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The New Hero of Mobius (Matttheman89/StarMech)

Bernie kept moaning and moaning into his mouth. She did not need any more words of encouragement, only the raw sex they were having. This kept going and going, alas this one much shorter, but only because of how good it felt.

Her motions increased speed, aching for that powerful release one more time.

She broke from the kiss as she also couldn't contain herself, "Oh oh oh...oooh...y-yess.."
Bernie wasn't the only one picking up speed, as Tails's hips were moving faster and faster with each passing second, thrusting with more and more force. The fox gasped for breath as Bernie inevitably pulled away from their heated kisses, and moaned alongside her as the two worked towards a powerful release.

And when that release finally came, Tails cried out and buried his face into the crook of Bernie's neck, thrusting into her pussy one final time before he came.

Shivering as he rode out the intense high of his orgasm, Tails remained pressed against Bernie as the water fell upon their bodies, and grinned bashfully. "H-Hah...ahh...that was...the best shower I've ever had..."
Some time passed, and the two actually finished the rest of the shower normally. Reducing to only caresses and kisses. The two were now at the living room, Bernie already dressed as she cleaned a bit. Tails also was back into his clothing.

"I hadn't felt so energized in a long time, Tails. I am really thankful for doing this with me." Said the indigo hedgehog. "I-I know it was something I shouldn't...b-but it felt so good almost made it better..."

Bernie then blushed and chuckled. "I-I'm sorry. I must sound like such a pervert saying that! Haha!"
After some time spent playfully caressing and kissing one another in the shower in the aftermath of their intense lovemaking, Tails and Bernie finished cleaning themselves up, and once that was done, adjourned to the living room. By then, Tails was back in his normal clothing, and Bernie was dressed as well - although that didn't stop the young fox from being as attracted to her as ever - and he was preparing to leave. It had been a good visit - in more ways than one - but he had to get back to business sooner or later, after all.

"I had fun too, Mrs. Hedgehog, I-I mean...Bernie." Tails replied, blushing a bit as the hedgehog spoke of how much she had appreciated Tails's presence...even if it had been naughty. Coming a little closer, he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug, and stole a quick, but still deep kiss from her before stepping back with a bashful grin on his face.

"I-It's ok. I don't mind." he said, finding it more than a little arousing. Scuffing his foot against the floor a little, he shyly met her eyes. "U-Um...if it's ok with you, maybe I can come back sometime?" he said, opening the door as he prepared to leave.
Bernie was caught by surprise by the sudden kiss, but welcomed it in an instant. Even adding her tongue for a deep passionate one. Their lips parted and she smiled.

"Oh, I'd love too. I-I mean, if Sonic is not around, you're more than welcome to come and spend the time with me...there is so much fun we can have together." She blushed as she said the last bit, insinuating very clearly that he was free to visit her for a good sensual time...

"Althought I'd suggest you go see Princess Sally. I'm sure she and the other Freedom Fighters may need your help. Good luck, Tails. I believe that you can find my son..."

As the fox mobian walked out of the house, the woman waved goodbye, already hoping to see him again soon...
Tails smiled as Bernie agreed with the idea of him returning to spend more time with her sometime in the future, already finding himself looking forward to that time, and nodded his head. "Thank you. I'll do my best, and try to come back soon!" he said as he stepped outside, waving over his shoulder at the hedgehog woman, and taking off into the air to fly to his destination.

Taking Bernie's advice to heart, Tails decided to return to the Castle to see Princess Sally, and see if there was anything he could help with. One short flight later, he was landing in front of Castle Acorn and on his way inside, asking the guards where he could find the Princess and the rest of the Freedom Fighters, and heading that way.
The guards were happy to guide him through, crossing from hallway to hallway until reaching down to a set of stairs down, leading into a basement chamber. Inside was a familiar sight after a door automatically opened with him setting foot. A series of monitor screens by a big screen computer and a series of servers and computers. This was the Resistance Bunker they used during the Phantom Ruby incident.

In there there were three people: Sally, currently checking some info on a smaller screen; Nicole, who was hovering next to her, and Bunnie who was simply stretching as she waited. With the young fox's arrival, everyone looked his way.

"Well there's our lil' hero." Bunnie said excited.

"Welcome, Tails. I hope you don't mind. We're still using the Resistance Bunker for now since the Sky Patrol is still damaged." Sally explained, "Rotor is on his way to the crash site to start repairs, but it's a long trip. He insisted to be there tho."

A male voice suddenly interrupted, "Of course. The Sky Patrol is one of my bigegst work, no way I'm letting just anyone fix it back to shape!" Tails could ehard Rotor the Walrus' vocie coming from a device of his. It was his Miles Electric, currently placed on a table. "Heh, sorry you can't come with me, Tails. But the gals kind of need you over there."

