- Joined
- Mar 10, 2018
- Location
- Hell-Also known as Bakersfield
Alright, I have done quite a lot of RPs and I have learned many things. In learning these things I have decided to make this request thread more efficient. By which I mean, I'm going to structure it in a way that filters out as many bad roleplayers as possible. If you think that you might be a bad RPer, don't up and leave this page just yet, there's still hope for you. It's the people that are bad but won't BELIEVE they're bad that are the issue. Those types who make obviously bad decisions in a RP and then blame me when their bad choices blow up in their faces. And not in the hot way. So to filter the requests I get, I'm going to just list a very simple step by step process EVERYONE who wants to RP with me MUST follow. And I'll know if you skip something. Alright, here's the process.
Ok, you've ready all those points? Ok? Ok. Now you can go on ahead. Don't ask about RPs that have been labeled as full.
At Capacity
New RP up and ready! Incubus twins, you're clear to be a girl or a boy, but if you decide to be a boy, well.... Yuuto has his tastes too, just be aware of that.
New RP
No takers yet
Shiny new RP! Take it on while it's hot. For the record, you aren't just dropped into the world, you do get to actually talk to the goddess.
Zero takers so far. Welcoming anyone who wishes to get taken.
Available - For a limited time, taking this will get you a bonus augment
At Capacity
Open for business
Open for business
- If you wanna RP with me, you've GOTTA read this Haku's School of Roles and Plays. You don't HAVE to read every single one through and through, but only skip them if you're fairly certain that point isn't an issue for you. If you screw up one of these things beyond a certain degree of slack, I'll know you skimped. These lessons aren't just for RPing with me, they're just generally good things to know, so even if you're just browsing, check it out. However the first lesson, Action and Reaction, is MANDATORY to read from start to finish. This is VERY important because it's the biggest source of RPs just DRAGGING endlessly even when my partner posts once a day or even less, and puts SO much weight onto ME to hard carry everything. If we start a RP and you VERY clearly don't know how Action and Reaction works, I'll know you skipped this rule, and I'm dipping. This is NOT fucking hard to do, this is a VERY simple lesson to learn, it is what you should be doing in EVERY. SINGLE. ROLEPLAY. And it's literally the first point in my request threads, as well as the first lesson in the School. And no, I do not care if you're sorry or if you SAY you'll do it better. Nobody. Ever. Fucking. Does. It's always the same SHIT, over and over again. Learn it FIRST, then start correctly. Nobody's perfect, I understand that, everyone gets a degree of slack, but if you blatantly drag scenes out for no reason without DOING ANYTHING, that's just more bullshit I do not want to wade through. So read the lesson, internalize it, and put in some actual fucking effort, or ignore my threads entirely.
- Read the RPs THOROUGHLY. If you get something glaringly wrong about the RP, I'm not going to trust your basic reading comprehension, and that's going to spiral poorly. Read them a couple times if need be.
- If you're on a phone, or you're just that person, SPELL CHECK. Everyone makes errors, that's fine so long as I can understand what you mean most of the time. In your opening PM though, SPELL CHECK. Always prefer to take LONGER to post something than to rush through it and make a bunch of mistakes. If your initial message is a mangled mess, I'm not even going to respond.
- I'm here to ROLEPLAY, not to have text sex. Don't get confused, I want PLENTY of sex IN said roleplays, but it's not like porn where the story is just a backdrop at best and everything devolves into just straight up sex within seconds. Some of my RPs across my 3 request threads are VERY VERY heavily about sex, some of them are technically not about SEX at all, but the characters can still have sex, even a lot of it, the story just doesn't inherently DEMAND the sex. I fully desire for sex to be in ALL my RPs, if I wanted something safe for work, I'd be somewhere else. But sex isn't THE reason I'm here, I enjoy making stories. I enjoy creating a narrative. If that narrative is about having sex, there's still a NARRATIVE there AROUND the sex, and I do NOT like it when people neglect that. We both have characters, those characters should be PEOPLE that live in whatever world we're in. If the ONLY thing on your character's mind is sex sex sex then I don't want to RP with you. Not every situation calls for just sex, if your only goal is to have sex, PISS OFF. Again, not in a hot way. Which reminds me.
- Kinks, this one's important. I have ONE kink that I absolutely refuse, and it's scat. If you even tangentially bring that up, RP's done, and also I'm not talking to you anymore in general. Keep FAR away from that topic. I'm REALLY hardline about this rule, because it's my ONE fucking kink rule, and it's VERY easy to obey. So easy that NOBODY has screwed this up with me ever. Don't be the first. Aside from this, ANYTHING else is on the table, which brings me to.
- Kinks, but for you. As the previous point says, ANYTHING except the one thing is on the table, that doesn't mean I'm going to start throwing just ANYTHING at you. Again, ROLEPLAY. Narrative. Settings. Worldbuilding. There are some WEIRD kinks out there and there's loads that just don't make sense in a wide variety of situations. Basically if a RP doesn't say SPECIFICALLY that it includes any particular odd kink, just assume it doesn't at all. If you want something weird, it's your job to bring it up. You can do that in an OOC message if it's something I need to do, or you can just put it into the RP on your own, though DO keep in mind, again, CHARACTERS. If the character you decide to piss on doesn't appreciate the surprise, don't get mad at me. Now I've talked about my absolute no, I've talked about how you might get the kinks YOU want. Well.
- Kinks, but for me. Honestly, just scroll down, you'll figure out what I generally enjoy. The School will go over some shit you just shouldn't do, particularly about Free Use, but to summarize, if a RP clearly involves a character being fucked by multiple people, DON'T send me a message asking if you can monopolize her. Now the kinks I enjoy are generally spread out, though once again any kink that makes sense can be introduced in any RP, it's all a matter of interest. So to be efficient, in your message just tell me if you do or do not approve of Yaoi (that's "Boy's Love" for the uninitiated). Since nearly every RP CONTAINS guys, it's therefore possible for almost ANY RP to therefore have gay guys. So if you aren't interested in that, simply let me know and I'll not have any of my characters pursue your characters. Not seriously at least. Again, narrative, so if it makes sense for a character to flirt, he still will, just like, say no. You'll never be forced to fuck a guy. Which actually brings me to.
- No, I will NOT "just delete men". If you don't like fucking men, don't ask for a RP where fucking men is specifically stated to be highly relevant, such as Sex Ed High School. NO, I'm not going to change all the men into Futas, I'm not going to just remove the men entirely, and no I'm not going to let you play that RP if you don't like fucking men. The RP is about fucking EVERYONE, so if you're not willing to do that, it's not for you. Find another one. Though if you don't like fucking men, why are you even on this thread? I'll make changes to RPs, but small details, not massive thematic alterations. So basically if you're a lesbian that doesn't like dudes, don't pick the RP with lots of dudes. I'm not changing them. Changing the gender of a specific romance target IS fine though.
- This one's just a bit of a tip. Roleplay, use it to ask questions. I find OOC chatter can get annoying when my partner is trying to plan out TONS of stuff. We're weaving a narrative, not co-writing a book. If you want to know if my character likes anal, have YOUR character ask about it, don't just message me separately to ask to magically provide your character knowledge from beyond the 4th wall. The only questions you really need to ask out of character, and even then not always, is like worldbuilding stuff. Things your character should already know, like if Ogres exist in this particular fantasy world for example, or dragons or elves and so on. Trying to plan out a whole scenario doesn't work though, if you have an idea for what you want your character to do, just pursue that goal IN THE ROLEPLAY! That's what it's for! Don't message me saying you want to learn fire magic, ASK AROUND ABOUT FIRE MAGIC! Then voila, I will know "Oh. I should make a fire mage." If you feel the need to message me because you want your character to do something very specific that requires my characters behave in a very specific way in order to allow your character to react in a manner that achieves what you want....... No. Fuck off now, that's not how Roleplay works. That's called a novel, go write one. You don't dictate how my characters act, I won't dictate how your characters act, we react NATURALLY to one another. If that's too much for you to handle, then the filter is working.
- I usually respond fairly quickly to messages, both requests and RPs. I'm available most of the time, though I still need to sleep of course, and I'm not just sitting at my computer all day waiting for a PM, so if you're unlucky it could take a day for me to respond, but unless you break one of these rules, or you make the RP a chore by not learning from my School, I WILL respond as soon as I can. After YEARS of roleplaying with bad partners, I've started to just ghost people that make the RP a chore for me to respond to. Yeah I know, technically I should message them and say it's not working out or something, but I can't do that. You see, bad roleplayers, are obnoxious assholes I find. I just can't "break up" with someone without explaining WHY. Doing that, requires I point out what they did WRONG. Literally every single time I've done this, in a constructive manner mind you I don't just start going "You fucking suck so bad, fix your shit" or anything like that, I just get "Well YOU actually are the one who sucks" thrown back at my face with NO justification for what I supposedly did wrong. I'm honestly sick and tired of wasting HOURS going in depth about what my partner did poorly and how to fix it and them not even acknowledging a SINGLE one of their mistakes. So yeah, if I just stop responding, well, if this new setup is doing its job correctly, you're probably an old partner who is seeing this for the first time. Go check my School thread in step 1. 99.99% of the time I stopped responding because you did one or more of those things I created the School to STOP people doing. Hell, you might BE in one of those lessons. If you are, and you have learned and accepted what you did wrong and why it's not conducive to good RP, and you have fixed the bad habit, then I might give you another chance. It's also likely I won't even remember you depending on how long it has been so basically you'd have another chance at a first impression. Don't waste it. Unless you're the guy who inspired the Lessons in Logic post. You'll know who you are by reading it, and you can eat a dick. Again, NOT in a hot way.
- Last thing, but this is pretty important. TELL ME YOUR CHARACTER'S NAME, AND INCLUDE A PICTURE OR DESCRIBE IN DETAIL THE APPEARANCE! Keep the lessons in mind when making your character's various attributes, but you have NO FUCKING IDEA how many people will leave out a character's NAME AND APPEARANCE until I literally fucking strangle it the fuck out of them! You don't have to have a character ready to go upon your first message, sometimes you found 2 or even 3 RPs that really interest you and you want my input on which one you should take, which I'm happy to help narrow it down. However once you've decided on one, ALWAYS give me your character details. Use your common sense, if in the RP I need to know a bunch of stuff about your character's history and shit, then I'll probably ask for it. However normally JUST appearance and name should be good enough, I can find out whatever other stuff you've got for a backstory in the RP itself. Tell me what I need to know, and leave it at that. But I always always ALWAYS need to know appearance and name. ALWAYS, NO EXCEPTIONS! It doesn't matter if I'm starting the RP, or if you're starting it. ALWAYS give me these things. Include it in an OOC message or put it in the first post if you're starting it. ALWAYS. DO NOT FUCKING FORGET THIS OR I WILL NOT RP WITH YOU! I'M REALLY TIRED OF HAVING TO DIG SUCH BASIC INFORMATION OUT OF PEOPLE! THIS SHOULDN'T BE DIFFICULT! I should clarify, when I say describe in DETAIL the appearance, I mean DETAIL. Clothing is whatever, that's subject to change constantly of course. Physically though I should always know what your character looks like. Dick size, breast size, hair color, eye color, basic ass shit ok? Seriously, don't forget.
Ok, you've ready all those points? Ok? Ok. Now you can go on ahead. Don't ask about RPs that have been labeled as full.
Many decades ago in Japan, there was a family. That family had some manner of genetic quirk that had a few very distinct effects. The first is it negated any negative effects of in-breeding. The second important effect, is that it made this family very very sexually attracted to one another. Every generation they tried to resist, as it is "wrong" of course, but they always gave in. Today, the descendants of that little family, never attempted to resist at all. Not even slightly. This family fucking is just par for the course. They must keep it secret from outsiders of course, but in the privacy of their own home sexuality is welcome.
You are the middle child of this family. You have an older brother, then there's you, then there's your little sister. Your brother and father have their work cut out for them with so many women to take care of, but luckily this genetic quirk buffed their balls too. They can cum 2-3 times in a row before they go soft. Then they just need a minute or two to recharge. Very useful. As the middle girl of the family, you've been a cocksleeve for your big brother and father for a while now, and they've been your dildos for the same amount of time. You're in high school along with your little sister, but your brother is out of school already, so getting worked up at school can be a little challenging, though your darling little sis is always happy to help. Especially since she clearly inherited your mother's bust. Quite fun to play with those.
Yes, your father and mother are siblings, thanks for asking. Have fun.
