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Radioactive (Orion/Randomname98766789)

As soon as Bree released Jasper’s hand, the male moved away. This honestly made him feel useless. How many intimate moments were offered to him? How many chances did he get with Bree? They interacted daily, they were good friends, why could he not make a move? Even in the rare moments that Jasper thought about actually telling Bree about his feelings, he ended up becoming paralyzed, frozen. Jasper hated feeling like he was useless. How was he ever going to find a relationship if he struggled so much? Jasper was not optimistic about the future, in regards to his own personal relationships. He truly never knew how he would do if he tried to take an interest in anyone else. The thing was – Jasper simply did not feel interested in any girl that wasn’t Bree. Maybe it would have been nice to just forget about the prospect of a relationship with her, just keep her as a friend, find someone to fill that role. Nobody had ever mattered that much to him, not enough to want a relationship, anyways.

Standing up, Jasper brushed off his pants and shirt, now moving forward with the rest of the group. “Is your ankle feeling better this morning?” Jasper questioned, hoping that it would give them something to talk about, something to take attention away from his embarrassing blunder that probably made him look like a complete fool. “Is there anything I can do for you right now?”
What could he do for her? Well in that moment Aubrey wanted him to walk away. She honestly didn't take his blundering to be that of a boy caught flustered from first love, and instead saw the entire interaction as him trying to get away from a touch that he wished never happened. Bree wished that he would have just been cool with it. He never had been though. Even after she'd fallen asleep with her head in his lap for the millionth time, he would still apologize for letting her sleep "like that". Of course things weren't going to be any different on the ground, though the months of separation seemed to have either made her more sensitive to his reactions or made his reactions stronger.

"My ankle has been fine since like half way through the day yesterday," Bree admitted to him (Jasper could take that however he wanted) and then held her arms out and up. "You could help me up though. We shouldn't stick around here too much longer."
Jasper’s heart was racing – one would think he was about to perform in front of millions of people. Nope. Jasper felt this way, just from Bree asking him to help her up, because it involved touching her. What if he touched her in some way she didn’t like? Jasper had no idea what was considered inappropriate. All his experience involved watching movies about couples interacting. Even then, he understood it was not an accurate depiction of anything. Shaking the thoughts, Jasper reached down to grab both of her hands, raising her up to a standing position, releasing her hands after.

Jasper flashed her a little smile as they gathered their bags, to continue moving forward towards Mount Weather. Eventually, they reached a river they needed to cross. It led the right to the base of Mount Weather. There was a problem: it was high up from the ground. The only way they could get across was swinging on a vine. Nobody seemed to want to go first, but Jasper volunteered. One, it looked fun, and two – maybe it would impress Bree? He didn’t know, but it couldn’t hurt. So, Jasper screamed in jubilation as he hitched a ride on the vine, landing at the base of the mountain, victoriously holding up a sign that told them they were at Mount Weather. Not a second later, Jasper found himself pinned against a tree, a spear protruding from his chest.
More than anything Aubrey loved the excitement that came with Jasper landing on the other side. Her face lit up with a wide smile as she watched his excitement, and finding out that they were nearly to their destination was amazing. Just because Jasper had gone first she was going to follow right after. Even if he had been being weirder than usual with her and that left her feeling like she was doing something wrong, Bree still wanted to be at his side.

She was just about to swing (even though she had never felt as scared in her life as when she held on to that vine) when the unthinkable happened. Her heart dropped in to her gut and she screamed out Jasper's name as she watched him get hit. At that point everyone was scrambling to try to get to the other side of the river. As quickly as they could the group made their way too him and by the time that they had someone had cleaned his wounds with a poultice - someone was there. Bree couldn't focus on that and instead scrambled to his side. "Jasper!" She called out again. "You're going to be fine okay?" She didn't know that, didn't believe it and didn't even know if he was present enough to hear her. Immediately the goal became getting him back home though.
Life flashing before one’s eyes – it was something Jasper only read about or watched movies about. Never before had it happened to him. Even when he was arrested, his impending doom prevalent in his mind, Jasper did not feel the force of death within him. Now? The pain was excruciating. He wanted to scream, but nothing was allowed to come out. His eyes were barely open until someone yanked the spear out of him, making the pain even more intense.

Jasper was in-and-out of consciousness, but he saw an unfamiliar face hovering over him, doing something to him. Little did he know that, the same person that tried to kill him, also saved him. The strategy of it was lost on him right now, though that was not even something he remotely cared about right now. When his friends got to him, it felt like it had been hours even though it was minutes.