"Yes, you kind of left your Miles Electric at the castle the other day..." Sally commented, although with a bit of stutter that seemed to fly by the others. Our hero could see her blushing a bit, clearly reminding him when did he left it there, that particular night...

"Either way, with the badnik's level currently on the green and the defense towers now at 80% power, I think we can start on taking back what we lost after the war with Eggman. And that's where we need your help, Tails." She then handed him his PAD device back to him. She looked to the Holo-Lynx beside her, giving her a nod before Nicole, hovered in the air and manifested a screen.

From said screen one could see a series of pcitures and schematics of some sort of tower. "Our first priority now should be in repairing our connections to the rest of the kingdom. This Communications Tower was one of our biggest points to keep a transmittion link between cities easier; Or it was until Eggman's attack." Sally Explained

Nicole floated close to Tails, looking at the fox as she said, "I tried to re-activate it remotely, but it seems to be entirely disconnected from the web. We need someone to give it a manual reboot..."

"And that's where you come in. You're practically one of the smartest guys I know. It'll be a breeze!" Rotor added in.

"So, i reckin' there's probably gonna be some Badniks or Egg PAwns that need a whooping, right?" Bunnie asked.

"Yup." Sally said with a smirk and a pepy nod, "While not many, there are still some aimless bots still circling the perimeter. Easy pickings really but Tails could use the support."

The half-robian rabbit grinned. Her hand splaced on her hips as she exclaimed "Then count on me, Sally gal!"

"Anything in your mind, Tails?" Asked the squirrel princess.

((Just letting Tails ask about anything, really.))
Following the Guards down into a basement chamber, Tails quickly recognized it as the Bunker he and the rest of their friends had used as their headquarters during the Phantom Ruby incident, and was filled with conflicting emotions at the sight. On the one hand, it represented the mobians' ability to stand up to Eggman and his forces, even without Sonic there to inspire them, but those had been dark times that had very nearly ended in disaster...and Tails hadn't exactly been at his best during those times.

But they'd come through in the end, and Tails had taken the incident as reason to improve himself; to try and stand on his own without having to rely on Sonic all the time. With that thought in mind, he entered the Bunker, smiling at the sight of three friends. "Hi, everyone!" he greeted as the girls all looked up at his entrance, waving as Bunnie in particular spoke up.

"I get it. We've got most everything we need here." Tails replied as Sally explained why they were still using the Bunker, rather than the Sky Patrol, which had been damaged and was still in need of repairs. Speaking of which, Rotor had gone to take care of that himself, and the fox jumped slightly as his voice cut in from his data pad, the Miles Electric, which he'd left behind...the other night.

Mirroring Sally's slight blush at the thought of what the two of them had done together that night, Tails tried to focus on the task at hand, nodding his head and accepting the PAD back as Sally explained that they needed his help. "Whatever you need, I can handle it!"

Together, Sally and Nicole explained that a Communication Tower on the outskirts of their current territory needed to be manually repaired and restarted in order to help them begin the process of reorganizing, and Tails was needed to do the job. Bunnie would be coming along to provide a little muscle in case the badniks in the area caused trouble. "I can handle it." he repeated with a nod of his head, trying to sound confident.

"When do we leave?" he asked with a grin, more than ready to do anything he could to help out.
"I'd say it'd be best if you head there as soon as possible." Nicole stated. "I do agree. It shouldn't be too much problem."

Everyone nodded in agreement and soon Tails and Bunnie made their way out of the bunker, Nicole simply desappearing back into her computer. Sally however quickly reached for the young Mobian and held his arm, yanking him softly to a corner away of anyone's sight.

"Tails...I..." Sally said, stuttering slightly, "I-I just wanted to say that I really meant it when I said I enjoiyed what we did the other night. IT had been a while, and with me and Sonic deciding to part on that area, well...I kind of needed someone to make me feel nice...I know I have to focus back on work, but, i wanted to make that clear..."

She was blushing agains, which this time she noticed and chuckles. "Hah, look at me. I'm look like such a dummy, don't I?"
Tails paused as Sally grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of sight, blushing again now that the two of them were alone, and listened intently as she spoke of what they'd done together and how she felt. He smiled bashfully as she finished, and shook his head before wrapping his arms around her and giving her a hug. "You could never look like that to me, Sally."

