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Oddities of Raira (1x1 with Jikkah)


Jun 3, 2013
Under a rock
It was the beginning of second year at Raira Academy, and everyone was already meeting up with their friends to discuss what they had done over the summer. Heiwajima Shizuo, who usually walked around with his girlfriend on his arm, walked alone. His now ex-girlfriend, Mika Ayane, walked way behind him, lost in a sea of students as she kept from crying for maybe the third time that morning. She ignored anyone who asked her what had happened, just continued to walk to locate all her classes after she had placed everything in her locker and changed into her slippers.
Izaya Orihara, he was many things: a fleabag, an asshole, one might even call him the devil, but one thing people didn’t often expect from the odd teen was to have a girlfriend. Sure many girls chased after him, but he never returned any of their feelings; perhaps it was because he was already spoken for? Everyday when he was dropped off at school, there was always a girl in the car. She didn’t go to Raira, but appeared to be about the same age as Izaya- seriously, how could a fleabag like that get a girlfriend? Looks weren’t everything, but he surely wasn’t lacking in that department- rather it was odd that someone who claimed to love all humans, found one in particular that he loved the most.
Word got around about this mysterious girlfriend of Izaya's and it annoyed Shizuo to his core. How did such a shitbag get a girlfriend? It was gross, vile even, to think a girl could like him. But then again he was known for his temper and his strength, and he had a girl for a while. Guess even the impossible could really happen.
Now that Ayane was no longer at Shizuo’s side to stop the fights Izaya picked with him, chaos was sure to follow, it was only a matter of time before he showed his smarmy face to Shizuo. The first day of school went by without much of Izaya bugging him, but once the last he’ll of the day rang, it was like Shizuo could feel Izaya.
Speak of the devil and he shall show. Izaya had appeared while Shizuo was making his way across the sports field on his way home. Didn’t Izaya leave through the front of the school? Dirtbag followed him all the way over there.
“Not in particular- where’s Ayane-chan? I saw her at school today, did she go home early?” A smirk crossed his face. “Don’t tell me the rumors are true? Did you really break her heart, Shizu-chan~?”
He gnashed his teeth together, glaring hatefully, "Mine and Mika's relationship is none of your damned business." He snarled
“Oh? Is it just “Mika” now? So you two really did break it off?” This only made his smirk grow. “Good to know, thanks, Shizu-chan~” He gave a short wave, then turned on his heel. “Someone needs to make sure Ayane gets home safe.”
"You stay the hell away from her, Izaya!!" He shouted before taking his school bag and chucking it as hard as he could at the Orihara.
Izaya easily dodged the heavy bag full of new books, taking a few steps to his left and turning to walk backward, a shit-eating grin on his face. “She isn’t your property, Shizu-chan, you should treat women with more respect you know.”
“Izaya, you’re late.” It was Izaya’s girlfriend, standing just at the corner of the field, holding her own school bag, not looking concerned in the slightest as she watched Shizuo ready to beat the crap out of Izaya.
“The cars waiting.” She wore Jiyu Gakuen’s crest on her uniform, and she had the appearance of a doll; pale skin with dark hair and eyes, she was rather pretty, too pretty to be with Izaya.
Shizuo skidded to a halt and scowled. Damn, had she been just a moment later, he would have finally been able to break Izaya's spine over his knee.
“Maki-chan,” Izaya sauntered over to her, smiling widely. “My hero~”
“Damare, if you’re late again I’m telling the driver to keep going.” She turned and moved away from Izaya before he could get close to her, heading off back toward the front of the school.
“Well, that’s my cue, Shizu-chan, ja ne!” He grinned, giving him a wink before heading after this Maki.
The only thing Shizuo would be able to think of on the way home was Izaya. How he had a girlfriend, how even then, he was going to try and go after Ayane. What were his intentions with Ayane though? Nothing good that was for sure.
The next day, Izaya would be seen with the same girl who came to pick him up, only once his eyes landed on Ayane, he seemed to give less than a rats ass about her, simply closing the door and heading after Ayane. Although, in truth, he was never seen actually being lovey with the girl, it just wasn’t him, but didn’t she care Izaya was chasing other girls?
“Ayane-chan!” He moved to walk beside her, smiling at her, a smile that was so unbelievably disarming.
Ayane looked over when she heard her name, green eyes looking confused as well as out of place. A Japanese girl with green eyes?
She had heard about Izaya from the girls fawning over him but never really seen him in person. Though she knew who he was the moment she saw him. She turned away and kept walking, not wanting to get tangled up with him.
No luck, huh? Perhaps Shizuo has already skewed her vision of him? Well, he did have some nasty rumors floating about him about him being an unsavory person, those of which might not entirely be just rumors. “Ayane-chan, what’s the matter? You aren’t quite yourself lately.”
"I don't know you, you don't know me. Please do not approach me and assume you can speak to me so formally." She said, "We aren't friends, don't talk to me as if we were." Damn. Talk about the cold shoulder.
Izaya was actually stunned a bit, stopping in his tracks with a shocked expression on his face as he watched her walk away, then his grin was back. She was interesting. Usually his good looks were enough to disarm most girl at Raira, but Ayane didn’t seem to care one bit about that, interesting indeed.
She exhaled, keeping her head down as she moved to her locker; she was still really hung up over Shizuo to the point that even seeing him at school made her want to cry.
“Mika-chan.” Jeeze this guy just didn’t give up did he? Izaya moves to lean against the lockers, smiling that fox-like grin once more. “Forgive my poor manners, I was simply surprised by your beauty,” He bowed his head a bit, hand to his chest. “Orihara Izaya, nice to meet you.” Why was he giving her the time of day? He usually ignored any and every girl that chased after him, even the girls who didn’t, what was his angle?
Izaya held up his hand like she had just pointed a gun at him, smiling still. “You say that like I actively chase people away.” He let out a laugh. “I just wanted to get to know you, Mika-chan~”
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