You are the middle child of this family. You have an older brother, then there's you, then there's your little sister. Your brother and father have their work cut out for them with so many women to take care of, but luckily this genetic quirk buffed their balls too. They can cum 2-3 times in a row before they go soft. Then they just need a minute or two to recharge. Very useful. As the middle girl of the family, you've been a cocksleeve for your big brother and father for a while now, and they've been your dildos for the same amount of time. You're in high school along with your little sister, but your brother is out of school already, so getting worked up at school can be a little challenging, though your darling little sis is always happy to help. Especially since she clearly inherited your mother's bust. Quite fun to play with those.

Yes, your father and mother are siblings, thanks for asking. Have fun.
Fantasy has crossed with reality as you, you ordinary little human you, has been chosen to transform dramatically into a MAGICAL GIRL! Not just any magical girl though! You, brave hero, have been selected to be Magical Girl Cumslut! You shall defend the world from magical threats, mostly involving massive cocks, tentacles and tons and tons of semen. Don't worry, all your powers are suited to the task! You are a POWERHOUSE for being taken to pound town! Your powers will run out if you don't have sex outside your magical girl form, so be sure to not slack off.
Oh uh, there is just, like, ONE very super duper MINOR quirk regarding your newfound powers. See, you're actually, a guy. So when you transform, we've gotta fix that.
Pretty self explanatory, you're a human guy, and you get the powers to transform, turning into a girl. A magical girl specifically, but to you more importantly, a girl. Vagina and everything. Your appearance is entirely your decision, both your male form and your magical girl appearance. Either way you're going to be fucked as a girl by lots of cocks of different types, maybe even other things. As a man you actually have some say in who you screw. You can go for girls, or you can be a femboy slut as well, double dipping if you will. Or whatever else your loins desire. So come along now Cumslut, you've got some work to do.
Oh uh, there is just, like, ONE very super duper MINOR quirk regarding your newfound powers. See, you're actually, a guy. So when you transform, we've gotta fix that.
Pretty self explanatory, you're a human guy, and you get the powers to transform, turning into a girl. A magical girl specifically, but to you more importantly, a girl. Vagina and everything. Your appearance is entirely your decision, both your male form and your magical girl appearance. Either way you're going to be fucked as a girl by lots of cocks of different types, maybe even other things. As a man you actually have some say in who you screw. You can go for girls, or you can be a femboy slut as well, double dipping if you will. Or whatever else your loins desire. So come along now Cumslut, you've got some work to do.
Welcome heroine! To the Reality Rescue Team! You're probably wondering how you got here. Well sometimes you get hit by a bus. Unfortunate. However, you have been selected as a heroine to rescue different dimensions from world ending calamities, OR at least rescuing people FROM said worlds. Some worlds are just a lost cause, but you do what you can. This will be your afterlife, dedicated rescue of endless realities. To be more specific, you're going to be rescuing the worlds that are in danger of sex based calamities. There's a LOT of those actually, turns out countless paths to destruction arise from lots and lots of sex. Earth's probably fine, don't worry about it. Some missions will be easy, others may be lengthy, and some, may be dangerous. Don't lose focus and just keep going, and you'll do just fine. You WERE chosen for this after all. For each reality you go to, you will be given special abilities to help you along on your missions. You'll have some baseline powers, such as super stamina and super regeneration, just in case of beheading, but your other powers will vary from world to world depending on what you need. A System is available should you wish to customize your power set for each mission, also it makes missions more like a game which is fun and studies show causes fewer psychological breaks.
Your first mission will be a breeze. An alternate version of Earth has a population that's absolutely tanking. Their problems aren't going to get any better because the desire to procreate has plummeted for a number of reasons. You will be sent there to spark the desire of sex. Well, specifically, you need to spark so much sex in public venues that at least one country begins instituting free use laws. With any luck your efforts will cause many public orgies which will inspire the leadership to follow your example. Once the first country shows results from making the public use of women as sex toys the legal standard, your job will be completed. Then you can move on to the NEXT job! FUN! For this mission your womb will be sterilized. This job could possibly take an extended period of time, and pregnancy in this mission would hamper your efforts.
We understand these missions can sometimes be stressing, so you have been given an Artificial Companion that will accompany you on your missions and can access the Hero database as well as pull different information to keep you informed. Do not worry, he is highly functional. That is covert speak for, it gets bigger. Ahem, his cock is adjustable to any size and shape you desire. Enjoy. His ass is also very stretchy and he is indestructible, so play with him however you wish.
This is the ultimate sex fantasy RP. You will travel to a variety of worlds where literally any sexual fantasy will come true, as you use your sexy little body to solve various sex based conundrums so that the worlds they are threatening don't fall to..... Something, it'd be bad, but you don't need to worry about that, cause you're gonna fix them all! Your character's body can be altered in any number of ways, though your options will be dependent upon where you end up, the first mission for example will be low magic, but other worlds may allow you to access magical powers and stuff. You'll be able to make your boobs bigger, make your body smaller, turn into a furry, grow a cock, maybe even grow 2 cocks. And that's the tip of the really horny iceberg. Cum join the Reality Rescue Team!
Your first mission will be a breeze. An alternate version of Earth has a population that's absolutely tanking. Their problems aren't going to get any better because the desire to procreate has plummeted for a number of reasons. You will be sent there to spark the desire of sex. Well, specifically, you need to spark so much sex in public venues that at least one country begins instituting free use laws. With any luck your efforts will cause many public orgies which will inspire the leadership to follow your example. Once the first country shows results from making the public use of women as sex toys the legal standard, your job will be completed. Then you can move on to the NEXT job! FUN! For this mission your womb will be sterilized. This job could possibly take an extended period of time, and pregnancy in this mission would hamper your efforts.
We understand these missions can sometimes be stressing, so you have been given an Artificial Companion that will accompany you on your missions and can access the Hero database as well as pull different information to keep you informed. Do not worry, he is highly functional. That is covert speak for, it gets bigger. Ahem, his cock is adjustable to any size and shape you desire. Enjoy. His ass is also very stretchy and he is indestructible, so play with him however you wish.

This is the ultimate sex fantasy RP. You will travel to a variety of worlds where literally any sexual fantasy will come true, as you use your sexy little body to solve various sex based conundrums so that the worlds they are threatening don't fall to..... Something, it'd be bad, but you don't need to worry about that, cause you're gonna fix them all! Your character's body can be altered in any number of ways, though your options will be dependent upon where you end up, the first mission for example will be low magic, but other worlds may allow you to access magical powers and stuff. You'll be able to make your boobs bigger, make your body smaller, turn into a furry, grow a cock, maybe even grow 2 cocks. And that's the tip of the really horny iceberg. Cum join the Reality Rescue Team!
Althion is a world ruled by magic. The peak of magic, is the dragons. However, one of the most powerful of all the dragons, Celerical the Celestial Dragon, has grown bored. Every day is the same, and the dragons are so mighty nothing can shake them. Things are so stable. Centuries of this has rendered life dull. Celerical, or as he now prefers, Celec, has an idea. He approaches you with a proposition. Take on humanoid forms and travel the lands of Althion. Take on challenges, see how far they can go without resorting to unleashing their full draconic power.
Also have sex. Like a LOT of it. Like as much sex with as many people as possible. Celec needs to explore the benefits of the body he created.
Pretty simple, horny dragons, roaming the land, just trying to have some fun. Go wild.
Also have sex. Like a LOT of it. Like as much sex with as many people as possible. Celec needs to explore the benefits of the body he created.
Pretty simple, horny dragons, roaming the land, just trying to have some fun. Go wild.

The whole world, has been destroyed!
Like, metaphorically. Due to a bunch of really complicated things, the regular world collided with some kind of fantasy world. Most of that doesn't really matter to the average person, what does, is that magical people are now integrating into modern human society. This whole worlds colliding thing understandably caused a good bit of chaos on both sides. As such, many social programs were enacted to get everyone a bit more adapted to the way the world now is. Progress has been made, humans and Mythics, as is now the blanket term, have gotten into a decent starting stage.
Which brings us to your particular situation. You were signed up for a mandatory Mythic Occupation Program. Without your knowledge. Communication has been iffy since all this started, since Mythics don't understand a lot of the technology or procedures. So, you arrived home and encountered a blonde haired Elf boy. Making himself at home.
Like, metaphorically. Due to a bunch of really complicated things, the regular world collided with some kind of fantasy world. Most of that doesn't really matter to the average person, what does, is that magical people are now integrating into modern human society. This whole worlds colliding thing understandably caused a good bit of chaos on both sides. As such, many social programs were enacted to get everyone a bit more adapted to the way the world now is. Progress has been made, humans and Mythics, as is now the blanket term, have gotten into a decent starting stage.
Which brings us to your particular situation. You were signed up for a mandatory Mythic Occupation Program. Without your knowledge. Communication has been iffy since all this started, since Mythics don't understand a lot of the technology or procedures. So, you arrived home and encountered a blonde haired Elf boy. Making himself at home.

Futabu Boy's Academy is a very prestigious all boy's school in Tokyo. Graduates are said to be guaranteed high tier positions in whatever field they pursue. This school boasts incredibly well trained teachers, an efficient education plan, a top tier work ethic, and a well earned reputation for success.
How? Because every student at this school is a cute femboy that is taught not only ordinary subjects, but also how to take a thick cock up their ass and beg for another! Yes! The true secret to this school's consistently high performance, is because the campus is effectively a haven for cute boys. This school teaches and encourages each student to maintain their good looks. By doing this, they assure they are always looking their best and are ready to face the world with their best face forward! Each student is obliged to sexually service the all male staff on command. This teaches the students to always be prepared, no matter the circumstances. Students are never caught slacking here, and they won't be caught out in the professional world either! Students are also encouraged to have sex with one another, and frequently. This teaches the importance of maintaining a healthy social life and not allowing stress to build up and cause you harm! The gallons of semen shot inside and onto the boys every day must also be cleaned up properly. This of course teaches the students the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.
Yes, Futabu Academy's methods are revolutionary and genius. Graduates consistently achieve high status positions across many industries. Some start their own businesses, and others join established corporations and thrive. Some enter the porn industry and even then, they rise to the TOP! Excellence is simply evident at this school.
Now, that's not to say the students are robots. Of course they can get mischievous from time to time. They are largely free to roam the dorms, how else would they be able to have sex with one another at night? However, there are restrictions at this school that some students may flit around. The school is composed entirely of men, the students all boys, so why is the school's nurse a busty woman? Students are restricted to the school's campus except on days off, and then they must follow certain guidelines regarding how to behave in public. This school is not making law breaking degenerates of course. Buuuut, it's not IMpossible to slip out of school for a while, see what adventures can be had in the city. Why are some parts of the school off limits? What intriguing secrets lie in this school? Are the ghost stories true? Are they blown out of proportion? A school this large, must have so many interesting corners to explore. That's not even considering how interesting the other students are bound to be.
Yuki Nekotsumata
Excitable Second year student.
Always eager to help, and always eager for some fun. Whatever form that fun takes.
Hello there! Well now that that's done, into the nitty gritty. First of all, obvious part, this is a Femboy RP. So if you're not gonna be playing a femboy ready to have his cute little ass pounded on the regular, turn around and.... Phrasing. Go away. Second, you can be a first or a second year. Basically you can be a newbie at the school, or you can have a year under your belt. I suggest 1st year personally, so everything is new to you. As a 1st year you can be shy about sex, you can be a prude and not have known about the sex part, you can be a super slut and dive all in on the sex, you can think you're not into guys, heh that won't last for long. Whatever you want.
Yuki is an ever helpful second year. There are lots and lots of scenarios we can explore in this vast school of possibilities. That includes deciding to go after women as well, if you can think of a way to do something, you can certainly try. You know my limit, so bring it on!!!!
How? Because every student at this school is a cute femboy that is taught not only ordinary subjects, but also how to take a thick cock up their ass and beg for another! Yes! The true secret to this school's consistently high performance, is because the campus is effectively a haven for cute boys. This school teaches and encourages each student to maintain their good looks. By doing this, they assure they are always looking their best and are ready to face the world with their best face forward! Each student is obliged to sexually service the all male staff on command. This teaches the students to always be prepared, no matter the circumstances. Students are never caught slacking here, and they won't be caught out in the professional world either! Students are also encouraged to have sex with one another, and frequently. This teaches the importance of maintaining a healthy social life and not allowing stress to build up and cause you harm! The gallons of semen shot inside and onto the boys every day must also be cleaned up properly. This of course teaches the students the importance of cleanliness and hygiene.
Yes, Futabu Academy's methods are revolutionary and genius. Graduates consistently achieve high status positions across many industries. Some start their own businesses, and others join established corporations and thrive. Some enter the porn industry and even then, they rise to the TOP! Excellence is simply evident at this school.
