.
Izumi looked back seeing him kill something already yet still deciding to continue to walk as it seemed he didn’t follow very far and the fact the two were already gone anyway far enough away from them for anything to be heard much.

Aya and mana kept moving through the trees seeing that nothing was really happening much as it seemed they covered at least some good enough ground to be able to come into mostly new territory that was a bit different than the regular forest. The two jumped down walking now through the first searching as aya had her weapon shifted into a sword while mana spun her blades to the side watching for anything.
Thomas rolled his eyes, of course he'd have to meet the most superior cunts in the academy. He didn't expect to be worshipped, but basic human decency like replying with your name was basic manors. Fine, if the arrogant twats wanted to make this a challenge then screw them. He'd tried playing it nice.

He activated his semblance, in and in blur of crimson had shot ahead of the other two. He played his semblance off as super speed, which in a way it way, but it was mostly lightning his weight and density so that pushing off of the ground was less like walking, and more like skating. He couldn't fly unfortunately, but he could practically glide in the right scenarios. Reaching the bridge he decided to forgo it, since it was an obvious choke point. Leaning down he jumped hard, decreasing his mass so the natural air currents would help him gain altitude. He landed on the far side, and continued to move towards the old pirate ship. Part of him wondered how a "Pirate ship" had ended up on a plateau of a mountain, but then again it was probably built for ambiance.

As much as the Abaddonus heir would have liked to rush in, he knew with his lightened density and weight any sort of serious strike he couldn't go with would be very very bad. Much like a bird's wings meeting a hammer. He focused since he'd be surprised if their weren't any Grim in the area and actually increased his weight a bit, only to about three times his normal weight. An unhealthy if natural 700 pounds or so with armor and weapons. He moved cautiously towards the small chest, opening it, he saw four chess pieces, each made of "Gold" ironically enough they were all kings. He took his and decided to wait to see if the arrogant girls from before showed up.
It seemed that the forest didn’t really have anything much at all for a challenge at least as the other two moved on through most of the forest with still nothing at least before eventually stopping and looking out for a moment before eventually moving on again to finally stumble on an odd white pillar as they finally moved toward it oddly even finding the others again as Izumi would eventually be mostly the last one to make it as she jumped out of a tree and rolled down. “ oh well looks like you did find it...” as Izumi started crossing her arms with her rifle on the ground “ well since we’re done here then, guess I didn’t really focus on anything at all but names Izumi....”

Mana jumped onto the pillar spinning her long blades staff before pushing the handle shorter into a sword and pulling the lower handle up as it changed into an armored dual cannon form on one arm. “ mana....” keeping it brief as she didn’t really talk much either.

Aya mostly walked over looking around at the odd ruins before stopping at them talking and trying to figure it out before simply saying her name as an awkward introduction mostly as she wasn’t paying attention as she was curious with everything new around them still it seemed.
Thomas nodded to them a bit, only now noticing the slight stress in the women's shoulders and necks. He blinked, "You weren't being bitches by not introducing yourself earlier were you? I thought you were, but I can tell you're more tense. Worried about the Grim? I didn't see any particularly dangerous ones from the air, so I wasn't too worried."

He began to move forward, only to swear as a massive stinger shot from the ground right where he was standing. It was large, bone like protrusions along it's pencers, stinger and back. Thomas grabbed the stinger, but even with his increased weight and aura he was barely keeping it back. tossing it back he lightened his density and shot backwards towards the group. Deactivating his minor weapons he drew penance saying, "Izumi, Aya, can you two focus on the tail, try to wound it severely. Mana, you ok with taking the right claw, I'll take the left so it can't use them to defend itself. Once the tail is done for, let us know and we'll set you up for a kill strike."

He had finished unfurling Penance, a massive weapon it was shaped like a cross, the right arm a wicked axe, the left resembling a hammer. Give the change tech it was obvious it had at least one alternate form but they didn't seem to matter much at the second. He looked at the women, "Unless anyone else has a good strategy."

