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Blood Bound (ScarlettRose & Hatchet)

Jan 14, 2017
Everything was falling into place. Not completely the way she wanted it but . . . it was getting there. One of the city's finest police departments wasn't her usual haunt however, her visit late tonight was with purpose. Amelia Hawthorne was a woman of many talents but she was not without flaws. One of those said flaws being her constant need to control everything around her. This ranged from people to circumstances. Right now, both felt like they might spiral out of control if she didn't do something about it. After all, she hadn't become Clan Leader by lounging her nights away, like most of her kind. Of course there was a time and a place for indulgence. That, however was not now.

"You're so kind Officer." Amelia smiled angelically at the Police Officer who led her down to the cells. The man was completely thralled. A stupidly happy look on his face. An ability her kind possessed. It was almost like a power to stun before attacking prey. However, she had no intention of digging her fangs into Officer Bennett. "If you'll be so kind just to wait over there." She instructed the Office in his own domain as she approached the cell right at the bottom end.

Whistling and commenting ensued from the male captives appreciating her beauty and figure as she slowly strutted down. Her $600 heels clicking on the tiled floors. Amelia straightened her designer suit as she stopped before the very last cell in the long row. The cell was all but empty, except that one very special and rare creature residing inside it. For a very long moment she spoke not a word. Her icy blue eyes simply took in the man.

He was coarse in every sense of the word. Unrefined and uncouth. The truth was she left like she might need to use a wet wipe if she shook his hand. Was she a snob? Maybe. But desperate times called for desperate measures and she'd conducted her research. The fact was . . . she needed someone just like him.

"Good evening Mr Lynch." She finally spoke, approaching the bars but not touching. "Now, I've wanted to ask this since I heard your name but, it's rather fitting isn't it? Or is it a family tradition? Like the Taylors or Bakers?" Amelia mused in her crisp English accent. She doubted he'd understand her sense of humour. She doubted he'd understand most of what she conversed. He seemed so . . . basic and . . . uneducated. "Tell me . . . " She took another step closer. "Do you enjoy being wealthy?"
The prisoner simply held her gaze, he was an animal in all sense of the word having been abused, frightened, neglected, until finally he snapped and turned into a beast and a monster. Sitting on his bed across from her he made no move to the bars or made no move to even greet her as his icy eyes stared right back as if he was ready to jump if she dared move for him. Dressed in an orange prison jumpsuit, his normal shaved head starting to grow out again in curly dark hair.

When she made the joke of his name, his expression didn't change, he had heard it before and honestly it was a running gag with other members in his gang whenever someone crossed him in the wrong way.

"Very funny." Was all that he answered in a low voice, his eyes narrowing at her.

When she asked her second question, he slowly rose to his feet, a tall man when he wasn't slouching as he made his way over and gripped the bars, seeing her in the light as he cocked a dark brow. There was nothing in his eyes, they were dark and hard as if they refused to let anyone in, and they did not match the sick grin that spread across his face.

"There are only four ways to get to a man. Power, wealth, sex, and food." Ronan informed her before slowly backing up and letting go of his bars. "If you're trying to free me, I'm afraid my bail is posted too high for this very reason. You may be wealthy but I doubt you can pay that price." He snorted sitting back down on his bed.
He was an animal . . . Just like her. Amelia recognised the soulless depths of his eyes and the shadow of death that followed everywhere. She had once been just like him. For a very long time. Decades if not over a century. A blood lust and the constant need for power the only thing fueling ones existence. But . . . things were different now. She even thought she was close to having a soul, something lost long ago to time.

She met his grin with her usual pleasant smile. Pushing a stray blonde lock behind her ear, she stepped closer to the bars. Her icy azure gaze still upon him. Determined she may have been, but her posture was always relaxed. Amelia never gave away to pressure or stress or particularly and emotion in public or in front of an audience. The cards she held were always close to her chest. This was only the first step of many. Hard one she feared would not see fruition.

Reaching through the bars, she ran a cool finger along the long curve of his neck. "Darling, first lesson of the day . . ." Her gaze flashed from his enticing neck back to his cool and implacable eyes. "Never, doubt me." She pulled her hand back and pulled out a pack of wet wipes from her pocket and cleaned her hands thoroughly with one.

So she was a bit of a snob . . . However, cleanliness was next to Godliness and she did think she was pretty Godly so . . . "Well, your critieria is rather . . . basic but then you are a man." She walked a little a way, giving him her back, handing the thralled Officer the used wet wipe. Heels clicking as she slowly made her way back to the Prisoner. "Fortunately for you, I can give you the means to attain all of what you desire. Of course . . . this leads to lesson number two: Do as I say and don't question me. If you can abide by that, then . . . I can make all your dreams come true."