Now, that's not to say the students are robots. Of course they can get mischievous from time to time. They are largely free to roam the dorms, how else would they be able to have sex with one another at night? However, there are restrictions at this school that some students may flit around. The school is composed entirely of men, the students all boys, so why is the school's nurse a busty woman? Students are restricted to the school's campus except on days off, and then they must follow certain guidelines regarding how to behave in public. This school is not making law breaking degenerates of course. Buuuut, it's not IMpossible to slip out of school for a while, see what adventures can be had in the city. Why are some parts of the school off limits? What intriguing secrets lie in this school? Are the ghost stories true? Are they blown out of proportion? A school this large, must have so many interesting corners to explore. That's not even considering how interesting the other students are bound to be.

Yuki Nekotsumata
Excitable Second year student.
Always eager to help, and always eager for some fun. Whatever form that fun takes.
Hello there! Well now that that's done, into the nitty gritty. First of all, obvious part, this is a Femboy RP. So if you're not gonna be playing a femboy ready to have his cute little ass pounded on the regular, turn around and.... Phrasing. Go away. Second, you can be a first or a second year. Basically you can be a newbie at the school, or you can have a year under your belt. I suggest 1st year personally, so everything is new to you. As a 1st year you can be shy about sex, you can be a prude and not have known about the sex part, you can be a super slut and dive all in on the sex, you can think you're not into guys, heh that won't last for long. Whatever you want.
Yuki is an ever helpful second year. There are lots and lots of scenarios we can explore in this vast school of possibilities. That includes deciding to go after women as well, if you can think of a way to do something, you can certainly try. You know my limit, so bring it on!!!!
Most creatures are not capable of remembering their birth. You are though, as you were born fully formed, in an instant. You in but a moment, simply were. In one of the endless layers of the Underworld a teenaged incubus acquires breath and mind. Your naked body does not need to be nourished and grow, you are already complete. You do not absorb from your environment to develop a personality, nor do you need to learn basic concepts such as language, these things are simply innate in you. You are not all knowing however. There is plenty you must learn in order to be a proper Incubus. Soon after taking your first steps, you are enrolled by your elder Incubi, who also appear as teenaged boys, in The Cock Academy. A very accurate name, as literally the first task you must perform, is your first meal.
This simple lesson is the backbone of your life.
Incubi survive on lust.
Incubi thrive on souls.
Incubi live with their bodies.
You will learn at this school. You will learn how to be a proper Incubus. You will learn of your responsibilities, you will learn all manner of magic, you will in time travel to the human world, and you will play the grand game of the Underworld. Amass power, raise your station, and do not get left behind with the dregs of the Below. The things that happen to Incubi that do not use their natural gifts properly, are things no demon would wish upon even an enemy.
Luckily, you don't necessarily need to do any of this alone. You were born with another. He is, therefore, your brother. You knew him the moment you became real beside one another. Your bond has been in place for all eternity, as you perceive it at least.
Hiroto is your brother. His personality is somewhat reserved, he's not the most go get 'em of the Incubi to say the least. He's a hard worker though, always trying his best. He has been this way for the entire eternity you have known him. The fact your eternity encompasses about 10 seconds doesn't matter at all. Hiroto will be at your side, and he may help you rise to the top, or drag you to the Below. He will be your most fervent ally, but whether or not he's useful may depend on how willing you are to use him as a tool. Or, perhaps he'll shine when let loose on his own? Maybe he'll even overshadow you? The journey to the top is rife with branching paths and decisions that can ripple through realities. Good luck.
This simple lesson is the backbone of your life.
Incubi survive on lust.
Incubi thrive on souls.
Incubi live with their bodies.
You will learn at this school. You will learn how to be a proper Incubus. You will learn of your responsibilities, you will learn all manner of magic, you will in time travel to the human world, and you will play the grand game of the Underworld. Amass power, raise your station, and do not get left behind with the dregs of the Below. The things that happen to Incubi that do not use their natural gifts properly, are things no demon would wish upon even an enemy.
Luckily, you don't necessarily need to do any of this alone. You were born with another. He is, therefore, your brother. You knew him the moment you became real beside one another. Your bond has been in place for all eternity, as you perceive it at least.

Hiroto is your brother. His personality is somewhat reserved, he's not the most go get 'em of the Incubi to say the least. He's a hard worker though, always trying his best. He has been this way for the entire eternity you have known him. The fact your eternity encompasses about 10 seconds doesn't matter at all. Hiroto will be at your side, and he may help you rise to the top, or drag you to the Below. He will be your most fervent ally, but whether or not he's useful may depend on how willing you are to use him as a tool. Or, perhaps he'll shine when let loose on his own? Maybe he'll even overshadow you? The journey to the top is rife with branching paths and decisions that can ripple through realities. Good luck.
As an attractive Japanese high school girl, it's more or less impossible not to be exposed to Hentai at some point. Everyone has those certain needs, so perhaps you've engaged in that kind of thing a few times. Or, perhaps you avoid it like the plague? Regardless, who doesn't know at least a bit about it? Well, you at least, are going to learn a whole lot more.
You wake up in a new world, though, you aren't entirely aware of that right away. As this world, looks just like the Japan you know and love. Things have been, shifted a bit, though. First of all, you now seem to live alone. Your parents are apparently "Always away on business". Kinda suspicious, but what's way more suspicious, is nobody you knew seems to be around. Instead, complete strangers that act as if they've always known you are around. Most really cute guys, others girls, but all strangers. When you find out this world is actually a hentai world, well, you find out rather bluntly. How else can you explain how someone running into you from around a corner could possibly result in falling like THAT. That's not how physics works at all!
To make matters worse, the type of hentai you're in seems to change, REALITY itself will shift around. Flirty childhood friend one second, then you walk into school and your outfit has changed, and apparently it's your JOB today to be the boy's sexual relief doll!?
The ONLY saving grace is the people around you don't seem to get VIOLENT, but with how out of your control things seem to be, not to mention some subtle instinct nudging you just a bit, inclining you to go with the flow, they don't really need to. With how bizarre this place was, it was probably possible to look for rougher treatment, but with any luck you could at least avoid SOMETHING here.
This world is insane. You just HAVE to find a way to get back home, something must have brought you here, surely you can just find out what it was and work backwards from there?
Ooooooor.... You could, do other things. That's always an option too. Who knows what situations you could draw out of this world if you actually went looking?
You wake up in a new world, though, you aren't entirely aware of that right away. As this world, looks just like the Japan you know and love. Things have been, shifted a bit, though. First of all, you now seem to live alone. Your parents are apparently "Always away on business". Kinda suspicious, but what's way more suspicious, is nobody you knew seems to be around. Instead, complete strangers that act as if they've always known you are around. Most really cute guys, others girls, but all strangers. When you find out this world is actually a hentai world, well, you find out rather bluntly. How else can you explain how someone running into you from around a corner could possibly result in falling like THAT. That's not how physics works at all!
To make matters worse, the type of hentai you're in seems to change, REALITY itself will shift around. Flirty childhood friend one second, then you walk into school and your outfit has changed, and apparently it's your JOB today to be the boy's sexual relief doll!?
The ONLY saving grace is the people around you don't seem to get VIOLENT, but with how out of your control things seem to be, not to mention some subtle instinct nudging you just a bit, inclining you to go with the flow, they don't really need to. With how bizarre this place was, it was probably possible to look for rougher treatment, but with any luck you could at least avoid SOMETHING here.
This world is insane. You just HAVE to find a way to get back home, something must have brought you here, surely you can just find out what it was and work backwards from there?
Ooooooor.... You could, do other things. That's always an option too. Who knows what situations you could draw out of this world if you actually went looking?
Lightning. Destruction. Healing. Speed. Motion. Desire. Illusion.
There are countless concepts, limited only by the imaginations of the sentient. What if you could acquire magic based on one such concept?
That question, now has the potential to be answered. You don't know where you are, somehow plucked from your original world perhaps? Perhaps kidnapped and forced into some super realistic VR game testing secret brain interface technology? Maybe there was something very wrong with your dinner? You have no idea, but what you do know is upon waking you were faced with a floating blue screen. The screen said something along the lines of "Concept Class missing. Focus on a Concept you are most familiar with to acquire a Concept Class."
This was some spooky magic rpg shit. You are still aware of your surroundings, you can feel and see, everything seems right. This text box won't go away though. You cannot touch it, you cannot get away from it, you can't even stop seeing it by pressing your face to the ground or shutting your eyes. Unless you want a perpetual distraction as you figure out what the fuck is going on, you'll need a "Concept Class". If it's important enough for a magical floating pop-up to constantly bug you about it, you should probably take it seriously. So, which concept should you focus on?
There are countless concepts, limited only by the imaginations of the sentient. What if you could acquire magic based on one such concept?
That question, now has the potential to be answered. You don't know where you are, somehow plucked from your original world perhaps? Perhaps kidnapped and forced into some super realistic VR game testing secret brain interface technology? Maybe there was something very wrong with your dinner? You have no idea, but what you do know is upon waking you were faced with a floating blue screen. The screen said something along the lines of "Concept Class missing. Focus on a Concept you are most familiar with to acquire a Concept Class."
This was some spooky magic rpg shit. You are still aware of your surroundings, you can feel and see, everything seems right. This text box won't go away though. You cannot touch it, you cannot get away from it, you can't even stop seeing it by pressing your face to the ground or shutting your eyes. Unless you want a perpetual distraction as you figure out what the fuck is going on, you'll need a "Concept Class". If it's important enough for a magical floating pop-up to constantly bug you about it, you should probably take it seriously. So, which concept should you focus on?
In a rarely traveled section of Mizutani High School there lays an old, abandoned classroom. Officially this room contains nothing more than some dusty old furniture, a few desks, maybe a table and some chairs. Nothing anyone wishes to bother carting out of there. However, after school a certain club gathers here. The Secret Love Club. Students having sex in dark corners is nothing new, but this club is a little more than that. Students that stumble upon this little club will find themselves quickly swept away. Within this classroom you discover a shocking display.
Yuuto is the school's resident pretty boy. Practically a celebrity, everyone knows him, all the girls want to date him, all the boys want to be him. So far he's not gone out with anyone, seemingly being unreachable.
His twin sister Ayumi holds similar popularity. She's petite, pretty, and by all accounts she's an absolute sweetheart. So it came as quite a shock when you opened the door to find both twins, both BROTHERS naked and fucking two girls. Ayumi, who was masquerading as a girl all this time, was stirring up some girl's sopping wet pussy with his dick, while Yuuto was making another girl's eyes roll back as his cock delved deep into her ass. Yuuto was sitting in a chair, his girl in his lap with her legs spread out, giving you a very clear view, so Yuuto didn't notice you. Ayumi on the other hand was on the floor, thrusting happily between the other girl's legs. He glanced in your direction, and you very clearly saw his eye glow RED. He smiled, flashing what looked like a fang. As Ayumi blew his load inside the girl now cumming her brains out, black wings sprouted from his back. Red horns curled out from his head. And a black tail tipped with a shape like a heart emerged from his lower back. He looked at you hungrily, licking his lips.
Yuuto is the school's resident pretty boy. Practically a celebrity, everyone knows him, all the girls want to date him, all the boys want to be him. So far he's not gone out with anyone, seemingly being unreachable.
His twin sister Ayumi holds similar popularity. She's petite, pretty, and by all accounts she's an absolute sweetheart. So it came as quite a shock when you opened the door to find both twins, both BROTHERS naked and fucking two girls. Ayumi, who was masquerading as a girl all this time, was stirring up some girl's sopping wet pussy with his dick, while Yuuto was making another girl's eyes roll back as his cock delved deep into her ass. Yuuto was sitting in a chair, his girl in his lap with her legs spread out, giving you a very clear view, so Yuuto didn't notice you. Ayumi on the other hand was on the floor, thrusting happily between the other girl's legs. He glanced in your direction, and you very clearly saw his eye glow RED. He smiled, flashing what looked like a fang. As Ayumi blew his load inside the girl now cumming her brains out, black wings sprouted from his back. Red horns curled out from his head. And a black tail tipped with a shape like a heart emerged from his lower back. He looked at you hungrily, licking his lips.

Welcome to Sakura High School. A prestigious, ritzy private school? Well, no, but it's a good school in general. The girls and boys attending this high school are mostly good students. Like any other school.
Then the Sex Education bill passed, by some miracle. Now every day the homeroom teachers educate their students on various topics regarding sex. Which, all things considered, isn't that strange. The strange part, is the lessons are hands on. The male teachers will have a female student act as a live example. The female teachers will use themselves and male students where needed. Then the lesson is practiced, by the entire class. Going even farther, each day one or two female students are assigned to Sex Duty. For the remainder of the day, they must tend to the other student's sexual needs on command. They are not allowed to refuse anyone.
