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Blood Is Thicker (1×1 w/ Jikkah)


Jun 3, 2013
Under a rock
The white stuff was falling outside their window again, making it cold and unbearable in their little room with nothing but themselves for warmth. There were two of them, little girls maybe no older than 7, sitting close to each other with a picture book before them. You could tell them apart easily; not just because one was better dressed than the other, but by the single horn they each had. One red and one blue. They one with the red horn pointed gently to the words in the book with her delicately manicured nail and smiled softly.
"Can you try and read this word, nee-chan?" She asked, her tone encouraging as she smiled, "You can do it, I know you can. You've been learning very quickly and I'm very proud of you."
The girl in the more ragged clothing had blue skin and a single blue horn protruding from her forehead, and even that was rugged. The girl was simply a mess, long black hair in knots, clothes torn and stained with mysterious substances, and even her nails and horn were almost unkempt, but this didn’t seem to bother her.
She squatted beside the other little girl, chewing on her nails and staring at the book, sharp teeth grinding away at her sharp nails.
“No.” She turned her head away; either she actually didn’t know the word, or she was being stubborn because she earned herself more testing that day.
Zero Four - as the humans called her - frowned as she looked to her sister, "Can you try...?" She asked softly, "I'll bring you more sweet things from the humans if you do.."
Zero Three was in a particularly foul mood, grabbing the book and simply throwing it against the far wall, letting out a scream to show her frustration, showing her sharp teeth to Zero Four to show she wasn’t in the mood to try to be civil.
She sat quietly as her sister screamed and only offered a smile, "I understand, I'm sorry for troubling you so. We can try again later." She said, "There's no rush, nee-chan.."
Her fits of screams would progress into throwing her toys- which were easy to tell apart from Zero Four’s due to their poor condition- eventually her fit becoming a full blown tantrum.
That's when Zero Four's patience became worry, and she moved to try and calm her.
"If you don't settle down, they'll only hurt you more. Please, nee-chan, I don't like them hurting you. Relax please, it's ok...! We don't have to learn reading right now if you don't want...!"
It was like the child before her was now a beast, tearing at the walls and destroying her toys; when Zero Four approached however, she was knocked back when Zero Three struck her hard, hard enough to knock her to the floor.
She yelped and landed on the ground before pushing herself back up and moving to try and calm her again, "Nee-chan...! Please settle down...!" She begged
Zero Three stopped and turned suddenly, and one would've expected her to attack Zero Four once more, but she had tears in her eyes, and when she saw Zero Four, she fell to her knees crying. Such outbursts weren’t uncommon, especially for such a young child who was being practically tortured daily.
Zero Four moved and held her tight, not saying a word and just held her sister tight. She didn't like the humans torturing Zero Three any more than she did. She just wanted her to be happy. Why were they so mean to her?
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Eventually, the adults did come to take Zero Three away, having to tear the two apart and drag Zero Three away, kicking and screaming as she disappeared down the hall.
"Please, don't hurt her anymore!" Zero Four ran after them but the door shut in her face. She beat on it with all her might, crying and begging for them to return her sister to her.
No one would return to Zero Four, not to comfort her, nor to return Zero Three.
The child screamed and struggled the entire way down the hall, trying to freak free from the adult who led her, but it was no use.
They took her to a familiar room where they strapped her to a familiar table and toyed with her regenerative abilities; cutting her and making holes in her body with the equiptment. They didn't bother to try numbing her, it never worked anyway.
She let out awful screams of agony, struggling in vain against her restraints, even when she was exhausted, still trying desperately to escape from the horrors they subjected her with. She was not human however, for her blood was not red, but blue, just like her skin and horn.

((When does baby Masa find her~?))
Sometimes Zero Four would notice a boy roaming around outside in the white stuff, trying to look into their window and investigate. He would notice her and it would startle her to the point she hid. She had never seen anyone that wasn't an adult. "Is he still there, nee-chan?" She asked, voice shaking.
Zero Three peeked her head over the window once more, glaring down at the strange boy that kept coming by their window time and time again, but didn’t dare expose herself any further. Sometimes he would come when Zero Four was there, and sometimes he would come when she was away, where she went was beyond her, all she knew is she never smelled of blood when she returned, unlike herself.
The boy stood there, staring with blue eyes almost the same color as her skin. He looked confused and frustrated. "Is he still there...?" Zero Four asked weakly.
She seemed to hear her this time, nodding and giving a small grunt of confirmation- she still struggled using her words -but she didn’t take her eyes off of the boy, wild black hair a complete mess that almost entirely hid her face.
"Why won't he go away?" She whined.
He kept coming around, content at staring from the ground before he grew daring and climbed a nearby tree. Zero Four was gone, probably getting praised by the adults again.
When he came up the tree, Zero Three simply retreated to the far corner of the room, baring her teeth at the boy and hissing; in actuality, she was scared. Scared and unsure of this other child, was he there to hurt her too?
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