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Green-Eyed Whiskey and Blue-Eyed Angel (Cinderella1181 and Mim}


Feb 11, 2017
Cas sat cross legged on the bed, listening to Claire chatter away about some hunt. She was excited about it. Leaving in the morning to meet up with Donna, and thinking that Cas could come too. "It'll get you out of here, back in the game. Come one. You know you miss it..."

Castiel, as fearsome past angel of the lord, exiled and now very different then before shook a head solemnly. "No, I don't think I should go with you. I'm not ready."

Claire came and sat down the edge of the bed. "Bull, you, you were always ready when Dean needed you. Maybe, maybe I need you now. Please Cas, come with me. It'll be exciting, it'll be fun. It'll be an easy hunt really." Cas watched as the blond girl reached out and grabbed a hand. "And if we're lucky, we can completely avoid a Winchester." It was as if Claire had spoken them into existence that a familiar rumble of a muscle car came down the street. Cas looked at Claire, eyes wide. The girl shrugged. "I may have known they would be coming sometime in the next couple of days. Hence why I wanted to get you out of here." She sat close. "It'll be fine. You know he is going to love you and want you no matter what."

Cas frowned. "He is going to be disgusted by what I have become." Cas' time in The Empty had been...challenging. Only remembering bits and pieces of it Cas knew something was happening. And then she woke up, in a field. Jimmy gone, and the new vessel, was, well, female. Cas wasn't sure why, she only knew there was no way Dean would like her. At all.
"Hey Jodie. Any word?" Dean pulled the sheriff into a hug, followed by Sam, as they stepped into the house and dropped their duffels by the door. They'd asked her to put an APB out for Jack after he'd freaked out and disappeared.

"Nothing yet," she sighed, hugging them back. "Got a couple of hits, but they didn't match your boy. Just some vagrants." Alex set the table as she brought several hot pans and pots to the table and set them on trivets. "Claire, dinner!" she called up the stairs. Castiel had been pretty freaked out by her unfamiliar vessel, and if she didn't want to come down for a dinner she didn't technically have to eat Jodie wasn't going to force the issue. Both coming back from the dead and a sex change were pretty big deals; she couldn't imagine handling both of them at once.

"How's that been going, by the way?" Dean asked casually. "Claire hunting alone, I mean."
Jodie smiled. "It's going. It scares me, but she is good. Remarkably like you." Dean smiled a little. "She may have a new partner soon."

"Partner?" Sam asked.

Claire looked at Cas,smiling a little. "Come on. You know you want to see him, and he can show you baby like its the first time, cause I am going to tell you now, He is going to be all over you."

Cas looked at her. "Claire..."

"Oh no, he is." She smiled and grabbed Cas' hand. She pulled her down the stairs and in to the living room. Cas stood by the stairs just looking. He was there, just a few feet away. He looked tired, and sad. Cas wanted to go to him and hug him, fill him with her grace. But she stood perfectly still, just simply watching him. "Dean! Sam!" Claire said with all the enthusiasm that she could muster. "Oh my gosh I miss you." She went over to them, grabbing them in a hug. "Guys this is a...friend of mine, from before Cassie."

Cas looked at Claire like she would disintegrate her. "Hello" She said simply. "It is very nice to meet you." She fiddled with the edge of her dress. "You must be the Sam and Dean I hear so much about." She tried to hide the intonation of her voice. She sounded feminine,but there was still a lot of the way she used to speak in her voice. Everyone's eyes were on her, and she was beginning to panic.

Jodie sensed her distress and went over. "Cassie, darling, why don't you get the bread from the kitchen.." She smiled at her. Cas simply nodded and turned to the corner to find her escape.
"Hey, Claire." Dean smiled and hugged her back, but over her head he caught sight of someone unfamiliar, presumably Claire's new partner. She seemed shy, but Dean was positive he could fix that with a little charm. He stepped forward and held out his hand to shake. "Hey Cassie, Dean Winchester." But Cassie seemed incredibly uncomfortable, quietly going to get bread at Jodie's request. "Alright then," Dean muttered, raising his eyebrows and shaking his head.

