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To Maintain Peace and Order ¦1x1 with Jikkah¦


Jun 3, 2013
Under a rock
It was dark and cold, though spring had just freshly sprung winter refused to release what little hold it had over the land. It was almost dead quiet, the only sound being the crickets and grasshoppers. Yukimura was returning to the Takeda estate after preforming his duties as onmyoji, his shikigami - a tengu named Sasuke - flying high above and farther ahead to scout for any danger. There was a rustle in the foliage to the right of Yukimura, as well as soft sobbing.
"Tasu...kette...I don't...wish to die..."

Masamune sighed heavily as he sat outside his summoning circle, holding an amulet paper before looking at the paper doll that would house the soul of the spirit he would bring forth.
"Well, here goes." He muttered and drew on the paper, muttering a soft chant under his breath.
Yukimura had a long way to go, and had already gone quite a way, he was tired. He was drifting in and out of sleep when he thought he heard the voice of a woman. Jolting up, he looked around, had he imagined hearing her? Stopping his horse, he looked around, listening intently for another noise that would point him in the right direction.

Smoke seemed to appear out of nowhere, surrounding the paper doll, then with a faint burst of power, the smoke was dispersed. In the place of the doll laid a scroll, average in size and appearance. Had he made a mistake?
"Tasu...kette..." It sounded weaker, but it was definitely a woman's voice. Sasuke moved over and landed beside him.
"Something wrong, dana?"

"What the...?" Masamune stood and moved over, picking it up and untying it to unroll it.
Yukimura scowled softly and moved toward the voice. “I heard a woman.” He said, moving to the bushes and pushing them aside. When his eyes fell upon the fallen form before him, he gasped softly, moving over to her. “Sasuke, I need some help!” He called.

The scroll definitely had life to it, light weight, but a bit heavier than a normal scroll. When unrolled, the scroll wasn’t empty, a beautiful painting of a woman, adorned in a beautiful black and red kimono, with long inky hair.
Sasuke moved over and peeked to see what was wrong, his wings folded tightly against his back. Yukimura was knelt in front of a rather large fox that Sasuke immediately knew was a demon. Her fur was barely recognizable as peach colored under all the blood. She was barely breathing, fighting to open her eyes.
"P...Please...I don't...want to die..."
"Dana, this could be a trap." Sasuke said, looking around cautiously.

"How in the hell did I summon a painting??" He asked himself, "Kinda cute though."
Admittedly, Yukimura hadn’t thought about a trap, but how could he, when there was someone in need. “Nonsense, trap or not, this spirit needs my help.” He tore his sleeve from his clothes, pulling it into strips that he could fasten around the wounds on the fox. “I can’t rightfully turn down a spirit who begs me for help.” He gently picked up the fox, moving back to his horse.

“I’m not a painting.” A woman’s voice sounded in the room with Masamune, but he saw no one. Who had spoken? It couldn’t have been the painting, could it?
"Dana." Sasuke growled in annoyance at how much of a bleeding heart his master was. The fox rested her head weakly against Yukimura's shoulder, and thankfully enough nothing came out to attack him.
"Thank you...thank you so much..." She wept, her voice strained.

"Whoa..." Masamune almost dropped her before giving a closer examination, "Are you a spirit??" He asked, "I've never seen your kind before."
“Please, do not speak, you must conserve your energy.” Yukimura said, climbing onto his horse. “Sasuke, please go ahead and alert the healers we will be bringing in a spirit who needs help.” He looked to his friend, eyes almost pleading; he never could leave a single spirit behind.

“Of course I’m a spirit! You summoned me, did you not?” Again, it was like he was speaking to someone who was right in front of him, and well, she was. Though the painting didn’t move when it spoke, it definitely was the painting that was speaking.
Sasuke grumbled before flying off at top speed toward the estate. The fox went lax in his arms, finally losing consciousness from all her blood loss.

"Are you stuck in there or can you come out?" He asked curiously.
Yukimura did the same, kicking the horse into a full gallop as he raced after Sasuke, keeping a firm grip on the fox. He prayed to himself that he would make it in time.

