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The new Hogwarts (Yummyfuta x DonVoltonus)


Jan 5, 2018
Katherine's feelings were somewhat conflicted right now. On the one hand she was full of excitement, despite going into the 6th year she was just about to attend Hogwarts for the first ever time, having just boarded the Hogwarts Express and entering an empty compartment at the back. She'd been wondering what this was going to be like for years now and finally she was going to see if everything she had imagined was true. On the other hand she was also incredibly anxious. Katherine had barely spent time with anyone during her entire life and being on Platform 9 3/4 was somewhat overwhelming, that was far more people than she had ever spent time around by far. After only a few moments she'd wanted to get away from the crowd, bidding her parents goodbye and rushing onto the train.

Katherine's life had been....unusual. As a child she had been visiting her father in his workplace at the Ministry of Magic, he had been working on a potential cure for Werewolves, but in a few moments Katherine had gotten over excited about his work and had ended up spilling his latest prototype potion all over herself, some of it getting in her mouth as well. Rather than work as a cure for Lycanthropy, the potion had infact turned Katherine herself into a Werewolf, though not quite any ordinary Werewolf. Unlike others, when she transformed she retained her mind and intellect, fully aware of herself and even retaining all of her memories when she had turned back. She had been scared at first, but as the months and years had gone by Katherine had gotten used to her transformations, at first being stuck in her room before eventually being allowed out into the open world, behind certain spells to keep Muggles away of course.

And now that Voldemort was gone, Werewolves like her were free to attend Hogwarts openly. Not just Werewolves, but any and all manner of magical creatures. No longer was Hogwarts a humans only club, anyone and everyone was welcome, so long as they had some magical ability of course. Until this point Katherine had been schooled at home by her parents, but after careful consideration they'd all decided it was best for her to complete her education somewhere like Hogwarts. This was the first year of this new open Hogwarts of course, so the returning students were certainly going to be in for a shock at the incredible array of creatures attending, but that was just going to make things more interesting.

Katherine knew that it was usual for students to get changed on the train on the way to Hogwarts, what she didn't know however was that it was usual to wait for the train to be well underway. As it was the train was only just starting to move, so as Katherine began to strip down out of her clothes she had no idea that students were still moving around the train looking for a compartment to sit in. By the time the door was opening she had already taken off her skirt and started to unbutton her shirt to reveal the skin and underwear beneath.
(NSFW PIC) Destiny walked into the room and froze when she was met with a facefull of fanny. "Uhm, somebody is friendly." She giggled, wearing only a green oversized sweated, and khaki shorts.

She walked over to a seat, sitting down. "Well uh...I'm Destiny, it's nice to meet you miss. There's quite the*bounty* of new students around, aren't there?" She blushed biting her tongue at the slipup.
Katherine froze up when the compartment door opened, blinking a few times at Destiny, still standing there in her half open blouse, panties and bra on full display. "Uhhh...." Her skirt was already on the other side of the compartment so impossible to just grab and pull back up, all Destiny could do was quickly tug her blouse shut again, trying to tug it downover slightly to cover up her panties. "I..I...that's....I was just getting changed!" She was rather flustered, quickly snatching her skirt from across the room once Destiny came in, her cheeks bright pink as she pulled the skirt back on quickly, though that allowed her blouse to fall open once again, and when she bent over to tug the skirt back on the blouse fell open again, giving Destiny a lovely view of Katherine's bra-clad cleavage.

