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Wandering the Wasteland (Yummy x Firestarter)

Lucky for her it would be a some what tight fit. Though it worked all the same in general and the material also felt a little different as well. "Good, we're done with that... The suit will hold, it'll expand with your growing size as well." Stated the Amazon-esuqe catgirl. "Now, help me pick your forner vault friend." She gestured to the sleeping pink haired catgirl Tammy, who was once a male from the same vault as Vanessa. "Aftet we're gathering our stuff and heading to town."
Vanessa fidgeted a little in the Vault Suit as she got used to the tight fit, these outfits were normally quite roomy so this was going to take some getting used to. "Uh...thanks" She was slightly worried about the comment for 'growing size', Vanessa was already over 10 feet tall now, was she really going to get even bigger than this? She glanced to the other girl asleep on the ground, slowly going over to pick her up. "Right...I should probably send a message back to the Vault when we get there too" She had to make sure the people knew what they could be getting into if they left the vault, things were radically more different than anybody could ever have predicted.
Menta sighed as she noticed the girls reactions. "Such a pansy." She pinched the bridge of her nose slightly, not truly amused with what was going on. "You're too scared... And I doubt you'll be able to get a message to you vault, besides this part of the waste here seem to be rather isolated... Then again... Those deathclaw girls probably are spreading like wildfire..." She shook her head pushing the thoughts back down as she went to go and pack up.
"There's nothing cowardly about being cautious" Vanessa glanced up as she was accused of being scared. Well, it wasn't entirely untrue, but what vault dweller wouldn't be scared coming into a situation like this? All Vanessa knew about the world was the vault knowledge of the world before the war. "Well, those Deathclaws might be tough but the Vault was built to withstand Nuclear Bombs falling on it after all" She hoisted the cat girl up over her shoulder as she turned to follow the two sisters. "So this town of yours....just who, or what, else lives there anyway?"
"Well, we've already explained it... It's a variety of girls and girls with dicks.... Duh, you got catgirl, doggirls, deathclaw girls, etcetera." Menta gave a defeated sigh as she thought little of difference, after all the town was loving place and not one of hate. "Yeah, well I doubt it'll do much when they can rip and tear metal apart." Menta and Meena had precariously had been able to pack all the itens and gear they had into big bags. These bags were slung over their shoulders as they walked with sways in their hips.
This town certainly sounded....well, interesting was definitely one word to use for it. Vanessa was doing her best to imagine it but she suspected that her imagination certainly wasn't doing the reality justice. "Don't underestimate our vault, it can survive direct hits from nuclear bombs after all, and we've made a lot of improvements since the Great War" She couldn't help a bit of stubborn pride in her home vault, and it was true that the defenses had been enhanced in the centuries since the bombs fell.
Vanessa brought up the rear of the group, letting Meena and Menta take the lead with the bags whilst she carried the catgirl over her shoulder, though despite her best efforts Vanessa couldn't help her eyes wandering quite often to Meena and Menta's swaying backsides whilst they walked, the movement almost hypnotic, Vanessa only seeming to snap herself out of it when she caught herself licking at her lips.
Tammy's cunt would be leaking a good amount of fluid, as she was stuffed up with the amount cum from both twins. This sexual fluid of course would drip onto Vanessa shoulder, and probably stain her suit. "Mmmm, I wonder what'll happen if your vault got exposed to us? Would they panic or submit?" Meena said with a hum, as her sister let out groans of disapproval. They'd walk for hours on end, passing by scenery that was getting a bit more life filled at times. "We're are getting close, sister and I can smell some of the Gecko-girls partols rutting right now!" Beamed the energetic Meena, a sly grin plastered on her face. "Doesn't that sound fun wifey?" She turned her head to look at Vanessa briefly.
Vanessa glanced at her shoulder as she felt something hot and warm dripping onto her, sighing and rolling her eyes as she realised what it was, just trying to hold Tammy a little further away instead. "The vault would probably kill you before you got the chance to expose too many of them. The two of you aren't exactly subtle after all, and we've got weapons that they didn't even have before the war. Probably best to just leave it be"

She paid careful attention as they walked, noting the route they were taking, the surroundings as they passed by, Vanessa making a mental map in her head so that she wouldn't get lost if she were to ever wander off on her own.
"Hm? Wifey...?" Vanessa raised an eyebrow "I certainly don't ever recall agreeing to anything like that"
"Don't matter, we decided to claim ya!" Cheered Meena before giving a playful slap to Mentas ass, letting it jiggle in it's confines; this was all done to tease and play with Vanessa. Menta was quick to return the favor, though it was ten times harder than the other one. "Ow! That one hurt!" Meena squealed as a hand came to rub her ass. They'd soon pass into a greener area, with grass, trees and shrubs all around. "Mmm, we're almost there." Chimmed in Meena, letting their new pal that they'd be making contact with the town soon. "Hey, so what did that deathclaw girl feel like when she was fucking you?" A odd question to ask.
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