Once everyone was sitting, food went around the table in a way that Dean liked to imagine was how most normal people grew up. When he was at Jodie's it was like having a real family--apart from Sam, of course--and he could pretend that he was normal for a few hours. The home-cooked meal was hot and delicious as usual, and the chatter was comforting. Patience Turner, he'd noticed, seemed to have taken up residence with Jodie, Alex, Claire, and now Cassie. He didn't envy Jodie for having to keep them all in line, but she seemed a good fit for the group. Cassie was mostly quiet so he tried engaging again.

"So Cassie," he said between mouthfuls, "how'd you get caught up in the life?"
Cas looked at him, picking at her very plain dinner of mashed potatoes and bread. Everything else just had too many molecules. Her blue eyes, smiled a little. "I had an experience angel." She smiled. "And I knew Claire had experience with the same angel, it seemed to fit." She could see Dean visibly tense, and the look of profound sadness on his face cut her to the core. "This just seemed like a good place to land."

Sam cocked his head to the side. "So you knew Castiel?"

She nodded. Claire stepped in then. "She was there one of the times when Jimmy got taken over, in the blast zone to say. Cassie is getting ready to go on her first hunt with me aren't you?" She looked at her.

"Possibly." She said quietly. She couldn't help but notice how quiet Dean was suddenly. It was a knife to the heart. "Why are you and Sam here?" The way she said it made him look up. She hadn't be able to hid her tone, it had come out exactly like when she had been male.
She'd known Cas. Dean wasn't sure how well he hid it, but he suddenly found meatloaf incredibly interesting. He wanted to ply her with questions, to know whether she'd known him when he was still one of the dicks with wings or after he'd grown more tolerable. He wanted to know if she'd seen him lately. It wasn't like death was permanent, and if anyone had seen him, if there was even the slimmest chance... But angels went into the Empty when they died. Billie had said there was no coming back from that. Still, he couldn't help but hope.

"So you knew Castiel?" Sam came to his rescue, seeming to read his brother's mind as he sometimes did, and for once Dean was grateful for the skill. But Cassie had known him when poor Jimmy Novak had been possessed. Jimmy had died years was highly doubtful she'd seen him recently. Cassie's timbre was slightly familiar when she asked why they were here and he looked up.

"We check in with Jodie from time to time," he said with a shrug, "let her know we're not dead in a ditch somewhere. So what's this hunt you're going on? Anything interesting?" She was pretty but Cassie was a stranger, and Dean wasn't terribly keen on telling her his whole life story. Besides, with all of Heaven and Hell out there looking for Jack he didn't trust anyone new; she could be on anyone's side.
Claire grinned. "Well, we aren't sure, but there has been a bunch of just,weird deaths. Which never amount to anything good. It's never just, 'oh look at this freak bunch of accidents' It always ends up being something." She smiled. "I think it's a wraith, Cas thinks it's a siren, and Jodie thinks it's changeling of some kind."

Cas nodded a little. "I am just not sure if I am going to be going or not. I've been having a rough time lately. I may just want to stay home." She shrugged. "I'm not sure I am ready to get back to the hunting yet."

"You'll be fine Cas." Claire said and smiled.

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Well, we could always help. The road for Jack has pretty much dried up right now." He eyed the new comer. It seemed strange how comfortable she seemed with the whole hunting thing, and even more so the way she kept looking at Dean. Something was definitely going on. "Especially if it means that Jodie will be cooking us dinner for the next few nights then."

"Anything for my boys." Jodie smiled and touched his cheek. "Cassie darling, why don't you go and start some coffee."

Cas nodded and stood up, heading with her plate into the kitchen. "Dean, why don't you take her out to see Baby after dinner. Sam you can stay in and do dishes with me." Jodie said giving them the look that meant it was non-negotiable. "I think once you get to know her, you'll really like her." She smiled a little.
Dean's heart twinged at the way Claire called Cassie Cas. True, she had always called Cas--the real Cas--Castiel, and he couldn't blame her for not wanting to get familiar with him. But it still made his chest ache to think of the lost angel, regardless of what he'd outwardly projected. He scooped up a forkful of potatoes with his meatloaf and stuffed the entire thing in his mouth all at once to distract himself.

"Yeah we'd love to help out," he chimed in, struggling to talk around his food. "Good old-fashioned hunt, homecooked meal...might as well be a vacation!" He swallowed and smiled. He frowned and raised an eyebrow when Jodie suggested he take Cassie out to look at the car, but didn't make a fuss about it. They were acting weird, all of them. "Yeah, sure..."