Amelia flashed a bright white toothy smile. Her perfect teeth almost dazzled in the light. Everything about her was perfect. But this was just who she was. Becoming a Vampire had only prolonged her natural assets. He, was clearly and utterly her opposite. Ragged, dirty, unkempt . . . Night and day came to mind. He was as tall as a mountain and as cold and deadly as the snow that covered the tops of them. She'd have to manage him, but Amelia was certain . . . He was the man for the job.
Unlike the officer or most men for that manner, his grin turned into a sneer as he immediately pulled away from the bars and out of her reach when she touched him. He couldn't disagree, she was gorgeous and almost otherworldly but he had been abused by beautiful people before and he had a feeling she'd do the same. As she walked away, he cocked a brow as she grabbed a wet wipe. Ronan never thought himself as unclean, sure when he worked with cars he'd get grease on him but even when he was high off whatever drug he could get his hands on he made sure to clean and wash regularly.

"Don't insult me," He growled lowly at her as she called him basic. Not showing any interest in her physical form after that. He would not be insulted by some woman that thought herself better than him, though perhaps she was as she stood freely on the other side of the bars. He could decline depending on what she was going to ask him, rot in prison or not Ronan was quite rash in his decision making, even if it damned him for the rest of eternity.

Snorting at her, he held onto the bars again, cocking a brow at her. "What do you want? It's late and I'm tired so get on with it."
"Oh? Are you planning on going anywhere?" She jested once more moving closer to the bars. There was almost nothing but the bars between them when she stopped. "Look darling, I can make all this go away." She gestured to the grubby overcrowded surroundings. "And by this, I mean everything. That lovely long record of yours and so on. What I need from you is . . ." How did she put this?" She looked up into his dead stare. "To be my eyes and ears in places I can't be. It's dangerous of course but something tells me you're a man who does dangerous everyday."

Her smile was thin as she thought about the work ahead. It would not be easy and there were very few people she could trust. Sometimes she wondered why she did it. Was all this work worth being on top? Being top dog? There was no other way for Amelia. She would be ruled by no other. Not again. She'd be the master and orchestrator of her own destiny. Especially seeing as the destiny could go on for eons.

"Of course there will be rules but I'm certain I can make it worth your while. I mean you don't have to decide right now. Enjoy yourself at the leisure of the state. I could always come back to you? Or you know . . . you could walk out a free man in less than half an hour? Choices yours."
Ronan's eyes narrowed as his knuckles whitened as he gripped the bars. He was stuck behind bars like a caged animal not to mention treated just like one as well. There was a wanting in his eyes, a wanting to walk free once more but not as a changed man, oh no Ronan Lynch could not be changed no matter how many rehab facilities and detention centers he was forced into, where he was it would only be a couple of months before they sentenced him to Death Row.

He had no idea how she could ever take away his record, the theft, the burglaries, batteries, assaults, drug charges, the countless murders, those things just didn't 'go away' as she simply put it. However it seemed he either put his trust in this woman or he would rot behind bars until he was to be euthanized in a medical chair.

"...Fine...You have a-"

"Now hold on a minute miss," The officer seemed to snap out of his daze from her, frowning as he smacked the bars with his swagger stick causing Ronan to let out a yelp as it hit his fingers, making the prisoner dart back into his cell. "His bail is set high for a reason, I'm afraid I need to talk you out of setting this one free, can't you use someone with a smaller record?"
Amelia hissed at the unasked for interruption. In what could only be described as a flash, she had the Officer in her clasps in front of her. Her fangs had descended and her eyes glowed red. Flipping the Officer around so he was facing her, she glowered at him, the contortions of her face almost animalistic.

"What was rule number two?" She seethed. "Do NOT question me." Suddenly remembering the company she was keeping, Amelia slammed the Officer against the bars, knocking the large man unconscious. In this time, her fangs had disappeared and her eyes had shifted back to their original azure coldness.

"I really do hate interruptions." She told the man who was about to accept the deal she offered. "Don't you?" Gliding back to the bars, she nudged the sleeping Officer out of her way with her expensive shoe. "Now, where were we? Do we have a deal?"
Amelia smiled through the metal at the lanky prisoner. In stature he over powered her but she was made of a different core to his. He could easily strike fear into the hearts of many men let alone women but she did not fear him. In the food chain she was far above him. And the predator never feared the prey.
When she turned, Ronan was simply staring at her unsure of what he just witnessed. His eyes flicked from her to the officer before he let go of the bars. "Yeah sure," he mumbled and stepped back to see if she'd let him out, and for once he'd be out without wearing wrist and ankle cuffs.