This RP is for the girls that really wanna be used on command in public. Then the next day, they watch someone else be the center of attention. You may despise the days you're on duty. You may adore them and get jealous when you're not. Or maybe you're somewhere in the middle? Or something else entirely? Whatever the case, this is the RP for you. Naturally you're welcome to play as many girls as you want, as well as boys.
Then the Sex Education bill passed, by some miracle. Now every day the homeroom teachers educate their students on various topics regarding sex. Which, all things considered, isn't that strange. The strange part, is the lessons are hands on. The male teachers will have a female student act as a live example. The female teachers will use themselves and male students where needed. Then the lesson is practiced, by the entire class. Going even farther, each day one or two female students are assigned to Sex Duty. For the remainder of the day, they must tend to the other student's sexual needs on command. They are not allowed to refuse anyone.
This RP is for the girls that really wanna be used on command in public. Then the next day, they watch someone else be the center of attention. You may despise the days you're on duty. You may adore them and get jealous when you're not. Or maybe you're somewhere in the middle? Or something else entirely? Whatever the case, this is the RP for you. Naturally you're welcome to play as many girls as you want, as well as boys.
Day to day life can get boring. Whether married or single, things can start to get repetitive and bland. Such is the case for you. It's just the same thing day in and day out. Your husband is always at work? Your daughter is never around? You're stuck in a dull office job? Your wife is becoming more distant? Your son doesn't want to do anything with you when the chance comes up? Whatever your situation is, it's in desperate need of a change.
Change's name is Aoi. You meet Aoi purely by chance, bumping into him randomly, accidentally spilling his drink on his clothes. He goes to your house to clean up and wash his clothes, and that's when you find out he's a he, as he's far too cute to be recognizable as a guy. At least he would be if not for how big his cock is, and he seems interested in getting your help with calming it down.
A simple slice of life, where your character is bored of their mundane life and Aoi shows up by chance and adds some spice. If spice means his sexy, round ass for your cock or his huge cock for your poor, ignored pussy. Are you married? Maybe the spouse walks in and falls into his sweet trap too? Have any kids? Time for some family bonding maybe? Whatever the case, Aoi is going to be your cock sleeve, or you'll be his. Let's see what happens.
Change's name is Aoi. You meet Aoi purely by chance, bumping into him randomly, accidentally spilling his drink on his clothes. He goes to your house to clean up and wash his clothes, and that's when you find out he's a he, as he's far too cute to be recognizable as a guy. At least he would be if not for how big his cock is, and he seems interested in getting your help with calming it down.
A simple slice of life, where your character is bored of their mundane life and Aoi shows up by chance and adds some spice. If spice means his sexy, round ass for your cock or his huge cock for your poor, ignored pussy. Are you married? Maybe the spouse walks in and falls into his sweet trap too? Have any kids? Time for some family bonding maybe? Whatever the case, Aoi is going to be your cock sleeve, or you'll be his. Let's see what happens.

"Welcome Chosen Pervert"
These are the words that are spoken by a drop dead woman upon your waking.
Your life on Earth came to quite the abrupt end, and this woman explains she is the new Goddess of this world, and needs your help to share her message with the people. That message is how to FUUUUUCK.
The previous god was a god of purity and enforced through divine magic that sex is for procreation only. The new Goddess is less pure, and lifted this restriction. However the people have only figured it out enough to set up brothels. Basically their entire bodies going to waste aside from their pussies. She needs a new force to spread eroticism in this recovering world. That's where you cum in. You hopeless pervert.
She'll even give you some cheat skills to fill in some.... Particular gaps. Welp, off you go.
These are the words that are spoken by a drop dead woman upon your waking.
Your life on Earth came to quite the abrupt end, and this woman explains she is the new Goddess of this world, and needs your help to share her message with the people. That message is how to FUUUUUCK.
The previous god was a god of purity and enforced through divine magic that sex is for procreation only. The new Goddess is less pure, and lifted this restriction. However the people have only figured it out enough to set up brothels. Basically their entire bodies going to waste aside from their pussies. She needs a new force to spread eroticism in this recovering world. That's where you cum in. You hopeless pervert.
She'll even give you some cheat skills to fill in some.... Particular gaps. Welp, off you go.
You've woken up in some dusty old, and probably abandoned, house. Or office or something, it's an empty ass building. The point is, you didn't go to sleep here. You REALLY didn't go to sleep here. You're pretty sure you'd remember going to sleep in an abandoned building, but even more so, after looking out the cracked and very filthy window, you saw impossible things. First, the sky was red, so that was concerning. You were in a city, pretty nice looking one actually, save where you were currently residing of course. The most alarming thing, was you saw multiple women outside, in full public view, being fucked by some men. They were EXTREMELY hot men, but it was still surreal. Nobody even paid them any mind. Men seemed to be more prominent than women, but they also couldn't have been human. Humans didn't have horns, wings and tails after all.
There's your prompt, here's the juicy details. You, a normal human from Earth, wakes up in the middle of a city full of Incubi, male sex demons. Your goals and priorities, are entirely yours to decide. If your character is a huge slut, this could be a dream come true, and your priority is to get as many demon cocks into your pussy and ass as you can fit. Then maybe start a business? Gotta buy food eventually. Or perhaps your character is extremely innocent, hardly even knowing what she's seeing? Maybe you're somewhere in-between? Do you want to escape this city? Do you not really wanna go back home? Do you just wanna learn magic and you'll see what you think of from there? Sky's the limit.
Upon observing outside the window, you discern there are basically, broadly speaking, 2 types of incubi. There's the "manly" sexy types, and the "girly" sexy types. Every single one of them is attractive, just some are muscular and macho, while others are short and feminine/boyish.
Couple disclaimers.
First up, you will not be "raped", in the sense the incubi will not get violent (without due cause of course) and won't like grab you and forcibly shove you onto their cocks. They WILL rape you with pleasure though. IE they'll keep fondling, licking, sucking and rubbing your body until you're into it, regardless of what you say to the contrary. Basically if you're not wet yet, they won't stick it in, but they will get you wet eventually, as you will not have magical immunity to pleasure. These are sex demons, they know how to turn you on regardless of your opinion on the matter.
Next, for the girls and boys wanting to play as a boy, there's two options. Both of them are pretty gay. Which, why the fuck would you be HERE if you weren't looking for something at least kinda gay? Anyway, you can either be basically a femboy that the incubi decide they like and basically be their girl. Or you can be a less feminine guy that the incubi will seek to turn into an incubus. This option involves gay sex too, just not the same kind. You're basically choosing whether you wanna pitch or catch. Oh, either way your male character is free to fuck the human girls in the city as he pleases.
Last thing, for female characters again, pregnancy IS possible, rare but not off the table. On that note, you will likely quickly discover this city is strangely lacking children, however you will have picked up in theory it should have them, it simply doesn't.
There's your prompt, here's the juicy details. You, a normal human from Earth, wakes up in the middle of a city full of Incubi, male sex demons. Your goals and priorities, are entirely yours to decide. If your character is a huge slut, this could be a dream come true, and your priority is to get as many demon cocks into your pussy and ass as you can fit. Then maybe start a business? Gotta buy food eventually. Or perhaps your character is extremely innocent, hardly even knowing what she's seeing? Maybe you're somewhere in-between? Do you want to escape this city? Do you not really wanna go back home? Do you just wanna learn magic and you'll see what you think of from there? Sky's the limit.
Upon observing outside the window, you discern there are basically, broadly speaking, 2 types of incubi. There's the "manly" sexy types, and the "girly" sexy types. Every single one of them is attractive, just some are muscular and macho, while others are short and feminine/boyish.
Couple disclaimers.
First up, you will not be "raped", in the sense the incubi will not get violent (without due cause of course) and won't like grab you and forcibly shove you onto their cocks. They WILL rape you with pleasure though. IE they'll keep fondling, licking, sucking and rubbing your body until you're into it, regardless of what you say to the contrary. Basically if you're not wet yet, they won't stick it in, but they will get you wet eventually, as you will not have magical immunity to pleasure. These are sex demons, they know how to turn you on regardless of your opinion on the matter.
Next, for the girls and boys wanting to play as a boy, there's two options. Both of them are pretty gay. Which, why the fuck would you be HERE if you weren't looking for something at least kinda gay? Anyway, you can either be basically a femboy that the incubi decide they like and basically be their girl. Or you can be a less feminine guy that the incubi will seek to turn into an incubus. This option involves gay sex too, just not the same kind. You're basically choosing whether you wanna pitch or catch. Oh, either way your male character is free to fuck the human girls in the city as he pleases.
Last thing, for female characters again, pregnancy IS possible, rare but not off the table. On that note, you will likely quickly discover this city is strangely lacking children, however you will have picked up in theory it should have them, it simply doesn't.
With how prevalent they've become, it's hard for even the average person, at least those in a certain age range, to not have at least heard of an "Isekai". The way it normally goes, a high schooler, cause they're all high schoolers or 40 year old neets, in one way or another gets plucked from their ordinary boring world and ends up in a thrilling fantasy world. They'll get some kind of cheat ability, meet a bunch of hot and powerful guys, become famous adventurers and they'll change the course of the world and defeat the demon lord. Or make him fall for her, fifty fifty.
Reality has always been disappointing, but now even fantasy was screwing you over. Instead of all that cliche shit that was weighted radically in your favor, not only did you NOT get to a fantasy world full of sexy elf boys and wolf men fawning all over you, you weren't taken to a FANTASY world at all. Noooooo, you stayed in your own world, but a couple hundred years in the fucking future. Technology has gone crazy, but society has apparently gone to shit based on the alley you woke up in. Hopefully this was just the shitty part of town.... like REALLY shitty. If this was what everywhere looked like, you were SO screwed.
All things as they are, you need to take stock. Figure shit out, one step at a time. You don't seem to be injured, but checking your body it's DEFINITELY not the way you left it. There are some, choice alterations. Your boobs aren't quite the same. They're not bigger per se, but you don't recall them being quite this "pristine" might be a good word, everyone has imperfections, but your chest seems to have done away with those. That was a win, you guess. A weird one, but you need whatever you can get. Ok, back to your body, you feel good generally, nothing seems broken or missing. Your head....... what the fuck is that?
The fuck? There's like a fucking..... HOLE in your HEAD? That's bad? That's generally bad right? Extra head holes is generally a.... it, feels like a, usb slot...... Wait, there's more shit just behind your ear...... Holy shit are those like, sim slots or something? What the fuck is going on with your head? Why is there a USB CABLE IN YOUR LEFT WRIST!?
Ok, deep breaths. Your body is, slightly different. It's the future apparently, the hologram clock you can see on the main road says it's 4 in the morning, June 5th twenty 2 fucking thirty. So you know you've been shot over 200 years into the future. You don't see anyone around, then again you can't see much from this poorly cleaned alley. You have, NOTHING on your person except the clothes you remember wearing last. No wallet. No phone. No keys. So it's the future in a place you do not know, your body has been modified with technology you don't understand, everyone you've ever known is centuries DEAD and you're flat broke as well.
Well in theory, step one is to, leave the alley.
Reality has always been disappointing, but now even fantasy was screwing you over. Instead of all that cliche shit that was weighted radically in your favor, not only did you NOT get to a fantasy world full of sexy elf boys and wolf men fawning all over you, you weren't taken to a FANTASY world at all. Noooooo, you stayed in your own world, but a couple hundred years in the fucking future. Technology has gone crazy, but society has apparently gone to shit based on the alley you woke up in. Hopefully this was just the shitty part of town.... like REALLY shitty. If this was what everywhere looked like, you were SO screwed.
All things as they are, you need to take stock. Figure shit out, one step at a time. You don't seem to be injured, but checking your body it's DEFINITELY not the way you left it. There are some, choice alterations. Your boobs aren't quite the same. They're not bigger per se, but you don't recall them being quite this "pristine" might be a good word, everyone has imperfections, but your chest seems to have done away with those. That was a win, you guess. A weird one, but you need whatever you can get. Ok, back to your body, you feel good generally, nothing seems broken or missing. Your head....... what the fuck is that?
The fuck? There's like a fucking..... HOLE in your HEAD? That's bad? That's generally bad right? Extra head holes is generally a.... it, feels like a, usb slot...... Wait, there's more shit just behind your ear...... Holy shit are those like, sim slots or something? What the fuck is going on with your head? Why is there a USB CABLE IN YOUR LEFT WRIST!?
