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The Circus (Lunar&Guardian)

Jace frowned and then looked at her mother "that isn't good" Jace was now worried more then ever as he didn't like the idea of her having turned to the males side it meant that the others were at risk of the same as well
Kimiko just gave a small giggle before she spoke, "There is no need to be so worried, we know what we are doing." Ah this is why Ameretat seemed to calm at that point in time. The twins were together, mentally at that point in time. Good thing she was use to them doing this, and speaking as though they were one person.
Kimiko was walking over to her husband and just wrapping her arms around him, just collapsing into him. Ameretat was just watching and soon enough Ambrose was appearing. "Well that job was done although... Asya sort of did something." he spoke with a faint chuckle.
Ambrose was giving a faint chuckle before he spoke, "We stumbled upon the army that the dark god had been hiding, and she tapped into her own full power. That darkness that she avoids using at all times. But for now this works in our favor, because the dark god will see her as a challenge, and will leave us alone. But this also means.... we will have an easier time getting to the girls. He will have forgotten about us." It wasn't long before Seras was walking into the room, although she was just blinking slightly before she was inclining her head towards Ameretat briefly.
Seras was just giving a small giggle before she spoke, "I didn't plan on it. I'm just wanting to know who pissed off Asya so much." "Oh nobody. She did that intentionally." Ambrose spoke which was just having her nodding before she was wondering where the hell Lilith was at.
while they were talking Ross was busy keeping Lilith from leaving and going and killing someone as the female was rather pissed at the moment.
"Let me go, Ross." Lilith hissed although attempting to get away from him wasn't doing her any good at all. Eventually she just gave up and folded her arms across her chest.
“Love your madder then a hornet and you still have pieces of metal shavings in your ass I need to get out before you heal” Ross looked at his mate lightly as if daring her to argue with him at that point
Lilith was groaning before she was just mumbling a few curse words under her breath. Although she was holding her wrist suddenly at a faint burn. Oh that was familiar. Asya had tapped that magic, which had her gazing out the window.
while she was distracted Ross went back to plucking the metal slides out of her back side so that they wouldn't heal over with the shards still in place as he had a feeling that would be uncomfortable for her
Lilith just looked towards him for a brief moment in time before she was folding her arms across her chest. "Hitting me isn't nice." she pouted before she was blowing him a kiss, and was vanishing.
Lilith was vanishing and appearing near the others. Actually taking to appearing near Seras and wrapping her arma around the woman. "Are you sure it is a good idea for Asya to use that power? " She questioned. This Seras chuckling before she spoke "Yes."
Azazel looked over at her “ so I heard Ross had to pick metal out of your ass” Ross had told him so that he knew and could pick on her
Lilith just looked towards him before she spoke, "Yeah the Dark God was an asshole and force teleported me away. Ended up sending me straight into the area where Ross put all of the scraps. So no, not exactly my fault."
Lilith was just mumbling something under her breath before she was telling Ross mentally that he had lost all sex privileges for saying something to Azazel. For how long, she wasn't quite sure. After that she was looking over as a portal was opening up and Tayla was just falling from out of nowhere.
Lilith was looking over before she was actually letting go of Seras before she was going over to Tayla and was just looking at the collar for a moment in time.
Tayla scurried away from both Lilith and the portal, she wasn't scared of the portal but she didnt know if someone else was going to be falling through or not
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