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Wandering the Wasteland (Yummy x Firestarter)


Jan 5, 2018
((Image link probly NSFW))

Vanessa sighed as she dropped another empty toolbox onto the barren ground beside her, grumbling as she glanced around, wiping her brow. She'd used a decent amount of ammo to clear out several Radscorpions in this area, thinking that they must've been gathered here by something, but instead all she'd found was empty toolboxes, depleted fusion batteries and caps that were so rusted they were practically useless. As for the radscorpions, well, they were all rather scrawny, not much meat on them at all, enough for her to cook a few meals from but not enough to sell for any real profit. "Great....just great..." The girl muttered, lifting up her 10mm gun to examine it.
She'd left the Vault 6 months ago now, Vault 14, sealed for 200 years, lost behind a landslide and cut off from all communication. The people in the Vault had considered themselves the last of humanity until prospectors had cleared away the cave entrance. Apparently they had salvaged a Vault Tec facility and found some records of their Vault, the group had been hoping to scavenge the vault remains...imagine their surprise when they had found it fully active and inhabited. After that curiosity had drawn Vanessa to leave, along with several others, all of them going their own way to explore this strange new world.

None of them had quite expected things to be so bad, none of them had believed absolutely everything would be so....destroyed. And then ontop of that was the radiation. Vanessa had managed to avoid much of it thanks to her Pip Boy, but sometimes it was simply unaviodable, either simply in the environment or through food and drink. Fortunately though Vanessa seemed to have suffered no real ill effects from it, though her previously brown hair had now turned a shade of light blue, and her bangs had taken on an unusual shape, but she considered herself lucky to not be suffering any additional mutations, especially after she'd encountered her first Ghoul and seen first hand just what radiation could potentially do.

"Ok..." She holstered her gun, then checked her Pipboy, turning to head further North. She'd been warned against heading too far in that direction by the inhabitants of the last settlement she'd visited, but none of them could really say why, just that their parents and their parents parents had always said to avoid it. Well, that meant there was the possibility of the area being untouched by previous scavengers, meaning Vanessa might be able to find some traces of the old world that nobody had seen for centuries.
Reptilian slitted pupils with yellow eyes from all around looked at the wondering travler, watching and waiting to see what were she was going. A pair of gray eye's, with pupils slittled like a cat watched as well. It seemed as if the mutants of the wasteland had been watching, waiting to see what this one would do. While at the same time, the blue slitted cat like eyes waited to see what the yellows would do. Those eye's had a rough idea what the yellows would do to that poor girl, and it shuttered at the thought. Though those blue eye's had taken notice of the gear adorning the human, it looked the gear adorning the other human she found previously; hell it was the same gear! Right down to the number fourteen. Then again the other difference was, that this human was female from the start. The other had met a fate by her and her sister hands, and was currently a cock sucking bitch, speaking of, the gray eye's turned behind smiling as she watched her twin fuck the former man into the ground. Though she was quick to turn back to the situation with the girl wandering the waste, a frown on her face as she thought of what those reptiles would do the poor girl. "Fuuuuuuck, I really want to save her." The gray eye's groaned, looking towards a gun off to her side. A simple cowboy repeater with an attached scope. The gray eye's contemplated shooting the huma wondering to her doom.

The yellow reptilian like eye's watched eagerly, large busts pressed against tbe ground, keeping them low and out of sight; yet also continuously getting turned on as their nipples drug across the ground. A grin spread across it's face, as the wind began to pick up; making the semi long hair it had move in it, a storm was coming and it knew that was it momment to strike with its pack.
As she headed further North Vanessa couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched. Her hand was constantly on her gun, her eyes darting around, but she couldn't spot anything. "Maybe it's just my imagination...just a little jittery after the stories they told me at that settlement..." She shook her head, but kept a hand on her gun. Maybe she was just imagining things and being a little paranoid, but there was no harm in being ready for trouble even when there wasn't any, right?