Jasper’s hand was all bloody, blood from his lips and mouth too from the time that the spear hit him. Jasper was not doing well at all – the doctor in Clarke knew that, so she told them how important it was to get him back to camp – quickly. Jasper suddenly reached out, grabbing onto Bree’s shirt. “Bree… Bree…” He choked out, trying to tell her something, but he could not. His eyes slowly rolled in the back of his head, he was going into shock, not death (yet), but Clarke practically shouted at the group that they needed to move him immediately.
Luckily everyone seemed to be on the page, and getting Jasper somewhere he could be treated was of utmost importance. Obviously they were not alone here but that was something that they would have to deal with in the future. They got back home a lot quicker than they made it to the mountain. While they may have been on a mission one way, they had still been naive to their company and had found a joy in fooling around and taking the time to explore. The way home was much different.

Bellamy had the call to say that he wasn't worth saving and was a dead man walking, and that left Bree livid. Luckily she wasn't the only one to be on the boy's side, though. Clarke did every damn thing that she could. In the end they just had to wait, though. Jasper had slipped in to unconsciousness and there was little that they could do with the nothing that they had. Makeshift beds had been put together on the drop ship while they were gone and Bree barely left his side during that time, sleeping and eating there. She stayed out of the way when Clarke wanted to check on him, but even then she was as close as she could be.

How terrible would it be to find herself reunited with her favorite person only to lose him within days? Aubrey was miserable at the thought. At the same time, though, it was making her realize that there was no guarantee of a tomorrow. How could she look at someone she loved so deeply and keep those feelings to herself? At the same time - how could she even consider saying anything when it seemed so clear that he wouldn't be interested and it could ruin their friendship.
Over the next few days, Jasper barely had any moments of clarity. Most of the time was spent being unconscious, unaware of his surroundings. It sucked. In the brief moments were Jasper was not knocked out, he felt intense pain and distress. It was tough to even understand his surroundings, so he had no idea that his best friend was right there by his side. During those last few days, Bellamy had practically taken total control of the camp. He was running wild with the power – convincing everyone that removing the wristband on their wrists was a great idea.

At least, there was something positive done – after realizing they were not alone, it was ordered that the delinquents work on building walls, defenses around the camp. Indeed, they were not alone. Monty did check often on his friend as well, but he saw the closeness between Bree and Jasper, so he did not want to mess with that. Instead, he busied himself by trying to figure out a way to use the wristbands to contact the Ark. No luck, so far. Bellamy ended up killing a jaguar with his Ark Guard issued handgun, which now meant that they had meat.

In order to obtain food, however, one was forced to remove the wristband from his or her wrist. Now, Jasper’s cries of pain echoed throughout the camp. Jasper was not even consciously aware of this, but he was moaning and groaning in the intense pain. Atom and Murphy were the two that it pissed off the most. They thought it was bad for morale of the camp – and it was annoying. Finally, Murphy reached a breaking point, saying that he was going to end up. The male walked towards the drop ship with one of the knives, but Monty beat him to Jasper and Bree’s side. “Bree… we have to do something. Murphy’s coming up here to kill Jasper… right now..”
Over the couple days Bree had come to learn what to look for that would be concerning, though generally she left the medic role to Clarke - who actually knew something thanks to her experience as a surgeon's daughter. There was little that could be done but for the most part they did everything that they could. Aubrey herself was no stranger to the fact that Jasper wasn't quiet. If anything she knew better than anyone else because she had barely left his side. However, that did not mean she even considered killing him. When Monty came in saying that Monty was on a mission to end the life of someone she cared for, Bree was obviously distressed.

"Fuck." Bree rarely cursed so that alone was a sign that she was freaking out. "What do we do?" Bree might not have been the strongest or even that good with a weapon, but she would damn well stand her ground. Murphy wasn't the only one who had his hands on a knife. How much good could that do, though?
Monty had an idea. They didn’t have to fight. Instead, they just needed to keep Murphy out. So, Monty quickly closed the hatch and slid a pipe into the hatch, keeping it sealed. Murphy reached the hatch at the same time, banging on it and shouting. Everyone was trying to sleep in the drop ship since they had to deal with the acid fog outside. Jasper was making that tough for everyone.

“They all think he’s a lost cause.” Monty whispered sadly. “I don’t want to think that. I want to think that he’s going to pull it out. We’ve all been friends for such a long time. It’s hard to imagine me being without him.” Monty whispered to Bree, a sad look on his face when he saw Jasper. Murphy must have eventually given up because it all grew silent and he left. “You look exhausted. Want to try and get some sleep? I’m not going anywhere. I’ll keep a watch over him.” Monty suggested, offering to give her a little relief.
It was just the three of them now. They may be had to trap themself inside the room in order to keep Jasper safe and alive, but that was the right call. She didn't mind waiting out the chaos, though she didn't trust the initial quiet. Hopefully Monty wouldn't mind keeping the hatch closed a little bit longer.