Ok, deep breaths. Your body is, slightly different. It's the future apparently, the hologram clock you can see on the main road says it's 4 in the morning, June 5th twenty 2 fucking thirty. So you know you've been shot over 200 years into the future. You don't see anyone around, then again you can't see much from this poorly cleaned alley. You have, NOTHING on your person except the clothes you remember wearing last. No wallet. No phone. No keys. So it's the future in a place you do not know, your body has been modified with technology you don't understand, everyone you've ever known is centuries DEAD and you're flat broke as well.
Well in theory, step one is to, leave the alley.
Hell. You were fairly certain, that you've gone to hell. What else could it be? Cause all of a sudden, you're in character creation. What afterlife would make you go through that if it WASN'T hell? To make things worse, you actually remembered dying. What kind of fucked up deal was that? If you were going to respawn at least you could have THAT experience snipped out and just kinda wonder what happened. Maybe you'd complain about your blanked memory if you didn't know, but knowing now you definitely didn't want them. Turned out, dying was pretty fucking awful.
Well, you had to move on with your......death? Eventually. So, not much else to do, you didn't have a body anymore you were just kinda..... not but also there. All your options seemed to be making a character, apparently god or whoever is in charge of this shit has a sense of humor. Alright, taking stock then. Ok, looked pretty standard.... as far as character creators went. You got a preview image, which was blank for now, and there were a bunch of options that obviously you couldn't reach out and press like buttons or sliders, no hands would do that, but they responded when you wanted them to. Fucking around for a minute or two, and you created a generic ass human. You couldn't find any options for race or species, so looks like human is locked in. You could change loads of other things though.
You could be male or female, but that section scrolled past the two options, so maybe you'd unlock different dangly bits? Though if this only happened when you died....... Best not to think of that shit now. You've got your two options, and you have to confirm your selection so there's no harm in fucking around. There's an age slider, but it's not a baby to grandpa range, in fact this part is rather restrictive. The youngest it would go is 16, the oldest was 30. Alright, so you're clearly not starting over from scratch then.
After some experimenting, you've found out as a man you can change pretty much any feature about your body, though only within a certain limit. For example, you can change how big your dick is, but you cannot make it larger than what would be normal to impressive on earth. 8 inches seemed to be about your limit, but hey that was pretty damn impressive. You could NOT however, change your muscle mass. You couldn't make yourself fatter either, your general body was actually fairly locked in. You were in shape, but not super fit. You could make yourself as tall as 6 feet, and as short as 5 feet. Some of these options seemed almost suspiciously limiting. Your hair style could be whatever you imagined it to be, right down to the color. Just to test it, you thought of the wacky hair of some anime characters, and every one of them WORKED. Alright, sky's the limit with hair for some reason. Apparently this was the opposite of character creators in video games.
Alright, you've got a male pretty figured out. No reason not to see what the female side was like. Swapping your gender over to female obviously lead to another blank screen. After a few minutes you figured that side out as well. You had full freedom with her hair, but other than that you could freely mold her general details, but height, weight, and muscle mass were all locked in, the height allowing 5 to 6 feet as well. You could change the size of her, or technically your, boobs which was interesting. You had a fair bit of freedom here, technically the same as the male's penis. You could make her flat as a board, or you could make her stacked, though again you couldn't go beyond what could naturally be achieved. So big tits were no problem, monstrous tits weren't going to happen. Going between the legs, just like the male pubic hair was as customizable as the rest of the hair, and her vagina actually had quite a bit of customization too. You could even change tightness. Because nobody could resist this, you spent who knows how long designing the perfect pussy. Your work was fantastic, but eventually you had to move on. After the pussy section was a section for her ass, which made you do a double take. First was a check box that just said "erogenous zone". After wondering what the fuck that meant, a helpful box popped up explaining. If this box was checked, your character would have basically a head start on getting fucked in the ass. You quickly swapped back to male and realized you didn't see that part at first, but it WAS available for men too. Switching back to female you kept looking around, and after ticking the box you could customize her ass too, though not as much as her pussy. Tightness was an option, and there was also an option called "perma-clean" which was checked and couldn't be unchecked. Considering the name, you decided whoever made this decision deserved a raise. Combing through the rest of the character creator very thoroughly, you decided you hadn't missed anything, which meant you had zero options for clothing. Whatever happened when you pressed confirm, you'd go through it totally naked and vulnerable. There...... wasn't any other option though.
Alright, big setup, I just wanted to skip past THIS part of character creation. Spoiler alert, you're not done. There's still other choices to make, but I don't want to write THAT much in this post. So, how you die is up to you, it does not matter what the cause is so long as you die. Your age at death also doesn't matter, you could be 80 and died of cancer or you could be 20 and you were splattered by a train. Doesn't matter, focus on that as much or as little as you like. Your memories are NOT effected by this experience, by which I mean you remember your entire life before you died. If you were old and forgetful, your memories are actually restored with your new younger body.
So, moving on, you have no idea what the fuck is going on, but you don't have much choice in what you do. You create your character how you like, whatever that may be you can of course be male or female, there's no wrong or worse choice. Certain things will be harder or easier either way you go. The important choices, come after your body is made. This does of course mean you could be a woman who died and choose to be a man or vice versa or a very old man who wants to be a young girl or a young man or what have you. There are no restrictions aside from the ones I've laid out, such as the height limits. Do not try to negotiate any of these limits, they are all present for a specific reason.
Now, I will not be spoiling where you're going after this character creation is finished, nor will I answer what the next step in the character creation is going to be, though you're free to guess if you've ever used a character creator before, I'm just not going to be specific until we start. It's a lot and there's no reason to write it all out multiple times. It'll be quite fun and interesting and probably difficult in choice. So like a character creator.
Finishing at sex stuff, yes there will be sex stuff. Quite a bit. Only spoiler I'll give, if you're not in favor of sex with monsters, give this one a hard pass. Rape is also possible, though not inevitable, it depends on your actions. If the game Monster Girl Quest disgusts you, move right along. Disclaimer this RP is not at all related to that game it's just an effective example. Limits will also be taken into account, for example you can veto getting ass raped, but not raped otherwise. Again, it's possible, but not certain to happen. It's not a thing I can remove from this RP entirely and maintain the themes. While violence is a part of the RP, it's only in the sense of actual combat. There's not really going to be anything overly gruesome, and "violent" sex and "violent" rape in the sense of there being blood and horror and death during are not included in this RP. This isn't a super gritty RP, it's a "tough but fair" kind of thing. The lethal stuff and the sex stuff are two different categories.
So aside from the presence of rape there's nothing extreme in terms of kinks.
So, with all that out of the way, you are free to create your character.
Well, you had to move on with your......death? Eventually. So, not much else to do, you didn't have a body anymore you were just kinda..... not but also there. All your options seemed to be making a character, apparently god or whoever is in charge of this shit has a sense of humor. Alright, taking stock then. Ok, looked pretty standard.... as far as character creators went. You got a preview image, which was blank for now, and there were a bunch of options that obviously you couldn't reach out and press like buttons or sliders, no hands would do that, but they responded when you wanted them to. Fucking around for a minute or two, and you created a generic ass human. You couldn't find any options for race or species, so looks like human is locked in. You could change loads of other things though.
You could be male or female, but that section scrolled past the two options, so maybe you'd unlock different dangly bits? Though if this only happened when you died....... Best not to think of that shit now. You've got your two options, and you have to confirm your selection so there's no harm in fucking around. There's an age slider, but it's not a baby to grandpa range, in fact this part is rather restrictive. The youngest it would go is 16, the oldest was 30. Alright, so you're clearly not starting over from scratch then.
After some experimenting, you've found out as a man you can change pretty much any feature about your body, though only within a certain limit. For example, you can change how big your dick is, but you cannot make it larger than what would be normal to impressive on earth. 8 inches seemed to be about your limit, but hey that was pretty damn impressive. You could NOT however, change your muscle mass. You couldn't make yourself fatter either, your general body was actually fairly locked in. You were in shape, but not super fit. You could make yourself as tall as 6 feet, and as short as 5 feet. Some of these options seemed almost suspiciously limiting. Your hair style could be whatever you imagined it to be, right down to the color. Just to test it, you thought of the wacky hair of some anime characters, and every one of them WORKED. Alright, sky's the limit with hair for some reason. Apparently this was the opposite of character creators in video games.
Alright, you've got a male pretty figured out. No reason not to see what the female side was like. Swapping your gender over to female obviously lead to another blank screen. After a few minutes you figured that side out as well. You had full freedom with her hair, but other than that you could freely mold her general details, but height, weight, and muscle mass were all locked in, the height allowing 5 to 6 feet as well. You could change the size of her, or technically your, boobs which was interesting. You had a fair bit of freedom here, technically the same as the male's penis. You could make her flat as a board, or you could make her stacked, though again you couldn't go beyond what could naturally be achieved. So big tits were no problem, monstrous tits weren't going to happen. Going between the legs, just like the male pubic hair was as customizable as the rest of the hair, and her vagina actually had quite a bit of customization too. You could even change tightness. Because nobody could resist this, you spent who knows how long designing the perfect pussy. Your work was fantastic, but eventually you had to move on. After the pussy section was a section for her ass, which made you do a double take. First was a check box that just said "erogenous zone". After wondering what the fuck that meant, a helpful box popped up explaining. If this box was checked, your character would have basically a head start on getting fucked in the ass. You quickly swapped back to male and realized you didn't see that part at first, but it WAS available for men too. Switching back to female you kept looking around, and after ticking the box you could customize her ass too, though not as much as her pussy. Tightness was an option, and there was also an option called "perma-clean" which was checked and couldn't be unchecked. Considering the name, you decided whoever made this decision deserved a raise. Combing through the rest of the character creator very thoroughly, you decided you hadn't missed anything, which meant you had zero options for clothing. Whatever happened when you pressed confirm, you'd go through it totally naked and vulnerable. There...... wasn't any other option though.
Alright, big setup, I just wanted to skip past THIS part of character creation. Spoiler alert, you're not done. There's still other choices to make, but I don't want to write THAT much in this post. So, how you die is up to you, it does not matter what the cause is so long as you die. Your age at death also doesn't matter, you could be 80 and died of cancer or you could be 20 and you were splattered by a train. Doesn't matter, focus on that as much or as little as you like. Your memories are NOT effected by this experience, by which I mean you remember your entire life before you died. If you were old and forgetful, your memories are actually restored with your new younger body.
So, moving on, you have no idea what the fuck is going on, but you don't have much choice in what you do. You create your character how you like, whatever that may be you can of course be male or female, there's no wrong or worse choice. Certain things will be harder or easier either way you go. The important choices, come after your body is made. This does of course mean you could be a woman who died and choose to be a man or vice versa or a very old man who wants to be a young girl or a young man or what have you. There are no restrictions aside from the ones I've laid out, such as the height limits. Do not try to negotiate any of these limits, they are all present for a specific reason.
Now, I will not be spoiling where you're going after this character creation is finished, nor will I answer what the next step in the character creation is going to be, though you're free to guess if you've ever used a character creator before, I'm just not going to be specific until we start. It's a lot and there's no reason to write it all out multiple times. It'll be quite fun and interesting and probably difficult in choice. So like a character creator.
Finishing at sex stuff, yes there will be sex stuff. Quite a bit. Only spoiler I'll give, if you're not in favor of sex with monsters, give this one a hard pass. Rape is also possible, though not inevitable, it depends on your actions. If the game Monster Girl Quest disgusts you, move right along. Disclaimer this RP is not at all related to that game it's just an effective example. Limits will also be taken into account, for example you can veto getting ass raped, but not raped otherwise. Again, it's possible, but not certain to happen. It's not a thing I can remove from this RP entirely and maintain the themes. While violence is a part of the RP, it's only in the sense of actual combat. There's not really going to be anything overly gruesome, and "violent" sex and "violent" rape in the sense of there being blood and horror and death during are not included in this RP. This isn't a super gritty RP, it's a "tough but fair" kind of thing. The lethal stuff and the sex stuff are two different categories.
So aside from the presence of rape there's nothing extreme in terms of kinks.
So, with all that out of the way, you are free to create your character.
No, I do not mean lair. I mean layer. Cause I felt like making a magic system where each discipline is inherently tied to sex. Cause fuck you, I do what I want. Let us begin. I have also decided that this concept will fit easily into all 3 of my request threads. Look at them for alternate characters as the other details will be identical.
Akias is the continent that dominates the planet. The few island nations largely pale in comparison, but maintain a delicate balance through trade and a number of talented mages.
Magic is a major commodity in the world, and it more or less controls the various nations. It is the blood of kingdoms, and this blood runs in, legally, 4 colors.
