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Wandering the Wasteland (Yummy x Firestarter)

The creature smirked at the progressive transformation, Vanessa was coming along nicely in it's eyes, it hand now was only able to grope one tit at a time. "You've got big titties like me!" It said ecstatic, it leaned forward pressing it's own large tits against her back. "You'll be a hot Deathclaw-girl like me! Maybe you'll give me a name!" She said in a seductive voice, it's cock throbbed once more as she slid it slowly back into her pussy. Her cock slowly pumping in and out, as her arm went to the nine month looking belly. With her own strength she forced Vanessa to an upright position, in which the Deathclaw-girl own face could bury into the back of Vanessa neck. The creature began to lick at the back of the neck. To any on lookers they would see two very amazon-ques women. The creature cock began to thrust in and out of Vanessa pussy once more, as the cum began to mentally effect Vanessa a bit, nothing to serious or drastic. Maybe a little drastic but nothing more than lowering inhibitions. The creatures balls continued to slap against her thighs as an area above Vanessa pussy burned, the creature continued to lick at the back of Vanessa neck with it's tongue, as it own 12 pack rubbed against the smooth yet resistant skin of Vanessa back. If they weren't so lust filled they'd notice how close they were to the ceiling.
Vanessa had her eyes shut tightly, she didn't dare look at her body, what had happened to it. What the creature a Deathclaw Girl? no no, Vanessa was human! She would cling onto that humanity with ever ounce of desperation she could muster, though for at least some of the changes it was too late. Vanessa's pussy squeezed more tightly than ever as the creature's cock slid inside of her once more, her new muscles causing it to tighten up, and allowing Vanessa to feel every bump and curve of the cock inside of her. The girl yelped as she was suddenly pulled upright, her head almost bumping against the roof of the shack due to her new height, her giant belly bouncing and jiggling as the cum already inside of her shifted around. Vanessa was grunting and groaning with every movement as the pleasure continued to rock her body, her muscles continuing to ripple slightly as every thrust of the creature seemed to make her stronger and stronger.
The creature continued to lick at her neck, The Deathclaw-girl own large breasts rubbed against Vanessa back, pleasing the creature. While it's balls slapped against Vanessa thighs, sending waves of pleasure through both of them. Its cock continuously striking at her womb, as cum mixed sexual fluids began to drip from the used pussy. The creature could feel another orgasm coming once more, it each second grew more pleasurable for it as it reached it. "I wonder how much you can hold~?" It asked in a lustful haze, it's voice sounded more and more clear to Vanessa ears. It almost sounded like this thing was starting to come off some sex driven high, though before that could be answered or not the cock was slammed deeply into Vanessa womb, as the tip twitched and released it's payload. Streams of semen flooding into the sexual mix batter, trying to combine with any free eggs. There was no doubt that Vanessa was getting out of this scot free, more changes began to happen subtly as pressure was applied to Vanessa tail bone or the sides of her head. The creature groaned and moaned as it balls emptied into Vanessa, it's voices cracking as it sounded like it was coming off like a drunk person.
Vanessa cried out as yet more cum began to flood into her womb, her already swollen belly beginning to stretch even further. It seemed that despite her incredible new musculature her body was rather flexible and elastic as well, more than capable of holding every last drop of cum that the creature could produce and more. Vanessa felt some further changes, but gritted her teeth, forcing her body to resist them, or at least the ones she could. Whilst she seemed to be holding back the sensations in her head and at the base of her back, it meant she was unable to spare any attention to focus on the change going on just above her pussy, on the pressure that was building and building there, unable to hold back something that felt like it was trying to get out, something she couldn't see due to her hugely cum filled belly blocking off her view.
The creature smirked and moved a hand to just above the pussy, smiling at the skin bulging out and pushing into something new, there was also a sack it felt slowly forming. "Yay! A cock!" It cheered childishly, as it began its fucking once more. "You'll be beautiful like me!" It seemed so happy at this revelation. "Just let it go, let the tail grow and your horns blossom." Yeah something was definitely wrong in this things mind. "Oh your pussy is the best! It squeezes so tight around my cock!" It said practically drooling, its throbbing shaft pulling in and out, in and out. It was like a repeating cycle of never ending sex. It was starting to take it's tool on Vanessa, though it seemed as if she was enjoying it herself though.
"A...a cock...? N-no!" Vanessa couldn't see down, even if her belly wasn't hugely swollen with cum, her breasts would still have been blocking the view due to their new size. But with Vanessa putting so much focus on resisting some of the other changes in her body, on holding back the tail and horns, she had no willpower left to spare. With every thrust of the creature's cock into her pussy Vanessa's cock seemed to pulse and grow a little more, her balls swelling slightly further and further. "O-oh...oh god...!" The cum in Vanessa's womb was churning around, so much of it moving so much that it could almost be heard over the sound of their fucking. The cum was also drawing out several eggs from Vanessa's ovaries, depositing them into the churning mass of cum within her...