He didn't question what just happened, not only because that was...Rule number two...But now all she needed to do was let him free as the officer had the keys to the cells...If she even needed that. He looked at her, his eyes distrustful but as a good dog he kept his mouth shut. The rest of the inmates were dead silent, the ones that could staring at the pair in fear, two powerful people of two different walks of life in agreement scared some of the other fierce criminals speechless.

Ronan cocked his head to the side, his eyes still narrowed at her and answered her fully. "Yeah...We have a deal." The thug mumbled and then scowled at her, "we don't need to shake on it." He growled at her, still insulted by the wet wipe.
"Oh I'm so glad you agree." She smiled brightly but her comment was aimed at the not shaking hands. For her OCD probably couldn't stand the thought of shaking a dirty hand. Of course she could have had the lawyers sort of the paperwork first but time was of the essence and she'd get spin to clear up all Ronan's lose ends.

It would all be legitimate. Well, as legitimate as making a paper trail disappear. "The things I do for you." She sighed grabbing the keys from the heap of man on the floor and unlocking the door. "This is rather dramatic. I don't usually do things like this." Busting out prisoners? That was a no no but the sooner they talked details the better.

The fact was Nile didn't play around and the world they lived in, it also had rules and those rules made it impossible to just kill another of her kind outright. But she as well versed in the game and she had ever intention of taking out Nile before he had the chance to take her out.

It wasn't long before Ronan Lynch was sat across from her in the dark corner of her town car. Pouring herself a whiskey, she didn't offer him one. Her gaze fixed on his as the liquid warmed her throat. "Mm I will offer you some as soon as we hash out the details. But why don't we start with how it feels to be a free man?" She questioned him casually, sliding one leg over the other.
Brow twitching, he stepped back as she unlocked the gate and so she didn't have to dirty her pretty little hand he pushed it open for he rand stepped out. Still slouching but he was imposing as ever as he nudged the officer with his foot and shrugged seeing he'd be out for either a while or ever depending on how hard she really hit him.

He was so unused to this, it was like whiplash as one minute he was at the bottom of society locked in a cell and now he was sitting in the back of a luxury vehicle with what he would call a 'maniac woman' from after what he just saw with his own eyes.

Glaring at her, he would have just had the bottle at this point but he had a feeling she was too refined and controlling to ever allow something like that. Letting out a huff when she said she'd offer him some later, even though that was probably the one thing he wanted, or a smoke, after getting out of prison.

"Well considering I'm still in my jumpsuit and all I want is an actual hot shower to myself I'd say not very fun." He answered sarcastically, as he crossed his arms in a huff wanting to cut to the chase.
"Oh? Am I inconveniencing you? Would you like to go back?" Amelia teased dryly. Ungratefulness wasn't very appealing to her but then she didn't want to be showered in adoration either. For some time they just sat there in silence as the city swept by the tinted rain splashed windows.

"Shower you say." She finally spoke up. "That can be arranged. I'm not going to beat around the bush. One I don't have the patience for that and two . . . I like things done correctly the first time round. I'm sure you're wondering why you and all that." She dismissed the thought with the flick of her wrist. "You because you're exactly the type my friends like to associate with. The problem is, these types of friends of mine are not very trust worthy. They want to hurt me Ronan. You wouldn't want me to get hurt would you?"

Amelia moved slightly forward in her seat so he could see her in the dim light of the car. From all appearances, she looked almost ethereal. A wisp of a woman, fragile, like she might crumble if held too tight.

"All I need you to do is play nice with these people. See what they do, hear what they say when no one is listening. For this, you'll be rewarded handsomely. Pretty easy gig by your standards no?"
Ronan simply looked at her with a dead panned expression as she teased him back. He wasn't in the mood for this and he really didn't care for people like her. She could easily off these 'friends' of hers herself and yet she needed someone else to do the dirty work. But money was money and he had a...Special expertise.

"Okay...Yeah I can do that." He said glancing out the heavily tinted window then back at her as he crossed his arms. "...So what do you want me to do when you have enough information?" If there was no blood involved it was going to be a pretty boring job for him and at least easy money but after a while he'd just stop taking up the targets if he couldn't have a little fun with them. Still, he wasn't sure whether or not these targets were...Whatever unearthly creature she was.