After walking for a little further though Vanessa frowned as the wind began to pick up, dark clouds beginning to roll in overhead. "Oh crap....don't tell me..." The wind picked up a little further, sand and dirt being picked up, the sharp specs stinging as the hit, her Vault Suit not offering too much in the way of protection despite the additional padding she'd fitted into the underside of it. "Yeah, definitely gonna be a storm....probably a rad storm. Shit....need to find some shelter" Her eyes darted back and forth before spotting what appeared to be a small shack not too far toward the horizon, her feet immediately breaking into a run towards it. The shack looked abandoned, which would make things easier for her at least since there'd be nobody to argue with over taking shelter. The girl barely made it in time, practically jumping inside as the wind began to howl, the dirt that was being picked up now moving more than fast enough to cut her delicate human skin, only the creatures indigenous to the Wasteland would be able to handle it out there right now.
With a sigh of relief Vanessa pushed the door of the shack closed. The place would offer some shelter from the wind, though less from the radiation of the green lightning now streaking across the sky. A glance at her Pip Boy showed that the radiation at least wasn't at lethal levels inside the shack, but she was still taking a few rads. She didn't have any Rad-X but at least she had a few doses of Rad Away left so she could take that once the storm passed.

"Well, not much to do but wait...." Vanessa glanced around the shack, but it was mostly empty, certainly nothing of value left behind by the looks of things, though she did find a few bullets in the bottom of a drawer. The shack also might have offered protection from the storm, but it certainly wouldn't be much use in defending against any kind of attack. The windows were pretty thin and the door was barely holding on against the wind. With a sigh Vanessa sat down in a corner and leaned against the walls, just stretching and doing her best to relax and wait out the storm.
The grayish eyes watched as the human, having followed them with it's sister and bitch; as it watched the human go to a run down shack. Their cowboy repeater in hand as they noticed the storm, luckily the grayish eyes were immune to the radiation from said storm, as well as the grey eye's sister and recently made bitch. The grayish eyes couldnt help but sigh, knowing that those damn lizards might get to the human first.

The yellow eye's smirked as it crept up to the run down shack, sneaking silently and swiftly as it made it's ever more closer. A perverted grin plastered on it's face, as ideas of what to do to the human grew more prominent in it's mind. It was quick to avoid the windows and head to the entrance as fast as it could, it let out a low moan as it loins grew wetter. "Hehehe." The low laugh escaped from it's lips.
Vanessa was just beginning to date and relax when her attention was caught, her ears pricking up as she heard something, her hands immediately grasping her gun and raising it up, looking between the windows and the door. "What was that?" She whispered to herself, straining to listen over the sound of the wind and thunder outside. She could've sworn she heard something, it almost sounded like a laugh of some kind, but that couldn't be. There couldn't be anybody walking around out there right now. Any human would've been obliterated by the radiation outside in an open area like this. A ghoul could've survived that, but the winds were another matter entirely. Ghoul's were even less resilient than humans to weather conditions like this, their skin would've been literally ripped off in this kind of wind and flying dust and sand.

"Must've been my imagination..." Vanessa lowered her gun slightly, rubbing at her face. It must have just been a trick of the wind, that's all. The wind whistling on the shack outside or blowing through some half exposed pipe that had been unearthed. She took a slow, deep breath and leaned back into the corner of the shack once more, glancing down at her Pipboy. Her rad level still wasn't too bad, she should be able to handle another hour or so before needing to take a dose of Radaway.
The yellows eye's grinned ear to ear, as it extended claws from its finger tips. It knew that it's skin was tough enough to take anything that could be hit with, it crept slowly and then burst off into a sprint! Running towards the girl and then grabbing her. "Sshhh, lets have some fun!~." It said in a lewd tone, it's big tits were pressing against Vanessa body, as well as pressing her large human like cock against her stomach. "Mmm, a human woman just what I need." It seemed that the yellow eye's was really tall and big, it had a human form and it also seemed to have a different type of attribute to it. "Your different, got a 14 on your back; just like that one man... Wish I got that man, damn cat bitches got'em though." It seemed annoyed when it talked, most of it form was shocking to look at.