After the plates had been cleared away Dean did indeed take Cassie out to the Impala. "And this here's my Baby," he said, patting it fondly. An awkward pause which seemed to last forever followed. "So it just me or do those two seem to be trying to get us alone?" He chuckled nervously and shrugged. "Not that I particularly object, that is..."
She looked at him. He wouldn't object. She let one corner of her mouth turn up at that. "They do seem like they want us to spend time..together. I am sure they think that the magic of baby will work on me. That and your charms." She smiled a little. She out of instinct mostly, moved close to him, closing the gap between them. She reached her hand out and brushed it over the spot that her grace at one time had burned him. She felt the air flicker with excitement. She smiled. "It's not such a bad thing is it? Spending time with me?" She chewed the inside of her lip.

She let her fingers graze over over his hand, she fed him a little of her grace. Just a touch, it was something he was familiar with, it should seem like something he knew. "Because I have to say...the car is working on me." Cas said shyly to him, her eyes cast down.

Jodie watched out the window and smiled. She knew it wasn't going to be long before they worked it all out. Cas was too much like, well...normal Cas, that it had only taken her a moment to know that this new vessel was housing their Castiel. She looked up at Sam who was drying dishes next to her and sighed. "Your going to have to be there for your brother...coming up soon, because he is going to throw a right fit when he finds out." She sighed a little looking up at the taller man.
Dean gave her that smile, the one that worked on most women, but this time he was close to actually meaning it. Cassie was beautiful, after all, and it had been a while. And if Jodie and Claire wanted them to get together so badly then so much the better. Her hand brushed over his shoulder and down his arm, and something crackled between them like electricity.

"Nah, spending time with you isn't so bad," he admitted. When she admitted that Baby was working on her he laughed. "But not my charms?" he teased before putting a finger under her chin and tilting her face up to look at him. "Cassie seem really familiar," he admitted. "Like I've seen you somewhere before but I can't quite place you. Maybe you could jog my memory..." He leaned in and kissed her lips gently. They were soft and sweet, and there was that spark again.

Inside Sam dried a plate and put it in the stack of clean dishes. He raised an eyebrow when Jodie mentioned that Dean was going to pitch a fit. "When he finds out what?"
Jodie looked out to see them kissing. "Really Dean?" She sighed and stepped over to her adopted son. "That out there...that is Cas." Sam looked at her like a concerned puppy and moose all in one.

"Um...Cassie..right. Cas, is short for Cassie." Sam replied.

Jodie shook her head. "No Sam, short for Castiel." She looked out. Dean and Cas had their foreheads pressed together. "In a new vessel."

Cas sighed happily, just being in the moment with Dean, this was about as close as they have had ever come to any kind of true intimacy, and all he done was kiss her, but that bond they had, was singing every time she touched him. She smiled a little at him. "If you could have one wish, and I mean, any wish, great or small what would it be right now?" She brushed her lips just close to his jawline.
Dean smiled back when Cassie smiled at him. That familiarity was nagging at him, like a song stuck in his head when he could only remember the chorus. He brushed his thumb against her cheek as she leaned in and brushed her lips along his jaw.

"It would be to spend more time alone with you," he lied. He knew that was what she wanted to hear, and really he wouldn't mind a few nights with a beautiful girl like her, but his one wish in the entire world was something she could never grant. Nobody could. He'd tried. "What about you?" Dean rested his hand gently on her hip, closing what little distance there was between them.

"Castiel?" Sam raised his eyebrows, hands frozen in their task of drying a coffee mug. He set it down carefully on the counter before anything happened to it. "Yea high, trenchcoat, dopey Castiel?" He held his hand at about the height Cas had been. "Jodie, he...he was thrown into the Empty. Billie said that there was no coming back from that. If she's telling you that she's Cas, she's probably some other angel posing as him. Dean could be in danger." Suddenly filled with a sense of urgency, that his brother could be duped by one of the angels looking for Jack, he tossed the towel onto the counter and started toward the door.
She looked at him. "To be able to give you what you truly want. Not what you think I want to hear." She said quietly. She knew she shouldn't be reading his mind, but the proximity to him made it too easy. Damn their bond. She chewed her lip. "I mean...I can sense it in your voice. There is something else." She hoped she covered up. She chewed her lip.