Ronan still didn't care for her, but he supposed there were worse people and he'd stick around to find out. As long as he was able to live again he was fine, but he wasn't stupid. "So I'm also assuming there's a catch to this. You probably have a leash you want your prison dog to stay on."
"The only kind of leashes I'm into you wouldn't want to know about." She said matter of factly. "However, yes I expect you to be sober, I know that'll be a stretch for you but no better time than now to get your act together. You're getting a second chance at life so don't make me regret it."

Amelia sighed. This was all rather redundant. She longed for the old days. The times now . . . Were harder for women. Well, women of her stature. She had been used to being kept in the lap of luxury by the men she associated with. First her husband, a wealthy Duke and then her noble undead lover and now here she was fending for herself.

"Let's concentrate on your task for now before we get ahead of ourselves." She replied, her attention returning back to the conversation at hand. "You deal in narcotics. My friends have refined tastes and what they're looking for is very rare and you won't have heard of it but you'll be a connoisseur in no time."

Human drugs gave vampires a very small buzz when ingested through their victims. It was a very special powder made from garlic that really set them tripping. However, this powder had been banned by the Council as it caused Vampires to lose all their inhibitions and removed and limitation to their blood lust. It became harder to spin to the humans why drained corpses where being found littered everywhere.

Of course, there was always a way to get your hands on something that sort after . . .
He made a low groaning sound when she broke it to him that he needed to be sober, well...It wasn't like it was anything new, Ronan had a feeling that was going to be a part of the deal but he would at least still smoke pot on his times off if he had to give up everything else he did, especially the other drugs that had a worse affect on him.

He would nod as she spoke to him, making sure not to interrupt her until she gave him a pause and explained everything. Nodding, his eyes narrowed at whatever drug this was. He had transported and sold just about every drug on the market and now that he learned about this, he was having a hard time believing her. However he was pretty sure doubting her would get his balls cut off.

"Yeah, okay, do you want me to personally sell it to them then or jam the orders?" He worked with the police at one time, able to stop the sales of some narcotics though he was unsure exactly what she wanted him to do with these people. "Are you just going to leave them tripping for someone else to clean up the mess or do you want me to-" He made a snapping motion with his hand to signify offing them, which Ronan found incredibly fun if he was being honest.
"All you need to do to start with is make friends. I have someone who will be introducing you into this circle. In fact, your reputation proceeds yourself. They're all dying to meet you. In fact you've become a bit of a mysterious celebrity among this set." She told him, finally pouring him a glass of whiskey.

"I need you to clean up. You'll be rubbing elbows with someone of the most elite. You'll be a novelty. You'll remain breathing because you'll be endorsed by my collective. This does not ensure your survival however, so learn when to shut up. As for your more favoured task," She said referring to his need to kill. "You kill when I say and only then. Is that understood?"

Amelia didn't wait for an answer because there was no other option. There was the darkness in him that resonated with her own darkness. This need to extinguish. This blood lust. The power over another life. The absolutely release of taking a life. Oh had she met him back in her day, they would have left quite a bloody trail behind them. But here she was now, trying to keep her bloody legacy hidden.

It would be so easy to fall back into her old ways. Drink, kill, fuck. Of course, the world was a different place now and her survival depended on being able to keep her desires in check. The thrill of the kill had in fact worn away, it did not please her as it used to. This need to live on just as the same need in any creature was far stronger.
He huffed a bit, making friends was tedious and uninteresting for him but again he simply submitted and nodded to her, allowing his discouragement to show but never to back talk her. "Okay, I can clean up but I'm not sure how you're going to turn someone like me into a novelty. Or how I'm popular to a bunch of people I don't know but okay. I can try."

He was quite attractive, even when he shaved his head but he was not 'elite' material and he didn't ever want to be. However Ronan knew how to behave...For the most part...When his temper showed however is where she would need to tug on her new pet's leash. He was like a purebred doberman among mutts at the prison and if all else failed he could simply stay quiet and let her do the talking.

At her final order, he nodded in understanding to only kill when she ordered it, quite a fitting job for an attack dog he thought to himself. The job didn't seem hard at all, he needed to stretch a bit, warm up however from doing time in that tiny, tiny prison. "Yeah...Okay. I can do all that."
"Yes I know you can. I wasn't asking." She replied with the lift of a brow watching him stretch his long limbs. "As for your celebrity, well, word gets around of the new dealer in town who can supply to the needs of an elite clientele. Do I look like the kind of woman to leave things to chance?"