"I...I'm Katherine, nice to meet you" Katherine buttoned up her blouse as she sat down, her cheeks still rather flushed. "S-sorry about that. I...I'm new and I guess I don't get how everything quite works around here yet"
She giggled. "Well, we're both girls, I don't mind if you change sweetie." She smiled kindly. "So were you just not coming before? Or are you mythical too?" She asked.
Sure they were both girls, but Katherine wasn't used to being naked around other people, then again she wasn't that much used to being around other people in such large numbers. "Huh? Oh um...well...I'm..." Well, might as well be honest about it right? "I'm a Werewolf...but not a regular one! I don't lose my mind when I change!" Katherine rather hurriedly threw the last part in, hoping it might be enough to not scare the other girl away. " about you?"
"I'm half Centaur...but I really only ended up with one Centaur body part." She said, taking off her sweater as she got out her school uniform. "I have to wear special panties or it's just impossible to wear clothes."
"Half Centaur?" Katherine tilted her head as she looked Destiny up and down, blushing as the girl took off her sweater, quickly looking away. "Uhh...wait...special panties? What?" Katherine glanced downover again, as far as she could see Destiny's legs appeared human, what else could she possibly be referring to?
She took down her panties, revealing that the magic on them hid a cock that hung almost to her knees. "Well, they hide the centaur part of me, so that I don't bulge out of every dress I put on." She blushed.
Katherine squeaked in surprise as Destiny just rather casually tugged down her panties, and gasped as something else fell down along with them. "Whoa..." Katherine couldn't help staring, she wasn't naive, she knew what a cock was, though she'd never seen a centaur one before...nor one of any kind anywhere near this huge. "Y-Yeah....I can see how you'd need magic to hide something that impressive..." Katherine didn't even seem to register that she'd said impressive rather than big, and she was still staring right at it.
She blushed sheepishly. "Ohh, it's not that amazing..." She said, taking off her shoes and opening her bag to get out her uniform. The scent of her was starting to fill the air now, potent male virility almost palpable.
"Oh um...well...I mean it's....I've never seen anything quite..." Katherine's cheeks were bright red as she realised she was leaning forwards, quickly forcing herself to sit back and glance away. Though as she took a breath she shivered, her sense of smell was already massively heightened compared to a regular human being, so the scent was far stronger than it might have otherwise been to either a human or a centaur. "It is...quite warm in here..." Katherine tugged at the collar of her blouse, taking a deep breath as her nipples started to harden, already visible through her bra and shirt.
"Oh? Seems fine to me." She said, stopping dressing and taking out a wand, one of the silvery mass produced models that had to be rolled out for the sudden flow of new students. She walked over with her cock swaying between her legs, tapping her want on the thermostat and lowering the temperature slightly.
Katherine couldn't help watching as Destiny walked across the compartment, the swaying of her cock was almost...hypnotic. It sent another shiver through her body and instinctively she took a deep breath, inhaling the musk and scent of Destiny's virility....oh god Katherine could most definitely feel it now, arousal building within her, heat growing rapidly through her. Despite the temperature being lowered she felt hotter than ever, and as she stared at Destiny's cock Katherine didn't even realise she was licking her lips.
She turned around, pausing at Destiny's stare. "Oh gosh I just left it flopping all around!" She gasped, blushing and covering her mouth, running back to her seat. "I'm so sorry, I just completely forget to cover it."
"O-oh n-no! I'm the one who should apologise!" Katherine quickly raised her hands, though as Destiny ran back to her seat Katherine couldn't help watching her cock swinging everywhere from the quick motion. "I was staring, I'm just not used to seeing other naked people is all. Um...well...not naked human people anyway, just a few naked werewolves on some full moons"
"Well it's certainly not normal nakedness either is it?" She giggled lightly. "Unfortunately it does make it hard to find love. I'm too short for the female centaurs, and I don't have anything for the male ones."
"Well I'm sure you might have more luck at Hogwarts right? A lot more than Centaurs to try and find love with eh?" Katherine grinned sheepishly and tried her best not to look at Destiny's still exposed cock. "And I'm pretty sure a half Centaur will have a lot more luck at that than a Werewolf, even one who doesn't lose their mind. More than just humans hate Werewolves after all. Even other Werewolves tend not to get along with Werewolves when they aren't transformed"
"Well I don't mind werewolves." She said firmly, crossing her arms. "They're smart enough to avoid hunting centaurs, so they're fine with me." She giggled. "I don't have hooves but I can still throw a mean kick."
"Heh, well you're pretty much in the minority if you don't mind werewolves" Katherine looked up to Destiny's face and smiled. "O-oh! I uh...I guess I should be getting changed about now too huh? I guess we aren't gonna have anybody else walking in suddenly now..." She blushed again before standing up, sheepishly turning around to start undressing once again, though as she started to remove her shirt the sight of Katherine's rock hard nipples was even more obvious through the fabric of her bra.
She blushed. "Oh! D-did I make it too cold in here?" She asked, standing up again to go to the thermostat, cock swaying.
"O-oh!" Katherine glanced down at herself, blushing as she noticed her nipples, though once again was mesmerised by the sight of Destiny's swinging cock as the girl walked, shivering as she felt even hotter, fidgeting slightly at the growing heat between her legs. "N-no...not too cold at all. I's...not the cold that made them..."
She stopped, tilting her head. "Then what made them do that? Mine only do that when it's chilly outside." She said, walking closer. "Are you sick or something?"
"Uhh...well..." Katherine bit her lip for a moment. "Werewolves...well...for a Werewolf, certain....instincts can be triggered more easily than in humans...." She laughed nervously, fidgeting a little more again, shivering as Destiny got closer, making her scent even stronger to Katherine's enhanced senses.
"Certain...instincts?" She asked. "I'm not really sure what you mean but that..." She said, cock still swaying softly as she stopped. "You're panting, do you need some water or something?"
"Um...well..." Katherine fidgeted a little more, though it caused her bra to rub up against her nipples a little more, making her hiss softly in pleasure. "What I mean is...well...Werewolves..." It seemed there was no way to put this other than rather bluntly "...with a's quite easy for us to get....very turned on" She panted again, her eyes once more going to Destiny's cock as it continued swaying, Katherine licking her lips without realising it once more.
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