"I'm not going anywhere," Aubrey said when Monty suggested that she go and try to sleep. He was right about her being exhausted, though. "I wouldn't mind some sleep, though. Think I'll just try to nap here if you don't mind." Sure it sucked not sleeping well but if she had to bare the brunt of exhaustion to know the boy beside her was still alive then that was okay.

Bree ended up laying down and during a few moments of quiet she was able to pass in to a light slumber.
It might have been ten minutes after Aubrey passed out when Jasper woke. The young male was coughing and groaning out in pain again, but he was more coherent. It took seconds for eyes to adjust to the dim light above his head, but he eventually saw Bree first, then Monty.

“Welcome back, Jasper.” There was a smile on Monty’s face. He had not seen Jasper this awake in a long time.

The next few minutes were spent with them talking about what happened to him, what happened to the rest of the camp while he was unconscious.

“You know… she hasn’t left your side. She’s barely eaten. I don’t know how you can’t see how much she loves you. She was a wreck when Clarke said things weren’t looking good, but she didn’t stop believing in you.” Monty prompted about thirty minutes later when he saw Jasper glancing at Bree.
The noise of Jasper's coughing fit had roused her, though at the start it was barely enough to do anything at all. Before there were even voices she had slipped back in to sleep, until a few minutes later when the noise stopped that. A little groan escaped her lips as her head moved to the side in the first sign that she was waking up. There was maybe a couple feet between her and Jasper and her dark, nearly black, hair fell around her shoulders and a little in to her face. She looked... peaceful.

Until her eyes opened, that was. She didn't have to do more than squint in order to see and almost immediately her green eyes shot wide open. "Jasper! You're up!" She was loud, maybe a little too much so given that the boy was hurt and freshly conscious. For a flash of a moment a grimace took over her lips in a look of apology, and before she even knew what she was doing her hands were on his face. She pushed his hair away from his eyes with a smile on her face.

In the moment she couldn't help but kiss him. It was a poorly thought out plan (or not thought out at all) but it was like as soon as she had her hand on him she needed to. It was chaste and lasted half a second at most. Aubrey pulled away with a beet red face but if she had tried to say that she didn't like what happened she would be lying. "I am so sorry, I don't know what just got over me," she fumbled out with the same blush taking over her face.
Within the next few minutes, Monty fell asleep while sitting up against the wall, across the room. Jasper did not bother waking him – the last thing he wanted was for Monty and Aubrey to tire themselves out because of him. He appreciated how they looked after him, though. Jasper was not paying particularly clos attention to anyone in the room when Bree woke up, so her sudden outburst startled him a bit, but he smiled broadly when he heard just how excited she seemed over him waking up. “Yeah… I’m here now.” Jasper whispered, holding an intelligent conversation for the first time in days. It was a good sign.

Before he realized what was happening, though, a life-altering moment occurred. He leaned into her touch, then, leaned into the kiss. It was his first kiss (at least, he thought it was, having no recollection of his lips being attacked by Bree that night when he was not sober). When she pulled away, Bree was not the only one with a red face or a nervous tone. Jasper’s jaw just dropped – did this girl actually kiss him? Was this even real? Jasper half-believed he was still on his deathbed, experiencing hallucinations.

Then again, it felt way too real for it not to be real. “No-… No… don’t be. I’m not sorry.” Jasper whispered, not sure how he should respond. He wanted to respond with something suave or smooth, but he was fumbling over words, blushing just as red as Bree was, but he did reach out to take her hand. “If you… wanted to do that again… I wouldn’t mind…” Jasper whispered hoarsely, giving her a smile, showing her that he was okay with it, hopefully conveying what he needed to convey.
"Wait, what?" Aubrey's eyebrows furrowed and her expression contorted to confusion. Jasper's response didn't seem right at all given how he had acted after the first time, but Bree was still working under the assumption that he had remembered it and just hated it. Given the mind frame that she had, his reaction seemed very out of place. Her cheeks stayed flushed as she pulled away from him a little bit further, and she scratched at her temple with her free hand. She was still trying to work this out in her head.

