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Radioactive (Orion/Randomname98766789)

"Of course you can," the dark haired young woman said in barely more than a whisper. A subtle but pleased smile took over her lips as well as she looked up towards Jasper's face. Aubrey absolutely loved that smile as his - wide and geeky and all around cute. It was absolutely perfect, and there was nothing she liked seeing more than that. How would she possibly say no to anything when she was laying there curled up to her favorite person in the world? The touch was just as rewarding as Bree had thought that it would be. Jasper was the gentle type, that much she already knew, yet this was more calming than expected.

A soft, content sigh escaped Bree's lips as she allowed herself to properly relax. Jasper's hand was in her hair and hers was around his waist and it was so... intimate. It wasn't the first time they'd touched, they were prone to being rather touchy stoned/drunk people, but it was a whole other story when it was more than just being close and silly while inebriated. "You're the only thing that makes being down here worth it," she admitted, "and... honestly, I've been crushing on you for like years now. So I'm just.. really happy right now, Jas."
Maybe it was an odd request, maybe not. To Jasper, out of all Aubrey’s many, many attractable qualities, something about the concept of playing with her hair was up near the top for him. She did not need to tell him twice. His hand quickly shot towards her hair, threading his fingers through the long locks. Jasper made the move so quickly that he feared he might have seemed too eager to do something so trivial, but he did not worry about it for too long. Just as expected, playing with her hair brought him a sense of happiness and relaxation that was unmatched. It was still difficult to believe when she admitted crushing on him for years.

“You know… even though that you said that, even though I’m experiencing it… I just feel like this is a dream. If it is, then I don’t want to wake up from it. If I tried to imagine perfection… this would probably be the life I dreamed.” Jasper blushed a bit at the admission. Honestly, the only thing that was needed for a happy life seemed to be Aubrey’s intimate presence. “I’m really happy, too. I don’t even have enough words to explain how happy I am right now.” Jasper continued, flashing her another signature smile as the environment around them was drowned out.
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