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The Circus (Lunar&Guardian)

"Wait she made a deal with a god?" Atticus spoke before just shaking his head a bit. After that he was assuring he was fine, just a bit annoyed. Okay a bit was an understatement.
“Yes sir I don’t know what kind of deal but. I know she made one and I know his karate and my lady returned just before I was sent here” if he was paying attention he would see that she was being overly formal with him
"I had felt them here, I felt them leave. I feel Seras panic and her anger, her worry. And stop with the formalities." Atticus spoke after a moment in time.
“Sorry my lord” Tayla dropped her head her hair shifting and reviewing some bruises that hadn’t been healed by Seras that were fresh and it was easy to see as much
Atticus was looking over before he spoke "So that is the reason for her anger briefly. The old makes punished you again then had the audacity to talk back to her. I'm sure Azazel is listening to her complain about it."
Atticus was giving a nod before he spoke "Well if Seras hasn't dealt with it, I'm sure Azazel will, of I'll deal with it when I get back." He was just looking around. No at the time he was just calmly waiting for the others to show up, he had nothing else to do. And how calm he was had the enemy on edge.

Asya did end up rousing and was sitting up, a small look of pain on her features before she looked around. Okay so she was naked other than the bandages but it was whatever. Made it easier to take care of the wound she figured.
“Yes sir” Tayla felt her band get warm and looked down at it wondering why it was doing that

Liam walked in and kissed her be fore placing a hand on her wound and he started to heal her “this will take time to heal and it will have to be done in stages love”
Asya was a bit startled when he came in and kissed her. His hand on the wound actually had her about losing her balance, considering she had none at all at the time. "Dont worry about it. Itll be fine." She mumbled in a soft voice.
“No you won’t I nearly lost you on the trip back to the house now rest I already sent word you were injured and I sent the new location of her brother to your mistress” Liam the. Gently nudged her back in to bed
Asya was letting out a small breath of air before she was just laying back down. Although in the end darkness was reclaiming her, but her breathing was calm, nothing erratic or worrisome.
At some point in time, he would actually find that she had curled into him. But it was a bit of a whatever thing. She was content and asleep, which was a necessity for regaining strength.

Seras had been studying the map when a clone had popped up and showed her a new location, and let her know Asya had been injured. "Oh thank you and please...take care of her." She spoke in a soft voice before she was reaching out to Azazel and Ed to have them come to her.
Seras just watched before she was looking st thr guys as they came in. "Thanks to a little birdie, I know where Atticus is."
Ed nodded his head “good I went t looking and I can’t find Tayla I am worried the same that happened to you and Azraella happened to her”
"More than likely. Talking to somebody, portal opening, falling into darkness and all of a sudden in a strange place." Seras spoke after a moment in time.
“Yep” Ed looked at the other three since he knew Azazel want going to let her join them “let’s go and get them back”
Ambrose was looking over at Seras before he was asking "Asya?" This had her shaking her head before she spoke "She was hurt pretty badly, but she is safe."
Seras watched them leave before she was getting up to retreat to her room for a bit. "Go rest, I'll keep an eye on stuff." Amrbose told her and she was giving a nod.
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