Vanessa had just been starting to relax again when the door burst open, it was a flurry of movement as she tried to grab her gun, wincing as she was suddenly grabbed, something large and heavy pressing against her. "Wh-what the hell?!" She heard a voice, but this...thing...whatever it was, it was far too big and strong to just be a human. Was it some kind of mutant? One she hadn't encountered before maybe? "L-let me go damnit!" From the way it was talking it had come across someone else who had left Vault 14....damn, well all the more reason to get payback right? Vanessa's hand scrambled to her side to pull her pistol, attempting to tilt the barrel towards the creature, though it was difficult to move at all being pinned down like this.
The yellow eye's noticed Vanessa attempts to use the gun, quickly and swiftly she swatted it out of Vanessa hands before proceeding to push her to the near by wall. The yellow eye's licked it's lips watching the human struggle, as it walked over to the girl once more as it pinned the girls hand to the wall, with just on arm while using the other to cut open a hole in the humans suit. Of course the hole wasn't random as it cut open at where Vanessa maidenhood should've been. "I'll fuck you real hard." It said pervertedly, as it forced Vanessa to shift into a position it could easily fuck. Brining it's cock closer to the entrance.
Vanessa yelped as her gun was swatted out of her hands. She had a knife but it was strapped to her thigh and there was no way to get her arms down to it now with her hands pinned to the wall. "Wh-what the hell are you?!" Vanessa squirmed, then yelped as the front of her vault suit was sliced open. When the creature spoke she gasped, her eyes going wide, was this some kind of mutated human?! "N-no! No stop this!" Vanessa squirmed once more as she was turned around and bent over against the wall, her butt and pussy now sticking out towards the creature. She could feel the walls of the shack shaking from the howling winds of the storm outside, but right now she wondered if maybe she'd be better off out there than in here with this thing. "D-don't do what I think you're going to do! Don't you dare!"
The creature did not care for it's prey struggle and continued to press on, holding the human in place as it teased at the entrance to Vanessa pussy. It's pre-cum dripped from the shaft as it slowly entered the lips, parting them and shoving more of its fat girthy shaft deeper into Vanessa warm snatch. "Oooh~." It moans in a sultry voice as mutated cum seeped onto Vanessa walls. The creature soft yet firm hands continued to pin Vanessa as it moaned out. "Good thing I got you first, you won't end up a cat bitch now." It moaned seemingly happy as it tail could be heard thrashing a bit.
The thing spoke again, though the words didn't really make any sense. What the hell was it even talking about? Then again what it was saying was of far less importance than that it was doing. "H-hey! St-stop it! Stop that right now!" Vanessa hoped it might understand since it could speak, though if it did understand then it didn't seem to care. A moment later Vanessa's eyes went wide as she felt the creature's impossibly thick cock starting to push inside of her. Vanessa may not have been a virgin, but she'd never had anything so large inside of her that was for sure. "N-nnngh! St-stop...." Vanessa's body was squeezing down tightly on the creature's cock, though its mutated pre-cum seemed to be having an effect on her body, acting like an aphrodisiac and forcing her body to respond with arousal.
It moaned happily as it thrusted in and out, it's thick cock pushing deeper into Vanessa pussy. It's hands continued to remain firm, as it's mutated pre-cum continued to affect Vanessa body. "Ahhh~ Yes! You'll be way better than a cat bitch!" It moaned happily, it's words were still not making any sense. It's tail thrashed more and more as it went faster and faster, harder and harder. It's large nuts slapping against Vanessa thighs as It leaned forward licking the dwellers back, coating it in saliva. If Vanessa wasn't to caught up in the strange aphrodisiac, she would of felt strands of hair's gliding across her skin when the thing licked. Vanessa was going to be in a strange predicament soon, as It soon bellowed loudly as it thrusted one final time. Hitting Vanessa womb as it mighty shaft explodes out a large amount of semen! Filling Vanessa womb with thick creamy mutated cum, her belly was pushing outwards with all the cum being shot into her. A slight cracking of the bones could be heard, it seemed the creature may have broken some bones with that thrust, or was it something else?
