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Lying Is The Most Fun... (PoisonousIvee/Mr.Aznable)

She was in tears, blissfully overwhelmed as she tried to keep herself quiet. She was loving this, having finally received the man she was missing for all these years.
He seemed to go all night, forcing her to cum and fucking her unconscious several times before he grew sloppy. "Ooooh fuck, I'm finally close."
She was dazed, trembling hard as she was forced through another orgasm, her eyes crossed and rolled back hard, the gag soaked as she drooled heavily.
He pounded into her ruthlessly before slamming into her with a low growl and dumped his load deep inside her.
Their escapades only continued; they would go to any secluded area for a quick fuck or brief release of satisfaction. They grew bolder, Orin would take her against the wall in hallways and she would come to suck him off in the barracks. They were both insatiable.
As time wore on however, Lazar was becoming more forward and less patient, but she always managed to make sure to leave him just barely satisfied enough to not actually touch him.
He would always beg her to share his bed, let him touch her creamy skin, even whisper to her how he wanted to lick cream off her. It made her skin crawl.
She shuddered every time, and always went to rant to Orin. Lazar even attempted to drug her sometimes, much to her dismay.
Orin would save her with each attempt, stopping her from eating or drinking and having it replaced, which frustrated Lazar to no end. He would reprimand Orin every time in private, though Orin would merely reply with something like "that wine is no good to elves" or "the food would have made her violently ill", which would shut Lazar up in a huff. It gave Orin a headache each night dealing with his childish king.
One such time, he was not so lucky. Everything was laced, and had been laced for some time. She was almost dizzy, sipping some wine and trying to play it off as nothing. She was losing her mind.
"Are you well, my love?" Lazar tried to look concerned but he was so excited. Not only had he laced everything while it cooked but the Gods had blessed him twice; Lyra wanted authentic elven dishes and Orin was much too busy training the men to join them for dinner. It was too easy. He would finally have his elven bride.
"Y-Yes I'm fine!" She stammered. Her heart was racing, her mind swimming. "I might go for a bath, clear my head a bit.."
She got up and slowly, calmly making her way out of the room. She nearly fell over in the hallway, her legs shaking. She needed relief, her whole body was burning.
Orin was making his way to finally eat when he found her braced against the wall, "Lyra..." He rushed over and helped her stand, "What happened? Are you alright?" He asked, cupping her cheek to lift her head to look at him.
She shook her head and trembled, unable to focus on speaking. She took his hand and ran it under her coverings, biting back a weak cry as she pressed his hand to her absolutely drenched, burning hot core. "L.. Lazar.." She said quietly.
He was absolutely furious. Of course he would use this as an absolute opportunity to take advantage of her. He pulled his hand away and scooped her up into his arms, carrying her off to his room.
He stopped and adjusted her in his arms before turning around and heading to the baths. "Guardsman." He called firmly to one of the castle guards, who jumped to attention in alarm.
"The mistress is weakened and ill, I'm taking her to the bath to help her rejuvenate. Guard the door, let no one in. Not even His Highness." He ordered. The guard nodded and followed him to the bath, where he stood outside as Orin took her in and locked the door.
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