Before Dean could even reply, Sam was in between them breaking their connection. She looked up at him, her eyes filled with fear. He knew. "Sam.." She said quietly. "Please.."

"Get away from him." Sam said, his angel blade out.

Cas looked at Sam. "Please Sam, please..." Dean was now looking at her, with a look on his face she never wanted to see. "I'm not going to hurt him, you have to trust me. I don't know how it happened but it did. And I am just as confused as you are, but it's really me."
Dean frowned when she called his bluff, then sighed. "It's not...I mean..." He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated, then tried again. "Cassie, I--"

"Get away from him." His big, dumb moose of a brother came charging between them, angel blade out, looking serious. Dean stepped back.

"Sammy what the hell do you think--"

"Jodie said it's Castiel." Sam gave Dean a significant look over his shoulder, and the elder brother's face fell into a scowl. Cas his ass! Cassie--or whoever she really was--was begging with them, swearing that it was really Cas in there.

"Like hell," Dean snarled, pulling his own angel blade and pinning her against the car with his forearm across her chest. "Who are you really? Because I got news for you, dick, Cas is gone and he ain't ever coming back and you have chosen the very wrong angel to impersonate." The tip of the blade just barely touched her throat, not yet piercing the flesh but threatening to if she moved. "So are we gonna have to beat it out of you?" He was pissed, but worse he felt like an idiot for falling for it, like Ana all over again. Sam had had many a conversation with him about exercising prudence in what he put his dick in and he was beginning to think his little brother was right. Chuck knew what could've happened if he'd really taken her to bed.
She looked at them both, and very calmly, said simply. "You have a freckle Dean the back of your left ear lobe. It's heart shaped and Mary used to tell you it was a kiss from an angel. You spent 40 years in hell after dying by a hell hound that Lilith let in." She said. She turned her face to Sam. "And you, you are deathly afraid of clowns, so much so that you begged me to block the nightmares about them after the case at Plucky Pennywhistle's. Now Every time you see a clown subconsciously you think about kittens and you smile. Your welcome for that. My father is housed in the vessel of Chuck Shurley and he and my...well for the better word Aunt have disappeared again, I went through the rip that Jack created and came back from the apocalypse world, and Lucifer killed me. And then, somehow, I came back. "

She saw them waiver a little. "I knew I should have come straight to the bunker, but I woke up in a field, and I got scared at first. My clothes didn't fit correctly and I was lost, and then I saw myself, and I was positive that you'd do exactly this, but I swear, I am you Cas. Castiel, the angel of Thursday, and of sorrow, the angel who let Lucifer take up residence in Jimmy." She looked at Dean. "You know it is true, deep in your heart you know it. You felt the spark and burn where my hand was when I gripped you and raised you from perdition. You know what you felt and you know this is all true."
"All easily things you could've found out from someone else!" Dean snarled, not putting down his weapon. "It ain't exactly like we're unknown up-and-comers; Heaven and Hell alike got all of that shit on file." The freckle thing had given him pause for half a millisecond, but only just that long. Sam looked a little more unsure of things, but hadn't dropped his knife. True, somethings weren't common knowledge, like Chuck or how Cas had fixed Sam's clown thing, but she could have tortured that out of some demon or angel or another. Honestly he'd been surprised no one had sent some shifter in the shape of Pennywise to try and off Sam yet.

"Alright, how about this," Sam said slowly, reaching into his pocket for handcuffs with Enochian symbols carved into them. "We put these on you, keep you on lockdown until we can confirm things, and if you are actually Cas then no hard feelings." He dangled them in front of her, holding them out to her. "Pretty sure if you are Cas, you'll understand."
She looked at Sam, and then Dean. She nodded her head a little and held out her wrists. "I understand completely. I swear, I am your Cas." She let Sam put the cuffs on her. She looked at Dean, her blue eyes meeting his green. She could see the turmoil there, the pain. "I am not here to hurt you, I promise you."

Once she was locked down, the boys relaxed but only a little. Sam looked at her and frowned a little. "Lets go inside." He said. They headed in the house. Jodie was right there meeting them at the door.