He didn't want to seem too bossy, if the girls had a better idea he was open to it. He knew the stinger was the Grim's main weapon, but it's claws were capable of acting like shields batting projectiles out of the way. He wasn't sure his Ace would even be able to pierce the thick armor of the creature's tail. He couldn't help the smirk that came to his face, as afrenaline began to sing in his blood.
The three girls of course looked at him luckily sharing a collective already pissed off rage of anger as mana pointed her cannon at him with the two other girls weapon forms changing into ranged mode at least as all of them aimed straight at him until of course they would be interrupted but actually seeing it as a fine plan anyway before they all lowered their weapons and jumped onto trees watching him struggle for a little while trying to kill it as mana sat down with a yawn with izu leaning against the tree just looking down with her arms in her jacket pocket and finally aya holding her bow and just standing there watching

The three didn’t really seem interested in even killing for now of course with the extremely wrong mistake of what he just pulled right now. Eventually they got all bored of course watching his dumb struggle before finally coming down as the white cannon fired shells at its armor seeming to just distract before aya would try for a few void bow shots at its eyes at least, a red beam being fired at the weaker joints of its legs, and a high concentration of high explosive fire to the small segments of the tail to break through the arm and destroy the joints.
Thomas blinked wondering where the attitude came from. Unless someone pointed out he'd spoken out loud the blond wouldn't realize it. Obviously if he knew he was going to say something dumb he wouldn't say it. Part of a life spent with tutors and trainers, sometimes Thomas spoke without thinking, or what he was thinking. Most Hunters had verbal tics and so no one had bothered to correct his minor transgressions. Then again his trainers, maids, butlers etc had also been paid rather well and knew the boy meant no harm.

The Abaddonus heir wasn't super worried, although it wasn't exactly cool to leave him alone with the grim. shifting his grip on Pennance he moved forward and using his semblance to increse the effect slammed the hammer into the creature's pincer, pulping it in half a dozen blows. Finally the others joined in, and he was impressed. Shifting his weapon to it's first gun form, the bottom popped open revealing two mini-guns. Which he jammed into it's forehead, and said, "Wonder what's stronger, Grim, or two thousand dust rounds a minute."

Soon the massive cross began to whine and the rounds began to fire. The perposefully high caliber rounds slammed into the thick plate. A dozen did nothing, the second dozen caused hairline cracks, the third dozen cause much worse and much more visible cracks, and the next hundred pulped the grim's eyes and brain. He then shifted it back to axe mode, and cut the "brain" in half. He knew grim anatomy was shaky at best. Soon it was dissolving as he turned around and said, "That's how we do it. You all are impressive. I'll be glad to have you on my team. Why exactly did you all jump into the tree at first? I didn't mind the chance to show off a bit, but I figured s Huntresses in training you'd want to up your kill count as quick as possible."
“ how dare you talk so normally like that you idiotic rat...” mana started with a somewhat vague accent of German or Russian as well, pointing her cannon and deciding to fire a few rounds near him to show him his mistake as Izumi stuck her tongue out still keeping her annoyed pissed off face at him just watching with aya just quietly waiting not really having much as she didn’t have to do all the work of showing the same aggressiveness that the other two had mostly more of still. They all really didn’t talk much at all to him as they soon headed off back to the academy leaving him behind as another punishment.
Thomas blinked, before jerking his Penance around, twisting the grip it seemed to shrink back to it's traveling form. He used it to bat away the energy round. Looking at her he said, "Dangerous! Dangerous! Must be on her time of the month."

He then smiled, "How does your gun work, it's awesome, does it fire dust particles, or use a micro dust motor to make the energy? Those balsts of yours would have been dangerous if Penance was designed to ace as a shield as well."

The blue eyed heir then paled, "Did you say Rat? Where! Shoot it, I don't want to get herpes!"

He then took off running like the devil himself was chasing him. He spoke outloud although like with his first comment he wouldn't realize it, "Mama Maid always said Rats lived in forests. That they'd eat children's eyes and fingers if you touched them, and infect you with nasty nasty diseases. I don't want to risk that!"

Anyone paying attention would notice he seemed to look down and to the right before speaking what were obviously thoughts.
Mana simply rolled her eyes as the three just decided to go back to the academy at least and stay in the library at least for a while to relax and not really do anything else for a bit before it would be time where they had to go eventually.
Followed after them a bit bored, but not in any real hurry. He honestly felt a bit distracted he'd hoped his clasmates would be nice and friendly yet one of them seemed not to give enough of a damn to speak, one seemed sort of mean, and the other didn't seem very social. He wondered if the team name would be anti-social. The idea made him chuckle a bit.
The girls mostly did their own thing still, either sitting with their phones or just going around to explore around the place a bit for the moment before going back and sitting down again seeing that nothing seemed fun to really be happening right now than mostly boring introductions.
Soon they were all called up onto the stage by the head master. He declared Thomas and Mana to be partners, as well as Izumi and Aya, declaring them Team T.I.A.M.. He made Thomas the leader, and had soon assigned the quarter a room in the students living quarters. Thomas had changed out of his combat gear, and was now wearing a custom fit three piece suit the slacks and jacket a dark blue the vest a more sky blue. He was wearing a classic fedora as he said, to the girls, "First of all I'm sorry for whatever I did to offend you in the forest. Sometimes I speak what I think, or think what I speak. It's a habit my family has always said I've had. Just let me know if I say anything inappropriate."
“ psshh sounds dumb when you said it especially the first part...” seeing as mana was very much annoyed and pissed off, you better watch yourself or you will see worse than those monsters...” giving him that stone cold threat of being a total idiot she wouldn’t be afraid to probably even knock him out and leave him wherever then.