Amelia had had people talk about Ronan in hushed corners and in raving clubs, anywhere where anyone that needed to hear it would be. He didn't understand the type of power she was giving him over these people. But then a lion should never know his true strength.

"First things first. You need a shower and some new clothes and I suppose you need a base of operations." There was no suppose about it. She had a penthouse suite ready for him. Of course, it was not at the chain of luxurious hotels she owned. In fact it was at a rivals. None of this would ever lead back to her. She was the puppet master.

She was to orchestrate but never to be seen.

It wasn't long now until they had rolled up to the back of The Grand and taken the back elevator up to the suite. Check in and the like was not for people like them. People moved mountains for people like her. "Well, here we are." She said strolling out of the elevator into the lap of luxury ahead of him. "Welcome to your new home. You don't mind if I make myself comfortable do you?" She questioned with little care for the answer as she plopped down onto the richly upholstered couch and flicked on the massive flat screen tv that was almost as big as a small screen of a movie theater.
Shifting in his seat he just stopped talking altogether as they rode to...Wherever she was taking him. Glancing out the window he blinked when he saw the penthouse as he slowly glanced over at her but decided it was best not to question how long she had this planned. Rolling his eyes when they went into the back part as if she couldn't be seen with common filth, though he was still in his prison uniform....It still mildly irritated him how stuffy people like her were.

When she asked if she could make herself comfortable, he rose a brow and slowly nodded. "Uh...Yeah....Sure, I guess." He mumbled and rummaged around to see what kind of clothes that were available and settled on jeans and a black t shirt since...Well it was normally what he wore anyway.

After his shower, he was able to shave his head once more enjoying the feel instead of his stupidly curly hair and stepped back out, rolling his shoulders. Attractive and dangerous, going over to the bed and didn't disturb her while she watched television, though he was unable to sleep due to his insomnia he simply answered questions or listened when she spoke to him.
Amelia was flicking through channels, letting him explore his new abode. Tonight, she had set aside all other business dealings. She was a busy lady but the beauty of being the boss was being able to decide when, where and how she dealt with things. Ronan was so skittish, she knew it would take time to earn his trust and gain his trust she must.

She heard him rumbling around in the bedroom after his shower. She guessed he was not in the mood for talking when the sound of his movement stopped. She assumed he went to bed. Not wanting to disturb him, she ventured around the massive apartment. First to check out the fully stocked fridge, helping herself to some frozen yogurt and then he went out onto the massive balcony. Looking out across the city as the steam from the hot tub next to her warmed her legs.

The next council meeting was only a few nights away. Both Nile and Donder would have their initiations together into the sacred and secretive ruling covenant. That would certainly be an interesting and eventful night. Of course, with it being a Council meeting things would not be allowed to get too out of hand. Physical violence was a strict no no.

Though Nile was her own kind, Amelia was fully on the Were's side in this case. Nile had a vendetta to settle. Fair enough. He was entitled to it. Donder had murdered his parents. Amelia had played her part in it. There was no love or blood in this case lost between her and Nile's family. It would cost her nothing and hurt her little when Nile met his demise. However, he was a blood born. A pure blood. The offspring of two Vampires. He possessed strength and power more potent than she could ever dream of.

The politics behind this meant Amelia would have to play her hand far too carefully. Not a single misstep would be tolerated. The entirety of her depended upon it.
Able to get a few hours of sleep, he awoke in the morning, showered again and dressed out of habit as he stretched. He wasn't exactly sure if she stayed the night somewhere but at the same time he really didn't care, all he was looking forward to was his first paycheck.

Rummaging around the refrigerator he found simple breakfast food, cooking up some eggs, sausage, fried potatoes, and toast. If there was any 'normal' skill that was socially acceptable he knew his way around the kitchen as he flipped the contents in the pan with one hand, watching the news as he cooked. Ronan let out a low chuckle, a rare grin appearing on his face as they relayed what happened the night before at the maximum security prison that was thwarted by her.


"Oh shit...I don't know her name." He mumbled blinking, at least wanting to be on a name basis with his boss and shrugged, he'd try to remember later.
"Amelia." She said from behind him. "But you can call my Your Grace, if you prefer." She joked although it was the correct for of address for a Duchess but she doubted he even knew what any kind of nobility was or just . . . history in general. "Hope you slept well but I don't see how anyone can sleep badly on duck feathers.