"What are you doing to her? Take those off right now!" She stood her ground. "She is...for all intents and purposes your best friend and this is how you treat her after a traumatic experience."

Cas looked up at her and smiled. "It's fine. I would do the same thing if one of them came back from the dead." She shrugged a little. "Bobby would have expected it. Now, apocalypse Bobby may not have but, he didn't know the boys..."

She heard Sam gasp, she knew she had come up with one thing no one but she would have known.
Sam gasped and Dean exchanged looks with him. So she knew that much...but who was to say that this wasn't Cas from the apocalypse world? For all they knew it was Castiel, Angel of the Lord and winged dick extraordinaire, pretending to be their Cas. He'd mention this to Sam later, instead gesturing for Cas to sit at the table and shaking his head at Jodie.

"She says she's Cas," he said gruffly, taking a kitchen chair and turning it backwards to sit on it and stare at the angel, "but we've been tricked before. Don't think you ever met Gadreel, but that's a mistake I don't intend to make again. So you were scared, I get it. But if you were so scared and confused why come here? Why not come to us in a secure location where we could've hid you til we got things figured out?" If it was his Castiel, Dean was honestly pretty hurt that he--she--had come to Jodie and not them. He loved Jodie and trusted her with his life, but the bunker was much more secure than some bungalow in Sioux Falls. Besides, the real Cas would've known better than to try and hide it from them. He'd always sought him and Sam before anyone else, every other time he'd come back. Why not now?
She sighed. "Because, I'm hideous. I knew you'd react exactly like you are reacting and I just...I couldn't watch you do that Dean. I know how fond you were of Jimmy, and well...this... is not Jimmy." She sighed, she dropped trying to hide her natural cadence, it was Cas, but the sound was sweet and bell like. She chewed her lip. "So I thought since, there are females here and now I am a female.. I'd come here. And Claire, Claire is a big draw. I know her, I've been in her as a vessel, she is familiar." She sighed, looking at Dean. "You can ask me a million things and I will tell you every single answer. "

Jodie looked at Sam and Dean. "I never knew that happened until she showed up, and was getting worked over by Claire, the look on her face when she said that...Boys I am telling you, she looked like she had seen a ghost. That was it, that was how she knew that was Cas." She pointed to the stairs where the girls had retreated. "Go call her. She's gonna be livid."

Sam looked at Dean. "We need to talk." He grabbed him and pulled him in to the kitchen, he rubbed he face and looked at Dean. "How would anyone have known except Cas, that He vesseled in Claire. The only people alive are You, me and Claire...and Cas. Dude, I am starting to think that is...Castiel. I mean.. really think it."
"Okay for one you're not hideous," Dean countered, getting frustrated, "and for two it's even more suspicious that you were avoiding us. What you look like--if you are Cas--doesn't matter, you're still Cas." He still wasn't buying it. Angels were tricky assholes and there was every chance this one could have tricked Claire.

With a sigh and a roll of his eyes Dean followed Sam into the kitchen. "Dude, are we just gonna forget about Naomi?" he pointed out. "She was able to hack Cas's brain to get info on us, wasn't she? Who's to say some sick fucker didn't get into her files and learned all there was to know to impersonate Cas?" He folded his arms across his chest and shook his head. "Billie said there was no coming back from the Empty, and that's where angels go when they die. Cas is dead, Sam, and whoever this chick is she's not him." And if he were honest with himself, if this were Castiel that would mean he'd gone through all of that grieving and pain for nothing, and that was unacceptable to him.
Jodie went over and wrapped her self around Cas. "He'll figure it out. He's an idiot. But once he does, Cas it'll be so good." She reassured the angel who looked completely beside herself. She pushed her bangs from her face. "You'll see, as pigheaded as he is. He will come around. He will figure it out eventually."

Cas used the back of her hand to wipe at tears that threatened to slip down her cheeks. "I should have just gone there. Appeared. He would have lost his mind, but..." She sighed. "I just don't know how to convince him...It would have been better if I never saw him. But now all I want to do is be near him and kiss him..." She closed her blue eyes. She sighed. "And I have the modicum of angel powers back, I could show him, but then he'd just think that some other angel downloaded my brain. I know exactly the scenarios he is running, the things he is doing. Cause I would do them."