And since they were alone, he gathered up his courage and gave her a deep, long kiss as well, feeling butterflies flitting about his stomach as he did. "U-Um...I meant it when I said I was glad we did it too..." he said shyly when their lips parted, looking into her eyes. "D-Do you think...w-would it be alright..." Tails's blush deepened as he tried to find the words. "...could we do it again...sometime...?"
Sally was surprised by the kiss, but quickly kissed back, arms around him. Oh, it felt so good.

Parting lips,she looked at him blushing, smiling. "Of course! I'll look forward to it..." She had to focus on the mission, otherwise she'd be giving Tails a "reward" right about now...

She waved Tails goodbye and returned to the bunker, unaware that a floating figure was watching them both from a secret hidding spot, blushing brghtly at what she saw...


Eventually, Tails and Bunnie headed to the location of the communications tower. It wasn't too far away from Mobotropolis, amongst a trail and past a wooden bridge, on the upper spots of Green Hill Zone, the yellow Mobian passed through a series of threes and sunflowers to find a big radio tower made of steel and wood, by the looks of it Mobotropian architecture, that extended upwards.

Bunnie also arrived to his spot, crouching a bit behind some bushed before taking a look. Some Motorbugs appeared to be guarding the place. It was hard to tell if they were the only ones around or they were acting as guards for more troops...

"So sugar, do we go bashing everything, or do we sneak our way in?" asked Bunnie
Unaware that his private, intimate moment with Sally had actually been not so private, Tails left Mobotropolis behind and made his way to the communications tower with Bunnie in tow. Once they'd arrived, they crouched down behind some foliage in order to scope out the scene, and the young fox could soon see that they weren't alone. A few minor badniks could be seen patrolling the area, leaving Tails to wonder if they were the only guards or if there were more unseen somewhere, ready to attack any intruders.

Looking to Bunnie as she asked what he wanted to do, he put a fist into his palm and nodded his head. "We can handle some badniks, no problem!" he said with a grin. His own skills aside, Bunnie was a real powerhouse in a fight, so he wasn't particularly worried about whatever might be guarding the place. Besides, if they didn't clear out the badniks before they reclaimed the area, they might just break the equipment within the tower again.

So with that in mind, Tails revved up a spin dash from their hiding spot, and shot out into the open, crashing into the nearest Motorbug and pinballing off it into another, destroying both in the process. "Let's do it to it!"
"Heh, spoken just like the blue blur right there." Bunnie chuckled. Not surprised he could be just as courageous as Sonic is set his mind to. With a firm stance, the half-robian transformed her arm into a cannon and started to take care of the aerial baddies while Tails focused on the ground troops.

The Motorbugs broke into pieces as the radp-spin spind dash hit them, our hero bouncing from badnik to bandik, liberating the small animals inside.

Buzz Bombers attempted to shoot him down only for Bunnie to sweep by and destroy them. While she did Tails had a hard time not looking at her; She was so strong and confident. But also she was quite a looker, always wore that skinsuit that accentuated her features, round breasts and a curvy figure that may even rival Bernie or other mature ladies...

Some Egg Paws arrived from the bushes, probably being alerted of their sudden arrival. They carried spears of iron which they quickly threw in their direction.
While the two were making quick work of the initial group of badniks outside the Communications Tower, Tails couldn't help but notice Bunnie's form; toned and powerful in body, she was also very curvaceous with a very full, large chest that was only accentuated by the tight skinsuit she wore, and it was very hard not to stare even in the middle of the fight. Thankfully, Tails managed to keep his attention on the task at hand, and skidded to a stop after finishing up on the motobugs, dusting off his hands as the animals that had been trapped inside fled to safety.

"Well, that wasn't so bad-" he started to say, only to be interrupted by the arrival of several Egg Pawns from the bushes, throwing spears at the two mobians. Jumping to the side to avoid the thrown weaponry, Tails rushed an Egg Pawn and spun in a tight circle, whipping his twin tails around at high velocity and smacking it away.

From there, he jumped up into the air, tucked into a spinning ball, and landed heavily upon the Pawn before it could recover, shattering it's metal frame and shutting it down. Bouncing off of it and landing on the ground in a crouch, he came up and smacked another Pawn with a rising swing of his tails, hitting it up into the air. "You're up, Bunnie!" he called, having set up the Pawn for a shot from her arm cannon.
Bunnie attempted at first to shoot the Egg Pawn, but its spiked shield was resistant enough to block her blast, but then came Tails to spin it around, making the bot drop its shield as it stood there, comically dizzy, before the young fox smacked it away with his tails, sending it to a tree and smacking against it, part of the bot's frame cracking in the process before shutting down.

Then he rushed to another one, this time smacking it upwards into the air. As Tails called her, she smirked, "Right on, sugah!" Lunging her blaster arm forward she shot out a charged shot that went straight into the Egg Pawn, detonating it to pieces.