There exists a total of 8 methods of manipulating magic, but only 4 of these are legal. The legal practices are called the Holy Disciplines. The illegal practices, naturally, are called the Dark Disciplines. The method of producing, storing and manipulating magical power is what separates the 8 practices.
The Holy Disciplines are focused around generosity, happiness and surrendering yourself. Rather than fostering magic within yourself, you collect it from the willing and store it to use when it is needed. How you can use it is determined by the Discipline.
The First Holy Discipline is called Taming. Tamers are popular, as well as quite common. A Tamer gives their body to a beast, magical or otherwise, and said beast's magic power is gifted to the Mage. The mage can bend this power and expend some of it to issue commands to the beast. Some creatures react differently to being tamed, but such a magical creature is quite rare and naturally that means they are very actively sought after. Dragons are said to be one such creature, but most don't really know how this could be done, as a Dragon is much too large for taming to work on them. Female tamers often have the easiest time taming creatures, as male beasts are much more likely to breed them on their own. Male tamers generally need to put a lot more work in, though particularly feminine tamers can use tactics similar to the females. Normally however the male tamer must convince a female beast to offer themselves, as being willing is essential for taming to work. Depending on the beast, this can be very challenging indeed.
The Second Holy Discipline is quite simple, and is called Devastation. Devastators take internal magic power and can release it in a number of different forms, such as fire or lightning. They make excellent warriors and artillery in large enough numbers. Devastators also cannot simply use their own internal magic. They must receive it from others. Women make up the vast majority of Devastators, as it is again far easier for them to collect this energy, and they are much more capable of collecting it en masse. Energy is transferred from a partner when they orgasm, however the transfer only works if the partner is in control during sex. In effect, your partner must fuck you. Men can collect energy by letting a woman do most or all of the work. They can also receive energy from men by being penetrated. Women on the other hand can collect great amounts of energy by allowing multiple men to use their bodies as they please. The more a Devastator submits, the better the yield per partner. Conversely, women getting magic energy from other women is apparently extremely difficult, though why exactly isn't fully understood, as it's more than possible through other Disciplines.
The Third Holy Discipline is called Surge. Surgers, unlike the previous two Disciplines, actually use their own magical reserves. The act of orgasming creates a surge in their magic, and they can route these surges to amplify their physical abilities, such as their strength, speed, or vision. They can also store surges for later usage, though only a limited number of uses can be stored. Women are considered to be the best at this surge, as they can orgasm multiple times without health risks, however their superiority is actually a myth. Male surgers have a much higher capacity, they can store up more surges at a time. Often twice as many as women. Women often maintain a near constant state of pleasure, constantly edging as often as they can to cum quickly should their powers become needed suddenly, allowing them to go into battle without expending a stored surge. Men tend to build their surge supply and use their superior storage capacity, then at a later time in safety building up surges again. A male and female surger working together can quickly build up surges for one another, and this is often used to keep surgers in the battle by having them have sex between skirmishes. It's proven that surgers build up more surges through sex than masturbation.
The Fourth Holy Discipline is called Lifeweaving. They are somewhat unique. They can only do a limited number of things, but what they can do is invaluable. Lifeweavers are healers, they can mend wounds and ease exhaustion, though they cannot remove the need for sleep in others. This is done fairly simply. Consenting sexual interaction between the Lifeweaver and the injured or exhausted will spread the Lifeweaver's magical energy to them, fixing or easing the problem. Men and Women do not seem to differ much, if at all in this Discipline. Women can handle multiple men at a time, but men can go through multiple women in quick succession. Men can heal other men as well, as can women though it is a bit slower between women. Lifeweaver men are well known to have much more energy between their legs as regular men, capable of cumming on average 6 or so times before needing a break. Supposedly they can keep going until their magical reserves run low, after which they replenish them simply through normal rest.
These 4 Disciplines are named Holy as they focus around helping, nurturing and free will. It is not possible to steal magic through these methods, rape will never function to give a Devastator more power, in fact it will not even heal someone who is injured. Oddly, someone who in unconscious is still capable of accepting or denying a Lifeweaver's power, depending on their will to live, but this does not work with the other Disciplines. The Dark Disciplines are very different.
The First Dark Discipline is called Domination. Dominators are the twisted mirrors to Tamers. Tamers submit themselves to beasts and are rewarded with their help, power, and usually loyalty as well. Dominators take a beast, rape them, and then their dark magic corrupts and steals the mind of the beast. This magic also functions on the sentient races of Akias, including Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and so on. Victims of a Dominator cannot be healed, even by Lifeweavers, and are forever lost as their wills are stolen by the Dominator, capable only of thinking what their master wants them to think. Vigilance is kept high for Dominators, and execution is immediate when one is discovered.
The Second Dark Discipline is called Raising. Raisers are necromancers. Their power functions by raping another sentient creature, and killing them in the process. How this death is brought varies between Raisers. When they kill their prey, the full extent of their magical reserve is devoured by the Raiser and can be used in a manner similar, but more limited, to Devastators. The victim does not die however, they are made into mindless creatures of death that only wish to regain their magic. They do this by finding and raping other sentient beings, not knowing how else to restore their life. This is futile of course, nothing can restore their lives, but their dead, magic ravaged minds are incapable of recognizing this. Their stamina is limitless, so if they catch someone they are generally raped until killed, after which their body is abandoned. Luckily zombies cannot raise more of their own vile kind.
The Third Dark Discipline is called Unwilling. The Unwilled require more time to get their power, but they can get a lot of it. Unwilled must force someone unwilling to submit themselves entirely. Through whatever means they desire, they must take the devotion of a sentient being and create a connection between master and servant. This connection constantly fuels the mage, allowing them to delve into many terrible abilities. This connection can kill the slave through overuse, but will never damage the Unwilled. Unwilled with more than 10 Unwilling are called Dark Lords. Luckily none currently exist, that are known of.
The Fourth Dark Discipline is called Corruption. Corruptors are sometimes considered to be the most dangerous, depending on how experienced they are. Corruption works by repeatedly raping someone with the intent to make them give in to the pleasure. If they surrender to the pleasure and begin to consent, the Corruptor's twisted magic will flow into them, corrupt them, and turn them into a Corruptor as well. Each Corruption vastly reduces the Corrupted's magical reserve, and they must Corrupt others to restore and increase it, resulting in a wretched chain. This magical power can be channeled through the body to change it in a number of ways, such as a tail with a stinger, wings, or legs better at running.
Male Devastator
Age-Not Disclosed, presumed to be young for an elf.
Akias is the continent that dominates the planet. The few island nations largely pale in comparison, but maintain a delicate balance through trade and a number of talented mages.
Magic is a major commodity in the world, and it more or less controls the various nations. It is the blood of kingdoms, and this blood runs in, legally, 4 colors.
There exists a total of 8 methods of manipulating magic, but only 4 of these are legal. The legal practices are called the Holy Disciplines. The illegal practices, naturally, are called the Dark Disciplines. The method of producing, storing and manipulating magical power is what separates the 8 practices.
The Holy Disciplines are focused around generosity, happiness and surrendering yourself. Rather than fostering magic within yourself, you collect it from the willing and store it to use when it is needed. How you can use it is determined by the Discipline.
The First Holy Discipline is called Taming. Tamers are popular, as well as quite common. A Tamer gives their body to a beast, magical or otherwise, and said beast's magic power is gifted to the Mage. The mage can bend this power and expend some of it to issue commands to the beast. Some creatures react differently to being tamed, but such a magical creature is quite rare and naturally that means they are very actively sought after. Dragons are said to be one such creature, but most don't really know how this could be done, as a Dragon is much too large for taming to work on them. Female tamers often have the easiest time taming creatures, as male beasts are much more likely to breed them on their own. Male tamers generally need to put a lot more work in, though particularly feminine tamers can use tactics similar to the females. Normally however the male tamer must convince a female beast to offer themselves, as being willing is essential for taming to work. Depending on the beast, this can be very challenging indeed.
The Second Holy Discipline is quite simple, and is called Devastation. Devastators take internal magic power and can release it in a number of different forms, such as fire or lightning. They make excellent warriors and artillery in large enough numbers. Devastators also cannot simply use their own internal magic. They must receive it from others. Women make up the vast majority of Devastators, as it is again far easier for them to collect this energy, and they are much more capable of collecting it en masse. Energy is transferred from a partner when they orgasm, however the transfer only works if the partner is in control during sex. In effect, your partner must fuck you. Men can collect energy by letting a woman do most or all of the work. They can also receive energy from men by being penetrated. Women on the other hand can collect great amounts of energy by allowing multiple men to use their bodies as they please. The more a Devastator submits, the better the yield per partner. Conversely, women getting magic energy from other women is apparently extremely difficult, though why exactly isn't fully understood, as it's more than possible through other Disciplines.
The Third Holy Discipline is called Surge. Surgers, unlike the previous two Disciplines, actually use their own magical reserves. The act of orgasming creates a surge in their magic, and they can route these surges to amplify their physical abilities, such as their strength, speed, or vision. They can also store surges for later usage, though only a limited number of uses can be stored. Women are considered to be the best at this surge, as they can orgasm multiple times without health risks, however their superiority is actually a myth. Male surgers have a much higher capacity, they can store up more surges at a time. Often twice as many as women. Women often maintain a near constant state of pleasure, constantly edging as often as they can to cum quickly should their powers become needed suddenly, allowing them to go into battle without expending a stored surge. Men tend to build their surge supply and use their superior storage capacity, then at a later time in safety building up surges again. A male and female surger working together can quickly build up surges for one another, and this is often used to keep surgers in the battle by having them have sex between skirmishes. It's proven that surgers build up more surges through sex than masturbation.
The Fourth Holy Discipline is called Lifeweaving. They are somewhat unique. They can only do a limited number of things, but what they can do is invaluable. Lifeweavers are healers, they can mend wounds and ease exhaustion, though they cannot remove the need for sleep in others. This is done fairly simply. Consenting sexual interaction between the Lifeweaver and the injured or exhausted will spread the Lifeweaver's magical energy to them, fixing or easing the problem. Men and Women do not seem to differ much, if at all in this Discipline. Women can handle multiple men at a time, but men can go through multiple women in quick succession. Men can heal other men as well, as can women though it is a bit slower between women. Lifeweaver men are well known to have much more energy between their legs as regular men, capable of cumming on average 6 or so times before needing a break. Supposedly they can keep going until their magical reserves run low, after which they replenish them simply through normal rest.
These 4 Disciplines are named Holy as they focus around helping, nurturing and free will. It is not possible to steal magic through these methods, rape will never function to give a Devastator more power, in fact it will not even heal someone who is injured. Oddly, someone who in unconscious is still capable of accepting or denying a Lifeweaver's power, depending on their will to live, but this does not work with the other Disciplines. The Dark Disciplines are very different.
The First Dark Discipline is called Domination. Dominators are the twisted mirrors to Tamers. Tamers submit themselves to beasts and are rewarded with their help, power, and usually loyalty as well. Dominators take a beast, rape them, and then their dark magic corrupts and steals the mind of the beast. This magic also functions on the sentient races of Akias, including Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and so on. Victims of a Dominator cannot be healed, even by Lifeweavers, and are forever lost as their wills are stolen by the Dominator, capable only of thinking what their master wants them to think. Vigilance is kept high for Dominators, and execution is immediate when one is discovered.
The Second Dark Discipline is called Raising. Raisers are necromancers. Their power functions by raping another sentient creature, and killing them in the process. How this death is brought varies between Raisers. When they kill their prey, the full extent of their magical reserve is devoured by the Raiser and can be used in a manner similar, but more limited, to Devastators. The victim does not die however, they are made into mindless creatures of death that only wish to regain their magic. They do this by finding and raping other sentient beings, not knowing how else to restore their life. This is futile of course, nothing can restore their lives, but their dead, magic ravaged minds are incapable of recognizing this. Their stamina is limitless, so if they catch someone they are generally raped until killed, after which their body is abandoned. Luckily zombies cannot raise more of their own vile kind.
The Third Dark Discipline is called Unwilling. The Unwilled require more time to get their power, but they can get a lot of it. Unwilled must force someone unwilling to submit themselves entirely. Through whatever means they desire, they must take the devotion of a sentient being and create a connection between master and servant. This connection constantly fuels the mage, allowing them to delve into many terrible abilities. This connection can kill the slave through overuse, but will never damage the Unwilled. Unwilled with more than 10 Unwilling are called Dark Lords. Luckily none currently exist, that are known of.