Meanwhile in the kitchen Sam looked at Dean. "Okay, but, lets just say for a second, a short tiny second that, that is Cas. That it was an angel who woke up in a vessel they have never been in before, with...will, I mean look at her, she's a stunner, and you, the one person who she needed most, the one person who makes her whole, has a minor freak out. Dude. If Jack did this, if Jack pulled Cas out of the empty for make you happy, then maybe Billie isn't as powerful as a nephilim." Sam shrugged. "If Jack is tapping into his Grandfather and great aunts powers, and if he is stronger then the both of them, who knows what that kid can do, and produce."

Sam felt awful, the pain on Dean's was completely evident. "Look, lets test her. The only Angel who can get in to the bunker is Cas, it's warded for his grace right? Lets send her to get the trench coat. If it is Cas, bam, we have our answer. If it's not Cas, we angel blade the hot chick."
"Who makes her whole?" Dean scoffed, pulling his face into a look of incredulity. "C'mon, Sammy." He rolled his eyes. Cas had always brought up some very...complicated feelings for him. Feelings he hadn't felt comfortable exploring, feelings he had worked very hard to push down while he was grieving, as though he could push them away into the empty along with his angel. The angel. Despite long thinking of Cas as his he had tried very hard not to.

"Look, I doubt the kid brought Cas back just for me," Dean argued. "It ain't like we exactly got off on the right foot. And Billie said God himself couldn't pull someone back out of the empty. If Jack could..." He ran a hand through his hair before shaking his head. If Jack could do what God couldn't then they were dealing with a lot more than they'd first thought. Sam suggested they test her and he nodded. "Yeah...yeah that's a good idea. We'll head out first thing in the morning."

Without another word--and no word about how hot Cas was, especially considering Dean had been ready to bang her in the back of the Impala 20 minutes ago--he turned on his heel and stomped back to Cas. "Alright, here's the deal," he said, sniffing and sitting back on his chair, backwards. "We keep you cuffed tonight. In the morning you, me, and Sam are gonna head to the bunker where we're gonna run a couple tests. If you pass, great. If not, we kill you. Deal?" His tone made it clear that she didn't really have a say in the matter, but he stared at her anyway, waiting for an answer.
She looked at him and nodded simply. "Of course." She said quietly.

"Your an idjit, as Bobby would have said." Jodie said, she got up and went in to her room, she was going to let this explode in the Winchester brothers faces.

Over the course of the night, Dean and Sam took turns watching her. She sat and talked with Sam, who when he finally yawned and said Dean would be there soon, seem almost convinced, leary but close to convinced. Dean was another story. He had been sitting in the chair glaring at her for better
of an hour. She frowned. "You know you can talk to me. Instead of brood in silence at me. That has always been my least favorite thing you do Dean. Brood and shut down." She said with the full extent of the sarcasm she had learned oddly enough, from him.
Dean clenched and unclenched his fists when Jodie invoked Bobby. What the fuck gave her the right--?! But he wasn't about to start a fight with her over this, no matter how much he wanted to rail at her. The muscles in his jaw worked visibly as he clenched his teeth, clearly trying to bite his tongue without literally biting it.

He slept fitfully, when he did sleep, thinking over the implications if this were actually Cas. If it were his angel, he could...No, nah she'd never go for it. It was almost a relief when Sam came to get him, so that he could resume being angry and suspicious instead of hopeful. Hope was far more painful and complicated. He took a seat on the couch, kicking his feet up on the coffee table and glaring at the angel. That she had given him hope also pissed him off, and he clung to that anger to avoid the eventual disappointment and grief. When she complained about his brooding, he simply folded his arms across his chest and continued glaring.

"Yeah well you're gonna have to deal with it, sweetheart," he groused before returning to his brooding.
She rolled her eyes. She really did hate when he got like this. She could take him being down right angry to her, down right rude, but this.. this mood he was in, really was her least favorite thing that he did. She sighed. "Can you undo the cuffs so I can shift a little, my arms are starting to get numb. Angel or not, my vessel is achy." She asked quietly. "Please Dean?"

As much as she wanted him to help her, she honestly just wanted to be close to him. He was like the sun and being away from him, he world was dark and cold.
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