Only a single Pawn remained, and it seemed to know at it comically looked around to see Bunnie and Tails standing in a battle stance in front of him, the former having descended from the air. Glancing from one to the other before frantically picking on the fallen spears of its peers and pointing it towards them. It'd be sad f it weren't also hilarious.

But then, before the badnik could even rush at them, something caught everyone by surprise, bot included. A Egg Pawn spear suddenly pierced through the bot's body; It turning its heads back to see another Egg Pawn, who seemed to be moving rather erratically having just stabbed it through.

The Egg Pawn soon shut down and its aggressor simply pulled the weapon out of its destroyed frame. Something seemed odd about this new Egg Pawn; It looked like the others, but at the same time the way it walked seemed strange; It was constantly jittering, somewhat in a glitched fashion. Eyes started to glow red, a strange shocks of red electricity suddenly disaplying all over it. The Pawn started to wavle its arms and emit glitched sounds like crazy.

"Um, Tails. Do you know what could be happenin' with that there Ban--Woah!!!"

The Egg Pawn had suddenly lunged forward, at a surprised speed. Bunnie had leap to the side just in time to avoid a spear thrusted in the gut. The Egg Pawn then moved again, somehow moving super quick, before smacking the half-robian on the back of the head with the blunt area of the weapon. Egg Pawns were not designed with this agility; their frames ware not designed with that logic in mind! yet here it was this crazed bot breaking expectations. The Egg Pawn rose its arm at Bunnie as she was getting up. Suddenly charging a orb of concentrated energy, another thing its model usually was unable to do.

Tails had to act quick!!
Working together, Tails and Bunnie had made quick work of the group of Egg Pawns that had attacked them, soon leaving only one comically standing alone. Practically harmless on it's own, Tails might have been tempted to let it go, but before the two of them could decide on what to do with it, another Pawn joined the fray and destroyed it's comrade. "W-What?" Tails wondered aloud as he observed the new Pawn, which was acting quite strangely. Jittering about with red electricity sparking off of it, he'd certainly never seen one quite like it before, and shared a confused glance with Bunnie as she too wondered what was going on.

Before they could make heads or tails of it though, it was on the offensive, and Tails gasped in fear of his friend as she was knocked to the ground by the surprisingly fast malfunctioning Pawn. "B-Bunnie!" he exclaimed in shock, eyes widening as the Pawn did something else he'd never seen before, charging up a concentrated orb of energy in Bunnie's direction.

With no time to even rev up a spin dash, Tails charged forward as fast as his feet would carry him, and rammed himself shoulder-first into the Egg Pawn, hopefully knocking it to the ground before it could fire upon his friend. "Leave her alone!" he shouted as he stood atop the Pawn, raising his tails and bringing them down like twin hammers on the machine's chassis.
Bunnie winced, ready to get hit when the Egg Pawn was throws away by the powerful tail swipe. Eyes widening in surprise to see Tails saving her in the nick of time. The young fox had grown so much...

The Egg Pawn was thrown away and into the ground, rolling into the grass. However, even with part of itself destroyed, it got up once more as more glitched cries came out.

Bunnie this time was ready and started to fire up at it, while the badnik refused to perish.
Tougher than an average Egg Pawn as well, the machine survived Tails' attack, and the young fox grimaced as it gave more glitched cries, wondering just how much damage it could take. Back on her feet now though, Bunnie was ready to help out, charging up her arm cannon once more, which gave Tails an idea. Tucking into a spin dash and rocketing forward, Tails shot past the malfunctioning badnik towards a tree trunk behind it, bouncing off of it and pinballing back towards the Pawn in the hopes of crashing into it's back.

If done right, he would hopefully knock it off balance and sent it teetering towards Bunnie, who could finish it off with a powerful blast from her arm cannon. "You've got this, Bunnie! Take it down!"
His plan worked, the Egg Pawn was send towards Bunnie, who fully charged her blaste, point blank upon its face and then fired. While durable, it was too much for the Egg Pawn to handle, and the strong energy expelled from the bunnie mobian caused the bot to torn apart into pieces.

The strange energy did a faint humming noise before vanishing alongside its strange red sparks...

"Good thing none of the bots that attacked Mobotropolis got like that. Now that'd have been a big issue..." Bunnie said. "Let's just head inside already. That seems to be the last of 'em."

However, unknown to them, a figure lurked hidden behind the trees and vines. Not one of a robot, but Mobian...

"Pitch to Leader, over. The buildings been occupied." Whispered the figure into his communicator. Do not recognize the rabbit, but the two-tailed fox is with her, over..."