The other two girls mostly got their own things together at least as Izumi laid on her bed boredly with her pink shirt and her jacket to the side now as she wasn’t really one to yell than show off she was pissed or ignoring someone since it was too much work than doing the last two things. Aya sat on her bed, “ you seriously better watch it I swear....” taking the bows out and letting her hair fall before turning to sit and look out the window.
Thomas shrugged, "I can't help it. It's like an involuntary tic. I've been raised to fight grim since I can remember, and I always had teachers asking me questions. "How would you defeat a beowolf if it's got it's teeth around your arm", "You're infront of a group of civilians and an Ursa is charging you, what do you do.", so I got in the habit of thinking out loud since they loved to question me during spars. If I took to long to answer, or answered wrong they'd increase the difficulty. Broken or cracked bones suck even with Aura to heal them."

The blond shrugged, "As a down side, now a days sometimes I think outloud even if I shouldn't. I didn't know I was doing it until a friend pointed out how talking about his mother bum was a bit messed up. I've tried to stop myself, but since I don't know necessarily when I do it it's harder then you'd think."

He looked around the room, "We should totally do like the "Name, weapon of choice, weapons name, hobbies, likes, and dislikes" thing. After all, we're basically going to be friends with each other the next four years minimum, and most Hunters and Huntresses stay with their team for their entire careers." His head shifted slightly to the right, "Until they inevitably get overwhelmed and start losing members to grim. Man I hope that doesn't happen for a long time, getting torn into chunks by grim sounds really unpleasant. Best make friends with these three so we can make the grim die instead."
Mana simply got up and started for the door, “ you don’t socialize much do you...” turning to leave for a little and probably explore in general with the rest of the school not wanting to deal with that idiot.

Aya didn’t really wanna say much and would rather just ignore him at least to cool down which would be a smart thing for him to even try to do for now seeing of course that it was mostly him pulling something dumb like that as Izumi laid back, “ why are you even talking about stuff like that? I’m seriously just confused right now...”
Thomas rolled his eyes, "No, not really, I was raised on the Abaddonus estate. My tutors always said combat skills were more important then social skills. My etiquette teachers made sure to teach me how to interact with women and men of equal standing to me, but you all aren't."

He blinked saying, "Ok, that sounded bad. What I meant to say is, rich people are arrogant cunts, who will lie, cheat, manipulate and humiliate each other. If I treat you like them, then first grim attack I'd break your legs and cover your in barbecue sauce. I want to be partners, to be friends who bleed together and who are happy together which means I can't use my fancy mask with you."

The blue eyed Hunter looked at them, "As for being dumb, no you arrogant twats, I'm trying to open up a repertoire so we can compare things. I'm trying to open up a dialogue with my team but if you cunts are too good for that then you can go fuck yourselves. I'm going to the gym."

The teenager turned and left the room slamming the door in his anger. He was pissed off that every branch he tried to grow was cut down by their unfeeling emotional barbs. Why the fuck should he care, if they just wanted to only work together for assignments then that was their business. Realizing he needed to calm down he headed towards the gym, changing into cargo pants he revealed his torso, dozens of crossing scars standing out on pale muscular flesh. Built like a swimmer, but with a bit more bulk. Pulling out his scroll he began to play "Eye of the Tiger" as he put the earbud into his ear. He let his mind slide into his mantra, "Abaddonus are the best, better then the rest!"

Two hours later the P.A. system would ding and announce, "A reminder to all students, lights out will occur in one hours. Any students found outside of their dorm rooms they and their entire team will recieve a week's detention for the first offense. That is all."