Vanessa found herself starting to moan in response to the creature violating her body, the fluids coming from it affecting her body more and more, the girl had to bite down on her lip in order to suppress them, and even that only reduced the noises to a muffle. Her hands clenched into fists against the cabin wall, if this creature went much harder it was going to push her and the cabin wall straight over, bringing the already unstable structure crashing down around them, which would definitely be bad news for Vanessa in this storm.
When the creature thrust one final time Vanessa's eyes went wide as she suddenly felt an incredible amount of fluid rushing inside of her. "N-no! No way! Nooooo!" Vanessa cried out as the cum continued to rush inside of her, groaning and looking down between her breasts, watching as the vault suit in the area of her belly began to bulge and push outward with the volume of fluid inside, the already damaged garment tearing a little more. Through all of it she thought she heard an odd cracking noise, but there were other things Vanessa was worried about and focusing on right now. Besides, she figured it was probably just a noise of the cabin caused by the storm, what else could it have been?
The creature moaned happily, and grinned pervertedly as it knew what it had done. It kept it cocks firmly inside of Vanessa; as the tip twitched it's cock was still releasing ropes of cum at random intervals. "Ohhh that was so good~!" It cooed happily, it's balls churned as it replenished the cum that it had shot. It looked down at Vanessa lower half. It seemed the cracking had come from her hips, which were wider, having pushed out for some reason. It also looked like Vanessa bum looked firmer, and larger. "Mmm, you'll be a better than a cat bitch... Better like me." It said in a sultry tone, its cock began to slowly pump in and out of Vanessa once more, it's balls slapping against Vanessa thighs. "Ngh! Hopefully! Agh! You'll get a fat cock!" It moaned, its large meat pushing in and out, as it got coated in the mixed jucies that rested in Vanessa womb. Its firm hands continued to hold Vanessa to the wall, if the creaturr fucked any harder now the wall would collapse, yet it would harm the creature as it knew how to keep itself safe and how to keep the girl safe. "I'm- NGH! Getting so- agh! Wet!" She cried in pleasure, so it seemed this thing possessed a maidenhood much like Vanessa herself, yet there was more to wonder about it. Like who were these cst bitchsl's it was talking about? Why did hate those cat bitch's? Or better yet! Why was it fucking Vanessa in the first place!?!
Vanessa felt an odd sensation in her hips and her butt, though she just assumed the sensation in her hips was to do with the massive amount of cum this creature had pumped into her. She wasn't wrong exactly, but she had wrongly assumed it was just an effect of being so swollen. " more...t-take it out, please..." Vanessa's voice was half-hearted at best, tainted with moans and grunts of pleasure as the aphrodisiac effect of the fluids continued to work on her body, even more strongly now. What did the creature mean? Why did it hope she got a cock? That wasn't possible, it must have just been this strange creature misunderstanding must not have understood human women didn't get those. That had to be it....right? Vanessa whimpered as the creature fucked her harder, her lips parting as she became unable to hold herself back any longer, her body betraying her mind as it was forced to give in to the pleasure. "A-ah!" In the back of her mind Vanessa was still trying to work out what this creature was saying, sometimes the words made sense and sometimes they didn't. Get a cock? Cat bitches? What did it mean? Maybe the creature didn't even know what it was saying, maybe it was just emulating things it had heard...and maybe it would leave her alone when it was finally satisfied.
The creature moaned as it continued to thrust, more cracking and snapping could be heard. "Youll be bjg and strong!" It moaned, as it brought a hand to one of its hands down to Vanessa breasts, cupping both easily. One could wonder what this thing was babbling on about, it was rather strange such a creature was saying all these things. It was really off putting and terrifying if you thought about it. It's thrust began to pick up more pace, as it cock continued to shot out a rope of cum everyonce and a while. It's dick throbbed as it seemingly push deeper, its hands continued to grope and play with her tits. "Ahhh~!" It bellowed out in pleasure, its balls slapped against Vanessa thighs, which had looked to be a bit more firmer, yet also a bit fatter at the same time.