The creature smiled at the new deathclaw girl, the horns started to come in along with the tail. "Pretty." It said allured by Vanessa appearance, it knew it had impregnated the woman, but luckily for it and Vanessa it knew that it would be live births and not that of eggs. "Sexy. So sexy now~!" It seemed to get really happy as it hands caressesed Vanessa curves. It smiled and hugged Vanessa like a child, purring and mewling against her. "I've got a mate now~!" It said happily, not really caring if it had mortified and raped a human at all, a another spur of changes happend to Vanessa eye's. Slowly they gained slitted pupils. The creature smiled and rubbed its cock along Vanessa butt as it used its legs to keep her growing tail out of the way. "I wonder how big you are~." It seemed really giddy when it talked about size.
Vanessa whimpered, closing her eyes as she tried to concentrate. Somehow it seemed, through sheer willpower alone, she was managing to suppress the growth of the tail and horns. However her body was determined to grow something somewhere....and if it wasn't going to be in the form of horns and a tail, it was going to be somewhere else. Vanessa's muscles twitched and started to bulge a little further, her bones starting to snap as her height began to increase by another foot. At the same time her breasts and cock grew even further, huge even for her bodies new height and musculature, whilst her balls had each swollen to practically the size of soccer balls, already churning with gallon upon gallon of hot, thick cum.
The creature groaned as it stepped back from Vanessa, the creature was not pleased by how Vanessa kept resisting. It was at that moment in a attempt of rage she tackled the new deathclaw girl, forcing her frontside up against the wall. The building creaked against the weight. "Grow your horns and tail!" The creature exclaimed, its cock slapping against Vanessa butt, as it balls slapped against her thights. It arms wrangled at Vanessa own. Outside up on the ridge the two sets of gray eye's looked at the shack shake.

"Meena, my dear sister. Timr to save our dear human friend?" The gray eyes with the cowboy reapter asked her sister.
"N-no" Vanessa managed to growl out the words, her body had already changed so much, she refused to allow to to change more, certainly not in the way this creature wanted anyway. The girl clenched her fists tightly, new muscles creating a fist far stronger than any normal human could create. Maybe one thing this new body would do is give her a fighting chance, Vanessa starting to try and struggle more against the creature, using powerful new muscles to push back against it, the entire shack beginning to shake from the powerful movements, whilst Vanessa remained unaware that she was being watched by others as well now that the radiation storm outside had passed.
"Stop! You'll bring metal down!" The Death claw Girl exclaimed, she tried to keep her grip on the poor bloated women. The Death claw Girl growled as she put more weight onto Vanessa form, her cock glancing passed Vanessa pussy and even her balls. "Just grow a tail and horns! You will be pretty! Just like me! No long mouth!" The woman thing cried out, its grip slowly starting to loosen from the thrashing. The shack shook more and more, and with every passing second seemed closer to coming down on top of the two. *CREAK! SNAP! SNAP! CREAK!* If nothing stopped those two soon, they would be stuck under rubble. Though that did not sound like it be that bad, considering how durable they were, especially Vanessa due to her new form. It was at this time one of the pairs of grey eyes, had made it up to the entrance of the shack. It quickly threw a bag of what appeared to be, copious amounts of semen into the shack. It splattered against the wall and released a scent to get the two to stop fighting.
"I don't care!" Vanessa growled as the creature warned that the shack may come down ontop of them. Right now Vanessa didn't care about some crusty old shack came crashing down, she suspected this muscular new body of hers would be able to withstand it without much problem, and pushing her way back out again likely wouldn't take much of an effort. Before that could happen though something happened, the entrance to the shack suddenly opened and something came flying in, some kind of bag, and when it hit the wall it released a large volume of thick white fluid all over the wall. Vanessa pulled back from the creature slightly, her sense of smell seemingly having been enhanced as the scent filled her nostrils, making her shiver, though it seemed to be affecting the creature that had attacked her even more. This might have been the distraction she needed to escape! Taking the chance Vanessa moved for the doorway, just hoping whoever had thrown that was friendlier than this thing had been.