The Fourth Dark Discipline is called Corruption. Corruptors are sometimes considered to be the most dangerous, depending on how experienced they are. Corruption works by repeatedly raping someone with the intent to make them give in to the pleasure. If they surrender to the pleasure and begin to consent, the Corruptor's twisted magic will flow into them, corrupt them, and turn them into a Corruptor as well. Each Corruption vastly reduces the Corrupted's magical reserve, and they must Corrupt others to restore and increase it, resulting in a wretched chain. This magical power can be channeled through the body to change it in a number of ways, such as a tail with a stinger, wings, or legs better at running.

Male Devastator
Age-Not Disclosed, presumed to be young for an elf.
In the simple land known as Akusai, most people go about their day to day lives. They spend time with family, have fun with friends, grow crops in their fields or hammer metal in a smithy. A select few people however, live very unusual lives. These people have located and been deemed worthy to wield powerful weapons inhabited by mighty Spirits. These weapons, called Arsenals for the unrivaled power they command, refuse to be even touched by unworthy mortals. Those that are worthy however, whatever the Spirit in question chooses to define as worthy, create a connection to that Arsenal, and by extension the Spirit itself. Being connected to a Spirit gives humans access to their power. The number of Spirits that exist cannot be counted, and as such their range of powers is effectively endless. A human who has linked to a Spirit is called an Ascendant. Ascendants, due to the variety of abilities and items they can possess, are very difficult to categorize. Great study and even greater lengths of time however have brought about a few general rules as well as revealed what humans assume to be a great amount of information regarding Spirits and Arsenals, though the mystery still surrounding them is often said to be countless times more vast than anything humans could ever learn.
First, all Ascendants have 3 potential forms, or levels of power. Attaining an Arsenal does not grant full access to the Spirit's power, as that would tear any human not properly ready for it to pieces. Only the initial form is available at the outset. This initial form is often called "sleep" by Ascendants, referring to their Spirit exerting so little of its full power, it may as well be sleeping. Non-Ascendant, especially warriors or similar, are known to dislike this phrasing. Why becomes obvious when you realize an average Ascendant in this "sleeping" form can take apart an army of trained soldiers without getting a single scratch on them.
When an Ascendant becomes well adapted to the power of a sleeping Spirit, it will grant them a drop of its power. This new form is named "Risen". The Risen form sees a physical change to the weapon, though it is very small. In the Sleeping form, no normal person would be able to tell an Arsenal from a normal weapon. The Risen form is more recognizable as an Arsenal, generally by changing the color of the weapon, however a few are known to have other slight changes. One example is a long sword inhabited by a wind Spirit, which beyond turning the blade a sky blue color, also creates a cloud pattern on the grip. The power of a Risen is well documented to, on average, be capable of destroying an entire army of expertly trained soldiers, in less than an hour, compared to the day a sleeping form Ascendant would take.
The next form is generally the last one for many Ascendant. It is called the War form. War brings about more substantial changes to the weapon. An apt example of a War form Arsenal is the hammer famously wielded by Akusai's 3rd King. In its sleeping form it looked like a normal war hammer, then when Risen it turned a light brown, with the handle turning green. Its War form however saw it becoming much larger, the end cylindrical and know the width of the average grown man's forearm. The substance also changed into a very dense stone, fastened to the handle with a green and jeweled metal, which resembled a crown. The handle compensated for the larger head by becoming thicker, as well as longer while also becoming more decorated.
In his effort to conquer and unite all of Akusai, the legendary 3rd King personally led his army to the great and never once penetrated walls of Han-Oua, and with one mighty swing, smashed an opening in the wall that reached 5 average homes wide and reached all the way to the top of the towering wall. The then ruler of Han-Oua surrendered immediately upon witnessing this first hand, and not one drop of blood was shed taking this untouchable city.
The reason War is generally the last form attainable by most Ascendant is due to the incredible difficulty of attaining the final form. This last form is called Awakening, as Ascendants claim this is when the Spirits finally wake up fully. Gaining this form is so challenging for two reasons.
First, the Ascendant must completely master War, with their body capable of maintaining the transformation for, at the bare minimum, 8 hours straight. This attempt has killed many Ascendant over the centuries.
The second reason is the Ascendant must also learn their Spirit's name. Acquiring this is very difficult, as nobody knows how to obtain any given Spirit's name. As they are all so different, each Ascendant must learn over time what their Spirit is like and what trial or something they must go through to learn it.
For the lucky few that do obtain this name however, they are granted immense power. In Awakened, the Ascendant's very body changes, from their clothing down to even their gender on some occasions. Each transformation is different, however they are very apparent, making this form instantly recognizable. The power gap between War and Awakened is vast. The best known example of this power is once again the 3rd King of Akusai. Upon breaking through the wall of Han-Oua and taking control of the city, the King wanted to make clear his intentions of peace. In an effort to demonstrate this, he assumed his Awakened form, then after walking through the immense gap in the wall and pulling out all his soldiers, the King tapped his hammer on the ground, causing the two halves of the wall to morph and repair itself in mere seconds. The only drawback from using Awakened is the incredible strain using that power puts on the body. The power to wipe out an entire army in one blow is stated to cause the form to decay in mere seconds, reverting immediately back to Sleep, and exhausting the Ascendant greatly, making this power quite dangerous to utilize to such a level. A skilled Ascendant however can use their power efficiently, becoming an unstoppable force on any battlefield. Taking on the Awakened form but not using its power actively supposedly makes it effortless to stay in that form as long as you desire, however Ascendants generally have no reason to do so, as they state it often "doesn't feel right".
While Awakened is widely known as the final form an Ascendant can achieve, Ascendants insist based on their personal experience wielding Arsenals that the Spirits have much more power they could give. This hypothetical form hasn't once been documented in any recorded history, and is written off as a mere fantasy. Such a form has been considered however, and experts in the study of Arsenals have stated based on extensive interviews with dozens to hundreds of Ascendants, that should someone manage to achieve this form, they would transcend mortality.
Phew, haven't done something like this in a while. So obviously this is quite the extensive RP, large detailed world and a wide variety of powers. The Arsenals aren't restricted, as noted in the post, to just swords. They can also take the form of any other kind of weapon from swords to bows, spears or whips. They can also be pieces of armor, such as a gauntlet, they could be a shield, a chest piece or grieves, and everything in-between.
The powers these have are quite wide ranging, however by far the most common is manipulation of some natural element or force. Water, fire, wind, earth, crystal, explosion, space, light, shadow, curse, and many many others. These powers are most commonly utilized using specific formations unique to each weapon. The magic of the Spirits is much easier to control properly when it is rigidly focused, as opposed to being utilized in a very free and loose manner. An example would be fire, which can be very difficult to control. While having a Sword Arsenal simply spew fire all over the place is certainly possible, it is far more effective to move in particular patterns, or Formations, to strictly control the magic and make it do as you wish. This method would easily allow the Ascendant to turn that unfocused fire into a much more controlled, and dangerous, fire dragon that can sweep across the land and burn all it passes.
So that about sums things up. Aside from one important factor. Multiples of abilities exist(Generally) in droves. There could for instance be 20 Arsenals that are water swords, a dozen water hammers, a few water shields, and so on. It is not uncommon for small groups to form of Ascendant wielding similar abilities, or sometimes just the same ability, however these groups mostly consist of a large number of weaker Ascendant, possibly mostly if not entirely composed of Sleeping forms, lead by a stronger Ascendant. Groups of powerful Ascendants are uncommon due to the natural potential of power struggles. That said, several dedicated groups and organizations do exist in Akusai, and some Ascendant highly covet joining one of them.
That should be all the necessary information to start, here is my character.
His name is Riai, and he has a katana at his left hip.
First, all Ascendants have 3 potential forms, or levels of power. Attaining an Arsenal does not grant full access to the Spirit's power, as that would tear any human not properly ready for it to pieces. Only the initial form is available at the outset. This initial form is often called "sleep" by Ascendants, referring to their Spirit exerting so little of its full power, it may as well be sleeping. Non-Ascendant, especially warriors or similar, are known to dislike this phrasing. Why becomes obvious when you realize an average Ascendant in this "sleeping" form can take apart an army of trained soldiers without getting a single scratch on them.
When an Ascendant becomes well adapted to the power of a sleeping Spirit, it will grant them a drop of its power. This new form is named "Risen". The Risen form sees a physical change to the weapon, though it is very small. In the Sleeping form, no normal person would be able to tell an Arsenal from a normal weapon. The Risen form is more recognizable as an Arsenal, generally by changing the color of the weapon, however a few are known to have other slight changes. One example is a long sword inhabited by a wind Spirit, which beyond turning the blade a sky blue color, also creates a cloud pattern on the grip. The power of a Risen is well documented to, on average, be capable of destroying an entire army of expertly trained soldiers, in less than an hour, compared to the day a sleeping form Ascendant would take.
The next form is generally the last one for many Ascendant. It is called the War form. War brings about more substantial changes to the weapon. An apt example of a War form Arsenal is the hammer famously wielded by Akusai's 3rd King. In its sleeping form it looked like a normal war hammer, then when Risen it turned a light brown, with the handle turning green. Its War form however saw it becoming much larger, the end cylindrical and know the width of the average grown man's forearm. The substance also changed into a very dense stone, fastened to the handle with a green and jeweled metal, which resembled a crown. The handle compensated for the larger head by becoming thicker, as well as longer while also becoming more decorated.
In his effort to conquer and unite all of Akusai, the legendary 3rd King personally led his army to the great and never once penetrated walls of Han-Oua, and with one mighty swing, smashed an opening in the wall that reached 5 average homes wide and reached all the way to the top of the towering wall. The then ruler of Han-Oua surrendered immediately upon witnessing this first hand, and not one drop of blood was shed taking this untouchable city.
The reason War is generally the last form attainable by most Ascendant is due to the incredible difficulty of attaining the final form. This last form is called Awakening, as Ascendants claim this is when the Spirits finally wake up fully. Gaining this form is so challenging for two reasons.
First, the Ascendant must completely master War, with their body capable of maintaining the transformation for, at the bare minimum, 8 hours straight. This attempt has killed many Ascendant over the centuries.
The second reason is the Ascendant must also learn their Spirit's name. Acquiring this is very difficult, as nobody knows how to obtain any given Spirit's name. As they are all so different, each Ascendant must learn over time what their Spirit is like and what trial or something they must go through to learn it.
For the lucky few that do obtain this name however, they are granted immense power. In Awakened, the Ascendant's very body changes, from their clothing down to even their gender on some occasions. Each transformation is different, however they are very apparent, making this form instantly recognizable. The power gap between War and Awakened is vast. The best known example of this power is once again the 3rd King of Akusai. Upon breaking through the wall of Han-Oua and taking control of the city, the King wanted to make clear his intentions of peace. In an effort to demonstrate this, he assumed his Awakened form, then after walking through the immense gap in the wall and pulling out all his soldiers, the King tapped his hammer on the ground, causing the two halves of the wall to morph and repair itself in mere seconds. The only drawback from using Awakened is the incredible strain using that power puts on the body. The power to wipe out an entire army in one blow is stated to cause the form to decay in mere seconds, reverting immediately back to Sleep, and exhausting the Ascendant greatly, making this power quite dangerous to utilize to such a level. A skilled Ascendant however can use their power efficiently, becoming an unstoppable force on any battlefield. Taking on the Awakened form but not using its power actively supposedly makes it effortless to stay in that form as long as you desire, however Ascendants generally have no reason to do so, as they state it often "doesn't feel right".
While Awakened is widely known as the final form an Ascendant can achieve, Ascendants insist based on their personal experience wielding Arsenals that the Spirits have much more power they could give. This hypothetical form hasn't once been documented in any recorded history, and is written off as a mere fantasy. Such a form has been considered however, and experts in the study of Arsenals have stated based on extensive interviews with dozens to hundreds of Ascendants, that should someone manage to achieve this form, they would transcend mortality.
Phew, haven't done something like this in a while. So obviously this is quite the extensive RP, large detailed world and a wide variety of powers. The Arsenals aren't restricted, as noted in the post, to just swords. They can also take the form of any other kind of weapon from swords to bows, spears or whips. They can also be pieces of armor, such as a gauntlet, they could be a shield, a chest piece or grieves, and everything in-between.
The powers these have are quite wide ranging, however by far the most common is manipulation of some natural element or force. Water, fire, wind, earth, crystal, explosion, space, light, shadow, curse, and many many others. These powers are most commonly utilized using specific formations unique to each weapon. The magic of the Spirits is much easier to control properly when it is rigidly focused, as opposed to being utilized in a very free and loose manner. An example would be fire, which can be very difficult to control. While having a Sword Arsenal simply spew fire all over the place is certainly possible, it is far more effective to move in particular patterns, or Formations, to strictly control the magic and make it do as you wish. This method would easily allow the Ascendant to turn that unfocused fire into a much more controlled, and dangerous, fire dragon that can sweep across the land and burn all it passes.