Bree looked at the boy in front of her and narrowed her eyes a little more. His smile looked so genuine that it made her even more confused. "If that's the case, when why didn't you after last time?" Had something changed in the last few months? The first time that they kissed was the last time that they had been drunk with each other, just a week before him and Monty were locked up.
It was a confusing, disheartening situation for Jasper. On one hand, his crush kissed him. He decided to tell her that it was fine. Sadly, he was not a savant with romantic words. Instead of telling her things, more in-depth, all he could do was sit there with a goofy grin on his face. That should have said a lot – he had been moments from death, not too long ago. Yet, here he was, loving life as he lived it.

Then, on the other hand, Bree was retracting, acting so odd when he decided to tell her that he enjoyed it. Wasn’t that supposed to get a positive reaction from her? Again, Jasper had no prior experience, but he just thought common sense would say that she would be happy, just as he was. Then, she asked about the last time. “What last time? We’ve never kissed before…” Jasper sounded certain, but was only a little doubtful since she seemed to believe it so strongly. What was she even talking about?
"Oh." Jasper's confusion seemed to mirror her own, and Aubrey squeezed the hand that he held on to as realization settled in. She had been wrong, something that had seemed impossible in this scenario. Jasper blacking out everything didn't seem like that much of a better option, but it would be better than him being disinterested.

"You don't remember the last night we were drunk together, do you?" Aubrey remembered it in bits and pieces - desperate hands roaming and touching, tongue to tongue, Jasper rocking her straddling hips against his own. She remembered enough to be sure it happened, and to know that she would have gladly done it again. "We, uh...." she trailed off and didn't finish her sentence. She also didn't realize that how she said that left its meaning in the air, and could have meant anything from a simple peck to sex. "When you didn't say anything after... I kind of thought you hated it."
It did sound like Bree was disappointed, slightly. It was either disappointment or confusion, Jasper was uncertain. Then, she brought up the night they were drunk together. Well, she needed to be a little more specific. Jasper was certain they had more than one night where they got drunk and chilled with each other. Those nights were the best, even if he did black out every now and again. It was not something that happened often, but Jasper had at least a couple occasions where he forgot the entire night.

Unfortunately, Bree did not go into detail about what happened. Maybe if she had, then he could have understood it, maybe even remembered parts of it. “I mean, I can’t say that I enjoyed it because I don’t remember it, but I know that if I did, I would have loved it, whatever it is. Bree… I like you… a lot. Kissing you just now, well, it’s probably the best thing that ever happened to me. Whatever we did, I wished I remembered.”
Bree found herself wishing that there was a way she could make him remember. Maybe she could kiss him enough or touch him the right way? If so how much or how so? She wished that she could say more to Jasper, but Aubrey herself was the shy and awkward type as well. There was no way she could possibly talk about straddling his lap and keep a straight face - or even be able to say it at all. He wasn't alone in having no other experience.

Overall. she was rather stunned. After so long thinking that Jasper had a problem with her, he was laying in front of her with a goofy grin on his face basically (literally) admitting to having feelings for her. There really only was one right choice for what Bree should do next - so she took his face back in her hands and kissed him again. This time she allowed herself to truly want it.
The kiss was phenomenal. When Jasper finally pushed through his initial worries, he finally felt the kiss. Their first kiss, he was drunk. Their next kiss, he was caught by surprise. It was impossible for him to soak in the experience. Not this time. Yes, he was terrified that he might have been an awkward kisser, but being this close to Bree made him feel a little better. She always tended to impact him this way.

If Aubrey was near him, Jasper immediately felt more confident than ever before. So, he returned the kiss, just allowing his lips to naturally follow hers. It even felt like his pain slipped away with her touch, her proximity. He started to smile against her lips, figuring this was a better way to express his feelings than stumbling over words. One hand wrapped around the back of Bree’s neck, then threaded through her hair, hoping that was an alright thing to do while they kissed. His eyes were closed, the rest of his senses painting him a beautiful picture of the interaction.
Bree wouldn't want Jasper to be nervous, but given that she was as well it wasn't like she could say much. This was good though. Bree was feeling so relieved about everything now that it seemed the confusion was out of the air, and maybe now she would no longer have to hold back her feelings. For ages this had been all she had wanted to do, but after the first experience she had been left feeling too rejected to even possibly consider it. It had taken him nearly dying for her to do anything about it, and even then it had been an impulse rather than anything more.

Luckily it seemed to be going in her favor. Everything felt lighter now that she was less worried, so Bree was able to properly appreciate her lips against Jaspers. When his hand wrapped around her neck and in to her hair, one of her hands slid from her cheek and down in to his own hair. Even though things stayed rather chaste, this kiss was still the best thing to ever happen to her. The fact that she had to pull away at some point was terrible, but the longer she kept going the more nervous she got that she was crossing a line or doing too much.