Menta sighed as she made sure her cowboy repeater was kept train on the door, her naked breasts jiggled with the rising and the fall of her chest. Her ears flicked and tails curled, as her own dick throbbed and balls churned. Her body was filling with adrenaline as she saw Vanessa leaving the building in a rush. "Thank god." She said beneath her breath, lowering her weapon and looking at the now giant woman - who stood around her height. "Hey blue, follow me. That cum won't keep her busy!" Menta yelled at the new deathclaw girl, as she turned around and went towards the overhanging hill. "Can't believe I had to toss my damn clothing." The woman grumbled to herself, her dull-silver gray hair blew in the breeze as made strides to get away from the shack.
Vanessa coughed and stumbled as she emerged from the shack, barely keeping her balance. As she heard a voice and looked up she gasped at the sight of the girl....just as tall and with...strange ears and tails? Not to mention a girl with a cock and balls...then again Vanessa was much the same now, even if the reality of that hadn't quite settled in yet. Still, this one hadn't attacked her and seemed to be trying to help so Vanessa wasn't in much of a position to refuse right now. "R-right!" She could ask questions later, questions like who these things were, what was going on, and did they have anything Vanessa could use to cover up. Her breasts, muscles and height had all increased so much that little to nothing of Vanessa's vault suit now remained. All she could do was run off after Menta, Vanessa's now giant breasts bouncing wildly with every step, whilst her gigantic cock swung haphazardly, heavy and powerful enough to knock out a regular human if they were unfortunate enough to get in its way right now, gigantic balls behind it slapping against Vanessa's thighs with a loud noise every time her powerful legs took a step.
Menta sighed as she saw that the new deathclaw girl was lagging behind. "Keep going, or else do you want your ass fucked by lover?" Menta teased at the new deathclaw girl. "Or maybe you'll need my firm grasp on your ass." Her tone was still a teasing one, soon the two would reach the top of the hill. Menta couldn't help but giggle at all the slapping noises coming from Vanessa. "Too much for you? Don't like your new gear? Must be hard huh? Too bad that you didn't find us. You would've made a good cocksucker." She sounded a bit boastful about that. "Of course, you'll still make a fine one, but that pregnant look is telling me your a bit busy right now." They finally arrived at the top, Meena - Menta identical twin - was currently fucking another cat person like herself, but due to Meena being in the way; Vanessa could not get the best view of who it was.
Vanessa growled a little at the other girl teasing her, but then again she wasn't in much position to do anything about it, she needed help and there wasn't anybody else around to offer it. Even if there was, well, the situation was certainly going to be rather awkward and any regular person was most certain to have just freaked out. When they finally got to the top of the hill Vanessa took a few deep breaths, shivering as the powerful muscles of her stomach started to constrict and squeeze. A moment later the Deathclaw's cum began to erupt from Vanessa's pussy, causing her to moan involuntarily as it practically sprayed all over the ground between her legs, Vanessa's bulging stomach beginning to return back towards a flat state as the cum in her womb was forced back out. "L-look...I...I appreciate the help..." It was hard for her to speak as cum continued to pour out of her. " you have...any clothes...that...that might fit...?"
Fortunately Vanessa still appeared mostly human, besides the fact she now had far many more muscles than any human could have, not to mention the fact that she was around 10 feet tall now. Suppressing the growth of any horns and tail had allowed her to at least stay recognisably human, but the growth had to go somewhere, and it had resulted in not only Vanessa being more muscular than even an Alpha Deathclaw, but had also resulted in a bigger cock than even a Deathclaw futa normally had, not to mention Vanessa's nipples on her oversized breasts were now the size of soda cans.
Menta smirked as she watched the cum pour from Vanessa pussy. "Good job, your getting all you leftover everywhere." Menta didn't sound so amused by that, especially with the way her ears flattened. "Can't believe your dumbass got so fucked." Her voice was low, low enough that she wouldn't be heard. Her ears perked back up at the question from Vanessa. Did they have any clothing that she could wear? Probably, after all they were around the same height. Menta brow furrowed as she thought of whether to say yes or no, though if she did say no she could possibly fix up whatever remanets of that suit she wore. "No, we only got three pairs of clothing. However, I'm willing take what remnants of your suit and repair it. Just like our cock suckers suit." Menta told the new deathclaw girl, her eyes trailed up and down her form impressed by what she saw. "Our assets are around the same size, so I can see what I can do. Just hand me those remnants." It was at this point, Meena, let out a large moan of relief. The last of her cum being shot into their little bitch. Menta turned her head slightly in her sister direction. "Jeez, you really love our damn toy, don't you sister?" Her answer was meant with a purr of satisfaction.