Thomas still hadn't returned to the room.
The two girls rolled their eyes again, seeing that just as quickly as he changed to a different person he went back to the stupid total prick of the group, “ god and there he goes again, jeez the ones choosing the leaders are seriously stupid....” as Izumi explained already getting tired of the dumb school with Aya just looking with a small nod before she stretched and looked out for a bit still. Mana was at the library, walking down and seeing how huge it was almost like more a museum than anything really she had seen being the first time having to stay in a place like and the new experience for herself. For a while at least she just relaxed sitting with her phone before going outside to look around before stopping and hearing a buzzing before the PA was on.

Lightly running back, she opened the door as the two looked over, seeing that the idiot wasn’t back yet, “ well since I can mostly deal with him I’ll do it....” as the girl turned to walk out again and try to find him seeing as he probably wouldn’t be in the cafeteria or the library and guessing they would have a training room she would try there then.
Thomas had worked up a heavy sweat at this point, his muscles visibly soaked with sweat as he moved around four dueling robots. Each armed with a thick wooden sword. Two others were firing arrows at him obviously some sort of stun or electric arrows instead of deadly ones. The sharp "Clack!" "Clack!" "Clack!" of wood on wood echoed. Suddenly however, Thomas would close his eyes and drop his blade, letting one of the wooden blades come down HARD, the wet popping sound mixed with dry wood snapping filled the room as the wood visibly broke his left arm. However, literally before her eyes a crimson glow would surround the wound, and in the space of a blink or two fix it.

Aura was amazing at healing, protecting, and toughening up the body. But most barely used it these days since to train it to heal well, it required a sacrifice. You had to get wounded, repeatedly, for your aura to learn how to heal the wounds. The first time you broke your knuckles, aura would heal them in a week or two instead of a month. Second time, half the previous time. Over and over true hunters would get messed up, and thus their aura adapted. Having bones broken during training, muscles torn, heavy bruises, it was a way to guarantee you could fight longer in the field. It just required a sort of willingness to put up with the agony, which while aura did help with, it took a few seconds to kick in. A second boken came down without mercy on the left side of his clavicle, snapping it like a chicken bone. Again it glowed crimson. It also burned alot of Aura. The bar on the wall showed Thomas had used a few hundred of the "Jewels" they used to measure Aura with both healings. He thrust out his right hand as a spiraling orb of crimson energy formed, he called out eyes opening and sharpening, "AURA BULLET RIFLE!"

The Aura counter dropped another hundred as the crimson orb struck the training robot in the chest and drilled/shot forward lifting the several hundred pound training droid off of the ground and sending it skidding twenty feet through the air where it impacted on the edge of the ring. The two "Sniper" robots and the other three attackers went to strike at one time, too many attacks, too many angles, only for Thomas to call out, "AURA REPEL 100%"

The crimson glow surrounded him and seemed to explode outwards, his aura bar dropping from a quarter or so full to zero. That being said the violent "Explosion" of Aura had send both arrows and the three robots flying. It wasn't really an explosion, a sharp eye would see he'd just suddenly pushed his aura out in a 360 degree wave has and hard enough to make the physical forces react. The Abaddonus heir dropped to his knees, his left hand on the ground to steady himself as he panted. One of the "Sniper" robots fired an arrow at him. No aura, his eyes snapped open and he just managed to grab the shaft calling out, "Training bots, pause combat drills designation Abaddonus 1."

The robots which had been getting up and the snipers suddenly tilted down going off line as Thomas rolled onto his back taking gulps of air. As he stood up sharp eyes might notice weights on his arms, legs and torso, specially made Hunter training told that you could channel aura into to increase the weight of them. The fact dozens of symbols were glowing on them implied they had to be really heavy.
Mana looked around before stumbling mostly randomly into one of the training rooms they had, slowly opening with the click clack of her heels against the smooth but also equally rough floor beneath her looking around to hear noises in one of the rooms and finally see him there as she crossed her arms looking over at him, “ what are you even doing?” She called out, “didn’t you hear the PA jeez I had to come all the way here to come and get you. We’ll have time for that later or something, just hurry up and let’s go...” looking around and wondering what her boring crazy life would be like putting herself in danger like this with learning how to fight those monsters and other things.
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Thomas continued to listen to his music his scroll blaring Nickelback, he dropped and began to do push ups and pull ups. Blinking as he spotted Mana he removed one of the ear buds from his ear and looked at her, "What? What's up?"

He continued to do push ups, all the way up clap his hand together, then catch himself and go down, rinse and repeat. His eyes never leaving Mana.
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