When she did pull away there was a smile across her face, wide and tooth-bearing. "Wow," was all she could say. "I've wanted to do that for so long, Jas."
More than being nervous, it made Jasper feel bad about the whole situation. Damn – she probably spent all this time thinking that he hated kissing her, being intimate with her however they were intimate that night. Jasper wished, more than anything, that he could recall it. What if he had not forgotten? Maybe he would have been bold enough to make a sober move. Maybe not. Either way, Jasper hated that it took a near-death-experience for him to experience this where he would not forget, but it was better than not happening at all, he supposed.

As she pulled away, Jasper did as well. He, too, felt much more relaxed. Even though he did feel guilty, that feeling quickly washed away, too. After kissing Bree, it felt like only positive emotions were being allowed to enter his heart right now. It was a feeling he never wanted to lose – so free, so happy. Had Jasper ever felt this way before? Honestly, his top memories practically included Bree in every single moment, but this was even more special than usual. Jasper did not want to lose what they seemed to gain in that moment.

The smile on Bree’s face matched the one on Jasper’s own. “I’ve wanted that for a long time, too.” The male admitted, leaning a bit closer. “I was just so… worried. I mean you’re… you. You’re awesome, you’re pretty, you’re smart… I didn’t ever want to lose the friendship we had. I didn’t think there was any chance you’d want me to kiss you.” Jasper blushed when he admitted it, but it was true. “I’m glad to see that’s not true.
The emotions now running through Bree were almost all positive. It was impossible not to focus on now when there was such a beautiful boy at her side, somehow looking at her like she was an angel even though he was likely in intense pain. It was hard to believe this was real, but it was harder to even consider pulling away or ruining the moment. If it was possible she would have stayed there absolutely forever, and at least for now there was no reason that she would have to move.

"So what you're saying is that we both thought the other was way too good to stand a chance?" Aubrey had to laugh at that - what were the chances? (Had either of them being actually paying attention, the chances were higher than she had thought.)

"Is it okay if I... just, like, cuddle a bit?" She chewed on her lip and looked like a flustered little thing as she barely managed to speak. She really didn't want to go anywhere and with the recent revelation she really wanted to have the chance to be close for a little bit longer. Plus even when sober, the fact that they had been touchy/close had always come off as platonic. "It's okay if you'd rather... not."
Jasper could not contain his soft laughter when the girl made the truthful remark about their opinions of each other. Jasper and Bree both looked at one another, deciding that the person they crushed on was way out of his or her league. How funny was that? Damn – this relationship (or whatever they had, now) could have started months ago if either paid even the slightest bit of attention to hints and cues, mixing in a little self-confidence to get the job done.

When the girl adorably asked about cuddling, Jasper was smiling so wide that he nearly forgot to speak. “You’re so cute, you know that?” He whispered softly, deciding to not hold back for that moment, reaching up with a hand, gently tugging on the sleeves of her shirt, hoping she would lay down beside him.

“I would enjoy that.” He finally responded, his voice still soft, gentle. “I survived the ride down to earth. I somehow survived this injury, but I felt like trying to tell you how I feel was going to be the death of me.” Jasper teased with the same dreamy expression on his face, his spirits absolutely lifted, more than ever before. “I know that sounds dumb now, but I was worried sick it would make you hate me.”
Aubrey went outright red when he called her cute, but his own eagerness overpowered any nervousness that she had about everything. He may as well have pulled her down with him just by giving her gentle tug because there was no way that she was going to resist. Bree was able to settle on to the bed beside him and she tried not to be worried about the fact that she had laid down so close to Jasper that their bodies touched.

"I couldn't hate you," she mumbled as she dared to move in to a little closer. She was very tentative as she dared to place an arm across Jasper's abdomen, both because he was wounded and because she was still nervous that there were lines to be crossed. "And I mean... I kind of did think you hated me, so I guess I wasn't doing much better than you were."
“I couldn’t hate you, either.” Jasper admitted, flashing her a signature Jasper Jordan smile. “When I first learned that I was being sent to the ground, I thought about you. I hoped you were one of the prisoners they sent here, too. I don’t think I’d enjoy being on Earth nearly as much if we were separated.” Sure, Jasper looked forward to seeing Monty as well, along with other friends he might have made during his time in imprisonment, but it would have been remiss to ignore the way he felt about a reunion with Bree.

“Do you mind if I… play with your hair?” Jasper suddenly asked, his hand halfway towards her locks already before resting down against his side. It was something Jasper wanted to do for a long time. It just seemed like it would be calming. He, too, was worried about crossing lines, so he figured he would ask, but that did not stop his own face from turning a bit red, afraid she would think it was a dumb thing for him to request.
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