"I-it's not like I can help where it goes..." Vanessa grumbled, not sure what Menta had mumbled to herself though she got the impression it wasn't exactly something flattering. "Hm? Well..." Vanessa glanced down at the remnants of her vault suit, it covered nothing that needed to be covered now. She wondered what could possibly be made from it, but then this was just another thing she had no real choice in. Besides, taking off what was left was hardly going to make any difference, Vanessa's breasts, cock, balls, pussy and ass were all full out on display as it was and far too big to cover up with her hands. "Fine..." Vanessa removed the rest of her clothing, tossing them over to Menta, then looking past her as she turned, blinking as she saw another girl who seemed identical to Menta. "Uhh..." Vanessa couldn't help blushing at the sight, but at the same time something else was happening...the erotic sight before her was causing Vanessa's brand new cock to stir, the woman beginning to get her first ever erection, her balls beginning to ramp up production of cum so much that Menta and Meena would be able to see them visibly swell even larger than their own.
Menta smirked as she took the tattered clothing, a smile on her face as she knew this would be a challenge. She turned on her heel, walking over to a chest she had on the ground. As the cat-person walked to the chest she gave the deathclaw girl a good sight of her rear, her pussy slit as well. It was a shame Menta was going to be busy fixing her clothing. "Nya~!" Meena moaned as she pulled her cock out from her little slut - even though they were all ten feet tall-. Slick! Her large meaty shaft was free, as spurts of cum landed on the backside of her little cocksucker. "Rest up Tammy!~" Meena purred in pure pleasure, standing up and stretching her balls aching as she was still a bit pent up. She turned quickly around to greet Vanessa, her eye's meeting with Vanessa from so far away. It seemed that Meena really, really looked like Menta. The twin began to approach closer, her erect cock slapping against her stomach as her nuts swayed a bit. "Oh my, your the other suit person." Her eyes trailed up and down the deathclaw girl body. "Your like Tammy." She used her hand to motion back to the pink haired cat-person, who was currently on the ground panting. "You don't seem done with your transformation."
These girls....they seemed to have absolutely no modesty whatsoever. And yet they were sisters too? Sisters yet they were not only naked around one another but even having sex infront of one another like it was nothing. If they didn't look so identical Vanessa would never have believed these two were actually related. " two were watching me as well as that thing?" Vanessa swallowed nervously as she watched Meena, shivering as her own cock continued to grow, raising up as it became longer, harder, thicker, beginning to lift upwards to point towards the sky, pre-cum beginning to form at the tip, though Vanessa was doing her best to ignore it, along with the constantly increasing ache in her balls as they seemed to feel tighter and tighter. "I'm most definitely as done with it as I intend to be...." She glanced between Meena and Menta a few times. "What happened to you two...? Did...something attack you and change you like this as well? Were you from a vault? A settlement?"
Meena smirked as she saw the look Vanessa gave them, it was one of wonder, and that made things fucking hilarious for her. "You seem suprised? Never heard of twins? Or sisterly love? Got something against it?" Meena smirked as she saw the worry in Vanessa voice. "Oh! That? Well yeah... More so sister did... We dont like fucking with that horny bitch." Meena eyes trailed the growing shaft, watching as pre-cum dripped from the tip. "Horny. We'll have to fix that back in town." Her eyes watched as Vanessa balls ached with cum. Menta glanced back at the two glaring at Vanessa for some reason, Meena noticed this and giggled. "Seems sis doesn't like your comment about not being done, its rude to leave yourself unfinished out here. Tammy learned that as well." She motioned back to the pink haired cat-person. Meena put a hand to cheek trying to think of more answers. "Hmmm, well we don't really know." Meena gave her best answer. "By the way you had the fourteen on you suit right? Just like Tammy?"
Sisterly love? So...these two were sisters and they were doing...those things together? Something like that had most certainly been against any and every rule back in the vault, after all they had to be incredibly careful to maintain genetic diversity in a closed environment like that. "Hmph, say what you want but I certainly consider myself finished....ugh....wonder if the medics back at the Vault can come up with a way to fix this...? Then again they don't have much experience with mutation...." She grumbled, glancing down at herself, blushing in embarassment as she saw her now fully erect cock pulsing and throbbing, pointing straight up at her face.
"Y-yes, I had a fourteen on it...I'm from Vault 14, quite a lot of us left recently to explore the Wasteland....what about the two of you? Where are you from?"