So that about sums things up. Aside from one important factor. Multiples of abilities exist(Generally) in droves. There could for instance be 20 Arsenals that are water swords, a dozen water hammers, a few water shields, and so on. It is not uncommon for small groups to form of Ascendant wielding similar abilities, or sometimes just the same ability, however these groups mostly consist of a large number of weaker Ascendant, possibly mostly if not entirely composed of Sleeping forms, lead by a stronger Ascendant. Groups of powerful Ascendants are uncommon due to the natural potential of power struggles. That said, several dedicated groups and organizations do exist in Akusai, and some Ascendant highly covet joining one of them.
That should be all the necessary information to start, here is my character.
His name is Riai, and he has a katana at his left hip.

Astria is a massive continent with several islands around it. Home to several sentient species and billions of non-sentient creatures. Some can channel astral energy to become astrai, powerful magical users that can align themselves with varying classes. The most popular way to learn this art is to attend astral academy, a highly selective school that only takes students with a high chance of success. Contained on an island located perfectly to have all four seasons prominent, from snow to scorching heat, Astral academy is an enormous area, containing not only the primary school building itself, but many other facilities, some of which are dotted around the island, requiring a high skill level just to get to them at all. Starting at the beginning of winter and having classes and in field missions for each of the classes of astrai, Astral academy does not shy away from dangerous activities. While they'd never put their students in direct harm, students that can go on paying missions during their time at school, being allowed to miss class for even weeks at a time should the job take that long, do exist, being the more talented of the already quite talented student body. The higher the student's astral rank, E being the lowest and S being the highest, the higher rank mission they can accept, although there is an exception, for example 5 students holding an A rank can join together to take on an S rank mission. Depending on the ranking these missions can be quite dangerous, and it's not unheard of for students to never come back after leaving.
It also supplies co-Ed dorms and has a loose policy in terms of relationships, allowing anything that doesn't interfere with school work. The island, named academy island, is massive and has mountainous and forested landscapes, the school itself residing in an open clearing. There's no age limit or restriction to enter the school, it's all potential based. Only the rak'shan species is barred from entrance due to their violent natures and disdain for the other species, however rare exceptions can be made if they pass a special test meant to intentionally aggravate them. Remaining calm will prove they won't start anything with another student, granting them full entrance into the academy. The dress code only requires clothing that covers a sufficient amount be worn, however the definition of "sufficient" is fairly loose. Or rather, incredibly. Supposedly students can wear whatever they want so long as it covers any "delicate areas", however this apparently only applies while they're in a standing position, meaning it's against the rules to be naked, however wearing a strip of cloth that covers you, however reveals everything when you sit down is perfectly acceptable.
Manipulation-a basic but powerful form of controlling astral energy. It involves shaping the energy inside and outside the body to control a particular substance, such as water, fire or sometimes even iron and steel. Control is limited to a specific substance however, including the inability to change the state of matter of the substance. Eg-a water manipulator cannot turn water into steam or ice. However, certain substances seem to blur these rules a bit. Especially talented Ice manipulators for instance can freeze the water in the air and create ice or snow for them to further utilize. They can also channel an excessive amount of energy through ice to "infect" other things and freeze them too. This is theorized to be due to how they are capable of making colds things even colder, allowing the heat to be sucked out of neighboring objects. Some other supposed exceptions include wood manipulators, who have been known to manipulate certain non-wood plants, as well as various nuts.
Physical-physical astral manipulation shapes the energy within the body to alter it in numerous ways, such as using parts of the body as weapons, changing the makeup of the body such as turning into metal, or shapeshifting. Physical classes cannot effect anything outside their own bodies however. No true exceptions are known to this rule, however it is possible to create a substance within your body, then exude it somehow, usually through the mouth. Weaker physical astrai sometimes use this to breath fire as that's effective yet simple, though energy intensive. However more skilled users create poison or acid they can exhale. Some teams have been known to combine a phsyical and a manipulator, one creating the substance the other needs to manipulate.
Abstract-this is the most difficult form to learn, as it can be different for every individual. Abstract uses astral energy to achieve a multitude of abnormal effects, such as telepathy, mind reading, telekinesis, animal taming, and numerous others bound only by the physical limitations of the user. For example, no mortal could ever handle the mental processes of every thinking mind on the planet, so they could not possibly extend their power to such a range. Similar factors prevent creating true, solid matter out of just astral energy. This is fortunate, as it prevents astrai from creating currency, which consists of bronze, silver, gold, and platinum coins. Weapons can be created, however they are only ever made of just astral energy, rather than create a steel sword.
Zeiloustrian: Meaning-people of the snow
Type-human/beastial cross species
Appearance-common traits
• Pale skin
• White hair
• Blue eyes
• Shorter stature compared to humans
• Average adult height-5'4"
• Extreme resistance to cold
• High agility
• High speed
• Flexible
• Lacking heat resistance
• Animal like traits varying among individuals eg-enhanced smell or hearing
• Potential to wield multiple Astral types. Partial to elemental manipulation, namely Ice.
• The vast majority of Zeiloustrian are bisexual
Royal traits
• Animal traits eg-ears or tails
• Slightly different hair color
• Enhanced strength
• Slightly taller at 5'6"
Social status-commonly looked down on by other races
Human: Type-Human
Appearance-common traits
• Varied appearances
• Varied Astral usage potential
• Varied physical abilities
• Only sentient species incapable of reproducing with elves
Social Status-Powerful race
Elf: Type-elven
Appearance-common traits
• All around proficient in manipulating Astral energy
• Pointed ears
• Above average senses
• Above average physical capacity
• Above average mental capacity
• Only sentient species incapable of reproducing with humans
Social status-well respected
Reizaan: Meaning-fang ears
Type-elf/beastial cross species
Appearance-common traits
• General elven appearance with varied animal traits eg-claws, tails, ears, eyes ect
• Generally taller than average human
• Commonly stronger and faster than average human
• Varying personality traits depending on strong animal traits
• Strong Astral control
• Elven ears
Social status-disliked by elves
Rak'shan: Meaning-children of the forest
Appearance-common traits
• Very animal like appearances
• Varying animal traits
• Highest strength
• Highest speed
• Prefer seclusion
• Dislike other races, especially non-beastials
• Extreme disdain for elves
• Can only wield physical Astral energy
Social status-command respect through force and fear, hated by elves and feared by other races
Alozian: Meaning-pure winged ones
Appearance-common traits
• Striking beauty
• White feathered wings
• Especially skilled in abstract Astral control
• Due to their power, they were attacked frequently by every race except the Zeiloustrians, who respected them highly
• Very rarely venture outside their heavily guarded capitol
• Though they appear to have two genders, they're actually hermaphroditic, and can mate with any sentient species and produce a full fledged alozian. How is unknown.
• The only race they respect are the Zeiloustrians
• In battle they wear very little, if any protection or sometimes even no clothing at all, to demonstrate how superior they are to their non-alozian opponent
• They wear heavy armor when fighting alozians, as alozian fights would be over too quickly otherwise due to the sheer destructive strength of alozians
• Due to so many destructive and costly wars, they are declining in population
• No further information known
Social standing-treated with respect through fear, only genuinely respected by Zeiloustrians, and generally highly reclusive
Name-Linnius Saestrine
It also supplies co-Ed dorms and has a loose policy in terms of relationships, allowing anything that doesn't interfere with school work. The island, named academy island, is massive and has mountainous and forested landscapes, the school itself residing in an open clearing. There's no age limit or restriction to enter the school, it's all potential based. Only the rak'shan species is barred from entrance due to their violent natures and disdain for the other species, however rare exceptions can be made if they pass a special test meant to intentionally aggravate them. Remaining calm will prove they won't start anything with another student, granting them full entrance into the academy. The dress code only requires clothing that covers a sufficient amount be worn, however the definition of "sufficient" is fairly loose. Or rather, incredibly. Supposedly students can wear whatever they want so long as it covers any "delicate areas", however this apparently only applies while they're in a standing position, meaning it's against the rules to be naked, however wearing a strip of cloth that covers you, however reveals everything when you sit down is perfectly acceptable.
Manipulation-a basic but powerful form of controlling astral energy. It involves shaping the energy inside and outside the body to control a particular substance, such as water, fire or sometimes even iron and steel. Control is limited to a specific substance however, including the inability to change the state of matter of the substance. Eg-a water manipulator cannot turn water into steam or ice. However, certain substances seem to blur these rules a bit. Especially talented Ice manipulators for instance can freeze the water in the air and create ice or snow for them to further utilize. They can also channel an excessive amount of energy through ice to "infect" other things and freeze them too. This is theorized to be due to how they are capable of making colds things even colder, allowing the heat to be sucked out of neighboring objects. Some other supposed exceptions include wood manipulators, who have been known to manipulate certain non-wood plants, as well as various nuts.
Physical-physical astral manipulation shapes the energy within the body to alter it in numerous ways, such as using parts of the body as weapons, changing the makeup of the body such as turning into metal, or shapeshifting. Physical classes cannot effect anything outside their own bodies however. No true exceptions are known to this rule, however it is possible to create a substance within your body, then exude it somehow, usually through the mouth. Weaker physical astrai sometimes use this to breath fire as that's effective yet simple, though energy intensive. However more skilled users create poison or acid they can exhale. Some teams have been known to combine a phsyical and a manipulator, one creating the substance the other needs to manipulate.
Abstract-this is the most difficult form to learn, as it can be different for every individual. Abstract uses astral energy to achieve a multitude of abnormal effects, such as telepathy, mind reading, telekinesis, animal taming, and numerous others bound only by the physical limitations of the user. For example, no mortal could ever handle the mental processes of every thinking mind on the planet, so they could not possibly extend their power to such a range. Similar factors prevent creating true, solid matter out of just astral energy. This is fortunate, as it prevents astrai from creating currency, which consists of bronze, silver, gold, and platinum coins. Weapons can be created, however they are only ever made of just astral energy, rather than create a steel sword.
Zeiloustrian: Meaning-people of the snow
Type-human/beastial cross species
Appearance-common traits
• Pale skin
• White hair
• Blue eyes
• Shorter stature compared to humans
• Average adult height-5'4"
• Extreme resistance to cold
• High agility
• High speed
• Flexible
• Lacking heat resistance
• Animal like traits varying among individuals eg-enhanced smell or hearing
• Potential to wield multiple Astral types. Partial to elemental manipulation, namely Ice.
• The vast majority of Zeiloustrian are bisexual
Royal traits
• Animal traits eg-ears or tails
• Slightly different hair color
• Enhanced strength
• Slightly taller at 5'6"
Social status-commonly looked down on by other races
Human: Type-Human
Appearance-common traits
• Varied appearances
• Varied Astral usage potential
• Varied physical abilities
• Only sentient species incapable of reproducing with elves
Social Status-Powerful race
Elf: Type-elven
Appearance-common traits
• All around proficient in manipulating Astral energy
• Pointed ears
• Above average senses
• Above average physical capacity
• Above average mental capacity
• Only sentient species incapable of reproducing with humans
Social status-well respected
Reizaan: Meaning-fang ears
Type-elf/beastial cross species
Appearance-common traits
• General elven appearance with varied animal traits eg-claws, tails, ears, eyes ect
• Generally taller than average human
• Commonly stronger and faster than average human
• Varying personality traits depending on strong animal traits
• Strong Astral control
• Elven ears
Social status-disliked by elves
Rak'shan: Meaning-children of the forest
Appearance-common traits
• Very animal like appearances
• Varying animal traits
• Highest strength
• Highest speed
• Prefer seclusion
• Dislike other races, especially non-beastials
• Extreme disdain for elves
• Can only wield physical Astral energy
Social status-command respect through force and fear, hated by elves and feared by other races
Alozian: Meaning-pure winged ones
Appearance-common traits
• Striking beauty
• White feathered wings
• Especially skilled in abstract Astral control
• Due to their power, they were attacked frequently by every race except the Zeiloustrians, who respected them highly
• Very rarely venture outside their heavily guarded capitol
• Though they appear to have two genders, they're actually hermaphroditic, and can mate with any sentient species and produce a full fledged alozian. How is unknown.
• The only race they respect are the Zeiloustrians
• In battle they wear very little, if any protection or sometimes even no clothing at all, to demonstrate how superior they are to their non-alozian opponent
• They wear heavy armor when fighting alozians, as alozian fights would be over too quickly otherwise due to the sheer destructive strength of alozians
• Due to so many destructive and costly wars, they are declining in population
• No further information known
Social standing-treated with respect through fear, only genuinely respected by Zeiloustrians, and generally highly reclusive
Name-Linnius Saestrine
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