Vanessa yelped as she heard more cracking, feeling more strange sensations around her mid-section. Was...was something happening to her? But no, that couldn't be, it had to be noises of the cabin or the creature. The human girl gasped sharply as her breasts were both suddenly grabbed with a single hand...or at least something resembling a hand. Not only was this creature's fluids causing her to become aroused, but they were increasing the sensitivity of her body as well, her nipples rock hard against the creature's palm, each one as sensitive as her clitoris. She could feel yet more cum pumping inside of her womb, feeling her belly gurgle and stretch occasionally as it grew a little larger and larger. An onlooker would easily mistake Vanessa for being heavily pregnant by this point. "O-ooooh! H-how much longer are you going to do this?! J-just...just let me go....p-please!" Vanessa's words were interspersed with grunts and moans of pleasure, despite her continued attempts to hold them back.
The creature moaned as it pulled out of Vanessa, it let out a unsatisfied moan. Before looking at the girls butt. It grin pervertedly, giving the girl's breasts another squeeze. Slowly it lined it's tip to the two now larger cheeks, sliding it back and forth as it cock was slowly enveloped before shoving it deep into Vanessa bum. It bellowed in pleasure, knowing that it would fill all of the girls holes before the storm was done. Vanessa body cracked even more as her legs seemingly stretched a bit,, her nails began to burn as the lengthed a bit. The tits within in the creature hands seemingly grew a bit. "I'm going to be a great mate!" It cried ou in pleasure.
Venssa gasped as the creature pulled out of her, panting for breath and feeling somewhat relieved, at least for just a moment. When she felt the creature grasp her breasts once more, then something sliding back and forth along her, before something pressing against her ass hole she suddenly went even more wide eyed than before. "N-no way! D-don't you dare! Not ther-" She never got to finish the sentence, crying out as the creature's large cock plunged into her ass.
Moments later Vanessa felt something in her legs, and then her body moving. way, was her body starting to change? As she looked at the wall she saw something happening with her nails, staring in disbelief as they lengthened before her eyes. How was this possible?! Was it the creature?! But how.....? "N-no! No stop it! No more please! M-my body is....stop!"
The creature did not care for what Vanessa was begging for, it only fell to deaf ears. "Aah~. Yes~! YOUR ASS IS SO GOOD~!" It bellowed once more! Its voice sounded clearer too. It seemed Vanessa nails were more a hybrid of a claw and nail, they seemed sharper too. They lengthen a bit more as her hips flared once more. The creature pounding grew more rougher and harder, It's cock thrusting in and out of Vanessa ass, It's balls slapped against the plumping thighs. It's infectious cum began to have a greater effect on the human, the aphrodisiacs produce by it's cum began to havs a greater effect. The creature bellowed once more lodging it's cock deep as it unleashed more cum into Vanessa. It's hand equeezed the tits as it could feel the push against it's palm, it seemed Vanessa breasts were starting to grow larger. "Ahh~!" It let out a moan of relief, ropes of cum still shooting into Vanessa ass. It squeezed Vanessa breasts once more.
Was the creature's speech getting better? Or was Vanessa somehow getting better at understanding it? Neither explanation really made much sense, but then nothing about all of this made any sense whatsoever. When she saw what was happening to her nails Vanessa quickly clenched her fists to hide them as best she could, grunting as she felt the strange tingling in her hips once again, her ass cheeks filling out a little more, though the cheeks were still plenty firm as well. "O-oooh!" The moans coming from the human woman were getting louder as the aphrodisiac worked more and more on her body, then squealed as more cum began to erupt into her ass, pumping deep into her body, triggering an orgasm in Vanessa, the woman screaming out in pleasure whilst her breasts started to grow once more, filling out further whilst her nipples began to lengthen and thicken as well.