Meena noticed the expressions Vanessa made, a grin appearing on her lips as she figured out what Vanessa was thinking. The cat-person choose to remain quiet letting all the questions be asked before giving out answers. "Well it's good to know Tammy vault relatives are in the same area." Meena grin was wide, as she gave a look back at Tammy plump ass. "She's such a fine fuck, glad her cock didn't disappear during the transformation." She looked back to Vanessa, giggling like a child as she watched the throbbing erection. "Well you might wanna grow those horns, or tail soon." Another giggle escaped her lips. "I don't think anyone can bring you back to normal, after all when your infected.... What was it called again? Oh! FEVC. You'll change into a beautiful form! Just like all those tall green men that came into town a few months back." Meena seemed to be talking about supermutants, apparently they had come across them- wait did she just say town? "Once exposed, the dumb ones became really smart and the smart ones became happier, and relieved of their stress. Then they took on nice feminine forms." Meena smiled as she started to explain where they were from. "We're from this big town, or city really... It's got fancy tech and shit, mostly due to what you call vaults... I guess. We called them bunkers if you were wondering, there were like thirteen of these vaults in the surrounding area, all of them played a part in building Dusty Shades." Meena explained.
"I most certainly don't intend to grow anything more from almost looked like a Deathclaw was different to what everyone always described...." Vanessa frowned slightly. Whilst she had successfully suppressed the growth of the horns and tail it had come at a cost that she wasn't yet aware of. Her genetic structure had been left rather more unstable, malleable and flexible, fresh infusions of new DNA would quite possibly have unexpected side effects on her that they may not have had otherwise. "Wait....FEVC?" Vanessa's eyes widened. She knew of FEV, her vault had been well equipped with scientific equipment, part of its original purpose had been to continue FEV research started before the war, though their historical records showed that the original Overseer had quickly put a stop to any form of human experimentation. Their ancestors had been attempting to stabalise the FEV, perfect it, remove the negative side effects of loss of fertility and such radical physical transformations, but around a century ago they had determined the original research had been fundamentally flawed, most of the FEV samples they had were destroyed and the little remaining was archived and locked away. Still, pre-war knowledge had always been taught to the dwellers of Vault 14, especially events in the immediate run up to the war. FEVC though, that was new. Could it be some kind of mutation of FEV? Their historical lessons had shown it reacted unpredictably to radiation, something out here in the wasteland must have affected a pre-war store of FEV and it somehow had gotten released out into the wild. If it really was FEV though then the chances of reversing these changes were slim, none of the Vault 14 experiments had ever shown that FEV mutations could be reversed, every simulated attempt only resulted in even greater and wilder mutations.
"Dusty Shades? I think I heard a few rumours about that in the last town but nobody seemed to know anything specific" Still, a settlement was definitely a better option than staying out here. "Alright...once my clothes are repaired maybe you could show me where this town is..?" Of course heading into town was going to be rather...embarassing. Vanessa's erection throbbed again, the woman gasping as it seemed to grow slightly longer and thicker before Meena and Menta's eyes. The more she tried to ignore it the worse it got. Another cost of her suppressing the horns and tails....if she ignored her arousal it would only grow stronger, continuously until it was relieved, and a side effect of that was that her cock would continue to grow and grow until it were satisfied....
Meena giggled at Vanessa reactions, she seemed to be enjoying the shock the girl was going through. "Yeppers, but you really should finish your transformation." Meena began to explain. "Well, the thung that was fucking you was indeed a deathclaw, a troublesome one at that." Well that answered that question. "You see this area just doesn't contain our good ole Dusty Shades, but several smaller tribes we created by exposing them to FEVC." Meena smiled as she explained, her eyes watching as Vanessa cock twitched and throbbed. It made her own throb aa well, it was at this moment Vanessa would notices the nodules of flesh that lined the shaft of Meena; these nodules of flesh would be later explained as 'barbs', but that was later. "What? Did your guy's vault thing have stuff like FEVC? Thats what its called right? I'm only asking because our thirteen vaults only had numbers, none of the names never got painted.with such letters." Meena giggled as she walked closer to Vanessa, her hips swaying alluringly as her balls jiggled and cock throbbed. It was at this time she noticed her embarrassment. "Hey don't worry about being embarrassed, everybody in Dusty Shades is really tall, hell some are naked. I should mention this though, when we head into town be careful of this group called the NCR; they are a weird bunch that comes and goes. They aren't dangerous, but they have some guys that love to hassle others." Meena giggled as she noticed the growth of Vanessa cock. "Told you, don't deny your tails and horns; otherwise you'll grow till your immobile." Meena suddenly slapped her much larger, thicker cock against Vanessa own. It gave nice comparison of how big Meena, and Memta shafts were. "Me and my sister measure around the same length, girth, etcetera." Her 'barbs' were rubbing against Vanessa shaft, earning a moan from Meena. "Well, theres no time like the present. Lets fuck!." Meena cheered, pressing her upper half against Vanessa own, their large tits mashing together as Meena used her hand to jerk both her cock, and Vanessas at the same time.
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