"Understood. Keep guard and do not move until my command. According to our data, he should be able to make it easier for us to take the tower, so await further calls..."

Standing up and dusting himself off after Bunnie finished off the powered up Pawn with a blast from her arm cannon, Tails watched as the strange energy that had been coming from the badnik vanished, and looked down at what was left of the machine curiously. What had caused that strange energy? Where had it come from? Could more badniks do it? If so, like Bunnie said, it'd be quite the concern! Sadly, without enough of the badnik left to properly examine, there wasn't much Tails could do about it now, so he nodded his head in agreement as Bunnie voted they move inside.

"Right, let's head inside." Tails said, turning from the remains of the badnik and walking alongside Bunnie towards the entrance to the communications tower. Putting thoughts of the strangeness to the side for now, he looked to the girl with a smile as they walked inside. "You're so strong, Bunnie. I'm glad you came with me. I would have been in trouble, otherwise." he said earnestly.

As beautiful as ever as well, Tails had to struggle not to look her up and down as they walked, and blushed a bit as he glanced away. "We make a pretty good team, huh?"
"Yeah...thanks." She smiled back, although on the back of her head she felt upset, having been defeated by the Egg PAwn so easily; It just helped tog row a feeling of self-deprication that had been building for a while...

Regardless, she knew they had a duty to fulfil, and so they made their way inside. A series of stairs lead both of them up. Sure, they could fly to the upper floors, but it was nice to just relax after the fight. Bunnie was going up first, so that meant that, as they continued, Tails was able to get a look at ehr shapely rear as they walked.

Such lovely curves and cute tail swaying with her hip movements, all udner the tight purple skinsuit, was making Tails' desires start to grow more and more...
Not quite picking up on Bunnie's internal dilemma, Tails continued on into the communications tower until they reached the stairs, and began to climb up after Bunnie as she led the way. All was quiet in the aftermath of the fight; no more badniks seemed to be waiting for them inside the tower, so they were able to take it easy for the moment. Unfortunately, this gave Tails nothing else to concentrate on other than the gorgeous view of Bunnie's backside she was inadvertently giving him as she climbed the stairs, making him a little more excited with each passing step.

The way her hips and ass swayed so alluringly with her steps up the stairs, her curves just begging to be explored, and the skintight view of her body through her was almost too much for him to handle. As things were, he couldn't help but stare, getting some very dirty thoughts about his longtime friend and near older sister figure.

" are things with you and Antoine?" he asked suddenly, trying to distract himself with words and the fact that Bunnie was supposedly in a relationship, meaning he had no chance with her, even if he wanted to. "I haven't seen him since I've been back..."
The dirty thoughts were hard to ignore, and he could feel hismelf starting to harden. Just the imagination of him touching, caressing that rear, maybe another hand touched her breast...bend her over like with Bernie and--

He managed to keep thinking on that by asking about Antoine, but that's when the mood dipped. Bunnie went quiet, trying to not face Tails directly. "Things been....complicated." She muttered. Her tone stopped sounding joyful.

Her mechanical hand made into a soft fist, eventually ighed as she explained. "We decided...well...that things weren't working out..."
Unable to keep himself from growing more and more excited the longer he stared at Bunnie, Tails could feel himself growing a little bit harder with each passing second. He was glad that Bunnie wasn't looking at him directly, so she couldn't notice, but it was still embarrassing. Thankfully, it grew a bit easier as Bunnie began to answer his question...even if it wasn't the answer he'd been expecting.

"W-What? Really?" Tails replied in surprise as Bunnie explained that things weren't working out with Antoine. He'd never have expected to hear that. "I-I'm sorry, Bunnie. What happened? I-I mean, you two always seemed so close. We all thought that you'd probably get married someday..."

Maybe he shouldn't have asked, since it seemed painful for Bunnie to talk about, but he couldn't help it. The two had been together almost as long as he could remember, so to hear this was quite the shock. Secretly though...was he feeling something else? His cheeks darkened at the thought, and he shook his head. This wasn't the time for that. He should try to be there for Bunnie instead.
"I-it's fine..." She explained, "Is just. didn't work out. We wanted different things, had different likes. He wanted to focus in his position as captain the the acorn army."

She still smiled despite her tone, "We're still in contact and broke it off in good terms,'s still quite a new thing to get used to. I heard he met a nice girl soldier under his tutorin', I'm sure they'll hit it off great."

She however, shook her head. "Still, we should focus on the task at hand, sugah." And with that they arrived at the control room. A series of panels and switches all over the room, carrying dust as it had been shut down for quite a while.

Bunnie crossed her arms and glanced at him (luckily not seeing his growth), "Well, time for you to show your skills, darlin'"
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