The creautre smiled as it felt the nipples lengthen and grow in it hand, it grinned as it moved it's fingers a bit allowing thr nipples to slip through before it squeezed both of them between it's fingers. "Ahhh~!" It moaned as it cock squirted more cum into Vanessa ass. It began to grinn as it raised it free hand to deliver a slap to one of Vanessa cheeks, the girls spime began to creak and snap as it lengthen. It seemed Vanessa was growing even more in the height department, more and more changes happen to her body, her skin started to become 'harder and harder'... Well it actually wasn't hardening..... Well it was in a way it was, it was still soft and supple to the touch and move... Though bullets would not easily pierce Vanessa now. "Ohh~! Yes! Your becoming beautiful." It was now clear that Vanessa was coming to understand what it was saying. "I love you~!" It cooed, bringing it other hand closer to Vanessa hair stroking it. The tail of thing began to thrash as it began to thrust in and out once more. Its cock throbbed with each and every thrust, as it balls slapped once more against her thighs still full of cum. "Yes~ youll be beautiful like me! You won't be a stupid cat bitch!" It cried out in pleasure, the aphrodisiac began to grow even more effect on Vanessa with each thrust.
Vanessa hissed in pleasure as her new enlarged nipples were pinched, then quickly bit her lip to try and hold it back, her body quivering as more and more cum pumped into her ass. She grunted through her clenched teeth as something started to happen to her back, her spine lengthening, her body beginning to stretch and hunch as it continued growing. She closed her eyes tightly, trying to resist the changes, trying to hold onto herself. She was human, she was human, she kept telling herself that, determined to keep her human form. Even if her proportions were changing, she was going to keep her overall human appearance, she was determined. Her skin seemed to be changing, becoming more....resistant if nothing else, not just against bullets but the radiation too.
"Wh-what...what are you....what are you" Vanessa grunted again and whimpered, her stomach bulging further and further as more cum was pumped into her, the changes to her body allowing her to be much more flexible it seemed. "Nnngh....!" She was so focused on resisting the changes to her body, on still being recognisable as a human, that she had nothing left to resist another orgasm ripping through her body, her moan of pleasure even drowning out the storm outside.
Vanessa body began to even out, not hunching like it was before. More and more Vanessa was becoming like the creature which had taken her, the creature let out a roar of relief as it pulled its cock out, letting it rest on Vanessa bumb its cock throbbing as ropes semen shot out occasionally. The cum hit the back of her body cooling off on her back, the things balls lightly tapped against her legs. More spine cracking was made as Vanessa bones strengthened, the human womb began to grow hotter as if it wss becoming more fertile. Vanessa breasts jiggled once more at another surge of growth, the creatures fingers continued to pinch and play with the nipples. The creautre smirked as it slowly slide it's cock into Vanessa pussy once more. "Mmm~." It moaned, it's cock soaking in the mix of warm sexual fluids. "Hopefully youll grow a cock!" It moaned thrusting slowly this time, its fingers continued their play of the tits. It other hand began to slap Vanessa bum, each slap became harder than the last.
Vanessa grunted as the cock pulled out of her, panting heavily as she tried to recover, shivering as she felt more cum splattering across her back, heating up her skin before the cold air caused by the storm rapidly cooled it against her. She grunted again as she felt something else changing, groaning as her spine lengthened further, her breasts growing larger and heavier, yet despite the extra weight she didn't feel discomfort from it. After a few more moments the skin across Vanessa's entire body rippled, before starting to bulge, her existing muscles growing and even completely brand new muscles beginning to form. Vanessa's stomach became not a 6 pack, not even an 8 pack, but thanks to her newly lengthened torso a solid 12-pack began to form. The parts of Vanessa's vault suit that were still intact, namely the arms and legs, were now stretched to the limits by her new muscles and height. Even the slightest bit more growth would cause her clothing to completely explode from the inside.
"St-stop this please....t-too much cum..." Vanessa panted, worried not just about whatever was happening to her body, but about the creature cumming so much into her pussy. Who knew what kind of pregnancy would possibly result from much more?
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