“I-I can come out.” She almost sounded nervous, or was it embarrassment? What an odd spirit.
Masamune set the scroll down and stepped back, "Ok? Go ahead then. If you don't mind, at least.."

Sasuke got to the estate in record time and alerted the healers to prepare.
"Is Yukimura-sama alright?"
"He's fine, we just have a guest to care for." Sasuke huffed.
The scroll was silent for a moment, then slowly it began to shake, the woman painted on the scroll peeling away from the paper. It began to materialize into a flesh and blood woman, taking only a moment before she stood before Masamune. She was short and petite, with inky black hair and red eyes. Her cheeks were flushed red, the woman clothed in a traditional kimono stood with her eyes downcast, held a paintbrush, fidgeting silently.

Soon the sounds of horse hooves sounded on the dirt road outside the healers bay, Yukimura having rode directly through the estate gardens to get there. Jumping off the horse, he hurried to the door, throwing it open and hurrying inside.
Masamune whistled, "Wow. You're way cuter in person." He said.

"Yukimura-sama!" The healers looked frantic, wondering what was wrong before they noticed the fox in his arms, "Is this the guest?"
Her face got even more red, eyes looking up at Masamune. “I-I am not!” She objected, only to realize how ridiculous she sounded, and quickly fell silent.

Ever since he was a child, Yukimura was known to bring both spirits, people, and animals alike to the healers, he never discriminated. “Yes, please, she’s hurt badly.” He laid her down on the cot before the healers, taking a small step back.”
He grinned before bowing, "Date Masamune desu."

They nodded and began working to cleanse and heal the poor spirit's wounds, "Did you find it like this? Do you know how long it has been wounded?"
“D-Domo..” She bowed her head to him, but didn’t offer a name in return; for such a prestigiously dressed spirit, she either didn’t have manners or didn’t have a name.

“I am unsure, I found her along side the road- will you be able to help her?” He asked nervously.
"Yooooou got a name?" He asked, glancing at her, "Or do I just call you pretty lady in a painting?"

He nodded and went back to work healing the fox. Sasuke grabbed Yukimura's arm gently.
"Come on, dana, let's give them space to work."
The woman fidgeted and stole a glance up at him. “I don’t know it...” She said, trailing off so he could hardly hear her at the end. She seemed almost sad. “It doesn’t really matter though.. I don’t need a name to be a Shikigami..”

Yukimura had to nearly be dragged out of the room, he always did. His heart was too big, it did him more harm than good.
"Well, painting lady gets rather tiresome after a while. So how about I name you?" He asked, "Gotta call you something."

"You worry way too much, you know that. The last time you brought a spirit home, we had to put it down because it nearly killed everyone." Sasuke said.
She looked up instantly, red eyes wide and a look of shock on her face. “You would do that..?” She asked, her voice soft.

Yukimura frowned softly, looking down, he still could hear the screams of the servants of the servants in his dreams. “She’s different... I can feel her soul, it’s gentle.”
"Sure." He said with a shrug, "I named Kojurou."

Sasuke made a noise, "She's a kitsune, she's no good. She's probably going to rob us or something."
The woman nodded, gripping her paintbrush tightly. “Please name me..!” She bowed her head to him, cheeks as red as her eyes.

Yukimura shook his head. “She was on deaths door, Sasuke, I don’t think she’ll be able to do much.” He said, a soft frown on his face.
Masamune looked her over as he thought about a good name for her, "How about...Megohime?"

"I never could trust a kitsune, not even the ones that lived in the mountains." He muttered.
Her face flushed more, and he could see a very faint smile on her lips. “Megohime.” She whispered softly, liking the name. She bowed to Masamune, resting her hands on her knees. “Megohime desu.” She said softly.

Yukimura understood Sasuke’s distrust, placing a hand on his shoulder. “I will remain at her side this time, I won’t let anyone else be harmed.
"Nice to meet you. Hope you don't mind touring around with me to beat up power hungry demons." Masamune said.

Sasuke made a disapproving sound, "I'll cut off her head myself if she tries anything, dana."
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