Stealing a slice of toast. "Mmm this is good. If you weren't such an exceptional killer you'd have a budding career as a chef." Amelia smirked, walking around. "Well, I have to go now. Do enjoy the rest of your day. You might want to catch some more shut eye because," She turned around as she waited for the elevator to arrive. "You won't be sleeping much tonight." Winking, she stepped into the bright confines of the elevator.

"The address of my office I've left for you on the coffee table." The doors began to shut. "Oh and dress sharp." She felt him with that piece of advise. The sun was brightening up which meant it was time for her to get her beauty rest before the plan was set into motion.
"Fuck!" Ronan yelped, dropping his knife as it clattered to the ground. The man whirled around and glared at her a little freaked out she was there the entire time...At least seemingly. "I am not calling you that. This isn't the fourteen hundreds or whatever..." He grumbled as he picked it off the ground and blinked.

"D-...Duck feathers?" He was appalled, he always liked animals though he wasn't like an activist or anything but he was pretty sure ducks were generally protected as a species as he looked back at the bed before turning to her. "I have insomnia. I never sleep well." He huffed and watched her leave, cocking a brow at her order to dress sharp.


Ronan was very punctual, waiting for her exactly where she had ordered him to be in a black suit and tie. He looked incredibly sharp, straightening his sleeve as he waited for her cocking a brow. Though he looked much better, perhaps handsome, he still didn't exactly look...Elite material but it was the best he could do.
Amelia strolled into her office on the top floor or a large skyscraper, an asset of the conglomerate she controlled. "Oh? You're here." She was mildly started. Placing a hand on her hip over her dress, she considered him. He was by no means ugly, some may even consider him handsome in an austere kind of way. "I'm impressed. Though, I prefer a man with hair." Something to hold onto, she smirked to herself. "But you'll do."

She ushered him into the plush surrounding of her office. "Now, let's get down to business. Tonight, you're going to make your grand entrance into society. It's a charitable event so everyone will be on their best behaviour. You won't be able to tell friend from foe." Human from non-human, she mused because this was the kind of event where the elite of both worlds mixed. Though one not knowing the other one was moving around them. "You just be you. I hope you read the file I read you on what you'll be selling. Short notice I know but I thought with your background in narcotics, one more would hardly prove difficult for you to learn. If, the subject of me arises and your opinion is called for, well, I don't think it'll be particularly difficult for you to embellish how hateful I am to you and how much you despise me and the rest of my ilk who are trying to thwart your business. Tonight, is simply a meet and greet. Get to know your customers." She explained.

"Oh and you'll be escorted by Jessica. She's a good friend of yours and has been singing your praises and the praises of your product." Amelia added, knowing he had no idea who Jessica was. Jessica was one of her most trusted clan members and somewhat of a PA to Amelia. "Any questions?" She knew she was throwing him in the deep end but she had no doubt he could swim in murky waters.
Brow twitching as she made fun of his lack of hair, Ronan really didn't give a flying fuck what she thought as he nodded. Listening to her as she gave him a runthrough of the night, he nodded when she asked about the file she gave him.

"Yeah I looked into it...Not sure why uh...Garlic is in it but you know its whatever I guess. I read its street name is 'salt' so I'm just gonna go with that." He said and smirked a bit, wondering if he could go home after this and snuff some garlic salt from his pantry and see if he tripped. The entire thought behind this drug was nothing but funny to him.

Yawning, he smoothed out any wrinkles and shook his head when she asked if there were any questions. "Nah. Lets get this going. I can drink right?" He asked as an after thought.
Amelia laughed heartily at his last question and then straightened up before reply with a smile "No." She was well aware of the fact that he had an addictive personality. "You are not to indulge at the event. However, feel free to come home and drink yourself silly."

She pressed her intercom button on her desk and summoned Jessica. A leggy blonde in a red dress appeared. His date. "So this is the infamous Ronan Lynch." Jessica said as she sashayed into the room.

Amelia grinned. "That would be all your handy work."

"Hope you know how to show a girl a good time." Jessica eyes Ronan.

"I'm sure Mr. Lynch here is an expert on having a good time." Amelia added, her cat like smile still in place as she riffled through some paper work on her desk. "And on women."

"No doubt." Jessica grinned, a flash of a fang was gone as fast as it may have been seen.

"We won't be attending together." Amelia then informed Ronan. "At best we'll be acquaintances. At worst . . ." There was no need to finish the end of that sentence. "But I'm sure we'll get a chance to mingle. See you there." She dismissed him without looking up.

Jessica hooked her arm through Ronan's. "Let's get to work." She smiled brightly at him.
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